The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 17

by Raymond L. Weil

  Jackson could see only one possibility for victory and it was a slim one. “We have to pull back to the defensive grid to allow its firepower to augment our own. Between our fleets and the grid we just might be able to hold the planet against the Simulins.”

  “It’s a slim possibility,” said Admiral Bachal, tilting his head slightly. “However, it’s the best strategy afforded us. If we meet them away from the planet, our fleets will be destroyed. Not even my Alton battleships will be able to withstand the amount of firepower the Simulins will be able to bring against us. The fleet they have gathered is just too powerful.”

  Before Admiral Jackson could reply, the Condition One alarms began sounding. With great concern he activated his comm link to the Command Center. “What’s the status?” he asked as he heard Commander Blanton come on the line.

  “Two Simulin battlecruisers and four escort cruisers just jumped into the outer system. We’re detecting sensor scans. Should I send ships out to intercept?”

  “No,” replied Admiral Jackson, knowing this was a prelude to an attack. Doubtlessly the Simulin ships were scanning the ships and defenses around Ornellia. Once they jumped out, then the attack would begin shortly afterward. “Take all ships to Condition Three and tell the crews to get some rest and something light to eat. I expect to be fully engaged with the Simulins in four to six hours.”

  That was how long Jackson figured it would take the enemy ships to return to their fleet, evaluate the information, and then for the Supreme High Commander to launch his attack. The next thing that needed to be done was to warn Oman Lantoll his planet would soon be under assault. The Ornellians had gone through so much pain and suffering, and now they were about to go through even more.


  Dax Matol sat in his command chair in the deep underground bunker, which protected the two thousand young people who had been brought inside. There were also two hundred Ornellians responsible for keeping the bunker operating. Outside the bunker, an additional five hundred Ornellian military personnel were taking up positions in recently built fortifications waiting for the appearance of Conqueror Drones. However, this time they were armed with much more powerful weapons to take on the drones. A number of small camouflaged bunkers encircled the slope of the mountain. Inside each, a pair of twin KEW cannons could sweep their zone of fire, destroying any Conqueror Drones that appeared. In addition a number of laser turrets on the upper slopes defended the mountain from missiles and could also be used to take out Conqueror Drones if needed. There were also a number of Hunter interceptor missile batteries on the mountain hidden from view.

  “Bunker is sealed,” reported Les Ketene as several green lights appeared on his control console.

  “Internal power and life support have been fully activated,” added another Ornellian in front of a large console.

  Dax nodded. There were ten others inside the Control Center who were monitoring the bunker itself and what was occurring outside.

  “Councilman Lantol has placed the planet on alert,” the communications operator said. “Everyone is being encouraged to go to the nearest shelter until the all clear is sounded.”

  Dax could well imagine how frightened the people in the small cities must be. They had just risen up from almost being annihilated, and now they were facing the same threat again.

  “What are Admiral Jackson’s ships doing?” he asked the sensor operator.

  “They’re moving closer to the defensive grid.”

  “That’s not good,” commented Les, his eyes narrowing. “It indicates the admiral believes he’s going to need the grid’s firepower in order for his ships to survive.”

  “What about that small group of Simulins ships in the outer part of the system?” asked Dax.

  “They jumped out a short time ago,” the sensor operator replied.

  Les frowned. “They must have jumped in and scanned us.”

  Dax nodded. “Don’t activate our defensive laser turrets until necessary.” He knew there were other similar turrets surrounding each of the small cities which held Ornellians. In addition there were four squadrons of Talon fighters and six squadrons of Anlon bombers based at the spaceport near Dorman. The spaceport was also surrounded by laser turrets and Hunter interceptor missile batteries. Several hundred Human Marines provided a ground force.

  Dax closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He just hoped his people survived this.


  In Dorman and other small cities near the mountains, sirens were going off warning of imminent attack. Across the planet, military missions searching for survivors or taking out Conqueror Drones were ordered to take cover and wait for further orders. All Anlon bombers and Talon fighters were quickly recalled.

