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Super Mega 3 (Heroes & Harems)

Page 13

by Nolan Fury

  I needed the power of the Ultraverse. It was right within my grasp, though the amount of power rushing through the vortex would likely be enough to kill me.

  I pulled myself off the floor and staggered to the power cylinder. I reached a hand out to the massive crystal. I could feel the energy radiating from the stone. The hairs on my forearm stood tall. My fingers crept toward the glowing crystal. I took a deep breath and made the plunge.

  I slapped the palm of my hand against the crystal and felt the rush of the Ultraverse flow through me. Every nerve in my body tingled. It was like the most powerful drug in the world had been mainlined into my veins. Warmth flowed throughout my body, and I felt godlike.

  I extended my other hand toward Nitro-X and let a blast fly.


  A continuous bolt of energy arced from my hand, striking Nitro-X. The bolt caused his muscles to spasm, and his body contorted in grotesque shapes. His eyes bulged from their sockets as I continued to funnel energy into the bastard.

  The flow of energy was overwhelming. I felt on the verge of exploding, but I kept my palm placed firmly on the crystal, drawing power from the vortex. I clenched my jaw and fought against pain. My blood felt like it was going to boil.

  But Nitro-X had it worse.

  I focused the energy until he swelled and exploded. A mix of blood and flesh spewed in all directions, painting the walls. Chunks of muscle and bone fragments dripped down, splattering to the floor.

  I released my grip on the crystal and collapsed to the ground. I wouldn’t be surprised if smoke wafted from my ears. It felt like my brain had been scrambled in a pan.

  The vortex of energy dissipated. The disruption of power was enough for the system to shut down.

  Plasmatron’s eyes widened. Without the vortex, he was virtually powerless. He bolted for the door and ran into the parking lot.

  I didn’t have the energy to chase after him, and neither did Duane. Plasmatron didn’t pose much of a threat, though.

  I staggered to my feet. My eyes met Duane’s. “I thought this wasn’t your fight?”

  Duane shrugged. “Well, I guess it kind of was. I mean, Earth is screwed up enough as it is. It doesn’t need any help from a guy like Nitro-X.” He paused. “But you owe me one.”

  “No doubt. How about I help you find a sorceress that can transform Ruby?”

  “That sounds like a deal.”

  We shook hands.

  I glanced around at the chaos. Blood was splattered everywhere. It looked like something out of a horror movie. And even more mortifying were the metal fragments that littered the floor—the remains of Chrome.

  I was gutted.

  Then, to my surprise, the fragments of metal liquefied. They flowed across the floor as if a magnet pulled them. They formed a large pool and Chrome took shape, rising out of the mercury-like pond on the floor.

  A wide smile curled on my lips. I ran to Chrome and wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I thought you were—”

  “Please. Give me a little more credit than that. I’m not going to die that easily.”

  I didn’t want to let go of her. Chrome and I had an interesting relationship. Until this point I had assumed it was mostly sexual. We were never overly affectionate and had certainly never said anything remotely close to mushy to each other. But my heart filled as I held her in my arms.

  She hugged me back and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you anytime soon.”

  “Who’s worried? Did I look worried?”

  She gave me a wry smile.

  “Do you two need some time alone?”

  “Yes,” Chrome said in a naughty voice. “But we’ll work that out later,” she said, surveying the carnage. It wasn’t exactly a romantic environment.

  We left the facility and stepped into the parking lot. The place was surrounded by feds. Special agents had Plasmatron on the ground in handcuffs with several assault rifles aimed at him.

  The helicopter pattered overhead, slashing the night sky with a spotlight illuminating the parking lot.

  “Don’t move!” a voice crackled over a bullhorn. “Put your hands in the air. Federal agents. We have you surrounded!”

  I rolled my eyes.

  A spotlight shined in my eyes. It made it difficult to see. I could make out the silhouette of agents in the distance.

  I grumbled to myself. We had just saved the planet from destruction, and these jackasses were going to harass us?


