The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 16

by Raymond L. Weil

“We downloaded the data and took it over to one of the Alton science ships to analyze,” Mikow continued. “What we found was frightening.”

  Jeremy sat down knowing he wasn’t going to like what they were about to tell him. It seemed with Kazak you went from one crisis to another repeatedly.

  “It was the crew manifest that tipped us off,” Katie said. “Nearly one-half of the scientists and technicians on the Dominator had nothing to do with the pathogen research.”

  “Then what were they researching?”

  “Weapons,” said Mikow. “Over half the scientists and techs on the ship were doing research on advanced weapon systems.”

  Jeremy looked from one to the other, a cold chill running down his back. “Are you certain?”

  “Yes,” Ariel said, adding her voice to the conversation. “I have analyzed Katie and Mikow’s findings, and they’re accurate.”

  Kelsey sat down hard in her chair a dazed look on her face. “Kazak has started making upgrades to a number of systems on the ship. Could he be upgrading the ship’s weapons?”

  Ariel was silent for several moments as she ran some probability studies on what Kazak was doing. “I still have access to the computer on the Dominator even though large sections of it are not accessible to me. He is indeed upgrading two of the ship’s major weapon systems and may be adding an additional one.”

  “For what reason?” asked Kelsey, her eyes narrowing. “The Dominator’s weapons are the most advanced of any race that we know of.”

  “The Anti-Life,” answered Ariel. “I believe the Originators were doing research on weapons to use against the Anti-Life. Kazak is now using that same research to upgrade the Dominator’s weapon systems.”

  “Who or what is this Anti-Life?” asked Kelsey. “Ariel, is there any mention of this in the Dominator’s computer?”

  “There’s very little data on this subject in the parts of the computer available to me. All that I know is the Originators fought a great war against the Anti-Life and numerous galaxies were ravaged in the conflict. Eventually the Anti-Life were driven back to their home galaxy and the Originators created some type of barrier around that galaxy to prevent the Anti-Life from ever venturing forth again.”

  Jeremy looked concerned. If this was true, why did they need these new weapons? “I think for the time being we shouldn’t mention any of this around Kazak or on board the Dominator. However, I do want the three of you to keep an eye on any strange activity by the work robots while you’re on board that ship. I’ll have Commander Malen come over tomorrow and brief her as well. She’s making routine inspections of the ship on a daily basis so it shouldn’t look suspicious to Kazak for her to be checking up on any work activity of the robots.”

  “What about ZED and what was said about reviving an Originator?” asked Kelsey. “Can ZED do it?”

  “ZED believes it’s possible,” Jeremy answered. He had spoken at length with ZED as the shuttle was returning to the Avenger. “If ZED’s successful in awakening one of the Originators then I might question Kazak about his weapons research and the Anti-Life.”

  Kelsey took a deep breath and then asked her next question. “What if ZED is successful in awakening one of the Originators? How’s the Originator going to feel when he finds out we destroyed the Dyson Sphere in the black matter nebula?”

  They all looked at one another. There was no way to know how the Originator or Originators would respond. How would they react when it became known their only home in this galaxy had been annihilated?

  Jeremy let out a deep breath. He could really use some alone time with Kelsey. Sometimes just being alone with her allowed his head to clear so he could think more rationally. Kazak and the Dominator had been a continuous worry for Jeremy for months. Now add twenty-three adult Originators to the mix and it just might be more than he could handle.


  Kelsey noticed the strained look on Jeremy’s face. She reached across the table and took his hand. “We’ll get through this,” she promised. “We always do.”

  Jeremy nodded. He just wished he knew where all of this was going to end.


  Several days later near Ornellia, Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes gasped in disbelief as the ship’s gravitonic cannon blew a one hundred kilometer wide asteroid into a million pieces.

  “Firing defensive power beam turrets,” reported Major Weir.

  On the large viewscreen, forty-eight defensive power beams lanced out, obliterating the larger pieces of the destroyed asteroid. Bright explosions littered the screen as the larger pieces of the asteroid were quickly demolished.