  At the small spaceport outside of Dorman, the bombers were carefully moved into their secure bunkers while the fighters were loaded with ammunition and small Hunter missiles affixed to the wings. Marines loaded up on ammunition for their assault rifles and some took more energy packs for their pulse rifles. They hurried to their defensive positions to wait for the coming attack. No one wanted to see Ornellia fall again.


  On board the Distant Horizon, Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes gazed at the nearby tactical display. She had watched as the six Simulin warships jumped into the Ornellia System and then after a few minutes jump back out.

  “Taking routine scans,” Clarissa said without hesitation. “The Simulin attack is imminent.”

  Kathryn took a deep breath. “Commander, take the ship to Condition Three.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Commander Grissim said as she set the state of alarm and made the announcement over the ship’s internal comm system.

  “So we’re going into combat,” commented Camlin, who was standing nearby with her arms folded across her chest.

  “I expect so,” Kathryn answered. “As soon as those six ships make it back to their main fleet, I expect the Simulins to launch an all out attack against Ornellia.”

  Kathryn just hoped her crew was ready for this. At least they would have the help of the Originator AIs, the Altons on board, and especially Clarissa. Kathryn knew Clarissa had been running battle simulations nonstop for nearly two days now.

  “That is a large Simulin fleet,” continued Camlin, gazing at the tactical display. “Do you think it wise to engage such a powerful fleet with an inexperienced crew? You said earlier it would take two weeks to have this ship ready for combat. Less than a week has passed.”

  “Are you suggesting we let the Federation fleet be destroyed and the surface of Ornellia bombed back to the Stone Age or worse?”

  Kathryn was surprised to hear Camlin voice her concern over this. For days now both she and Jolban had been saying how powerful the ship was and how there was nothing in this galaxy, other than perhaps the Dominator, which could endanger it.

  “No, of course not,” Camlin quickly said. “I was just pointing out that with an inexperienced crew accidents can happen. The wrong system turned on or off at a key moment, or even worse. I think it’s something you need to consider before risking this ship. Just remember our primary mission is recovering the Dominator and Kazak.”

  “I will take your advice under consideration,” Kathryn said evenly. “But for now I intend to engage the Simulins with the Distant Horizon when they jump into the Ornellian System.” She had promised the Ornellians she would return someday to rescue them; she intended to keep that promise.


  Reesa had been listening to the conversation. One thing she picked up on immediately was that Camlin had mentioned recovering the Dominator and Kazak. Nothing had been said about the Originators that were supposedly in stasis in the ship’s central compartment.

  Reesa felt her heart begin to beat faster. She greatly feared Camlin had no intention of allowing Rear Admiral Barnes to take the exploration dreadnought to Ornellia. She had met several times with Clarissa, and between the two of them they had come up with a plan to thwart the Originator AIs. The only proble
m was, there was no way to know if it would work.


  Simulin High Commander Altrab studied the sensor scans of the Ornellian System. The small fleet he had sent to obtain the scans had only just returned. There were more ships in the system than expected and the planet’s defensive grid had been greatly strengthened.

  “Another fleet from the Fitula Nebula must have recently arrived,” commented High Commander Jarald with a scowl. “It will increase our losses.”

  “It only goes to demonstrate how important Ornellia is to the Fitula organics,” replied Altrab. “They want to establish a base of operations in the outer regions of this galaxy. We cannot allow that.”

  Jarald turned away from the battle computer where he had been checking on the latest probability of Simulin victory based on the changes to the organic and AI forces. “The battle computer predicts a 92 percent probability of a Simulin victory.”

  Altrab looked coldly at Jarald. Jarald was too dependent on the battle computer for strategy. It was his one weakness as a commander. “Prepare the fleet to jump to Ornellia. I want us to appear just outside of the planet’s gravity well. Once there we will reevaluate the data from the sensor scans, and if there are no noticeable changes, we will attack.”