  “Lower your weapons, gentlemen,” a voice said. “These are the good ones.”

  I recognized the voice. It belonged to Doctor Russell. She stepped into the light and moved toward us.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. It was one less headache I’d have to deal with.

  “It seems I owe you an apology,” Doctor Russell said. “You were right. There were other supers that we should have been worried about.”

  “So, are we cool now?” I asked.

  “The agency would like to… consult with you about potential security threats. Strictly on your terms,” she added.

  “You mean you’re not going to hold me captive and inject me with strange concoctions?”

  “How many times do you want me to apologize?”

  “At least three or four.”

  Doctor Russell sighed.

  I introduced her to Duane and Chrome.

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll be happy to consult with you over dinner.”

  She arched a curious eyebrow at me. “Well, if those are your terms. I guess I must oblige.”

  A cocky smile tugged at my lips.

  Chrome rolled her eyes.

  The air swirled around and several static arcs sparked. There was a brilliant flash, then Surge and Zepha appeared.

  The surrounding federal agents freaked out. Doctor Russell had a look of astonishment on her face.

  “We got back as soon as we could,” Surge said. “What happened?”

  “You missed it,” I said. “Duane and I kicked ass.”

  “Hey!” Chrome grumbled, perturbed. “I kicked ass too! You mostly got your ass kicked.”

  “That’s true,” DE said.

  “Excuse me, but I nearly died transferring that energy.”

  Chrome rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Don’t talk to me about almost dying.”

  I scowled at her playfully.

  Zepha looked at me, confused. She hadn’t recognized me yet. Then a wave of realization washed over her face. “Holy shit! Ben?”

  “In the flesh.”

  She looked me up and down. “You look… different.”

  “This is the real me.” I flashed a hopeful smile.

  “Well, I guess you’re still kinda cute-ish.”

  I frowned at her.

  Surge had plenty of questions and I filled her in on all the details. Well, almost all the details.

  “What about the tri-stone?” I asked—not that it mattered anymore.

  Zepha shook her head, grimly. “It no longer exists in the Ultraverse. It is in a place where it cannot be retrieved.”

  “Where is that?”

  “Don’t ask,” Zepha said.

  I could tell Zepha was a still little frustrated with me that we hadn’t tried to stop Ranger from destroying the tri-stone.

  “So, are we all done here?” Zepha asked. “It’s hot and humid and it’s making my hair fall.”

  I chuckled. “I’ve got a few things to take care of. And we need to help DE on his quest.”

  “We?” Zepha asked.

  “Yes, we. We are a team, aren’t we?” I said, hopeful.

  Zepha’s face softened. “Yeah, we’re a team.”

  “What are you, like, some kind of superhero task force?” Doctor Russell asked.

  I smiled. “Something like that.”

  “Team Super Mega,” Chrome said, improvising.

  “Perhaps we could talk about a joint partnership?” Doctor Russell said. “I’m
sure your team of superheroes fighting for truth, justice, and the American way would be a big hit around here.”

  “Food for thought,” I said.

  “It’s been fun to visit, but I’m ready to get back to the Ultraverse,” Zepha said.

  “Don’t be such a party pooper,” Chrome said. “It’s not that bad.”

  “I’ve been here five minutes and I feel like I’ve got the flu. I’m lethargic and weak.”

  “What else is new,” Chrome snipped.

  Zepha’s eyes burned into her.

  “Hey, play nice,” I said.

  That drew the evil eye from both of them.

  It wasn’t long before news helicopters circled overhead and camera crews surrounded the facility. A crowd of citizens had gathered. As we made our way out of the parking lot, I was ambushed by cameras, microphones, and flashes. Reporters shouted questions.

  “How did you defeat Nitro X?”

  “Are there more like him?”

  “What kind of superpowers do you possess?”

  The barrage of questions was overwhelming. I declined to answer.

