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Trunks of Ages: The Seven Seals

Page 30

by Mary Beth Frank

  Chapter 23 Answers

  When Sebastian looked around the attic, nothing seemed to have changed while they were away. The trunks were still spotless; everything seemed exactly as it should be. Making his way to Makayla's trunk, he threw open the lid without much care, pulling out the gold box with little consciousness to what he was doing. Throwing it the floor next him, he stood up expecting everyone to be nearly on top of him. Except, when he turned around, Alice, Cyrus and Gina were huddled together in the corner, eyes wide and curious. He snorted at their sudden shyness to things mysterious.

  “Nothing in here bites. Come take a look, if you want to see it for yourselves.”

  The three of them cautiously walked over to where he was standing. Sebastian began handing them the articles about children and education, showing them the clippings of Makayla grown up, as well as all the other mysterious papers in her trunk. Alice kept rubbing her fingers over the photos, gasping each time a new one came into her hands.

  “You don't know what this stuff is? I thought you knew all the secrets.” He was really confused.

  Alice looked up at him. “No. We don't know what’s in the trunks. We could only guess, as we know some of the stories, but we weren't sure. This just doesn't fit. The stories don't talk of Makayla being an educator.” Cyrus was looking over her shoulder, clearly just as surprised as she was.

  “Well, what do the stories say about me?” Makayla was looking at Alice, eyebrows raised in curiosity.

  Alice smiled. “I’m not allowed to say. The stories are of your future. Only the prophecies are certain to be fulfilled, but the stories are just legends and traditions passed down through the generations. Those can change. Your future isn't set in stone and I have been given strict instructions to let you decide for yourself how it will turn out.”

  “So, what are the prophecies?” Marshall asked, sitting on his trunk with his chin in his hand.

  “Sebastian, why don't you try the key?” Gina was suddenly by his side with her hand on his arm. She smiled at him and whispered in his ear so no one else could hear. “I believe in you. You can do this.”

  Sebastian looked at her, knowing then that no matter what was in that box, he’d be all right as long as he had Gina. He held her piercing blue gaze for a moment, his heart hammering in his chest. Forget this whole prophecy mess. He just wanted to enjoy her company without any baggage. He sighed, knowing that it was an impossible thought. Grabbing the key out of his pocket, Sebastian reached down to get the gold box. He lifted it up, letting the sunlight from the window bounce off its intricate carving. Sebastian studied the shields once more. Thoughts of the room of transition swirled around his mind, flashes of the etchings he had traced with his fingers.

  “Well, here goes nothing!” He rubbed his fingers across one of the shields, making the blue light dance around him once more. The box lifted out of his hands, spinning wildly in the air, just like it had done before. The fingers of light started shooting all around the attic, flying from one side to the other, almost ecstatic at being called forth. Sebastian held up the key and let the rays of light pass through the metal rod as they danced around the attic. The light seemed to electrify in response. The blue turned to gold, shimmering into a piercing purple and back to blue. Sebastian gasped. He felt like they were talking to him. He stood frozen in place and looked at the others. Marshall walked up to him, eyes wide. “Do you hear that, Sebastian?”

  Sebastian strained his ears, but couldn't hear anything. He looked down at Marshall who was smiling. “What? What do you hear?”

  Marshall looked up at him and touched his ears. Suddenly, the sound of singing came alive, as if Marshall had pulled out earplugs in the middle of a song. It was beautiful. It sounded like a thousand angelic voices singing in chorus. Sebastian was mesmerized by the purity of the voices, stunned by its beauty. Suddenly a hand was on his shoulder; Gina standing next to him. She had tears streaming down her face.

  “It’s the song of the King.”

  He only nodded, instantly knowing what King she was talking about. It was the King of his dreams, the King of the lady, the King who had set all of this in motion, the King of Armistoria. Sebastian had found the key to the King and he wanted nothing more than to open up this box to his new life. How foolish had he been? He had this key for several days and had been doing everything in his power not to use it. Why? Standing here in the midst of splendor, he felt foolish and ashamed. Why didn't he believe? Why did he fight it?

