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Pet's Pleasure

Page 26

by Renquist, Zenobia

  He caught her as soon as her feet touched the ground and lifted her against his chest.

  She beat her fists against his shoulders and head. “Leave me alone. Let me go.”

  “Stop, Starling.”

  “Go to hell!” Beating him with her fists didn’t faze him. She resorted to kicking whatever part of his body she could reach. None of her blows landed where she wanted to kick him the most though. “You should have left me to Webber. At least he cares about me.”

  Bekion tossed her. She bounced against the bed with a startled cry. Before she could think of her next move, Bekion covered her. He pinned her arms above her head and said through his teeth, “I will never let Webber touch you. No one is allowed to touch you but me.”

  “I’m just your toy. You don’t care. You never have. The only reason you saved me from Kuruk was because it would be embarrassing if someone found out I was stol—”

  Bekion kissed her. She tried to pull away but he followed her, holding her to the kiss. Every thought told her to bite him. She couldn’t do it. She may be his toy but she wanted him.

  He released her lips and trailed kisses down her neck. “I try to help and hurt you more. I’m sorry.”

  “If you’re so sorry, then let me go.”

  “No.” He edged her legs apart and settled his body between them. “I thought holding back was best. I didn’t want to take advantage.”

  Starling stared at Bekion.

  He shifted upward and her eyes widened.

  Her body opened and stretched, accepting Bekion’s arousal. She sucked in a long, ragged breath and pressed her breasts against the hard planes of his chest. At last, the one thing that had always been denied slipped inside her. Inch by inch, her inner muscles pulled his heated flesh deep until he filled every part of her with his hard need.

  He released her arms and framed her face with his hands. “You are not a pet. You are not an animal. I never thought of you as a toy.” He caressed her neck then cupped one of her breasts. “You’re a woman. I fully intend to treat you like one.”

  She gasped when he rolled so she sat astride him.

  “I cannot be trusted on top of you. Not this time. Or will you think I’m being lazy?” He grinned when she shook her head. “Then it’s your turn to use me. Make yourself feel better.”

  Bracing her hands on his stomach, she moved along his length. Bekion shifted beneath her but made no moves to control the rhythm she set. He massaged her breasts and stroked his thumbs over her nipples.

  She arched into his hands then tensed as another climax rolled over her. She didn’t stop moving. She couldn’t stop moving. It felt too good.

  Bekion rubbed the pad of his finger against her oversensitive nub, sending her into another orgasm that had her screaming her pleasure.

  She fell against his chest, still moving her hips. He hunched toward her, cradled her face between his hands and turned her head so he could capture her lips. She returned his kiss with a greed that scared her.

  He only smiled against her mouth as he took a kiss that had to be bruising his lips. She thought she even tasted blood.

  Bekion didn’t complain.

  What was this drug doing to her? It was the drug, right? She wouldn’t act like this normally. She wouldn’t.

  Fresh tears coated her cheeks. The delightful feelings didn’t stop despite the deep sadness she felt in her heart.

  Bekion whispered, “Don’t cry, my pretty love. I’m here. I’m right here.”

  He sat up and hugged her, holding her head against his chest. His embrace tightened as he had his release.

  Starling whimpered when he lifted her from his lap and laid her on her back. She reached for him.

  “I won’t leave you. Never again,” Bekion said as he inserted his fingers into her once more. “Come for me and me alone, Starling.”

  He sucked at her nipples, first one and then the other, back and forth. With his free hand, he pinched her nub and then rolled it.

  She bowed off the bed, almost bending her back in half as the strongest orgasm yet claimed her. It didn’t subside like the others because Bekion didn’t stop his movements. She panted and her body convulsed.

  Bekion removed his hands and mouth from her body.

  She collapsed against the bed with a tired whimper. The heat continued. She was so tired.

  The horror that it hadn’t ended made her cover her eyes and shake her head. She gripped her hair but Bekion caught her hands in his before she could tear at it.

  He brought her back onto his lap. She started moving as soon as he entered her.

