The Dark Art
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Copyright © 2014 by Edward Follis
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This is a work of nonfiction. All the events depicted are true, and the characters are real. The dialogue has been re-created to the best of my recollection and, wherever possible, verified against the memories of other participants. In some scenes—due to the sensitive nature of ongoing investigations and national security—the names of certain federal agents and confidential informants, as well as some other persons, have been changed.
Title Page
Cast of Characters
Author's Note
Prelude Kidnapped in Kabul
Chapter 1 Group Four
Chapter 2 My Favorite Phoenician
Chapter 3 Enter the Cobra
Chapter 4 This Side of Paradise
Chapter 5 The Golden Triangle
Chapter 6 The Lord of the Skies
Chapter 7 The Great Game
Chapter 8 Shiraz
Chapter 9 The Passion
Chapter 10 The Last Call
Edward Follis: DEA Special Agent; St. Louis–born; former United States Marine Corps military policeman; initially detailed with Group Four of the Los Angeles Division
General Mohammad Daud Daud: a former mujahideen who fought for years against the Soviet invasion; later established and headed Afghanistan’s first counter-narcotics police force (CNPA)
Rogelio Guevara: DEA Special Agent; supervisor of Group Four in the Los Angeles Division; gravely wounded while working undercover in Monterrey, Mexico
José Martinez: DEA Special Agent with Group Four of the Los Angeles Division; nearly fatally wounded in a shooting incident with drug traffickers in 1988
Paul Seema: DEA Special Agent; born in Thailand; murdered in a drug deal gone bad in Pasadena, California, in 1988
George Montoya: DEA Special Agent; also murdered in Pasadena, California, in 1988
William “Billy” Queen: Special Agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF); detailed the Heroin Enforcement Group in the Los Angeles Division of the DEA
Mike Holm: DEA Special Agent who, after serving many years in Beirut and Cairo, making cases against traffickers in the Middle East, became associate special agent in charge of the Los Angeles Division
John Zienter: assistant special agent in charge of the DEA’s Los Angeles Division
Jimmy Soiles: DEA Special Agent; detailed to French country office located in Paris, France; later Deputy Chief of Operations in Office of Global Enforcement for the Drug Enforcement Administration
Rudy Barang: DEA Special Agent; assigned to Bangkok
Mike Bansmer: DEA Special Agent and Resident Agent in Charge, Songkhla, Thailand; spent almost a decade making cases against the Shan United Army
Don Sturn: DEA’s assistant attaché in Bangkok
Don Ferrarone: longtime DEA Special Agent in the United States; later DEA’s country attaché to Thailand, based in Bangkok
Don Carstensen: head of the Organized Crime Unit in the prosecutor’s office in Honolulu, Hawaii
Charles Marsland: prosecutor of Honolulu, Hawaii, whose son Charles “Chuckers” Marsland was killed in a brutal murder in the 1980s
Enrique “Kiki” Camarena: DEA Special Agent who, while in Guadalajara investigating the increasingly powerful cocaine cartels, was brutally tortured and murdered in 1988, spawning a major diplomatic conflict between the governments of Mexico and the United States
Ambassador Ronald Neumann: veteran State Department official; appointed ambassador to Afghanistan, where he served in Kabul from 2005–07
Steve Whipple: DEA Special Agent detailed to the Juárez Cartel Task Force in El Paso, Texas, with Special Agent Follis; expert in wiretapping and other legal strategies to combat Mexican cocaine cartels
Haji Juma Khan: major opium trafficker and Taliban financier; power base was in the Baluchistan region near the Iranian border; estimated to have provided hundreds of millions in funds to Taliban insurgents
Khun Sa: nom de guerre of Chung Chi Fu, leader of the Shan United Army drug-funded insurgency based in Burma and northern Thailand; reputedly responsible for 70 percent of the heroin in the United States during the 1990s
“Dr. Dragan”: heroin and arms trafficker; worked in Los Angeles to acquire military weapons for Shan United Army insurgency
Kayed Berro: high-ranking financial officer within the Berro heroin trafficking organization of Lebanon; hiding in Southern California after being sentenced to death in absentia by an Egyptian court for drug trafficking
Mohammad Berro: patriarch of the Lebanon-based Berro heroin trafficking organization; based in Lebanon and the north of Israel
Ling Ching Pan: a major financial officer and lieutenant in the Shan United Army; based in Bangkok, Thailand
Sam Essell: boss of the Essell narcotics and organized crime group; responsible for major importation of narcotics to the United States; based in Lagos, Nigeria
Christian Uzomo: chief lieutenant in the Essell narcotics and organized crime group, based in California
William Brumley and Mike Lancaster: violent associates of the Essell narcotics importation and organized crime group; known for dealing in illegal weapons and producing silencers