  He reached up, pulling the box down to fit onto the single rod in the bottom of the key. The curved metal frame of the key nestled around the sides of the box, making the bottom fit securely onto the bottom rod. The box flew out of Sebastian’s hand, the lid springing open, as more fingers of light shot out across the attic, making it impossible for anyone to see. He raised his hand to his eyes, trying to keep the light from blinding him, afraid he would miss what was next. Suddenly, in the midst of the bright light a figure was approaching him. It was the only thing his eyes could focus on. Everything else in the attic had become a radiant blur.

  The figure seemed to be gliding toward him. Sebastian squinted, trying to make something of the shadow that was approaching. Finally, the face to the figure came into view and a chill rushed down him. There standing in his attic was the lady of his dream. Could this really be happening? The lady smiled and nodded as if in response to his question.

  She reached out her hand, motioning for him to come closer. As he did the light began to fade and he could see his brothers and sister walking toward her.

  “Kneel, for you are in the presence of the King.” The lady's voice was glorious. It sounded like a thousand violins in chorus together, playing to form her words. The children did as she said, bending their knees before her.

  “Sebastian, my child, the King’s people have been waiting a long time for you. You are most treasured in his lands. Why do you not believe?”

  Sebastian looked up into her eyes, feeling the shame he had swallowed earlier come crashing down on him once more. “I'm sorry. I don't understand what is happening to me. It’s just too hard.”

  The lady reached down, putting her long slender fingers on his neck. Her touch felt like icing on his skin. It was comforting and immediately he felt at peace.

  “Well, my child, many quests of the King are difficult. But you must learn to have faith in him, or you will find yourself lost in the evils that surround us. The King has chosen you, Sebastian, to be the one to fulfill the prophecies. He has picked you to help him fight the battle that threatens his people.”

  Sebastian looked into her eyes. “What battle? What prophecies?”

  The lady smiled and stroked his hair.

  “The prophecies of the kingdom, Armistoria,” she pointed to Gina, Alice and Cyrus, “prophecies of their home and its people. Armistoria is the only remaining kingdom of the human race, a time far into your future. For many centuries, an evil army had been predicted to destroy our peaceful lands, a war that would wipe humans off the planet for good. No one but the King knew when that time would come. But still, our enemy, Asheron, and his following, the Sepulcher, have grown more powerful over the generations.

  At first, Asheron tried to strong arm his way into power through warfare and battle. However, the King’s army is unstoppable. So, Asheron learned a more powerful way to overcome humanity by attacking through a method that proved more effective, and far more evil, than any age has seen. Deception is his tool, a quiet murmur of lies, slowly turning honest souls into paranoid, selfish creatures who want to follow a mirage instead of truth. It’s a road treacherous to their race. We had hoped that when this time came, the prophecy would have already been fulfilled. But they are not and we are losing hope as time moves forward.” Seeing the confusion on the children’s faces, she continued further. “The prophecies say that six children will rise up, risking their own lives for ours, in h
ope of reuniting the seven seals into the room of transition. If they do not, the people of Armistoria will be lost and humankind will be gone forever.”

  Sebastian swallowed, still not understanding. The lady continued, “You see, Sebastian, the prophecies also say that the eldest child will rise up and lead the others through many journeys to defeat the evil that ensues. They say that he will rise up from our past, a time not revealed. That child will possess supernatural powers, given to him by the King, to defeat and destroy Asheron. Armistoria has been waiting on the King to tell when and how all this would come to pass. And that day has come. The King has spoken and opened the room of transition to this time, to this place. You are the one to lead us to victory. You, Sebastian, are the child.”

  Sebastian couldn't breathe, couldn't think, and couldn’t move. What? He was some chosen savior for a kingdom and a people he didn't even understand or know?

