Book Read Free

Trust in Me

Page 4

by Lydia Rose

  “I heard some friend force Paige into going to the club tonight even though she told her that her legs were bothering her.”

  “See. That’s what I mean,” Eileen said shaking her head. “They ignore Paige’s needs.”

  Jules just nodded and decided that she would be at the club tonight when the women arrived. If Paige wanted to leave, she would take her home. Jules walked into the club at seven forty-five and walked over to the bar. She was nursing a beer when she saw Paige walk in with her friends. Jules watched the women get settled at a table near the dance floor. After a few minutes, Paige’s friends got up to dance leaving her alone at the table. Jules picked up her beer and walked over to the table. “Hi,” she said standing next to her.

  “Jules. What are you doing here?” Paige asked, surprised to see her there.

  “Do you mind if I sit?” she asked, pointing to the empty seat.

  “Go ahead.” Paige watched as Jules sat next to her. “So are you here to pick up some woman?” she asked without meeting Jules’s gaze.

  Jules laughed. “Not tonight. Are you up for a dance?” Paige nodded and stood up. They moved to the dance floor and moved into each other’s arms. “Your friends aren’t here to fix you up, are they?”

  Paige giggled softly. “No. They’re hoping I meet someone on my own, but we both know how my last encounter went.” Her legs were barely moving as she and Jules danced.

  “You are never going to let me forget that, are you?” Jules asked looking at her face in the dim light.

  Paige shrugged. “Maybe in ten or twenty years,” she said laughing. Now she caught Lori’s eyes and watched as she gave her a thumbs up. She turned Jules around so they could no longer see her face. “Jules, would you take me home?”

  Jules pulled back and looked at Paige’s face. “A.”

  “I don’t mean for that. I mean take me home so I’m not stuck here for hours.”

  Jules now laughed. “Sure.”

  “Let me go tell them.” Paige pulled out of Jules arms and walked over to Lori and Rita. “I’m leaving.”

  “With her?” Lori nodded with head.


  “Are you sure, Paige?” Lori never knew Paige to leave with another woman so quickly.

  “Quite sure.”

  “Okay. Call me tomorrow.”

  “I’m working tomorrow. I’ll call you tomorrow evening.” Paige waved at her friends and went back to Jules. “Let’s go.” Once they were outside, Paige said, “If you want to come back after you drop me off, it’s okay with me.”

  Jules clutched her chest. “A beautiful woman asked me to take her home and then she wants to get rid of me right away. “She clutched her chest. “You’ve broken my heart, Paige,” she said laughing.

  Paige began to laugh. “Yeah, I’m sure I did.” She called me beautiful.

  “Are you hungry?” Jules asked, not wanting the evening to end so soon.

  “Not really,” Paige answered as she slipped into Jules’s car.

  “How about letting me buy you a cup of coffee?”

  “It’s not necessary. You were the one who saved me tonight.”

  Jules arrived at Paige’s house a few minutes later. “Thanks for the dance, Paige.”

  “Thank you for driving me home,” she said patting Jules’s hand that sat on the gear shifter. She opened the car door. “Are you busy Monday night?”

  “Not unless my golf teacher wants to make me play a round of golf,” she said smiling.

  “You have a reprise Tuesday. Come to dinner.”

  “What time?” Jules asked, knowing she would accept her invitation instantly. She enjoyed spending time with Paige even if it was just to be friends.

  “Six.” Paige stepped out of the car.

  “See you then. Have a good day at work tomorrow.” Jules waited until Paige was in the house before she pulled away smiling. She walked into the house and took a seat on the couch next to her sister.

  “You’re home early.”

  “Yeah, not much happening tonight at the club.” Jules answered, putting her feet up on the coffee table. Her phone buzzed and she read the text. Thanks again for taking me home. My stumps thank you too. Jules couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Who is that from?” Eileen asked leaning over to see the screen, but Jules pulled away her phone.

