Taming The Billionaire

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Taming The Billionaire Page 67

by Darcia Cobbler

  Opening the door stood a tall thin man with pepper gray hair and tanned cheeks as if he weren't from these parts. He had vivid turquoise eyes -- looking into them reminded a never-ending current of a gorgeous river. Dressed in nicely ironed jeans, a crisp red shirt sporting the name The Buckets in dark lettering, obviously some sports team in these parts, the man was the complete opposite of what existed around here. His hair was neatly combed and parted as if he were a businessman of sorts in a previous life.

  "Can I help you?" The man spoke so refined too as if he were raised in some influential neighborhood.

  Mia was caught off guard. Why would such a gorgeous older man be stuck in a dilapidated shack that was practically inches deep in the muddy foundation? Not only was he well-dressed he was quite handsome and strong. She couldn't help but notice his firm chest muscles poking through the top of his shirt his wiry gray chest hairs peeking through.

  "Sir, we’re sorry to bother you. Me and my wife here were on a hiking trip and well, we got caught in a terrible storm that just passed and we were wondering if we could just stay long enough to warm up and rest a little bit." Darryl hated asking others for help, Mia knew that for a fact, but they were in a dire situation with nowhere to go and not a clue where their car was at this point.

  "Oh heavens yes. Please come in. Sorry if I was so stern sounding. I don't get many visitors in these parts. My name is Hamish and yours, sir and young lady?" The man put out his hand. Mia couldn't help but notice the flashy gold watch on his wrist. Judging from the glistening diamonds and sparkles the jewelry was worth a few thousand dollars.

  "Oh hey, yeah sorry. I am Darryl and this is my wife Mia. Nice to meet you, sir." Darryl responded returning the handshake.

  "Nice to meet you too, miss." Hamish said to Mia reminding her of a butler or another servant that has met their new guests for the first time.

  "You too, Hamish." Mia replied not able to get out of her inquisitive mind why on earth a man so well dressed and refined would be living in such a rundown place.

  Totally opposite of the exterior of the home Hamish's interior decorating was not much to write about but it definitely was a far cry from the outside of the place. The walls were made up of a fresh smelling pine wood, their glossy brown surface illumining the room thanks to the warming embers of the fireplace in the center of the room. Polished maple brown floors had that hardwood surface that would require countless hours of mopping and vacuuming. However, it seemed, good old Hamish lived here alone -- being there was no one else present -- and such worries probably didn't concern him, Mia thought. In the center of the room was an eloquent shiny white Formica dining room table complete with cushioned beige chairs. In the center was a red bowl with imitation fruit their resplendent glow enough to tempt anyone who didn't know any better to try a piece. Dangling above the table was an impressive silver chandelier. The scintillating lights were like looking at the city's skyline from a far distance.

  "Wow, I must say, Hamish, you have such a nice home. This is gorgeous." Mia had to say something feeling guilty for judging the property from its exterior looks. The old adage "never judge a book by its cover" was so true in this case. Lesson learned.

  "Thank you, my lady. I keep it looking frightful on the outside to keep any loons from straggling through. Trust me, I have had my share here." Winking his eye she gathered that he had a lot of resources he needed to protect.

  "Man, did you catch this Hamish?" Darryl, impressed as much as Mia, walked over to the further end of the dining room where a soaring statue of a bear with heavy gnarled sepia fur stood.

  "Yes, sir I sure did. It was just last year right up in the Northern Mountains." Motioning in the direction of one of those bullet holed windows which on this side of the home were translucent and gave a bird’s eye view of the yard and surrounding area around Hamish's home.

  "That's impressive, man. Is that what I think a Grizzly bear?" Darryl's schoolboy excitement amusingly reminded Mia of one of her first graders when they saw Santa Clause at Christmas. It was so refreshing to see that a grown man could still be fascinated.

  "I tell you what, you two look soaked and hungry. Why don't I get you guys some clothes and fix you something to eat? I’ll tell you all about my story over in Northern Mountain over dinner."

