The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil

  “No, not with this drive. The disturbance at the black matter supernova wouldn’t affect it either.”

  Kathryn nodded as she thought about what the capabilities of the Distant Horizon’s new intergalactic drive offered. “I would really like to return home and see my father.”

  “That would be difficult,” Clarissa said with a frown. “How would we prevent the military from seizing the Distant Horizon in order to get their hands on the Originator technology on board? While your father would doubtlessly leave the ship alone, the military wouldn’t.”

  “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Kathryn said with a deep sigh. She really would like to see her father. She also knew the Federation could use some of the technology currently on the Distant Horizon. The only problem was, once she showed up at Ceres there was no way the military would let her leave again. She would have to disobey direct orders and she wasn’t sure she was ready for that.


  Jeremy and Kazak stepped inside the hospital room where Zafron was waiting for them. Zafron was sitting in a large comfortable chair which had been provided for him. Jeremy wondered where they had found a chair that would hold the Originator’s eight-foot frame.

  Upon seeing them enter the room, Zafron stood and gazed curiously at the two. “Welcome,” he said in a pleasant voice. “I assume you are Fleet Admiral Jeremy Strong?”

  “Yes,” replied Jeremy, noticing that Zafron was ignoring Kazak.

  “Then have a seat, we have much to discuss.”

  Jeremy sat down in the only other chair in the room facing Zafron, who had sat back down in his own chair.

  “I must thank you for saving the Dominator and bringing it here to Gaia,” Zafron began. “When we went into stasis most of us did not expect to be awakened. We did not believe there was a cure for the life extension pathogen.”

  Jeremy nodded in understanding. “Rear Admiral Barnes was the one who found the Dominator after a race called the Ornellians had located it in the asteroid field. Rear Admiral Barnes and her crew recognized it as being built by those we call the Originators.”

  Zafron was silent for a long moment, and his eyes seemed to harden. “I understand she was the one responsible for the destruction of this galaxy’s Shrieel.”

  Jeremy looked surprised. He didn’t know where Zafron had heard this. No one was supposed to have briefed the Originator on the current state of galactic affairs. That was something Jeremy had intended to do.

  The hard look in Zafron’s eyes vanished as he smiled. “I guess I wasn’t supposed to know about that was I? I must apologize. There is a computer terminal here in my room, and I used it to access some information. I wanted to know more about you Humans, the Altons, the Carethians, and the AIs who have joined you. I must say I was greatly surprised by what I found.”

  Jeremy remained silent. Zafron should not have been able to access that information. The computer terminal in this room supposedly only contained patient information. Somehow Zafron had used the terminal to hack into the general database of the ship’s main computer. This made Jeremy nervous as it reminded him how far out of Zafron’s league he was. It was obvious the Originator could think circles around him if he wanted. Jeremy realized his best option was to tell the truth and not attempt to hide anything.

  “We had no choice in destroying the Dyson Sphere. We regret being forced to do so, but we had no other option.”

  “I was greatly distressed to hear about your war with the Simulins. In many ways, it reminded me of our war with the Anti-Life. If it was possible for me to reach one of the Shrieels I could reprogram the self-defense systems to eliminate all the Simulin vessels inside and around them.”

  “That would stop their expansion immediately,” Jeremy answered as he realized what destroying the black matter Dyson Sphere may have cost them. “I wish there was some way we could accomplish that. The Simulins have been responsible for the deaths of trillions of intelligent organics across numerous galaxies.”

  Zafron let out a deep sigh. “I wish it was possible as well. Even with the Dominator, it would take years to travel in hyperspace to the nearest galaxy containing a Shrieel.”

  “What about the rest of your people who are in stasis? Have you made the decision about awakening them?”

  “No, not yet,” replied Zafron, with a concerned frown. “I don’t think you realize how dangerous mechanical nanites can be if allowed to fall into the wrong hands. For us the use of such nanites is one of the worst crimes imaginable. I am still adjusting to the fact they were used to revive me. The doctors have assured me there will be no lasting effects and my physiology has nearly returned to normal. Daena says I will need one more injection of the nanites and my cure will be complete.”