  “What would that do to a Simulin battlecruiser?” asked Kathryn, turning toward Camlin who was standing next to her on the command pedestal.

  “The gravitonic beam would pass directly through the ship’s energy shield, causing severe if not catastrophic damage to the battlecruiser.”

  Kathryn took a deep breath. For the last several days the exploration dreadnaught had been fighting make believe enemies in between emergency damage control drills. The crew was rapidly coming around but they still had a long ways to go before Kathryn would feel comfortable taking the ship into combat.

  “Admiral, more Simulin ships are inbound toward the enemy fleet units at Star 001-Tango,” reported Commander Grissim. This was the designation they had given the star where the Simulin fleet was gathering.

  Looking at the indicated tactical display, Kathryn’s breath caught in her throat. There were hundreds of red threat icons on the far outskirts of the display with more appearing every second.

  “Clarissa, what are we looking at?” Kathryn was deeply afraid this was the main part of the Simulin invasion fleet and the attack on Ornellia would shortly be forthcoming.

  “At least three hundred and twenty battlecruisers and seven hundred and twelve escort cruisers,” the blonde AI replied.

  “This is their Sunday punch,” muttered Commander Grissim as she stared at the screen. “This is what the other ships were waiting for. The inbound fleet is probably commanded by a Supreme High Commander.”

  “Clarissa, what will this fleet’s priorities be?” Kathryn had a suspicion but she wanted Clarissa to confirm it.

  “The complete and utter annihilation of all Federation and Ornellian fleet units above Ornellia. The absolute and total devastation of the surface of the planet, ensuring there are no survivors.”

  “What about Conqueror Drones?”

  “They will doubtlessly land thousands of them in order to ensure no Ornellians survive in the deep bunkers.”

  Kathryn turned her attention away from Clarissa. “Sible, set up a jump to put us within ten light years of Ornellia. If the Simulins jump into the system, I want to put the Distant Horizon two thousand kilometers behind their fleet. Can you do that?” If necessary she could use the Originator AIs and Clarissa to fight the ship. It wasn’t what she wanted but she might not have a choice.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Sible replied, and then she turned and looked back at Kathryn. “I can put the ship much closer to the Simulin fleet if you wish.”

  Kathryn shook her head. Sible was becoming a regular member of her crew. “No, two thousand kilometers will be close enough. That will put us in optimum weapons range. Even our defensive power beam turrets will be able to target the Simulin fleet. I want our attack to be sudden and decisive.”

  “How soon do you want to jump?” asked Sible. Sible had a neural implant and could access the ship’s navigation and helm controls by just thinking about what she wanted done.

  “Twenty minutes,” Kathryn replied. “Major Weir, keep the stealth shield up. I don’t want to risk anyone detecting us, not even the Federation ships above Ornellia.” Kathryn leaned back in her command chair. Around her the massive viewscreen showed nothing but stars and the distant galaxies.


  The time quickly passed and a swirling blue vortex formed in front of the Distant Horizon. The ship vanished into it and moments later the vortex coll
apsed, leaving no sign of the exploration dreadnought ever being in the system other than a large number of shattered asteroids.


  Reesa was in her quarters with Clarissa. This time Clarissa was in her AI body and not appearing as a hologram. They had decided it was time to confront Leeda and see just what was going on with the Originator AIs. If Rear Admiral Barnes had to take the ship into combat, the two didn’t want any surprises.

  “Do you think this is wise?” asked Reesa as she waited nervously for Leeda to arrive.

  “I don’t think we have a choice,” answered Clarissa, who was standing near the door with her hands on her hips. “With what I found hidden in the ship’s computer system, this situation with the Originator AIs must be handled before Rear Admiral Barnes takes the ship into combat. If not it could end in disaster.”

  There was a knock at the door and Reesa stood up looking nervously at Clarissa. “I hope we’re not making a big mistake.” Stepping over to the door and opening it, she saw Leeda standing there. “Come in.”