  "Sounds like a plan Hamish." Darryl said.

  Beckoning them both to the back of his kitchen which was equally decorated with pine wood walls, mementos of chefs their pudgy bodies holding different plates of food. The gigantic statues made out of ceramic appeared to weigh enough that moving them would be more than just a simple chore.

  Hamish's bedroom attached itself right off the entrance of the kitchen. There was a dull blue wallpaper that appeared to be peeling in several places. Hanging off the wall in an oval gold frame was a woman with stunning auburn hair and clear tawny eyes. Though she had an albino complexion it wasn't terribly pallid. Hanging around her neck was a spaghetti thin gold necklace with the image of the blessed mother in a purple picture frame in the center. Her dress, a champagne blue, was simply breathtaking, Mia thought. A dress like that with its silky refined material clearly cost hundreds of dollars. Judging from the picture with the brunette background it must have been painted years ago.

  "I see you're admiring my mother's picture. She was an amazing lady. A woman of grace and beauty is all I can say. That picture was painted back in 1965 right before she got sick." Hamish spoke in a clearly different tone almost like that of a pastor speaking at a funeral.

  "I'm sorry, Hamish. My condolences to you and your family." Mia replied.

  "It’s ok, my lady. She has been gone many years now. We all die someday, unfortunately. At any rate, I think you guys would be comfortable in these." Hamish came out of the huge walk in closet next to his mother’s picture holding a pair of satin pink panties and a matching robe to cover along with a pair of white boxers and tee-shirt for Darryl.

  "Thank you, Hamish. We truly appreciate it." Darryl replied.

  Mia was shocked when she saw the skimpiness of the clothes he gave them. Not only did she not know this man more than maybe twenty minutes if that, she was about to put on an outfit that not only made her look whorish but implied she was a freak. Dressing this way for your husband with him and you was one thing, she thought, but it was completely different with a stranger.

  "I am sorry, I don't have anything more accommodating, my lady. Unfortunately, when my last wife left me three years ago she took all her nice clothes with her. This is what was left. Not having many visitors, I don't normally keep a large collection here." Hamish must have seen the stunned look on her face, she thought, astonished that he would expect someone he just met to wear such a thing.

  Knowing she didn't have much of a choice with an innocent look from Darryl, his baby blues enough to melt any woman’s heart, she quietly took the outfit while Hamish proceeded back to the other part of the home. Suddenly, stories of crazies doing unexplainable terrible things flooded Mia's mind. You heard about this stuff all the time on the nightly news or those special investigation shows. An avid fan of these show types, Mia recalled one story where a lonely old man who never had company took in a young girl who was lost. Not even days later her mangled body was found in the river.

  "Sweetie, it will be ok. Trust me, I know you're shitting your pants but we have no choice. We're lost here in the woods and I am sorry for that. I should have brought a map. Next time I promise I will. I just thought growing up here I should know these paths and valleys. I am sorry." Darryl whispered.

  "You better be," Mia smiled. How could she hold him responsible, she thought to herself? How many times had she got lost herself?

  "Hey guys not to interrupt your little squabble but dinner is ready." Hamish appeared in the doorway, his raised eyebrows showing concern probably hearing every word they said.

  Embarrassed Mia didn't want the poor man to think poorly of her. After all, he was kind enough to let them in and take care of them. They ea
sily could still be out there in this barren forest, prey to the countless species that hunted these parts.

  "Here we come Hamish," Mia replied.

  Hamish not only was a decent homemaker but his cooking wasn't far off either. He had set three places on the Formica table, the pearly white plates with gold plated silverware had an array of delicious food on them. In the center was a succulent brown meatloaf topped off with thick gravy, mile high mashed potatoes smothered in butter the warm smell of the condiments salty aroma pleasing to Mia's senses. Off to the right of each plate were a hefty amount of asparagus, their leafy foliage glistening underneath the dining room tables chandelier light. In the center of the table in a barn-red wooden basket was a stack of homemade garlic rolls.