  “Just Paige. I drove her home from the club. Her friends dragged her out even though she told them that her legs were aching.”

  “Must have been Lori and Rita. They can be quite pushy.”

  Jules began to answer Paige. It was my pleasure. Good night. “I’m having dinner with her Monday night.”


  “Paige,” Jules said, standing up to go get changed.

  “I’m glad you two are becoming friends.”

  “Me too,” Jules said softly as she climbed the stairs.


  Sunday afternoon Jules found herself driving over to the club. If anyone asked her if she was there hoping to see Paige, she would deny it, but she hoped she would see her. Jules took her driver and one of her irons out of the bag and walked over to the window to buy a bucket of balls. She began to hit the balls remembering all of Paige’s training and hit the ball with precision.

  “Wow. You’ve got a great swing,” the woman next to her said as she reached for another ball.

  “Thanks,” Jules answered glancing at the woman. Her long blond hair and manicured nails told Jules that this woman was straight.

  “I’m Pam,” she said reaching her hand across their separation.

  “Jules,” she answered, lining up her shot again.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”

  Jules relaxed knowing trying to hit the ball while this woman continued to speak would be impossible. She shrugged, “I’ve been here before.”

  Pam’s next shot hit the cab of the man picking up the balls. “If I tried to do that, I probably couldn’t,” she said with a laugh. Jules didn’t comment and hit her ball. “How about we have a contest to see how many times we can hit him. Loser buys the other a drink.”

  “Thanks, but I need to practice,” Jules answered, trying to ignore this woman. In Jules’s past she would have looked forward to having a fun afternoon with this straight woman, but those days were long gone.

  Paige was in the office when her eyes caught a glimpse of Jules speaking with Pam. She had flirted with Paige when she had given her a few golf lessons and knew she could be relentless.

  “You can practice and then I can still buy you a drink when you’re done,” Pam said moving closer to Jules as she placed her ball on the tee.

  Jules turned and looked at Pam. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested.”

  “It’s just a drink, Jules,” Pam answered with her best smile.

  Jules now got into Pam’s personal space. “I told you I’m here to practice and nothing more.” Her words were firm, but her voice was kept low. “Do we understand each other?” Pam huffed and mumbled something under her breath, but she did leave the area. “Finally,” Jules mumbled and went back to her practice. She finished the bucket of balls and returned the empty basket. Proud that her swing was coming naturally and not going back to her old habits, she whistled as she walked away.

  “Good practice?” Paige said as Jules moved past the building.

  “It was, and I owe it all to you.” Jules stood there waiting for Paige to say something else.

  Paige now chuckled softly. “I hope Pam didn’t bother you too much?”

  Jules wrinkled her face. “Is she like that with everyone?”

  “No. Only the beautiful women,” Paige answered quickly.

  “What is it with these married woman?” Paige shrugged. “Has she ever bothered you?”

  “Once when I gave her a golf lesson,” Paige admitted, even though she had just told Jules that Pam only bothered the beautiful women.

  “Now I can believe she would pursue you. You are just t
oo beautiful not to ask out.”

  “She’s not interested in dating anyone.” Paige moved closer. “All she is interested in is a fun afternoon and then go back to her rich husband.” They both laughed at Paige’s comment.

  “Are you through for the day?” Jules asked hopefully.

  “Not yet. I’ve got two more clients coming in.”

  “Then I’ll let you get back to work.” Jules began to move. “It was good to see you, Paige,” she said moving away, even though she didn’t want to.

  “You too, Jules,” Paige said before disappearing into the office again.


  Jules found herself again at the driving range at the club Monday afternoon when school let out. She collected her basket of balls and took her spot. She began hitting the balls with precise aim and distance.

  “Wow. You’re very good,” the woman said two spaces away from Jules.

  “Thanks. I have a great teacher.” Jules placed another ball on the tee. This time her distance wasn’t the best because her mind was on the woman near her. Her blond hair was pulled back into a pony tail that came out the back of her white cap. Her glasses hid the color of her eyes, but Jules imagined them to be bright blue. What struck Jules the most were her well-defined arms. Jules now stood and watched as the woman hit her ball. “I can see you’re a natural at this.”