  “Take as long as you need to,” Jeremy said. “As of now, the mechanical nanites are the only cure that we know of.”

  Zafron’s broad shoulders seemed to droop. “I am aware of that. There are several of the scientists in the stasis chambers as well as a few of the older children who will never accept the use of mechanical nanites. They would kill themselves immediately if they found out they had been injected into their bodies.”

  “But some would accept it?”

  “Possibly, but there might be some emotional scarring.”

  Jeremy gazed at Zafron. He still found it amazing to be talking to an actual Originator. “Doctor Lansha says you will be well enough in a few days to go over to the Dominator. As its second officer, the ship is yours.”

  “We will discuss that later,” Zafron said as he turned toward Kazak who had been standing unmoving near Zafron. “Kazak, Operation 197-4420-001, execute.”

  Kazak began shuddering and he closed his eyes.

  “What did you do?” asked Jeremy, rising to his feet in consternation. What was Zafron up to?

  Zafron stood and walked over to the military AI. He stopped and stared thoughtfully at the AI. “I was always against Kazak’s construction. What he did to the Simulin worlds with the dark matter missiles only confirms that I was right. He also could have prevented the destruction of the Shrieel in this galaxy. He had within him the ability to destroy the Simulin ships inside and around the Shrieel by activating its defensive systems.” Zafron took a deep breath as he turned back toward Jeremy. “Do not be concerned. I reset Kazak’s main directive. He was in the latter stages of his search to find a cure. Because of that he could be quite dangerous. The code word I spoke resets Kazak as just a military AI, no longer consumed by the need to find a cure at any cost. It may be one of the reasons he allowed the Shrieel to be destroyed. I think you will find him much less dangerous. It also allows him more options if it is necessary to take the Dominator into battle.”

  Kazak’s eyes slowly opened. The Originator AI turned to Jeremy. “I am truly sorry for any actions I took which were inappropriate. I still stand by my word to furnish you with Originator weapons and technology. With Second Officer Zafron’s approval, I also place myself fully under your command.”

  Zafron gazed quizzically at the AI. “Seems as if Kazak has made some promises he may not be able to keep.”

  “The Dominator is your ship,” Jeremy said. “The weapons Kazak mentioned would be helpful in our war with the Simulins. We expect them to breach the nebula any day now.”

  “Yes, the hyperspace jamming buoys you’re using. Primitive, but similar in theory to the ones we used to contain the Anti-Life.”

  “The decision is yours to make on the weapons and technology.”

  “I will think on it,” promised Zafron. “The weapons Kazak speaks of can be very dangerous in the hands of a race not ready for that level of technology. Then again, it was the Shrieels which allowed the Simulins to spread across so many galaxies. Perhaps by giving you the technology and teaching you how to use it, the Simulin menace could someday be abated. The Altons are a very scientifically minded race. With them in the mix, it might indeed be possible to safely furnish you with Originator technology. Give
me a few days and I will give you my decision as well as the one on waking more of my people.”

  Jeremy nodded. He could tell from Zafron’s tone of voice the meeting was over. “I will speak to you in a few days. If there is anything you need let one of the nurses or doctors know.”

  “I will,” Zafron said with a smile. “They come very quickly when I call them. If you don’t mind, I would like Kazak to remain. We have much to discuss.”

  “Take as long as you need,” Jeremy answered. “I have some business on the Clan Protector I need to attend to.”

  “Ah, yes, your shipyard. If I agree to furnish you with Originator technology, we could greatly upgrade the Clan Protector. You would be astonished at how quickly new ships could be constructed and repairs made.”

  “I will leave you with Kazak,” Jeremy responded as he turned and left the room. He hoped Zafron agreed to provide them with the weapons and technology. If not, the war against the Simulins could take a bad turn if they managed to penetrate the nebula.


  After Jeremy left, Zafron gazed at Kazak and then spoke. “Tell me everything you know about these Humans and Altons, particularly Fleet Admiral Jeremy Strong.”