  "Shall we have a drink?" Hamish asked pulling up a bottle of whiskey in his right hand.

  "Sure." Not wanting to be rude even though she didn't drink Mia handed him her glass listening to the murky brown alcohol splashing around.

  "Me too. Sounds good, man." Darryl replied. Darryl an avid drinker, though not as much in the past few years, he still liked his drink now and then.

  "So the story of the grizzly bear. Ah, how shall I begin this?" Hamish smelled the brim of his glass appearing to relish the aroma of his freshly poured beverage.

  Darryl sat up his eyes fixed on Hamish as if he were a boy in the scouts listening to the leader tell a ghost story for the first time. Truly, Darryl was in his element when he was home here in the wilderness. It was a side of him that Mia loved seeing. The excitement and vigor he presented while here was absolutely amazing and quite erotic to Mia.

  "Well, I was on the top of the North Mountain Hill taking a walk. I frequently do that these days now that I am retired from my corporate career. Anyways, there it was this huge Grizzly Bear staring at me grinding its white razor sharp teeth. Its paws had claws that could cut any man's throat in two. There was anger in that bastard's little black beady eyes. He was ready to have me for dinner. Little did that fuck know I too grew up in these parts. I knew how to hunt and always came prepared. Right next to me was my car. Slowly, I walked there and grabbed my rifle. One, two, three. Poof! He was down for the count." Hamish motioned as if his hands were the rifle and the walls were the bear.

  Drinking another glass, Mia who wasn't accustomed to even drinking a glass of beer felt the room spin a bit as if she were on an endless carousel. Her breasts poking through the sheer material of the robe, she felt a connection never experienced before. Not entirely digesting her food, she desired to have Darryl's hard dick deep in her pussy. Strangely enough, she was desiring Hamish as well his manhood his masculinity a true turn on for her.

  "Man, that is amazing. My pops and I never encountered one when living here but we sure would have loved to, that is for sure." Darryl's words began to slur as the alcohol worked its way through him.

  "I'll tell you what is really amazing -- your wife. She has a gorgeous body and she looks as though she could use some loving. You can use my room if you'd like. Maybe I can watch, if its ok." Hamish proposed winking his eyes as he proceeded to pour another glass of whiskey.

  "Ah, I see. Well, now I have to ask her." Darryl smirked pointing to Mia.

  "Actually, baby, listening to Hamish and watching you be so excited about it like a little schoolboy has excited me so much. I want to feel you both inside of me. My pussy wants it bad."

  "Now there is a proposal I can't refuse can I, Hamish?" Darryl asked, his rosy cheeks lightening up like a couple of Christmas lights on a tree.

  "I say we take the fun into the other room. Don't you?" Hamish winked directing them both back to the bedroom.

  "I think so. Come on, honey. We are really going to have some fun now." Darryl grabbed Mia off her seat holding her in his arms sucking on her perky brown nipples.

  "Ahhhhh. Yes. I want all of you in me, baby." Mia moaned.

  Though slightly intoxicated, Mia felt every touch and sensation that each man gave her. Placing her on satin sheet bed, pulling off her silky panties, Darryl began to run his tongue within her pussy lips. Standing above her, Hamish still holding his glass of whiskey in his hand pulled down his pants with his other hand. She thought Darryl's penis was big but his was more like that of a tree bark. Its length and girth were so thick that it closely resembled a Coca-Cola can. Hanging loosely like a couple of chestnuts hanging from the tree his balls swung back and forth enticing her to taste his man scent.

  "Now, this is what I call fun." Hamish smiled, gulping the remainder of his drink and putting it down on the coffee table next to the bed.