  The lady’s mouth turned down, and her eyes became cold. She answered sharply, “Sebastian, why can you not believe? Haven't you seen enough magic in the last two weeks to know that all things are possible for the King? The King himself sent Alice to you to watch over you. He sent Gina and Cyrus to help you with your journey in your time of need. They are his people, from my world. It is a world far in the future, but one that is being threatened into extinction. Asheron will stop at nothing until he’s deceived us all into his wicked ways, threatening the future of all.”

  “Who are you?” Sebastian asked.

  “I’m Augury, the King’s messenger. It is my job to translate his will and purpose to the people. I am the giver of purpose, the reminder of hope.” She still had a cold look in her eye.

  “Who is Tildon? He said he was sent here by the King.” Sebastian was starting to doubt once more.

  “James Tildon was the first protector sent to this world to watch over you. The King opened the room of transition when the time of the prophecies drew nearer, given James his trust to do His bidding. Even though most in Armistoria live for the King’s purposes, the people are still human and have their own will to battle. James Tildon is the example of what happens to the people when Asheron has his way with them.”

  “Is he still human?” Sebastian whispered, shuddering at the memory of his eyes and sword-like tongue.

  A loud crying came out of the light and suddenly the attic was filled with wailing and moans. It sounded like the cries of a family saying their last goodbyes before the coffin of a loved one was closed up forever. The lady’s head was thrown back in sorrow and she was joining the chorus of the anguished choir of lights. She finally looked at Sebastian, crystal tears forming on her eyelids.

  “James Tildon is now a creature of the Sepulcher, the second in command to Asheron. He’s power is unmatched by many in our lands. The wickedness that has consumed his heart is thick and all life has left his veins, being replaced by the void of darkness. Do not underestimate him. Asheron has given much of himself to this creature. In addition to his new powers, he still possesses some of his old gifts. That is why he could feel the magic of the box when you touched it before, understanding that the prophecies had been set into motion.

  A look of panic, at the mention of Tildon, came across all their faces.

  The lady soothed their fears by adding, “The King has placed a protection over all of Ithaca. None of the Sepulcher can come within its borders, including him. Please use that protection wisely. Their evil is unimaginable, their doings intolerable.”

  “What can I do? How can I help?” Sebastian whispered.

  The lady smiled, and a warm comforting glow crept back into her eyes. “There are seven seals hidden throughout the ages of mankind. These seals represent the good that has prevailed in times of great evil. Originally, they were created with a perfect mate, the etchings you touched in the room of transition. The seals were separated from the etchings and scattered after the great betrayal. They are now treasures of love, artifacts sealed with the purity of unadulterated hope and joy. Humanity's good, in the midst of horrendous evils, has been stored up in the artifact itself. When reunited with their original mates, they will create the most perfect form of love. Together, there is no evil that can overtake them. Each of you must journey through the ages, back or forward, into a time where these artifacts were hidden from the evil hearts of mankind. They are all marked with the King's crest, the mark of Armistoria.” She turned to Sebastian once more. “Sebastian, you are to lead the others; you are to be their guide. You will be the strongest of them all. But you must make yourself available to the King's will and believe with your whole heart that his way is more important than your own. You must show the King your loyalty through your life and actions, by accepting this fate and agreeing to recover the seals.”

  Sebastian didn't know what to say. How could he not accept? He had to believe this lady and the things she said were true. Once again, he thought about the events of his Christmas vacation and his eyes were opened. He could now see everything from the King's perspective, and it all began to make sense. He felt the anger, the mistrust, and the doubt beginning to crumble like old mortar in a falling brick wall. Suddenly there was a squeeze on his hand, and he turned to meet the blues eyes he knew to be there. But instead of Gina's piercing eyes, it was Cyrus. Swimming in the colors, Sebastian saw for the first time a picture of the love that their so-called King was capable of giving. It was unconditional. He saw the forgiveness that Sebastian so desperately wanted, the approval of a father figure, the appreciation of his family. He saw his greatest desires in one flash of a moment. He saw into his soul. Cyrus stepped back without saying a word, his eyes returning to the normal dark cavernous holes that Sebastian had mistrusted for the last few days.

