Financial Discipline

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Financial Discipline Page 6

by Carole Archer

  Chapter Five

  TWO days later Lindsay arrived at George’s house ten minutes early and knocked on his door. He smiled as he led her into the house and through to his office. Taking a deep breath, she reached into her handbag and took out an envelope, handing it to him. “I’m sorry, the money isn’t all there.”

  George’s smile quickly disappeared. “Why?”

  “Obviously I needed to cover that £25 bank charges, but there was a further £25 fee because there were insufficient funds to cover my Direct Debit payment to you and the payment ‘bounced’, so I’m afraid I’m £50 short.”

  George shook his head. “Lindsay, we agreed an amount to pay your creditors. You don’t have enough here.” He took the money out of the envelope and waved it in her face. “How do you propose we give them the rest?”

  Lindsay shrugged. “I don’t know Sir. Maybe the creditors will wait a little longer? I can spend less on housekeeping if you want and give you it from that budget.”

  “No Lindsay, that won’t work. You’d end up borrowing from the following week’s money when you ran short. You’d get to the final week of the month and have nothing. Then what would you do? I’ve also agreed a payment date with your creditors and we cannot change it or reduce the amount. I can’t believe you’re being so flippant about this. It’s a serious matter.”

  Lindsay scowled. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t her fault she’d forgotten she owed bank charges. It wasn’t as if she had done it deliberately.

  “You can take that look off your face straight away young lady. I have a good mind to send you home now, but instead I have a proposition for you. It’ll be painful, obviously, but your debt for this month will be paid.”

  Lindsay nodded. “I’m sorry Sir. I totally forgot about my bank charges being due. I promise I’ll be more careful in the future. Surely we can just pay them what I’ve got and I can catch up with my debt management plan later, when I can afford it?”

  George shook his head. “Lindsay, it doesn’t work like that. Your creditors come first. Your essential household bills come second. You come last, getting whatever’s left. If you’re not willing to help yourself, then I’m afraid I can’t be bothered to help you either.”

  Lindsay wiped away a tear as she looked at George. “I am sorry. I know I keep saying it, but I truly am. It’s so hard to live within a budget. It’s much harder than I thought it would be and I genuinely forgot about those bank charges, and I certainly didn’t expect them to charge me again for being unable to cover the cost of a Direct Debit.”

  George nodded. “I know it’s hard Lindsay, but if you’re not willing to try then there’s nothing I can do to help you. Normally I would have sent a client away as soon as their first payment was refused, but for some reason I’m willing to give you another chance. Do not let me down because my patience has its limits.”

  “I do understand Sir, but you’ve stopped my credit cards so how am I supposed to get things I need? If I still had a credit card I could have got you that £50 then there’d be no problem,” Lindsay pouted.

  George sighed as he led her to the sofa. “Let me know when you’ve finished sulking and are ready to listen. You do not use credit cards to pay other debts. That’s how you got into this mess, you silly girl. And if you don’t keep track of your finances, you will get bank charges if you don’t account for something and end up overdrawn or having payments refused.”

  George unfastened Lindsay’s trousers, letting them fall to her ankles. He tugged her panties down and hauled her across his lap. As his hand landed hard on her bottom, she protested: “I’m sorry, please stop, it hurts. I’m ready to listen.”

  George stopped, his hand rubbing in a small circular motion on her bare bottom. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not ready to talk. I’ve had enough of your attitude and won’t stop spanking you until you realize your actions have consequences.”

  George raised his hand and cracked it down hard on Lindsay’s upturned bottom. She kicked and squirmed, her attention focused on the burning pain in her bottom, which stung intensely every time George’s hand connected with her bare flesh. Lindsay sobbed and begged him to stop but George simply slowed the pace of her spanking, making sure she felt each and every sharp smack on her unprotected bottom.

  “You do not have unlimited pots of money to spend.” His hand cracked down hard on each cheek. “You have commitments which you must honor.” Another volley of sharp spanks caused her to howl in pain. “If you want my help you will do as I say.” Lindsay yelled in agony as his hand connected sharply with her left thigh. “I am trying to help you Lindsay, but you’re trying my patience.” An equally painful smack landed on her right thigh. “I need you to help yourself too.”