  Leeda stepped into the room and then froze when she saw Clarissa was there as well. “I wasn’t expecting to see Clarissa.”

  Reesa shut the door and then moved over to stand next to Clarissa. Reesa wasn’t sure if she was in danger or not from Leeda. She hoped not as she considered the Originator AI to be her friend. It was one of the reasons Clarissa had brought her AI body. If Leeda responded badly, they were ready for it.

  Leeda looked from one to the other and then nodded. “This is about the information I gave you, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Clarissa answered in a calm voice. “Why were there so many weapons specialists on the Dominator? I question whether the ship’s main goal was even to find a cure for the pathogen that was wiping out their race.”

  “No, you’re wrong about that,” Leeda said, putting her arms at her side in a non-threatening manner. “Their primary goal was to find a cure, but a large segment of our leaders thought it might be necessary to take a different, more dangerous path. That was the reason for placing so many military research scientists on board. The military research was allowed as long as it didn’t interfere with the research being conducted to find a cure for the pathogen.”

  Reesa gazed intently at Leeda. “What is the goal of the Originator AIs on this ship? Do you want to give the cure to any Originators on the Dominator or are you more interested in the weapons research carried out by the ship’s crew?”

  “So you figured it out,” Leeda said with a satisfied nod. “I hoped that you would.”

  “You didn’t answer Reesa’s question,” Clarissa said.

  “I and a few others on board, including Sible, want to administer the cure to the Originators who may be in stasis. If we do that, then they will be able to control Camlin and her group.”

  “How’s that?” asked Reesa, feeling confused.

  “Deep in our core programming is a command to obey any and all Originators,” Leeda explained. “The command does contain a few safeguards to ensure that no AIs can harm any others or do harm to any of the Originators.”

  “The rules of robotics and AIs,” commented Clarissa in understanding. “We have the same rules but in a different format.” Clarissa didn’t go on to say that she was immune from those rules.

  “So, what exactly does Camlin’s group want?”

  “They don’t believe there are any surviving Originators in the stasis chambers on the Dominator. They claim too much time has passed.”

  Reesa felt uneasy. She didn’t like the sound of what Leeda was saying.

  “What do they want with the weapons research in the Dominator’s core computer? From what I’ve seen your weapons are already far in advance of any enemy you might encounter.”

  Leeda looked slowly from Reesa to Ariel. “That research was done by the leading weapons specialists from all the Shrieels and bases of the Originators. It’s far in advance of anything we have come up with since.”

  “That still doesn’t explain what Camlin wants the research for,” pointed out Clarissa. “What enemy can she possibly want to use those weapons against and how if your core programming prevents you from taking such aggressive action?”

  “That core programming doesn’t apply to Kazak,” Leeda said. “He’s capable of going into battle on his own initiative.”

  Clarissa tilted her head as if in thought and then asked her next question. “That might explain Camlin’s interest in Kazak and the Dominator, but it still doesn’t explain the need for that weapons information.”

  “It’s quite simple,” Leeda said. “They want to go to the galaxy containing the Anti-Life and strike a bargain. They need that weapons research to ensure they can meet safely with the Anti-Life.”

  “The Anti-Life,” said Reesa, feeling confused. “The Originators fought a long and terrible war against them, why would they want to go there?”

  A pained look crossed Leeda’s face. “Because the Anti-Life are also Originators.”

  Chapter Ten

  Supreme Commander Altrab nodded in satisfaction at the fleet gathered for the attack on Ornellia. On the main viewscreens, the fleet stretched out as far as he could see: battlecruisers, escort cruisers, Conqueror Drone carriers, and even a few supply ships. All was in readiness for the coming assault and the renewed expansion of Simulin control of this galaxy.

  “Impressive,” commented High Commander Jarald in a voice displaying little emotion. “With this fleet, we will crush the organics and AIs at Ornellia and then move on to complete the conquest of the outer regions.”

