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The Missing One (Lost Series Book 2)

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by Liz Lovelock

  “You don’t look happy with the flowers I picked out especially for you!” Anger flared in his eyes frightening me. Alarm bells rung loud and clear in my ears, a warning to watch what I said next.

  I sucked up my ball of nerves followed by the fear lurching in the pit of my stomach putting a fake smile on my face. I placed my hand over his trying to un-claw him from my arm. Once his hand finally loosened, I stepped in closer to him. “Baby, I love them so much, they’re beautiful.” My voice was sweet as I could manage under the circumstances. Each word was forced like trying to stick a square block through a round hole.

  A grin spreads across his face as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his hard chest. My own pounding heart brimmed with fear because I was sure there would be bruises the following day from his vice grip. I had to keep Melodi from seeing them as she already had concerns regarding Jacob.

  Was I seeing a new side to him or was this just him?

  I was so naïve. If only I’d listened to those alarm bells that had rung so clearly that day, then my life may have turned out so much differently. But would I have met Blake? I look around the room and everyone’s eyes are glued on me. A feeling of apprehension washes over me and I wish now I’d stayed away. I look into my sister’s eyes, the eyes I’ve dreamed about seeing for so long. They’re saddened, scared and filling with liquid that threatens to erupt at any second. She clings to Corban, who stands strongly by her side, his arm wrapped around her while gently rubbing and soothing her. I look over my shoulder at Katie and see her eyes are glued to the television. Walking over to the flowers, I pick up the card, scanning over every word.

  Hello beautiful,

  I’m thinking of you and that pretty daughter of ours. I’m sure she would love to meet her daddy. Don’t think of running again, I’m always watching.

  J x

  Anger burns through me, as I vigorously rip that pathetic card to shreds, tossing it straight into the trash. My hands shake uncontrollably as my chest vibrates. I’m angry, yet equally as frightened. Is that even possible? Right now my emotions are all over the place like paint splashed carelessly across a canvas. I sense Blake behind me, his aura is calming. He’s always been my rock, even back during those hard times.

  I feel the bile rising in my throat. I make it to the sink before bringing up the remains of dinner from last night.

  Chapter Three


  Watching my sister sick with fear shoots panic through me. I race over and rub small circles over her back, trying to soothe the flood of emotions that are running through her veins like poison. I lean over to talk to her, to see if she’s okay, and that’s when it hits me-the waft of stomach bile. I quickly step away doubling over, coughing and violently dry retching. I clutch my chest as I take long deep breaths of fresh, clean air, in an attempt to settle that feeling of wanting to be physically ill myself. My whole body trembles. I don’t do vomit well, but I’ve always been able to comfort those who need me when they’re sick.

  Abby recovers, washing her face and composing herself. Blake takes my place beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her securely into him. My stomach settles, but I think that’s only the start of the morning sickness to come.

  Oh, how fun.

  Blake turns to Abby. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.” His words are strong and full of meaning.

  Corban’s arms wrap around my waist to rest on my belly. “Are you all right?” His breath tickles my neck as he places a feather light kiss on my skin. I close my eyes as I’m comforted by this sensual moment. Turning in his arms, I look up into his metallic blue eyes that brew with concern.

  “I’m good. I guess I better get used to feeling miserable and sick, and now I have another worry.” I give him a weak smile since he knows what I’m referring to.

  “I’ll be here to look after you, and if you’re not up for working, then I’m sure your boss will give you time off,” he chuckles, kissing my forehead and making my chest tingle with love and adoration.

  I glance back over my shoulder and notice that Abby and Blake have left the kitchen. I step out of Corban’s arms and go searching for them. They’re in the living area with the television on for Katie, sitting on the lounge and talking quietly with each other.

  Before I can stop myself, I ask, “So what’s going to happen now?”

  Their words fall silent as they both look at me.