  “I believe. I believe!” Sebastian felt the tears threatening to overflow from his eyes, suddenly overwhelmed at this new clarity of life. Relief washed over him as he began to think about his new calling, his new destiny for this King.

  Augury laughed joyfully. The attic exploded into music, sounds erupting at ridiculous volumes. It sounded like a thousand angels singing harmonies never heard to human ears.

  “Very good, Sebastian, now do you accept the King's will? Will you go?”

  Now confident in himself, he looked up and reached out to Augury. “Yes. I will go.”

  The diamond studs in her hair were casting tiny rainbows all over the attic, like thousands of prisms moving in sync. Her blonde tresses were flying all over as the fingers of light began to dance around her in the celebration. Sebastian heard the singing once more, and for a few moments nothing but Augury and the singing lights moved or existed.

  After several minutes, the song began to die down, and Augury leaned into him.

  “Sebastian, the King welcomes you to his family, to his kingdom. There will come a day when you will visit us and our kingdom. But until that day comes, the King has a gift for you and your siblings.” She leaned close to all of them and breathed across their faces. Tiny crystal-like particles began dancing through the air toward each of them. They floated and twirled, making their way to the faces of the children, who were too mesmerized to move. The crystals reached each of them and shot into their mouths and disappeared.

  Augury danced with excitement. “Ah, the best gift of all. The King has just given you his spirit.”

  “His spirit?” Sebastian asked, confused.

  “Yes, my child. His spirit will speak to you when you need clarity. It will be your guide to truth. Listen closely, my friends, for the longer you listen and the more you obey, the clearer it will become. When you choose not to hear, the voice of the spirit will fade with time. Listen and believe, and you will have all the power you need to accomplish your calling. “

  “What are we supposed to do, once we find one of these seals?” Sebastian was starting to think about the quest and had a thousand questions forming in his brain.

  “You are to take each
one to their holding place in the room of transition. Once the seals are reunited, they cannot be separated again.”

  “The room of transition?” Makayla gasped. “Do you mean we have to keep going back there?”

  “Ah, Makayla.” Augury spoke directly to her for the first time since she had arrived in the attic. “Yes, that's correct.” She smiled down at Makayla, reaching down to stroke her cheek.

  “The pure one, cherished among my people.”

  Sebastian could hear Makayla swallowing hard.

  “Excuse me?” A small voice was heard next to Sebastian. Augury looked over and smiled wide. She reached out and touched Marshall's head.

  “Marshall? The wisdom of the ages belongs to this child alone. It has brought much comfort to our world.”

  “I was wondering about something you said; that there were seven seals, but there are only six of us and six trunks.” Augury threw her head back and laughed.

  “The stories about you do not disappoint. You are as wise as they make you out to be. Yes, my child. You are correct. The King will reveal all in time.” Marshall seemed disappointed in this answer, but decided not to push his curiosity.

  “But why couldn't Alice have told us all this? Why did we have to get the key to open a box for all of this to be revealed?” Ethan was looking at Augury with a mixture of doubt and curiosity.

  Augury put her face close to his. “My child, would you have believed? If you had not experienced the journey for yourself, would you have accepted the will of the King? You proved to have some faith by pushing through confusion and doubt. But only you can make the choice to seek the keys to the King, as no one else can gain your entry to the King’s family for you. This was a journey that you alone had to do.”

  Augury's eyes narrowed and she looked at Ethan. “Be wise, Ethan Hanks. Do not let pride overtake your faith. You must hold on to it, as a priceless jewel. You must never let it go, for when you do, the lies and deception of Asheron will be there to take its place.”

  Sebastian shuddered at her words, memorizing them in his heart.

  Augury suddenly had a black stone in her hand. “Alice, Cyrus, Gina, please come to me.”

  The three of them stepped into her light and knelt down in front of the others. She touched their mouths with the black stone.

  “You tongues are free to share the secrets of your kingdom with the children of the prophecies. No one else must know these secrets, unless they are ready to believe. Their power will be too much for them.”

  “Tell me about it,” Sebastian muttered under his breath. He felt a sudden nudge in his ribs, as Makayla shot him a look of warning.