  Doctor Russell made an official statement. “Tonight, in combination with the Department of Supernatural Affairs, team Super Mega was able to thwart the evil plans of Nitro-X and return order to our planet. We will continue to work closely with them to assess future threats. As of now, the city, the country, and the planet owe a debt of gratitude to Ben and his team.”

  Doctor Russell smiled for the cameras. She was definitely bucking for promotion.

  I flashed a smile as the reporters peppered me with another round of questions. Like it or not, I had become a celebrity. Now that Earth had been exposed to supers, things would never be the same.


  Mr. Bradford let us stay at his mansion. It beat the hell out of the dorm. After all we had done, he had given us an open invitation to stay as long as we liked.

  The feds had posted 24 hour guards around the power facility, and Mr. Bradford vowed to dismantle it. Even the DoD agreed it was best not to pursue that technology. Too risky.

  As it stood, the earth was going to face greater challenges as more and more supers looked to plunder the planet. For now, travel between the dimensions was difficult. But I didn’t count on it staying that way for long. Someone would figure out how to create a portal.

  I was tired and sore and my body felt like it had been microwaved. Part of me wanted to fall into bed and crash for three days. But Chrome, Surge, and Zepha strutted by with towels over their shoulders, wearing string bikinis. The fabric stretched to fit, barely containing their taut curves. Their perfect asses jiggled, their breasts bounced, invitingly.

  “Madison let us borrow some swimsuits. We’re going to hit the Jacuzzi,” Chrome said. She didn’t need a suit. She could have just morphed her body to mimic one. But I think she liked wearing the skimpy fabric. “Are you coming?”

  The double entendre wasn’t lost on me. There was a naughty glimmer in Chrome’s eyes.

  “I could do the Jacuzzi,” I said, downplaying my excitement.

  I watched the three of them strut through the house.

  Curtis almost broke his neck staring at the girls. His eyes were wide and glued to their pert asses as they swayed from side to side.

  “I’ll get us some swimsuits,” Curtis muttered, transfixed.

  He finally broke from his trance and jogged upstairs to his room.

  The girls walked past Mr. Bradford who almost went into cardiac arrest. He swallowed hard.

  “You don’t mind if we mix some drinks and use the Jacuzzi, do you?” Chrome asked in a soft, little girl voice.

  Mr. Bradford cleared his throat. “By all means. Go ahead. Help yourself to the, um, wet bar.”

  The girls mixed drinks, then sauntered onto the patio. They dipped their toes into the Jacuzzi, testing the water. Then, one by one, they slipped into the bubbling cauldron.

  My phone rang while I waited for Curtis to return. I grinned when I saw who was calling. Though, I still had some misgivings. I swiped the screen to accept the call. “Hey, what are you doing?”

  Emma’s bubbly voice filtered through the speaker. “Hey! I saw you on the news.”

  “Did you?”

  “Like, yeah. I think everybody on the planet did.”

  I chuckled.

  “You’re kind of a somebody now.”

  “I’m the same guy I always was.”

  “Not really.”

  “Okay, well, apart from the superpower thing.”

  “That’s kind of a big deal. I wish I had a superpower.”

  “You mean besides embarrassing guys at frat parties?” I cringed at the moment I said it. I should’ve dropped it, but I was still a little bitter about the whole event.

  Her bubbly voice grew sad, suddenly deflated. “Are you ever going to let me live that down?”


  She sighed. “Well, maybe is better than no.”

  “We’re all about to jump into the Jacuzzi. You should join us.”


  “You know, hot water, bubbles, fun.”

  “Where are you at?”

  “We’re staying at Curtis’s father’s place. It’s not far out of town.”

  “Yeah. Okay. I guess I could do that.”

  I smiled. “Bring a friend. I’m afraid Curtis might get lonely.”

  Emma hesitated for a moment. “Um, okay, I think I can swing that.”

  I gave her directions and expected to see her within a half-hour.

  Curtis came down the stairs and tossed me a swimsuit. “Those are brand-new.”

  “Good. God knows where you’ve been,” I said with a healthy dose of sarcasm.