  “Corban’s going to give us a safe place where I can hide Abby and Katie,” Blake says. “I think it would be best if you went and stayed with Corban—”

  “Wait! What?” I cut him off. “So I’m not going to see Abby anymore? You’re taking her away from me again?” I plead. The mere thought of not having her around sends me into a spiral. I only just got her back, and now she has to go away once more.

  “It’s okay, Mel. It’ll only be for a short time,” Abby assures me.

  “Can I contact you?”

  “You can contact her through me,” Blake replies. “Jacob will be watching you. Especially now as he has full knowledge that Abby really is still alive. If we can get her out without him noticing, then he’ll watch you very carefully to see if you go to her.”

  I see where he’s coming from, but still I can’t help that I want to be close to my sister. All this time I have mourned for her, I have wished to see her just one more time. We have so much that we need to talk about, a small part of me wants to yell, kick, and scream at her and tell her how stupid she is for leaving. Another part of me wants to hold her close to touch her, smell her, and now they’re going to rip her and Katie away from me once more. I want to get to know my niece and hold her close for all the years I’ve missed out on. My heart begins to crack like it will break all over again. Before fear fills me at that thought, knowing the pig knows where she is. I sigh,

  “Okay, as long as I can still contact her or you.” I glance at Abby, who’s sitting there quietly looking between Blake and me.

  “I’ll need at least a day or two, to secure a place safe enough for her,” Corban says. “I’ve just recently signed a deal on some apartments not too far from here, so we can use one of them for the time being.”

  Blake nods in agreement. I walk around and sit down on the couch, exhaustion setting in all of a sudden.

  “Katie, did you wanna come and help me finish the pancakes?” I ask gently. She turns eagerly nodding her head. Jumping up, she races over to me, taking my hand, pulling me up and dragging me along behind her back to the kitchen. I catch Abby’s face as Katie pulls me out of the room, a bright smile crosses it.

  I can only hope that bringing her out of hiding was a smart idea. I don’t want to lose her all over again. Where will this little one, clasping my hand, end up? A new determination settles within me. I will not allow any harm to come to this little princess or her mother. I really hope that Blake is good at his job.

  Katie and I continue to cook our pancakes. It’s quite a challenge with a broken wrist, but Katie’s a huge help. As fast as we’re cooking them, they’re walking off the plate. Katie’s tiny, but she can put a decent helping of food away in that little tummy of hers. She prepares plates of food for Abby, Blake, Corban and myself. For a little girl her age, she’s very bright. I’m so happy that she can be a part of my life, and I really look forward to getting to know her better.

  After breakfast, we settle in for a quiet day. We sit watching a movie that Katie has picked. I can’t say I am actually paying attention because my mind is preoccupied, focusing on this continuous nauseating feeling that sits in the pit of my stomach. A sharp knock followed by loud arguing voices booms outside the closed door, startling all of us. Blake jumps into action, ushering Abby and collecting Katie off the floor. He wraps her securely in his arms and they go straight to my room, quickly shutting the door behind them. Corban goes to see what all the arguing is about. My heart pumps with nerves.

  As he gets closer to the door, I recognise the voices.
Corban opens the door to an argument between Flick and Athena, with Rachel trying to shut them both up.

  “What’s going on?” Corban’s tone hard, catching the girls off guard. They stop and turn toward him. Flick sees me first, barging past Corban and actually pushing him aside. She engulfs me in her arms, crushing the air from of my lungs.

  “Oh, thank goodness you’re all right! You had me so worried,” her words spewing from her mouth with excessive speed.

  “You’re squishing me,” I manage to breathe out. She quickly releases me. Looking me up and down before noticing my wrist in a cast, and her hand flies to her mouth.

  “Oh Mel, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. What was going on out there?” My eyes dart between the three of them. Rachel and Athena stand there looking ashamed and say nothing, but Flick is quick to answer.

  “I don’t know why this one is here,” she stabs her finger towards Athena, anger evident in her face. “How did she know that you had injured yourself?” I hear the disdain in her voice. She genuinely dislikes Athena. I can’t say I’m a huge fan either, but I’m playing nice for Corban’s sake. She is his sister after all.