  Gina turned back toward Sebastian. “See, we couldn't have told you the secrets, even if we wanted to. We were forbidden.”

  Sebastian looked down at the ground, feeling guilty again. “I'm sorry. I didn't know.”

  Augury looked at Gina, with a slight frown. “Of course you didn't know. We do not judge you, Sebastian. The people of Armistoria have much hope in the King and his choice. Please remember to listen and believe.” She held out her hand and Sebastian took it. She pulled him up to face her. She smiled and bent forward, brushing her lips on his forehead, like a mother to her newborn child.

  “The journey will be hard. It will seem impossible. Please do not lose heart. Please, for the people, do not give up. Listen to his spirit, Sebastian, and you will find your way. Believe in his power and you will succeed.”

  Sebastian closed his eyes and took in her sweet smell. She smelled like fresh fruit just picked off the vine. It was like nectar to a honey bee, a scent Sebastian couldn't get enough of. Suddenly, a cold breeze hit his face and he opened his eyes. Augury was gone and the box lay dead in the middle of the attic floor.


  April 2-Present Day

  Sebastian climbed out of his desk in the back of the art room, as the bell rang, announcing the end of the school day. He shoved his sketchbook into his bag, hurrying through the desks toward the front of the class. Gina was leaning against the door frame, watching him with a smile spread across her lips. She had started school at Preston Prep the day after Augury's visit in the attic; an instant star with the populous, her story about a film biz dad gaining her instant popularity. No one ever questioned that he was never around. In fact, everyone thought it was so cool that he would leave her home alone so much, as he was “out of town on business.” The truth of the matter was that Cyrus and Gina were staying in a rental property down the street. It was a large contemporary home, perfect for a Hollywood family. However, Gina was often staying in their guest quarters, attached to the back of the property. She usually shared a room with Alice. It turned out that Alice and Cyrus spent a lot of time together, now that they had been reunited. It wasn’t uncommon for Cyrus to be there past midnight, forcing Gina to stay in their guest rooms or have Sebastian drive her to their own gigantic home, where she’d be alone. This frustrated him, and he thought it was pretty selfish of Cyrus not to pay more attention to Gina. He should at least make an attempt to get her home at a decent hour. Of course, deep down, neither of them minded because it meant that they could stay up late and talk, do homework, watch television and just hang out. Sebastian didn't know much of the story of Alice and Cyrus, and he really hadn’t cared to ask. He hadn't been very thrilled to learn that Alice was dating him, Sebastian still having a hard time liking the guy and all. Something about Cyrus bothered him, but the feeling had been fading, as he had become part of their everyday lives.

  Gina slid her fingers into Sebastian's and leaned in to brush her lips across his cheek. “How was class?”

  “Fine.” Sebastian took her books from her arms and put his arm around her neck as they walked casually down the hallway. The students at Preston used to stare and whisper as they walked the halls together, but over the last three months, everyone had gotten used to them being inseparable. Even Bobby Myers, who used to tease Sebastian faithfully, seemed to be impressed that he had hooked up with such a good-looking girlfriend.

  When they were close to their lockers, Brooke and Trevor came bouncing up to them. They had taken to Gina instantly, and the four of them now did everything together.

  They spent most of their free time at Hanks’ residence, Sebastian secretly not wanting to leave Makayla alone. Normally, the four of them would pick Makayla up from school, now that Sebastian had his license, and go home to study together. Makayla was frustrated with him, feeling like she could never do anything by herself anymore. But one thing Cyrus and Sebastian did agree on: she was not to be left alone. It didn't matter where they were, boys were making eyes at her, staring at her, trying to talk to her, offering her free drinks and food and asking for her number. She didn't seem bothered by it, but it made Sebastian furious. Cyrus seemed to be just as outraged as him. Word was starting to get around Ithaca that Makayla had a new personal bodyguard. This always made Gina laugh hysterically.

  “So, are we meeting up with you later?” Brooke put on her dark sunglasses that were way too big for her face as they headed for the doors.