  “Unfortunately, I haven’t really been anywhere,” Curtis said.

  “Well, Emma is coming over, and she’s bringing a friend.”

  Curtis didn’t seem excited. “Well, her friend will probably be more into you than me.”

  “Trust me. I’m going to have my hands full. She’s all you, pal.”

  “How the hell did you score all these babes?” Curtis asked.

  “A little confidence goes a long way. I never had that before the Ultraverse.”

  “You gotta take me there, man! Please!”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I said with a grin.

  We changed into our suits, mixed a drink, and hit the Jacuzzi. The temperature was just right, and the jets bubbled the water in rhythmic pulses.

  The water-soaked bikinis hugged perky breasts. The sheer fabric let nipples shine through.

  “It’s hot in here,” Chrome said. she reached a hand behind her back and tugged on the delicate string that held her bikini top together. The knot untied, and her beautiful breasts bounded free.

  Curtis’s jaw dropped.

  Her luscious breasts hung at the water line, and droplets beaded on her skin.

  Not to be outdone, Surge followed suit. “You’re right, it is hot in here.”

  With the pull of a string, her perky breasts sprang free.

  Zepha rolled her eyes.

  Before long, Chrome had untied her bikini bottoms. Wet fabric slapped against the concrete as she threw them to the side. A naughty glimmer flickered in her eyes.


  The pile of wet bikinis beside the Jacuzzi grew as Surge stripped the frilly garment from her nether region.

  The two girls cozied up to me, one on either side. This was definitely the good life.

  “Zepha, I think you’re really overdressed for the occasion,” Chrome said.

  The girls pawed all over me while Zepha sat across from me with her arms folded. I knew she could read my mind, so I asked her, telepathically, if she was going to stay mad at me forever?

  “You really should loosen up, Zepha,” Chrome said.

  Her eyes narrowed at Chrome.

  “I mean, if you want to stay uptight for the rest of your life and never have any fun, by all means, go ahead,” Chrome said.<
br />
  “I am not uptight,” Zepha said.

  “Oh, please. You’ve had a stick up your ass since we got with Ben,” she said, nodding to Surge.

  “I don’t have a stick up my ass.”

  “Well, maybe you need one,” Chrome said, then bubbled over with laughter.

  Zepha’s face puckered.

  “You know you’re attracted to Ben,” Chrome added. “We all know it. Just admit it.”

  Zepha said nothing.

  “We’re totally fine with it,” Chrome said. Her eyes flicked to Surge. “Aren’t we?”

  “I'm passed my jealous phase.”

  “Curtis, will you be a doll and go make her another drink,” Chrome said.

  “Okay.” Curtis would do anything the girls asked.

  “It’s fine. I’ll make my own drink.”

  Zepha climbed out of the tub, and the glistening water dripped down her sumptuous curves.

  Curtis’s eyes followed her round ass.

  Zepha grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her torso. She headed back inside and met Emma and her friend Savannah on the way. “Do you girls want a drink?”

  “Um, sure,” Emma said.

  “What do you want?”

  Emma and Savannah exchanged an uncertain glance.

  “We’ll have what you’re having,” Emma said.

  “Rum and cola it is,” Zepha said.

  She pushed inside and Savannah and Emma strolled to the tub. They both wore skimpy bikinis with jean shorts and flip-flops. They had colorful beach towels draped over their shoulders.

  Savannah had dark wavy hair, dark eyes, and olive skin. She had an athletic ass and a petite top, and abs of steel.

  Emma looked a little dismayed to see two naked hotties hanging all over me.

  “What are you waiting for?” I asked. “Come on in.”

  The two girls shimmied out of their jean shorts, then slipped into the water.

  Emma introduced her friend. Savannah was excited to meet us, having just seen us on the news. “That was really amazing what you guys did.”

  “We didn’t do much. It was really all Curtis,” I said, trying to shift her attention toward him. “We wouldn’t have been able to defeat them without his bravery.”


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