  “I didn’t know she’d injured herself. I was coming over to see if she wanted to go out for lunch!” she yells back at Flick. The tension in the air is swirling around the room like a violent tornado.

  “Girls, just stop it. You’re both carrying on silly,” I say, wearily rubbing my eyes in frustration. I don’t need this crap right now. “Thanks for the offer, Athena, but today is not a good day. I’m not feeling very well, and Flick, you just need to calm down,” I snap at them both. They’re carrying on like eight-year-old girls. My neighbours probably think we are all crazy.

  Both girls look embarrassed, their faces hang in shame.

  “Is there anything you need, Mel?” Rachel asks quietly, her face full of concern.

  “No, thanks. I’m right. I’d just like a quiet day at home, with Corban. Last night actually took it out of me.” If only they knew the entire events of last night, they’d probably think I was crazy, but the proof is standing quietly in the other room.

  I hope they take the hint and go, or at least Athena does. A feeling of unease settles within me when it comes to her. I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but this anxiousness won’t recede. It’s like something gnawing away at me.

  As if reading my mind, Athena comes over and gives me a small awkward hug. “If you need anything, please let me know. I’m happy to help.” She gives a smile which seems to be fake and turns to leave, giving Flick an evil glare which Flick returns.

  After she’s gone, I release a breath of relief. I would like the girls to meet Abby and Katie since I know I can trust them.

  “Girls, come sit down. We have a few things to tell you. Just give me a minute; I want to grab something from my room.” I turn, walking away. I’m sure Corban will get them settled.

  In the bedroom, I walk in to see Abby on the bed and Katie playing on the floor while Blake sits on the side holding Abby’s hand. My heart swells seeing that things haven’t changed between them in three years. I wish she’d told me about them back then. I really like Blake, he’s her safety net just like Corban is for me. I really hope I can talk to her before she has to leave again.

  Chapter Four


  Sitting in Melodi’s room like a ball of nerves is wreaking havoc with my stomach. All I can hear is a bunch of loud girls, and can only hope that none of them come barging into the room needing something. I begin to pace around the room glancing down at Katie sitting on the floor playing with her raggy doll she carries everywhere. She’s had that thing since she was born and won’t go anywhere without it. There have been many tears, on occasion, over leaving her doll at home. There’s tension rolling off Blake as he’s in protection mode ready to pounce if the need arises. I love him for his protective streak and his watchful eye over Katie and me.

  Walking over to him by the door, he waits and listens not noticing me approach. When I reach out and lightly touch his arm he turns so fast, he frightens me a little and I jump back a step. Quickly, he wraps me in his arms and immediately I’m in the one place where I feel calmness, serenity and security.

  “Sorry, Abs. I’m a little on edge. Just the thought of that deluded man hanging around, the thought of you hurt…” He stops; the emotion in his words causes a lump to form in my throat.

  “It’s okay, Blake. I know you’ll protect us,” I assure him, lightly pressing my lips to his cheek. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, relishing in the small gesture of my soft kiss.

  “I’m sorry I let you down before, and now Melodi is in danger. I don’t know what I’ll do if anything happens to you, Katie, Melodi, or her babies.”

  So much weight is in those words. It shatters my heart to think he’s carrying that guilt around and that he thinks he’s let me down. He tried so hard, he put his job on the line, and he was ready to give everything up for me.

  Our very first meeting comes to my mind bringing a smile to my face…

  Jacob and I had been together for six months. I had bruises up my arms, and I ached all over. Last night was the worst he’d been in the last few months. I should have listened to those damn alarm bells that had rung three months ago. Where did things go so wrong?