  She was finally one with the man she loved. It should be the most joyous moment of her life. She wanted nothing more than for it to end.

  * * * * *

  Bekion exited the bedroom as quietly as he could and closed the door softly.

  He sighed. His whole body sagged with fatigue with that outpouring of breath.

  It was over.

  Starling slept. Actually, Starling had passed out. The ordeal overtaxed her small body and she collapsed from exhaustion. Her peaceful slumber kept him from worrying. The infected nanites were losing the war within her body.

  Bekion swung open the outer chamber door and signaled those standing there to enter. He dropped onto a nearby seat and let his body slouch as he leaned forward. He didn’t care how undignified he looked.

  He wanted to sleep next to Starling. The knowledge that he had more to do to right this crime kept him moving. He had managed enough energy to pull on a loose pair of pants before leaving his bedroom.

  Rois said in a soft voice, “The prince and Cavell have left Panagiota, Bekion.”

  Bekion nodded to show he had heard. He didn’t want to speak yet.

  “Aurelan and the medical assistant known as Morn are locked in prison, awaiting your judgment.”

  Bekion said, “Good.” He lifted his head and sat back, finally looking at who had entered.

  Rois, Nausic, Webber, Vieve and the now-revived Furielle stood in attendance. Vieve stood wringing her hands. Worry etched lines into her brow that aged her face five years.

  Bekion said for her peace of mind, “You did well, Vieve. It went as you said. She’s sleeping now.”

  “Good.” Vieve sagged, visibly relieved, and then nodded. “I remotely programmed the nanites to destroy within her all traces of your body’s fluids.”

  “Good. I won’t have to worry about hiding a child if one were to result.”

  “Neither would you have to worry about evidence should someone accuse you. The program I wrote is encrypted and buried so only one as talented as I could find it and only if they were looking.”

  Her words contained no hubris. Bekion knew she wasn’t boasting. Vieve possessed a rare talent. Bekion appreciated having her as an ally. “You do realize what your actions mean?”

  She gave a curt nod. “If I am to be punished for my actions at some future time, I don’t care. So long as I can bring some small measure of happiness to you and to Starling…together.”

  Rois and Nausic made simultaneous noises of agreement.

  Their show of loyalty made Bekion proud and humble simultaneously. “Thank you.”

  That small discourse gave him the energy he needed to stand. He pushed to his feet. “Take Aurelan to the throne room. I shall be there shortly.”

  Rois asked, “Is that wise, Bekion? You should stay with Starling.” The man nodded when Bekion looked at him.

  Bekion shook his head. “I can do nothing else but let her rest. My immediate concern is resolved. I have only loose ends to attend to now.”

  He turned back to the bedroom. His steps were clumsy, causing him to stumble. Rois and Nausic caught his arms before he could fall. It embarrassed him more than a little to appear so weak.

  Both men righted him on his feet but kept hold of his arms. He was more tired than he originally thought.

  Webber snapped, “Get your ass in there and go to sleep.”

  Everyone looked a
t him in surprise.

  He met all of their gazes in turn, ending with Bekion. “What? You’re drained, big guy. No shame in that. Let Aurelan rot in jail a few nights. She doesn’t deserve a speedy trial after the shit she pulled.”

  Nausic and Rois said in unison, “Agreed.”

  Furielle stepped forward with her head bowed. “I will attend you during your bath if you wish it.”

  A small laugh escaped Bekion’s lips and he let his head drop. “Do I look so weakened that I cannot even bathe myself?”

  “Yes,” everyone uttered that word in matter-of-fact unison.

  Vieve said, “You don’t want to present such a tired face to your enemies. Rest, Bekion. Webber is right. Let Aurelan rot.”

  He couldn’t fight them. He didn’t have the strength. If he couldn’t disagree with his allies, his enemies would roll right over him.

  He nodded. “Fine then. Attend me, Furielle.” He held his arm out to her.

  Nausic and Rois stepped out of the way as Furielle wrapped Bekion’s arm around her shoulders and helped bear his weight as they walked to the bathroom. They paused at the bed. Both he and Furielle stared at Starling’s sleeping form with sadness.