  “Sure. But wait until around six, all right?”

  Trevor put his hand on Sebastian, leaning in to whisper in his ear, “Have fun!” He winked and whisked Brooke down the hall, laughing as his lanky body nearly tripped over itself out the front door.

  Gina's fingers stroked his cheek, and Sebastian was pulled out of his thoughts.

  “Lost in thought?” Her eyes were sparkling.

  “Yeah, sorry. So, are you ready?” Sebastian pulled her closer, taking in her sweet smell, something he couldn't get enough of.

  “So, what's the big surprise?” Gina laughed, excited that he had planned something special for her.

  “Well, I thought we would kick off spring break with some time by ourselves.”

  Gina turned her head toward him, “Oh, an entire week at the beach house isn't going to be enough?�

  They were leaving tomorrow to spend the week with his parents at their beach house in the Keys, a place not many people knew of. This would be the first time he would see them in five months. Alice and Cyrus were working on the plans of how to get them down to the Keys without being followed or detected by Tildon. It wasn’t proving an easy task, but Sebastian knew that Cyrus was the best one for the job, despite his feelings about him.

  “Our week will probably be lost in debriefings with my parents, since we have no choice but to tell them what’s been going on. Not to mention we're going to be up to our knees in sand castles and mud moats.” This made Gina laugh. She was excited about the week away, getting to spend more time with Scotty and Julian.

  Sebastian smiled, thinking about the beach. The weather in Ithaca was just starting to turn, but this was upstate New York. It would be late April before it was here to stay. Gina noticed his smirk.

  “Sebastian Hanks, what’s that goofy grin on your face for?”

  “Oh, I was just envisioning you in something other than a turtleneck sweater and clunky boots.” Sebastian squeezed her hand.

  She whipped her hand out of his, throwing it on her hip. A look of disgust crossed her face.

  “Oh, you wish! I bought a nice conservative one piece, for your information.” Sebastian laughed aloud. Gina was always the conservative and virtuous one.

  They walked out of the building and crossed over to the student parking lot to the red mini cooper he’d driven for the special occasion. They drove with the top down and let the warmer air of the dawning spring whip through their hair.

  Buttermilk Falls State Park was just miles down the road. Looking for just the right spot, he’d spent an entire day hiking the trails scouting for a place where they wouldn’t be bothered by spring break tourists. He parked the car in front of the trail head, reaching for the picnic basket the cook had prepared him. Gina's face lit up, her eyes were swimming in a sea of blue.

  “Shall we?” Hand in hand they made it to his secret spot.

  He had wanted to make this day very special, knowing that once his parents knew what was going on, they weren’t going to be giving him so much freedom.

  After they were done eating, Sebastian pulled Gina onto the blanket and they lay there, not paying any attention to the time, wrapped in each other's arms. A long time passed with only the sounds of the woods comforting their thoughts. This was something he appreciated about Gina. She was cool with quiet. She let him alone when he was in his thoughts.

  “Gina?” He whispered, afraid she had fallen asleep.

  “Hmm.” She moaned, not quite coherent.

  “I was wondering what Armistoria is like? I mean what’re the people like there?”

  Gina opened her eyes and slowly propped herself up on her elbow.

  “Well, they're like me. Human.” She shrugged, like it was so obvious.

  “Do people die in your world?”

  Gina giggled. “Of course, we die, Sebastian. We are just as human as you are. It's just that time is a different element for us. What’s a year here in your world is only a day in mine. So my world moves very slowly.”

  She paused for a moment, looking at the clearing they were in. “I guess my world is a much simpler place. The people are simpler.”

  “Hmm,” Sebastian said, still rubbing her arm. “What happens when your people die? Do you guys believe in heaven and hell?”

  Gina sighed, “Well, all my people are destined to go to the final kingdom, where the King is, when we die.”

  Sebastian was confused. “You mean the King isn't in your kingdom?”