  Sitting on the bench at my favourite park across the road from the dress shop I worked in, I was draped in clothing from head to toe, feeling saddened by the fact that I could hardly wear the type of clothes I wanted to lately. I had to always choose wisely the kinds of clothes I wore when out and about, mainly because of the dark purple and yellow marks that stained my skin. Even the bright round hickeys that he forced on my neck were on show for all to see if I didn’t cover them up. In the middle of summer, I still found myself having to wear a scarf to hide them, along with long sleeved shirts that caused me to overheat. I didn’t know or understand, why he felt the need to do this to me. Every time I’d say I’m leaving, he stopped and showed me his kind side. The one I fell for in the first place. Then, of course, I believed him. However, he would revert back to his old ways and I’d always ended up back at square one.

  Abused. Hurt. Unloved.

  I looked out across the park watching the old couples walking their dogs, holding hands, and I began to seriously wonder if I’d ever get that with Jacob. Was he my happily ever after? He always told me that no one would ever love me or care for me like he did. I felt the warmth of my tears as they slid down my face, pooling at my chin.

  “Excuse me, Miss?” A warm, inviting voice that sent a shiver down my spine pulled me from my deepest darkest thoughts. Quickly wiping those tears away, I looked up into the most vibrant green eyes. Eyes you could easily get lost in. I took in the rest of this man’s features. He had black hair and a fit looking body I could easily wrap myself around. Then I took in his appearance, he was a police officer.

  “Can I help you?” I queried quickly wrapping my coat around me to hide the marks up my arms, but I thought perhaps it was too late for that. I could already see the concern etched in his eyes.

  “Are you all right?” he asked as he took a seat on the bench beside me. I moved away slightly, feeling rather exposed all of a sudden.

  “Yes, thank you. It’s just one of those days,” I nervously giggled.

  He didn’t look convinced.

  “You know you don’t need to deal with that abuse.” He nodded toward me, gesturing at my arms.

  I crossed them over my chest wishing I could crawl away and hide. “It’s not any of your business,” I snapped at him.

  “Whoa, easy. I’m only giving you some advice. I’ve seen you here before and noticed how things have slowly begun to change.”

  He noticed me?

  I didn’t speak. I don’t know why this man, whom I didn’t even know, was paying attention to me.

  He continued, “I know I sound like a crazy stalker, but I do my rounds in here at least once a d
ay when I’m working day shift. I saw you about two or three months ago and you were happy. You had lunch with your friend’s right here on this bench.” He looked out onto the park as if he was thinking about what to say next. “Then it all stopped, and you began to come here on your own. Not long after, I noticed the marks appearing on your arms had started to increase—”

  “Why are you paying attention to me? I’m nobody. No one will love me like he does,” I cut him off. I even heard the lie, the quivering in my own voice. Could someone else love me differently?

  He paled, raising a hand to cover his gasp. His eyes went wide scowling.

  “Is that what he tells you?” he asked gently. He was trying to mask the anger that had crept into his features, but I could hear the strain in his words as he shook his head.

  I averted my eyes from his piercing gaze. There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments before he slid closer and whispered, “Please give another guy a chance to show you what love is meant to be like.”

  My heart raced at his statement. I met his eyes again, so gentle and inviting. I smiled since I was unsure what to say.

  “I…I can’t. I’m sorry, it’s wrong,” I stammered out.

  “Please, let me show you. We can just be friends spending time together, get to know each other.”

  “I’m not allowed male friends, he becomes jealous, and that’s when this stuff happens,” I gesture to my arms. “I can’t even open up to my sister, my twin sister, someone who I know I’m hurting by shutting her out, but I don’t know what else to do.” My voice caught and tears sprung to my eyes. Why was I telling this stranger my life story?

  His hand reached out, wrapping around mine, spreading a fuzzy feeling of warmth throughout me. I used to get this feeling with Jacob at the beginning of our relationship, but now I cower in fear of him or put on a fake smile that keeps him happy. He even forced himself on me when it was our first time, not something I wanted to live through again. It hurt majorly like he was ripping a part of me away, a part that no other man can take now.


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