  Every tickle of Darryl's tongue sent a shivering chill through Mia's body. Her muscles tightened up as his lips worked on her clit massaging it preparing it for a complete workout. Grabbing Hamish's half erect penis tasting his manhood was so delicious and yet enticing her to beg for more. Feeling those huge balls slap on her lips, her wet tight breasts craving to be suckled and cuddled were quickly taken cared of by Hamish's firm yet soft hands. Positioning himself on top of her as she gulped deeper on his enlarged dick, dribbles of his precum moistening her lips as if it was a lip moisturizer, he rubbed on her breasts. It felt like he had never seen such a woman with a ravishing beauty as she. Looking up his pale blue eyes staring deep into hers, Darryl continued making love to her pussy as he put all three fingers into her. She could see his contagious smile spread wanting her to feel every bit of pleasure he was giving her.

  "I love you, baby. I really love you and will always love youuuuuuuuu." Mia moaned and it wasn't just the sex -- it was a union of their love --that was connecting with Darryl on a higher level.

  "Me too, baby. Me too. Together till the end. Ah, your pussy tastes so good. You going to squirt for me, baby." Darryl loved when Mia's cum splashed his face.

  Provoking the inevitable as Hamish plunged his dick deep down her throat, her sweaty body began to tighten up in the first of a series of orgasmic waves, her muscles clenched in a tight grip. Digging her nails into the back of Hamish's ass cheeks, upset that she might hurt him but unable to control herself as the spasms of pleasure ravaged through her body with the steadfast pace of an approaching storm. Appearing to enjoy every moment of the pleasure himself his eyes rolled in the back of his head his chiseled chest heaving in and out as he moaned in ecstasy.

  "Shit!!!! You fucking suck a mean dick!! Damn!! Hey, Darryl, you want some of this? I need some of that pussy of hers." Hamish yelled, sweat dripping off his face.

  "Sure man. She has a nice pussy too. She's nice and wet for you." Darryl responded trading places with Hamish but not before touching Mia on her lips, French kissing her for about a good minute or two.

  Slowly, Hamish put his hard prick into Mia's wetness. Already soaked from the first orgasm, her cum moistening Hamish's enlarged dick, the pleasure he brought to her was unlike she had ever felt. Probing her inner womanhood, his balls slapped quickly against her lips while Darryl filled her other hole with his hardness. It was like living a life utopia.

  Sucking on Darryl's dick, his wet face tightening up as he was getting close to cumming all over her, Mia's skin hot to the touch was getting ready for the second orgasm. A warm tingling sensation ebbed from the tip of her fingers to her toes. Spinning around in a cyclonic light headed effect the room around her spun endlessly as every internal organ inside of her flooded itself. A sweltering pulse surged through her. This endless faucet of sexual energy flowed through Mia shooting out a spray of cum on Hamish's dick just as he came inside of her. Feeling his man seed flow in her at the same time as she climaxed was a sensation she would never forget.

  "Ahhhhhhh." Splashing her face with his warm cum, Darryl moaned as he painted her face with the thick gooey substance.

  "Damn, that was fucking hot. I needed that." Hamish said still inside of Mia his limp penis reluctant to give up.

  "Yeah, me too. Boys this was totally awesome." Mia smiled.

  Collapsing next to her, each on either side of her, both men still panting and s
weaty from an intense workout one that would give Mia something to write home about for a good while. Hamish had such gorgeous legs too in addition to the rest of his body -- they were so firm and yet so hairy at the same time. They were like looking at legs of an athlete.

  "I will always remember this, Darryl."

  "Me too Mia. Me too. It was fucking awesome."

  Chapter 8

  Hours had passed since their hot rendezvous when Hamish appeared at their bedside with juice, eggs, and ham on a silver platter. Dressed in a cream-colored robe and fluffy white slippers he had a glowing smile on his tanned cheeks. It was as if he had found a new happiness in his life.

  "Hey, guys. I just wanted to fix you some breakfast. It is beautiful out. I know you're not sure where you parked but I am pretty certain we can find where you are. I even have a map." Pulling out a white paper from his left breast pocket, Mia supposed he must have listened in on their conversation last night.


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