  The woman laughed. “I’ve got a great teacher too. My mom was a professional golfer and has taught me everything I know.”

  “Is she still on the tour?” Jules asked, leaning her palm on her golf club handle.

  “No. She retired a few years ago and now spends her time training me.”

  “Are you on the tour?” Jules asked, suddenly interested.

  The woman giggled. “Not yet. I am in the amateur tournament next month.”

  “Me too,” Jules said quickly, and added, “but I am nowhere in your league, I’m sure.”

  “I don’t know about that. Your swing is very good.”

  “Yeah, but there is more to golf than a good swing. My short game isn’t as good.”

  “Who is your teacher?” the woman asked moving closer. “By the way, I’m Karen.” Her hand came out in greeting.

  “Jules,” she said taking Karen’s hand in a friendly shake. “Paige Carter is my teacher.” Jules saw the slight change in Karen’s face when she said Paige’s name.

  “She’s very good. Paige was on the tour with my mother.” Karen moved even closer. “They were rivals. One of them ended up as number one and the other number two.”

  “Oh boy.” Jules hand went to her head. I can see that being a problem.

  “Would you like to have lunch with me when you finish your practice?” Karen asked, pulling her sunglasses off her face.

  Jules smiled and looked at her light blue eyes. “Sure. Can we eat here?”

  “Of course.” Karen walked back to her bucket of balls. “Let’s finish up so we can go.”

  Forty minutes later, Jules and Karen were walking over to the tables overlooking the tennis courts to have lunch. Their clubs were leaning against the empty chairs.

  “So you’ve entered the tournament?” Karen asked even though Jules had already admitted that fact. Her eyes remained on the menu.

  “Yes.” Karen looked up and Jules wondered what she was thinking. So she added, “Don’t worry, I told you I’m no competition.”

  “I’m not too sure about that,” Karen said chuckling easily. “So what do you do when you aren’t golfing?” she asked, leaning her chin on her hand.

  “I’m a teacher. You?” Jules asked.

  “I work in my dad’s office. He’s a CPA and I’m one of the grunts.”

  Jules laughed. “You certainly don’t look like an accountant.” She was happy that her glasses hid her straying eyes as they wandered over Karen.

  “Well, you don’t look like any of the teachers I had when I was in school.” They both laughed. “We should play a round together some evening.”

  “Are you trying to find out how much competition I am?” Jules asked grinning.

  “No. You’re easy to talk to.” Karen leaned closer. “It’s been a long time since I met a woman that I wanted to spend more time with.”

  “I know what you mean,” Jules said softly and touched Karen’s hand gently.

  “How about Wednesday evening? I can book us a tee time around four.” Karen asked wanting to pin down Jules now before the opportunity never arrived.

  “Sure.” They exchanged phones and added each other to the contacts. Then her mind pictured Paige’s face. She doesn’t want you. After lunch the two women walked to their vehicles. “It was nice to meet you, Karen.”

  “You too. I’ll call you after I confirm our tee time.” Karen waved and walked to her car.


  Monday night, Jules sent Paige a text. “How did you make out with your doctor”?

  Her response came quickly. “Time for new legs. Technology has improved since I got this set and they should last longer. Do you want to play a round Wednesday night?”

  Jules looked at her phone for a long moment before responding. “Can’t. Playing with a woman named Karen.”

  “Karen,” Paige said looking at the phone. “Karen who?”

  “I don’t know her last name, but she is in the tournament and her mother used to be on tour with you.” The moment Jules hit send, her phone rang. “Hi.”

  “You are playing golf with Karen Holloway? She is the reigning champ of the tournament.”

  “If you say so. She didn’t tell me that.”

  “Are you playing eighteen holes?”

  “I don’t know.” Jules began to wonder why Paige seemed upset. “What’s the problem?”