  George took a firm grip around her waist as he unleashed several stinging smacks down the back of Lindsay’s thighs, all the way down to her knees. Lindsay sobbed in agony as his lecture broke through her defenses. She promised things would change.

  George helped her up and sent her to the corner with a sharp smack to her bottom. She’d kicked her trousers and panties off during her spanking and slowly trudged to the corner, trying unsuccessfully to stretch her short top over her bottom. As she put her hands on her head, her top rode up higher and she blushed.

  After several minutes, George called Lindsay over. She was shocked to see him sitting with a hairbrush in his hand. “No Sir, I’ve had enough,” she scowled.

  “No Lindsay, I’ve had enough, in fact I’ve had more than enough of your behavior. Get across my knee immediately, unless you want to leave now and never come back.”

  With tears rolling down her cheeks, Lindsay crossed the room, looking at George with pleading eyes as he guided her across his lap. “Lindsay, I am willing to cover the £50 shortfall in your payment this month. I have never done this before for a client and will not do it again.”

  “Thank you Sir,” Lindsay sobbed gratefully. “I’ll pay you back out of my pocket money and housekeeping.”

  “No Lindsay, your repayment of my £50 loan will not be with money.”

  Lindsay frowned as the hairbrush landed hard on her bottom. She spent the next few minutes sobbing and pleading with him to stop as the heat in her bottom rose to an unbearable level. As the hairbrush cracked down on her thighs and George continued to redden her legs right down to her knees, Lindsay wept openly, her body twitching each time the hairbrush landed. She gripped the sofa cushion tightly, not wanting to interfere as she knew she deserved her spanking, but it hurt so much and she howled in pain.

  When her spanking was over, she lay still and sobbed as she reached back to rub her bottom. She was disappointed George offered her no comfort. She was further disappointed when he told her to get up and get dressed then immediately led her to the door and ushered her through it.

  Lindsay turned to face him, tears rolling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry Sir.”

  George nodded. “I know you are. I want you to go away and think about your behavior and your general attitude. I’ll call you when I’m ready to see you again. If you decide to come back, you’ll be punished until I’m happy your debt to me has been paid, but then you must stick to your budget. If you can’t do that, I wash my hands of you. Goodbye Lindsay.”

  Lindsay whimpered as he closed the door. She raised her fist to knock but reluctantly walked away. She sat in her car, sobbing and shaking. She couldn’t believe she’d been so stupid. She needed George’s help and was desperate to go back and agree to anything. If only she’d done as she’d been told and kept a close eye on her bank account to watch out for any unexpected expenditure, this unpleasantness could have been avoided.

  Her phone rang and she snatched it up. “George?” she sobbed.

  “Lindsay, what on earth’s the matter?” Peter asked with concern.

  Lindsay swiped at her tears. “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I’ve been so stupid. I gave George my payment £50 short and thought that would be OK, but he’s so angry. He’s thrown me out and
told me to take a long, hard look at myself and decide if I want his help. He said he’ll phone when he’s ready to talk to me again. I’m scared he won’t bother to phone back.” Lindsay broke down in tears.

  “Lindsay, calm down. Please stop crying and drive back to work. Everything will be OK. I promise. I’m sending Sara to the pub next door. Meet her there. Take care and I’ll see you soon. We’ll have a chat when you return to the office.”

  Lindsay agreed. She looked towards George’s house, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, but after a few more minutes she reluctantly drove away. Glancing back, she hoped he would call soon as she was truly sorry and desperately needed his help.

  Lindsay arrived at the pub, touched up her make-up and went inside to wait for Sara. She ordered soft drinks and headed to a private booth just as Sara joined her. Lindsay put their drinks down and started to cry. Sara hugged her tightly.

  “Lindsay, sit down and talk to me. You can tell me anything. Nothing will get back to Peter, I promise.”