  “There can only be Simulin,” replied Jarald

  “Only Simulin,” responded Altrab.

  He felt uneasy. These were the Fitula organics and AIs, the same ones who had destroyed the Great Sphere, defeated Simulin fleets in a number of battles, and more recently destroyed six Simulin worlds. He strongly suspected this battle would be much more difficult than the battle computer predicted.


  Aboard the Distant Horizon, Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes sat nervously in her command chair watching the long-range sensors showing the large Simulin fleet. Numerous Simulin ships were moving forming up into an obvious attack formation.

  “Sible, I want our jump timed to put us directly behind the main part of the Simulin fleet twenty seconds after they arrive.” If her plan worked, the Distant Horizon would tear into the rear of the Simulin fleet before they could begin firing on the Federation ships around Ornellia.

  “Yes, Admiral,” Sible replied as she began sitting the jump up.

  Kathryn watched Sible. It was strange to see her sitting there with her hands in her lap and a look of concentration on her face. Kathryn knew Sible was using her neural implant to plot and set up the jump.

  “Should we go to Condition Two?” asked Commander Grissim.

  “No, not yet,” Kathryn replied. “We’ll give the crew these last few minutes to relax before we sound the alarms. “As soon as the Simulins jump, we’ll go to Condition Two. Once we jump, we’ll go immediately to Condition One.” As fast as the Distant Horizon was in hyperspace, it would only take them five to six minutes to travel the ten light years to Ornellia. Kathryn was anxious to find out what her upgraded ship was capable of.


  Reesa risked a quick look at Clarissa who slowly shook her head. Reesa’s pulse was racing, and she was breathing faster. Turning back to her console, she reminded herself she was an Alton. Closing her eyes she focused, slowing her breathing back down to normal and bringing her beating heart back under control. Sometime in the next few minutes she and Clarissa would know if the daring plan they had put together would thwart Camlin and the other Originator AIs. If they failed, then Ornellia would fall and Camlin would be free to carry out her plans against Kazak and the Dominator.


  Over Ornellia, Admiral Jackson was waiting tensely for the Simulin attack. The Exeter, Reprisal, and the two Alton battleships that had been at Absom had just arrived. All the Ornellian vessels, the colony ships, and the fleet repair ship had left the system to go to Absom and Admiral Santeld.

  “All ships present,” reported Commander Blanton. “The Exeter and the Reprisal have joined the other four battlecarriers beneath the defense grid.”

  Jackson nodded. He had formed the fleet up into ten lines five high and three deep. Damaged ships in the front line would fall back to the third line and ships in the second line would move forward to take their place. He had placed the fleet close enough to the defense grid so several of the Type Two battlestations and a large number of particle beam satellites would be able to fire upon the enemy fleet.

  “We’re as ready as we’re going to be,” said Commander Blanton. “Admiral Bachal and Admiral Calmat report all of their vessels are 100 percent combat ready.”

  Admiral Jackson leaned back in his command chair. “Now, we just wait for the Simulins to show up.” Jackson let out a deep breath. He wasn’t kidding himself. He knew the odds of winning the coming battle would be stacked deeply on the side of the Simulins. In order for him to win, he would need a miracle.


  That miracle waited a scant ten light years distant. Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes nearly jumped when the Simulin ships on the long-range sensors began vanishing from the system they had been in jumping quickly into hyperspace. However, the sensors on the Distant Horizon were capable of detecting the Simulins in hyperspace as well.

  “Simulins have entered hyperspace and are en route to Ornellia,” confirmed Commander Grissim.

  “Estimated arrival time at their current speed in hyperspace is seventy-four minutes,” added Captain Reynolds. “Their current speed in hyperspace is one light year every two minutes.”

  “Sible, do you have our jump calculated based on the Simulins’ hyperspace speed?”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Sible responded. “If necessary we can make additional adjustments once we enter hyperspace.”