  Furielle whispered, “I will bathe her next.”

  Webber entered the room, hopped on the bed and scooped up Starling.

  Bekion pulled away from Furielle, ready to lunge at Webber. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rois and Nausic likewise ready themselves.

  Webber said, “She needs a bath. She won’t want to wake up feeling like she’s been rode hard and put up wet.”

  “Careful with her,” Bekion warned.

  Rois and Nausic exchanged a look before relaxing.

  “I am.” Webber hopped down from the bed with Starling cradled in his arms. She never stirred.

  Bekion didn’t like Webber holding her.

  Movement drew Bekion’s attention back to Rois and Nausic. The men stripped the bed. Fresh, folded sheets sat on the nightstand.

  Rois said, “Vieve took care of one set of evidence. I will dispose of the other.” He balled the sheets under his arm, bowed to Bekion and then left the room.

  Nausic continued making the bed alone.

  Bekion didn’t know what to say so he said nothing. He let Furielle guide him into the bathroom where Webber and Starling awaited them.

  Webber said over his shoulder as they entered the bathroom, “Furielle, you do Starling. I’ve got the big guy.”

  Furielle sputtered and shook her head. “You cannot. You’ve never attended a bath before. I can—”

  “You’re one person. With my help, that’s two. The big guy just needs someone to make sure he doesn’t keel over while scrubbing. And he doesn’t want me touching Starling. I can see it in his eyes.” Webber held Starling out to Furielle. “Take her and get her clean. I’ve got him.”

  Bekion eyed Webber. He said as he stripped off his pants, “Touch me inappropriately and I’ll inform Nausic.” He had the satisfaction of seeing Webber look stunned.

  Webber asked in a low voice, “How did you know about that? Did Starling tell you?”

  “No. I have my sources.” Bekion walked into the bathing pool and sat on the underwater ledge. The hot water soothed his tired body, making him feel his fatigue even more.

  “Whatever. Let’s get you clean.” Webber handed Bekion a soapy sponge. He grabbed another, knelt and started rubbing Bekion’s back.

  Bekion watched Furielle with Starling. The woman cradled Starling against her body like the child she resembled. Furielle rubbed a soapy sponge over Starling’s skin with slow, meticulous movements. Starling didn’t respond to any of it. She lay there like a lifeless doll. After a while, Furielle started crying silent tears.

  Bekion couldn’t watch anymore. His own vision started blurring with unshed tears. He turned away, focusing on getting himself clean. This day and its cause would forever haunt him.

  Webber patted Bekion’s head. “I don’t care if you make that face and feel down on yourself now. Get it out. Holding that stuff in isn’t healthy.”

  “I don’t need your permission,” Bekion said, pulling away.

  Webber grabbed a fistful of his hair and yanked him back, making Bekion wince.

  He tried to get free and earned more pain for his trouble. “What are you doing?” He looked over his shoulder at Webber.

  The man’s eyes blazed with an anger that mirrored what Bekion felt when he had beheld Starling bound and at Kuruk’s mercy.

  Webber said through his teeth, “Beat yourself up all you want now. When she wakes up, you keep that shit to yourself. You understand me?” He yanked the hand in Bekion’s hair for emphasis.

  Bekion said, “Yes.”

  Webber released his hold and patted Bekion’s head again. “We understand each other then. This isn’t about you. It’s about her. If you make this about you, I’m going to have to have an issue with you. And let me tell you, I can put Nausic down. You won’t even make me break a sweat.”

  That Webber bothered to threaten Bekion indicated the depths of the man’s caring for Starling. They may not be lovers but they still shared love. Bekion respected that.

  He said, “You may not need or want it but if I do make this about me, you have my permission.”

  “You’re right. I don’t need your permission. Thanks for giving it though. Just means I’ll live after I’m done kicking your ass.” Webber gave Bekion a lopsided grin and heaved a big sigh. His whole being shifted back to easygoing.

  Bekion resumed cleaning himself.

  Webber’s words pulled Bekion out of the depression he had started to feel. Once he rested, he wouldn’t indulge the emotion any longer.