Harvey Franklin: associate of the Essell organized crime group; a Crips gang affiliate known for dealing in heroin, stolen bearer bonds, and supernote counterfeit currency
Ronnie Ching: hit man for major Hawaiian drug traffickers and organized crime; ultimately confessed to committing nineteen murders
“Phong”: street nickname for a chief lieutenant in the Shan United Army; based in the north of Thailand
Amado Carrillo Fuentes: the so-called Lord of the Skies; boss of Juárez Cartel; the de facto CEO of a sprawling cocaine empire; estimated net worth of $25 billion; ranked by the DEA as the most powerful cocaine trafficker in the world in the
Vicente Carrillo Fuentes: second-in-command in Juárez Cartel; some say the later successor to the position of boss of the cocaine-trafficking organization
Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán: originally a lieutenant in the Carrillo-Fuentes cartel; ultimately rose to the position of the most powerful drug lord of all time; ranked by Forbes magazine as the eighty-sixth richest man on earth
Mullah Omar: spiritual head of the Taliban; Afghanistan’s de facto head of state from 1996 to late 2001; intimately involved in the production, price-fixing, and sale of opium
Haji Bashir Noorzai: Afghan opium warlord and Taliban financier; responsible for much of the opium cultivation and heroin production in the Kandahar region
Haji Bagcho Sherzai: Afghan opium warlord and Taliban financier; a former mujihadeen; responsible for much of the opium cultivation and heroin production in the Kandahar region
Haji Khan Muhammad: major Afghan opium trafficker and Taliban insurgent; based in the Kandahar region
All scenes and conversations have been rendered as faithfully as possible, yet as I have matured over thirty years—some would say I have a few more yet to log—I have realized that events and adventures can sometimes be slightly blurred by a shock-drenched brain, from too much frolicking and from watching other good men pass over to the other side before me. One day I will join them. Until then, I must say: It has been one wild journey, one party celebrating all those who’ve made everything I’ve accomplished in my life—and my DEA career—possible.
One must also note the growing convergence of terrorist organizations with criminal cartels like the drug trade to finance their activities. Such cooperative activities will only make terrorism and criminal cartels more dangerous and effective.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Kidnapped in Kabul
I was responsible for all blood. If anything happened to any of my agents or informants during an operation—even routine travel outside of the secure US Embassy compound—the weight was on me.
By early 2006, I was the country attaché, a senior member of the Drug Enforcement Administration at Level GS-15—in military terms, the pay-grade equivalent of a full-bird colonel. But I kept on doing what I’d always done: working the street. It was unheard of for a GS-15 to be tearing around a war zone in a Land Cruiser, toting an M4 carbine and a Glock 9mm, running undercover ops in the most hostile and lawless regions of Afghanistan. My superiors at DEA headquarters were often none too pleased when they read the stream of cables, emails, and sixes my team were filing from Kabul.*
Honestly, it was the only way I knew how to do my job. I was never a traditional desk boss. Whether in Los Angeles, El Paso, Bangkok, Tel Aviv, Cairo, or Kabul, I was always a street agent.
That’s why the DEA boys in the Los Angeles Division started calling me Custer. Fuck the odds: I was always ready to get into the game. They gave me an old framed photograph of General Custer taken a few weeks before Little Bighorn: typical black humor between cops. The portrait was hanging over my desk.
Our embassy in Kabul is a huge complex—the perimeter entrusted to a contingent of Gurkhas from Nepal, experts at security and counterterrorist work. The compound itself, which cost the United States $880 million, is surrounded by thick citadel-like walls. Unlike Baghdad, there’s no Green Zone in Kabul. Outside those high concrete walls, things were never safe. Every day there were insurgency attacks. I lived in a small apartment directly under the ambassador’s residence, and I’d wake up most mornings, ears assaulted by the sound of explosions. When Ramadan began in September 2006, we were hit by bombings for sixty days continuously.
Every time you drove out of the embassy you were a target for a suicide bomber with a VBIED—vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. I had a silver-metallic Land Cruiser with Level 3 body armor, but it could never withstand a direct hit. If you were at an intersection, you had to be ever-vigilant for VBIEDs. Even cruder: In the mob crowding the streets, asking for handouts, some kid rolls a hand grenade under the chassis and—no last-second prayers—that’s the end of it.
• • •
It was a bright June morning, and the mountain bowl of Kabul was already heavy with the promise of a hot, fetid afternoon ahead. I was at my desk, right under the imperious gaze of Custer, when I got a call from Group Supervisor Mike Marsac, who was managing one of our daily undercover operations.