  “Don’t beat her, Jules. If you do, she will kick your ass the day of the tournament. Karen is very good, but she tends to relax if she thinks she doesn’t have any competition.”

  “You want me to lose to her on purpose?”


  “I think she can beat me without me trying to lose. I’ve seen her swing and it’s better than mine. I also told her my short game sucks.”

  “Don’t underestimate your skills, Jules,” Paige said letting out a loud breath. “Did you tell her you’re playing in the tournament?”

  “Yeah. When we had lunch together I just seemed so relaxed.” Jules admitted freely and then wondered if this was the right thing to say to Paige. “I mean she seemed very nice.”

  Paige sat down on her bed and sighed. “You like her.” It wasn’t a question.

  “I don’t know, Paige.” Why is she asking me that? “We just had lunch together.”

  “Do what you want, Jules and let me know when you want to get together to practice,” she said and then was gone.

  Jules sat there with the phone in her hand and listened to the silence. “Is she jealous and I guess dinner tomorrow night is off?” Jules asked the empty room.


  The moment Jules stepped out of her car Wednesday afternoon, Karen was there. “Hi,” she said softly, lifting the trunk of her car.


  “Are you ready to kick my ass?” Jules asked with a chuckle.

  “I think you are better than you are admitting to me.” The two women walked toward the golf cart. “Did you tell Paige that we were playing together?”

  “Yes,” she said without elaborating.

  Karen giggled. “I guess she was upset.”

  “Not at all,” Jules answered hoping Karen wouldn’t detect her lie. At the first hole, she allowed Karen to go first. She watched as she lined up her shot and then struck the ball with such accuracy that Jules’s jaw dropped open.

  Karen had a slight grin on her face when she turned around. “You’re up.”

  Jules hand shook as placed her ball on the tee. Paige was right, this is a big mistake and no longer worried about losing on purpose. She stood up taking a deep breath to relax herself. Taking a few practice swings and repeating in her hea
d what Paige had been teaching her, she struck the ball. It didn’t go as far as Karen’s ball, but at least it was hit well.

  “Great shot,” Karen said walking back to the cart so they could meet up with their balls.

  Jules watched as Karen’s next shot put her on the green. “Calm down.” She mumbled to herself. Jules took her shot and put herself within a few feet of the cup. A smile automatically crossed her face with pride. Karen’s ball was further from the cup, but with expertise she nailed the shot and sunk the ball. Jules took a cleansing breath and swung her club. The ball dropped into the hole. They were tied going into the next hole.

  After nine holes, Karen was winning by two strokes. By the eighteenth hole, they were tied and Jules’s ball was closer to the hole. She watched as Karen took her shot and missed the hole by a few inches. Karen walked over to the ball disgusted and tapped it into the hole. “If you sink the ball, you’ll win.”

  Don’t sink the ball. Don’t sink the ball. Jules took her shot and overshot the ball. Karen had won, but she didn’t look happy at the close round they just had. “Congratulations, Karen.” Her hand came out to shake the winner’s hand.

  “You played very well, Jules. You are certainly going to give me a run for my money at the tournament.”

  “I just got lucky. I think it was the fear of looking like a fool in front of you that made this closer than it really should have been.” Jules grinned as she looked at Karen.

  “You choked on that last shot. You can’t do that at the tournament, Jules.”

  “I’ve never played in front of a crowd and I’m terrified at the prospect.” At her words, Karen’s smile opened wide. Karen thought Jules would choke at the tournament and she would win easily. Maybe she would, but she was going to give it her all.

  “How about having dinner with me?” Karen asked as they drove back to their cars.

  “Sure.” At dinner, Karen bragged about the number of tournaments she had been in and how many she had won. Of course, she told Jules that she and her mother won last year’s pro/am tournament. The spark that Jules had felt initially for this woman was quickly fading as she continued to brag.

  “So would you like to play again next week?” Karen asked as they left the restaurant.


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