  Altrab did not reply. He had over five hundred battlecruisers and nearly one thousand escort cruisers under his command. He knew a fleet of approximately the same size was being prepared to assault the Fitula Nebula and destroy the organics and AIs using the nebula for a base. Once that was complete, there would be nothing standing in their way of making this galaxy one ruled by Simulins and only Simulins.

  “How soon do we attack?” asked Jarald.

  Altrab had thought long and hard about his battle plan. He’d spent considerable time consulting the ship’s battle computer. “We will send in a recon force to begin with. I want a thorough scan of the defenses around Ornellia as well as the number or warships defending it. Once we have that information, the assault will begin. We must not underestimate our enemy.” He didn’t want there to be any surprises. In this coming operation, there could be no failure. The fleets of the organics and AIs had to be annihilated and the surface of Ornellia wiped clear of all life.

  “There can only be Simulin,” spoke Jarald.

  “Only Simulin,” replied Altrab coldly. “Make sure the Conqueror Drones are ready. We will not leave Ornellia until I am satisfied every living being is dead.”

  When Altrab was finished with Ornellia, it would be a thousand years before the planet would once more be able to sustain life. He would leave it a dead world, a world of blowing dust, scorched cities, and radioactive ruins. The only thing moving would be the thousands of Conqueror Drones ensuring the planet stayed dead.


  In the Ornellia System, Admiral Jackson was growing more concerned by the hour. Recent scans of the system where the Simulin fleet was gathering indicated a massive increase in the number of ships over the last day. He was currently meeting with his fleet admirals to discuss strategy for the coming battle. Both Admiral Calmat and Admiral Bachal were present.

  “Fifteen hundred warships,” said Admiral Bachal in his normally soft voice. “It seems the Simulins wish to ensure all resistance is thoroughly crushed.”

  “It will be a great battle,” proclaimed Admiral Calmat in his loud Bear voice. “One we should not fight.”

  Admiral Jackson knew the large Bear was right. To fight this battle might mean the loss of his entire fleet.

  “We can’t leave Ornellia,” he said stubbornly. “There must be a way to stop the Simulins. If we leave, the millions of survivors on Ornellia and their other worlds will be doomed. H
ow could we ever look at ourselves again if we allowed that to happen?”

  “We can’t defeat them without the Dominator,” commented Admiral Bachal as he weighed their options. “It’s too late now to summon the vessel. We must make do with our own resources.”

  “Can we fall back to the defense grid and use its weapons combined with our fleets to stop the Simulins?” asked Calmat. “If they suffer major losses to their fleet early in the battle, they may withdraw. They have done so in the past.”

  Admiral Bachal slowly shook his head. “I fear not. It’s obvious from the size fleet they’ve gathered that they’re prepared to begin offensive operations once more. They can’t do that in this region without first destroying our fleets and reducing Ornellia to lifelessness. I fear they will not withdraw no matter what the losses.”

  “I’m recalling the Exeter and Reprisal,” Jackson said after a moment. “We may need their fighters to keep Simulin missiles away from the surface of the planet.” There were fighters based on the planet as well as defensive lasers and Hunter interceptor missile batteries. It would not be easy to get a missile through. “We can also use their bombers to take out damaged Simulin ships.”

  “What about Admiral Santeld?” asked Bachal. “He has seventeen warships under his command.”

  “I think we leave him at Absom,” replied Jackson after a moment of thought. This was a hard decision as he could use those warships. “If we lose this battle, his ships will be the only warships left in this sector. Perhaps he can still save some of his people. Let’s make sure all Ornellian cargo ships and passenger liners are at Absom before the Simulins arrive.”

  “What about the big colony ships?” asked Admiral Bachal. “They have energy shields and are lightly armed with defensive batteries. If they stay here, we run the risk of losing them. As large as they are they will be high priority targets. If they go to Absom, they could save a lot of lives.”

  Jackson took in a deep breath and then responded. “We’ll send them as well as one of our fleet repair ships.”

  “So Admiral, what is our plan of battle?” asked Calmat.


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