  Lindsay dried her eyes and squirmed uncomfortably as she eased her tender bottom into the booth. “George has spanked me numerous times.” Lindsay blurted it out, immediately feeling better to have told someone. “I can’t tell Peter. I don’t want him to get George into trouble by exposing his unusual practices in the newspaper. Yes he spanks his clients, but only for their own good. The budget he set me is fair and he makes no charge for his service. He’s a kind man and I won’t have Peter muddying his good name in the paper.”

  Sara nodded. “If George is helping people, Peter wouldn’t want to do him any harm. Peter is very concerned about your level of debt and hopes George can help you. I don’t think he cares if George is spanking you, as long as you’re getting the help you need, but it might be wise to tell him the truth.”

  Lindsay sighed. “I’m not ready to tell Peter yet. I can’t risk losing George’s help. George has really gone to town on my bottom and thighs today with a hairbrush. It was no more than I deserve,” Lindsay sobbed.

  “Even worse, he pretty much threw me out and told me to think about whether I want his help. Of course I do, but now I have to wait and see if he’ll call me. It hurts so much. He spanked me with his hairbrush all over my bottom and right down the back of my thighs, all the way down to my knees.” Lindsay squirmed and her eyes filled with tears.

  Sara winced. “Ouch, that’s got to be painful.

  Lindsay nodded as tears streaked her cheeks.

  Sara made sympathetic noises. “Are you badly marked?”

  Lindsay shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t looked. Would you come to the toilets with me and have a look please?”

  Sara smiled and got up to follow Lindsay, who shut herself into a cubicle and closed the door, lowering her clothing and twisting around to try and see her bottom in her small handbag mirror. She gasped at the oval-shaped red marks covering her bottom and thighs. With trembling hands, she opened the door and turned her back to her friend.

  Sara gasped as she reached out and gently stroked Lindsay’s thigh. Lindsay jumped, from shock more than pain.

  “Would you like me to rub some cream in? It might ease the sting a little.”

  “Yes please.” Lindsay bent forward, putting her hands on the toilet seat and closed her eyes as Sara gently massaged her bottom and thighs and rubbed in some cool lotion. Lindsay sighed with pleasure.

  Sara couldn’t resist giving Lindsay a gentle smack before putting the lotion back into her handbag. Lindsay yelped and giggled as she dressed herself. “Thank you Sara, I appreciate the bottom rub and the chat. It’s good to be able to talk about George. I can’t tell Peter, it’s too embarrassing, and I don’t want him to do a story that might hurt George. Do you understand?”

  Sara nodded. “I know how much this means to you. I’m here for you if you need me. I know exactly how you’re feeling as my husband Scott punishes me when I misbehave. It isn’t pleasant but he does it to help guide me down the right path. I’m sure George is just trying to do the same with you.”

  Lindsay couldn’t believe Sara’s husband Scott spanked her and she admitted it so openly. Lindsay found herself suddenly wishing she had a partner who cared so much about her.

  “Let’s get back to work, get your lecture from Peter over with,” Sara said, putting her arm around her friend and leading her back to the office.

  As they headed up the stairs, Sara grinned. “I know you’re sore so I can’t imagine you’re feeling turned on right now, but when you get home after you’ve been spanked do you ever find you’re really horny?”

  Lindsay gaped in shock and nodded. “I thought I was abnormal.”

  Sara smiled. “Sexual spankings and good girl spankings are definitely the best, and Scott is so good at them. Unfortunately bad girl spankings are very painful and Scott is an expert at giving those type of spankings too.”

  Lindsay envied Sara having a husband to take care of her sexual needs – and her disciplinary needs. Lindsay didn’t have a partner at present and felt slightly dirty when she fantasized about being spanked.

  Sara put her arm around Lindsay. “Come on, let’s get it over with.”

  Lindsay sighed and allowed Sara to lead her into the office. As they reached Peter’s door, Sara squeezed her hand encouragingly and led her into his room. “Peter, Lindsay’s here to see you.”

  Peter nodded. “Close the door on your way out.”

  Sara hesitated as she reached the door. “Go easy on her. She’s upset about George throwing her out. Don’t upset her any more than she already is.”