I’d approved an op in which my investigative assistant Tariq, along with an Afghan informant code-named 007, was sent in undercover to purchase three kilograms of heroin for fifteen grand. The dealers we were targeting were a smaller tributary crew, but I had a hunch that infiltrating them could lead us deeper into the orbit of the biggest opium and heroin organization on the planet and the man reputed to be their leader: the mysterious Haji Juma Khan.
It should have been a routine buy: I’d done hundreds of them in my career. But now I heard Marsac out of breath—scared shitless: “Ed, they’re fuckin’ gone!”
“Tariq and Double-Oh-Seven. They were just grabbed and bagged.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I don’t know how—they were snatched off the street.”
“Mike, where are our people now?”
“We don’t know.”
“Shit.” The reality stung like some whipped-up mountain sandstorm: There’d been a security breach. We’d had surveillance units, our DEA agents, and a team from the CNPA—the Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan—parked in undercover vehicles at both ends of the street. But somehow during the operation we’d been betrayed.
With geometric precision two compact cars—an older red Toyota Corolla and a gray Honda Civic—came screeching in. The Corolla parked diagonally in front of our undercover vehicle; then the Civic rammed in tight behind. No possible way out. As Mike Marsac described it, four guys—all Afghans—snatched Tariq and 007, pulled them into their vehicle, and made a clean getaway. All in a period of less than ninety seconds. So fast that our surveillance people couldn’t race to the scene. Tariq and 007 were gone. The speed of the boxing maneuver told me one thing: Whoever snatched our people were trained intelligence operatives.
“Who’re we looking at here?” Marsac asked.
“It’s too textbook perfect,” I said. “These guys were raised by the fuckin’ KGB.”
I made a flurry of calls to the Langley boys and to the National Directorate of Security (NDS), the domestic intelligence service of Afghanistan. In effect, I was talking to two heads of the same hydra: Although the NDS was an autonomous branch of the Afghan government, our spooks were the puppet masters of the Afghan intelligence apparatus.
“Listen to me—I just lost two people!” I shouted into my Motorola.
Blanket denials. One spook with a midwestern accent kept telling me: “No, we have operations today, but nothing involving counter-narcotics.”
I hung up on her midsentence. There was only one possible explanation: a rogue group of Afghan intelligence officers. Agents from the NDS who’d been trained by the Soviets at universities in Moscow and military bases had now gone into side business for themselves. Sure, the business of ripping off actual dealers. They must have had me and my people under surveillance and assumed that our guys—Tariq and 007—were real heroin dealers. It was a validation of our undercover disguises and techniques that we were so ut
terly believable as an authentic Afghan drug-trafficking organization.
The rogue unit had planned an audacious rip: kidnap Tariq and 007, steal the dope, steal the buy money, then sell the three kilograms of heroin at pure profit. A couple of dead heroin dealers in the Afghan desert: Who was going to ask any questions?
No cooperation from the spooks. We’d have to get them ourselves. I grabbed Special Agent Brad Tierney, my right-hand man in Kabul. Brad had been a US marshal in Tulsa before landing at DEA. Fifty-three years old, tall, with thick brown hair, Tierney was a cop’s cop. A guy you could trust with your life.
In fact, in the recent past, I’d done just that. Tierney had been stationed in Bangkok with me for my three-and-a-half-year stint, during which I worked to infiltrate the Shan United Army, the world’s largest drug insurgency. It was funny that so many agents stationed in Afghanistan had served with me either in Thailand or when I was in El Paso working the Mexican cartels.* As if all the scattered knights and bishops and rooks had been reassembled for one final chess match . . .
From the doorway of my office, I gave Brad a heads-up.
“Grab your shit.”
Tierney nodded. Each of us had a holstered regulation Glock 17, and we checked the cartridges of our M4 carbines—the reduced version of the standard US military M16 assault rifle, preferable for operating in tight urban spaces. And, of course, I had my Cold Steel bowie knife sheathed on my back. We slung our M4s over our shoulders and raced outside to my Land Cruiser.
Before we hit the street, I’d rung up General Mohammad Daud Daud, the deputy interior minister for counter-narcotics. In the past six months, Mohammad had become my dear friend. We’d gotten down on our knees and prayed together—devout Muslim and Christian—in a Kabul mosque during some of the worst Ramadan terror attacks. Mohammad was Tajik, a venerated mujahideen who’d fought heroically against the Soviet invaders. Indeed, he’d been chief of staff to General Ahmad Shah Massoud, the legendary Lion of Panjshir—the father of Afghan democracy—murdered by Al Qaeda on the eve of September 11, 2001.