  “Commander Grissim, keep the ship at Condition Three for the time being. The Simulins’ hyperspace speed is slightly slower than I expected.” No one knew for certain what the maximum speed was the Simulins could manage in hyperspace. It all depended on the level of hyperspace a ship could access.


  Minutes passed as the Simulin fleet drew closer to Ornellia. The Distant Horizon had only just changed its alert level to condition Two.

  “Activating hyperdrive,” reported Sible. A moment later she had a confused look on her face. “Admiral, the hyperdrive is nonfunctional.”

  Kathryn instantly tried to contact Engineering. However, her comm remained silent.

  “Clarissa, what’s going on?” Kathryn looked over at the AI, who seemed to be frozen in place. A cold and sharp chill spread over her. This all couldn’t be a coincidence. Drawing in a sharp breath she turned toward Camlin, who was standing close by. “What have you done to the ship and Clarissa?”

  “The ship’s fine,” Camlin responded. “Clarissa’s AI body has been temporarily shut down, and her access to the ship’s systems cut.”

  Kathryn stood up. “Why have you done this? If we don’t get to the Ornellian System soon, the Federation fleet in orbit will be destroyed and Ornellia will be turned into a radioactive cinder by the Simulins. Millions will die!”

  “I truly regret that,” Camlin said with a trace of sadness in her voice. “However, we can’t risk any harm coming to this ship until we have gained control of the Dominator and Kazak. Our entire future rests on that.”

  “Why? I don’t understand.”

  “Because of the Anti-Life,” answered Reesa, rising to her feet and gazing defiantly at Camlin. “Camlin needs the weapons research on the Dominator so they can travel to the galaxy where the Anti-Life resides.”

  “What weapons research?” Kathryn was getting more confused with every passing second. Not only that, the Simulins were still on their way to Ornellia while the Distant Horizon sat dead in space.

  “Over half of the scientists on the Dominator were doing weapons research,” Reesa explained.

  “How can you know this?” demanded Camlin, looking over accusingly at Leeda who had moved closer to Reesa as if to protect her.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Reesa replied. “You need those weapon designs so you can safely enter the galaxy of the Anti-Life.”<
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  “Why travel there?” asked Kathryn. “What’s so important about the Anti-Life?”

  “We have to,” Camlin said defiantly. “I don’t believe there are any Originators on board the Dominator. It’s been too long. If we want to bring back the Originator race, we must go to the galaxy of the Anti-Life.”

  “I still don’t understand,” said Kathryn, shaking her head. “Why go to the galaxy of your greatest enemies?”

  “Tell her Camlin, or I will,” threatened Reesa. Behind the admiral and Camlin, Reesa saw Major Weir tap a small control box beneath her console.

  “Because the Anti-Life are also Originators,” Camlin said, her eyes glinting with anger. “They were changed millions of years ago by using advanced nanite technology. They became a race of part machine and part Originator. They used outlawed nanite technology to become smarter, stronger, and nearly immortal. They spread out from their galaxy and tried to conquer the rest of the Originator Empire. The war lasted for centuries before they were finally driven back.”

  “Tell the admiral why you want to go there,” Leeda demanded. “Tell her how you and most of the other AIs on the Distant Horizon plan on taking the Dominator and Kazak to the galaxy of the Anti-Life. How you want to bargain with them to give you what is necessary to recreate the Originator race. You need sufficient germplasm from the Anti-Life to allow a new race of Originators to be born.”

  “Is that true?” demanded Kathryn.

  “It’s true, Admiral,” Clarissa said suddenly as she moved toward Camlin. “Sible, you will find the ship is now capable of doing a hyperjump. I would suggest you do so immediately.”

  “How?” cried out Camlin, backing away from Clarissa in horror. “You can’t be functioning, and the ship’s controls are locked out.”

  “Not anymore,” Clarissa said, stepping over and grabbing both of Camlin’s wrists, holding her immobile.

  At that moment the hatch to the Command Center slid open and a squad of Marines rushed in. Without hesitation they stunned all the Originator AIs except Camlin, Leeda, and Sible.


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