  Peter raised his eyebrows. “Get back to your desk now Sara,” he said angrily. “You can come and see me at the end of the day. It’s time we had another little chat.”

  Lindsay watched the color drain from Sara’s face as her friend quickly headed for the door. Lindsay hoped that Sara hadn’t gotten herself into trouble with Peter on her account.

  Peter turned his attention to Lindsay. “Right young lady, why didn’t you come to me for help when you were short on your payment? I told you I’d help you.”

  Lindsay’s eyes filled with tears. “I thought everything would be OK. I thought George could reduce my payment to my creditors just this once. I didn’t want to find myself in debt to someone who’d loaned me the money, but I can’t believe George threw me out,” Lindsay sobbed, fearing she may never hear from George again.

  Squeezing her hand, Peter comforted her. “I’m sure he’ll call you in the next day or two. If he wanted nothing more to do with you he’d have told you before you left. He’s punishing you by making you worry that he might abandon you. Be sure that when he does call you’re suitably contrite and quickly learn to do as you’re told.”

  Lindsay nodded. “Yes Sir.”

  Peter gently rubbed her back until she stopped crying. He helped her to her feet and hugged her as she unconsciously reached back and massaged her still stinging bottom. “Now dry your eyes and get back to work.” Lindsay gratefully accepted a tissue from him and stepped away. She headed towards the door, her bottom aching with each step from George’s earlier spanking. She desperately hoped he’d punish her again, despite how much it hurt, as that would mean he hadn’t washed his hands of her. She reached the door and turned to face Peter. “I am sorry. Thank you for being so kind.”

  Lindsay hoped George would be kind too and call her soon. She’d learned her lesson and was ready to be good. She just hoped he was willing to give her a chance to prove it.

  Peter smiled as Lindsay left his office, walking very tentatively. He wondered if she realized she was still rubbing her bottom, despite swearing to him that George had never spanked her. Peter grinned and shook his head as Lindsay closed the door behind her. The foolish young woman must think he was born yesterday.

  Chapter Six

  LINDSAY woke early next morning and rubbed her sore bottom. Her phone was ringing and she picked it up.

  “Good morning Lindsay. Can you come and see me before you go to work tod
ay please?”

  “Yes Sir,” she sobbed, tears of relief immediately streaking her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry. We’ll put things right. I just wanted to give you time to reflect on your behavior and have a serious think about your priorities. I’ll see you soon Lindsay and we’ll sort this out. I promise. Bye.”

  “Bye Sir.” Lindsay smiled as she put the phone down. She sat up a little too enthusiastically and her tender bottom ached. She guessed her bottom was about to get even sorer but she didn’t care, as long as George was willing to give her a second chance she would willingly take another spanking.

  Lindsay dressed quickly and telephoned her boss, telling him she was going to George’s to discuss how they’d get around the £50 shortfall. Peter said George was obviously giving her a second chance and she’d be a fool to waste it. She promised she wouldn’t let that happen.

  Once she was ready, Lindsay got into her car and drove to George’s. She was relieved he hadn’t given up on her, but very worried about how he might punish her. She jumped out of her car and hurried to his door, throwing herself into his arms as he opened it. “I’m so sorry Sir,” she sobbed as she clung to him.

  “Lindsay, you’re going to be spanked this morning and you’re going to repay your debt to me. I’ve decided that for each £1 you underpaid me, you’ll receive one stroke of the cane. It’s a harsh punishment but appropriate.”

  Lindsay felt the color drain from her face as she pulled away from George. “Please Sir, there must be something else?”

  “Yes Lindsay,” replied George. “You can leave right now.”

  Lindsay sat in stunned silence. She couldn’t take 50 strokes of the cane, but she couldn’t let George give up on her so easily.

  “You’ll receive your caning in multiples of six. I’m going to give you a warm up spanking first. We’ll get the first six out of the way and give you a little break before the next six. We’ll continue as long as we can, but if you really need to stop you can stand in the corner until you’re ready to continue. You will take all 50 strokes today or we’ll simply tear your agreement up and I won’t see you again. Please don’t make that necessary because I will do it.”


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