  He looked at Starling once more. “I love her. This will be the first and only time I fail her.”

  “Glad to hear it. Sucks that you have to marry someone else but she understands that.”

  “I know.”

  The rest of the bath continued in silence. Furielle handed over a clean Starling to Bekion, who took her to bed. Webber and Furielle left the room.

  Bekion deactivated the arm cuffs and then folded Starling in his arms, holding her as close as he could without hurting her. When she woke, all of her enemies would be gone from Panagiota.

  That thought lulled him to sleep though he didn’t stay that way long. He blinked at his surroundings, confused at the darkness when it should be light. A quick glance at his arm cuff showed an hour had passed. The need to do something reenergized his body.

  He slipped away from Starling. After making sure his actions didn’t wake her, he dressed quickly and left the bedroom.

  Nausic, Rois and Webber sat in the outer chamber. Each of them turned surprised eyes to Bekion when he came out. He pointed to Webber and said in a low voice, “Stay with her in case she wakes.”

  Webber saluted, entered the room and closed the door.

  Bekion faced Nausic and Rois. “Nausic, stay here and stand guard. No one disturbs her. If she wakes before I return, bring her to me.”

  Nausic bowed.

  “Rois, you’re with me.” Bekion walked out of the room. His other guards awaited him in the hall. He tapped his arm cuff. “Vieve, throne room. Now. Bring Furielle to testify.”

  “Coming, Bekion,” Vieve said.

  Bekion could leave Aurelan in his prison forever and not care. He wouldn’t. He didn’t want the woman’s continued presence in the palace causing Starling emotional pain.

  Very few people appeared to bear witness when Bekion and his guards reached the throne room. Most of the usual onlookers had vacated the palace once Bekion left for his trip. No one knew he had returned yet. They would after tonight.

  He took his throne and then nodded to Rois, who signaled the guards.

  They escorted Aurelan. Her wrists and ankle shackles clanked as she walked. Other than her mussed hair and tear-streaked cheeks, she looked her usual radiant self.

  Bekion said, “Proof of your crimes has been presented, Aurelan.
You are guilty. Do you have anything to say in your defense before I pronounce your sentence?”

  He didn’t care what the woman said. He already knew her punishment. For the few witnesses, he needed to play his part. That meant hearing anything Aurelan had to say without reacting.

  Aurelan said, “I acted rashly, My King. I can only cite my desperation to gain your attention for my conduct. I meant your pet no harm. Prince Kuruk forced me to—”

  “Pet?” Bekion frowned down at the woman. “Do you speak of Lady Starling?”

  “Yes.” Aurelan stared at him with confusion written plainly on her face.

  He laughed and shook his head. “You think I speak of my pet. Why? Your punishment is for your abuse of my favorite.”

  “Favorite?” Her confused expression deepened.

  Several people murmured to each other.

  Bekion reached to the side. From behind his throne, Furielle took his hand and stepped forward. She cupped his hand to her chest as she knelt beside his throne. Bekion leaned over and caressed her cheek.

  He whispered, “Are you well enough for this, Furielle?”

  “Yes, Bekion. I want it over with.” She kissed his fingers and then gave him a weak smile.

  Bekion sat back. He almost laughed at Aurelan’s jaw hanging open. The little lie he and Furielle perpetrated wasn’t practiced but Furielle knew her part without being coached. Neither did she need to act. He knew her wound from Aurelan still pained her though the nanites had long since healed her.

  He said to Aurelan, “You dared lay hands on Furielle. I might overlook your other crimes but that is a transgression I will not ignore. Your jealousy of an animal blinded you to the identity of my true lover. No one suspected Furielle because of her attendance on my pet—a task that kept her conveniently close at hand and masked the fact that she is my favorite so others would not abuse her.” He glanced at Furielle. “I miscalculated. My anger with my pet made me abandon Furielle when I left the palace. That put her in harm’s way.”

  He turned his gaze back to Aurelan. “That put her in your way when she tried to protect my pet. Do you deny this?”


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