  “Oh, no! Ever since the great betrayal, he has lived in the final kingdom. I've been told it's beautiful. It has a fence all around it made of diamonds and the streets are made of solid gold. The castle in the middle of the kingdom reaches the clouds and has gemstones embedded on the towers.”

  Sebastian froze. Gina sat up and looked at him. “What?”

  “I've seen it. Before we left for Boston, I had this dream about Augury and she was coming out of a place just like it.”

  Gina didn't seem fazed. “Oh, lots of people have seen it in their dreams. That isn't unusual. It’s the King's way of reminding us what all of this is for, helping us to understand the bigger picture.” She frowned slightly. “Although, I’ve never had the dream. I’m told it’s because I don’t need reminding.” She sighed and laid her head back on his chest.

  “So, why pick me? If your people are better qualified, why someone like me?”

  Gina sighed and sadness crept over her face.

  “Sebastian, my people are in trouble. They have lost faith and vision of the King. Many of them only pretend to hear his spirit, but cannot and do not live their lives as if they did. We are simple, but we are also easily misled. We need someone to remind us. We need someone from another time, another world to remind us that he is bigger than us, bigger than anything we know or understand.”

  “But, why pick someone so insignificant and young? Why not go back and get one of the great kings or great warriors in history?” This was a question that had been eating at him, but he had been too embarrassed to voice it until now.

  “Everything the King does is to bring glory to him. What would our people think if someone who had greatness in their own world came to conquer Asheron? My people would probably rely on his human abilities to explain away what the King did for us. But when someone ordinary, someone so unlikely comes along, and does great things, then the glory can be easily pointed back to the King. He is the one who deserves it.”

  This actually made Sebastian feel better, as the thought of being a hero made him want to crawl into a hole forever. He had become more confident over the last three months, not to mention much stronger. Ever since Augury had breathed on him, his body had been shaping out and he was becoming very muscular and toned. But he was still shy to the bone and any thought of attention made him shudder.

  “It seems so simple. But impossible.” Sebastian sighed, running his fingers through Gina's hair.

  “Yes, it does,” Gina whispered.

  Sebastian sighed and stood up, pulling Gina up with him.

  “Come on, or we’re going to be late for our fencing class. You know how Alice is about missing our training sessions.” Sebastian smiled as he watched Gina grimace. Alice was making all of them go through ridiculous amounts of training. She was having them learn all kinds of defense skills, not sure which time they would be thrust into and which weapons or defense tactics would be needed.

  Fencing was Sebastian's least favorite class. Makayla was proving to be a whiz at it, her long legs providing the gracefulness needed for the swift moves.

  “So, what do you think about Cyrus and Alice?” Sebastian asked her, shaking out the blanket.

  “Oh, it’s not that big a deal. They had a small thing going back home, before she left. But he broke up with her, as he was starting to waiver in faith. She was sent back here and he had a wake-up call. He literally pleaded with the lady to ask the King to send him here. Of course, I got to come too.” She winked at him and started folding up the blanket.

  They started up the path, toward the mini cooper. Sebastian was walking, thinking about Cyrus and Alice when he heard a strong, deep voice blow through his ears, like the sound of rushing water: “It's time.”

  Sebastian froze and panic crept across his face. He looked all around him, trying to find the face to the voice, but failed to see anything but the dense forest around him. Again, a deep voice swept across his ears, like waves hitting the stones on the coast. “Sebastian! It’s time.”

  Sebastian gasped this time and turned to Gina. Her eyes were wide, the blue sea reappearing. Gina had told Sebastian that the blue was her real eye color, but the King had given her brown eyes to blend in with the people of this world better. But whenever she was thinking about matters of her own world, they seemed to r
evert back to their natural state.

  “What did the spirit say?” Gina knew instantly what was going on, as she had seen it many times before.

  “It’s time!” Sebastian stood staring down into her eyes, not moving.

  Gina bit down on her lip. She narrowed her eyes and grabbed his hands in hers. “Well, I guess we'd better go get the others.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” Sebastian led her to the car and they drove off, wondering whose trunk would be opened and what journey was about to begin.


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