  Kazak turned toward Zafron and began speaking. What Zafron had failed to mention to Jeremy was the command words he had spoken had also placed Kazak completely under his control. While he did have some control of Kazak due to being the Dominator’s second officer, this set of commands forced Kazak to recognize Zafron as the ship’s legitimate commander.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Simulin Grand Councilmember Marden gazed in anger at the message just handed to him by one of his subordinates. Through his opalescent skin, his blood veins were pumping at a furious rate. Supreme High Commander Altrab had been defeated at Ornellia and most of his fleet destroyed. It was a setback the Grand Council had not been expecting. With the ships Altrab had, he should have easily won. Forcing his eyes to focus on the report he began reading to see why Altrab’s force had been nearly annihilated. As he read, his eyes widened at the mention of a second ship equipped with the deadly weapons of the ancient Sphere Builders.

  Upon finishing the report, he walked over to the large window overlooking Sabrith, the largest city on Gladen Three. The building he was in was the home of the Simulin Grand Council. True, it didn’t control the multitude of galaxies and thousands of worlds the real Grand Council controlled, but it did control all Simulins assets in this galaxy. The building rose up two hundred stories, nearly to the clouds. On days of low overcast, the building was actually in the clouds.

  Marden’s mind was working in overdrive. So many defeats as of late. Fleet after fleet destroyed, the Great Sphere annihilated, six Simulin worlds cleansed of life, and now Supreme High Commander Altrab had been defeated. If only they could summon reinforcements from the other Simulin controlled galaxies. However, that was impossible, at least for the immediate future. The supernova at the heart of the black matter nebula ensured that. It would be decades or even longer before hyperspace returned to normal allowing intergalactic travel.

  Another Simulin stepped up to the window. He was dressed very similarly to Marden in a simple uniform with only a single emblem designating him as another member of the Grand Council.

  “Altrab has been defeated and will shortly be returning. He must be put to death for failing the council. Failure cannot be tolerated in the ranks of the military. He must be made an example of.”

  Marden turned to face Councilmember Harked. “If we execute all of our commanders when they fail, then very shortly we will be out of qualified Simulins to lead our fleets. The organics from the Fitula Nebula along with their AIs are the most advanced enemy we have ever faced. Add in the existence now of two ships equipped with the weapons of the ancient Sphere Builders and we face a danger we’ve never before encountered. It’s possible we will not be able to hold our worlds in this galaxy.”

  Harked started to object but a cold stare from Marden stopped him.

  “In two months’ time we will be ready to launch our attack upon the Fitula Nebula. Our scientists have finally perfected a method to counter the jamming of hyperspace prevalent there. We must run a few more tests, but the preliminary testing is very positive.”

  “And if we fail in our attack upon the nebula?” asked Harked.

  “Then the war in this galaxy is over,” replied Marden, his eyes narrowing sharply. “We’re going to send every vessel we have into the nebula.”

  “What about the fleets defending our worlds?”

  “Those as well,” Marden said, his voice cold and ruthless. “We must risk everything for victory. There can only be Simulin.”

  “Only Simulin,” answered Harked with a haunted look in his eyes.

  Marden turned back to looking out the window. This galaxy was unique as it could be the first one in the history of the Simulin race where they might face total defeat.


  Simulin High Commander Caluthe studied the tactical display with critical eyes. After his victory over the organic and AI fleet near the Fitula Nebula weeks earlier, he had been given command of a much larger force. His eyes moved to the viewscreens, which showed only a part of the fleet he now commanded. Sixty battlecruisers and one hundred and eighty-seven escort cruisers now supported his flagship. They were in a red dwarf system and preparing for their next jump.

  “Current distance to the nebula?” Caluthe was searching for another enemy fleet. He knew from previous sensor contacts there were at least two, maybe three fleets patrolling the sector around the nebula. He intended to hunt at least one of them down and destroy it.

  “Eighteen light years,” Second Commander Gantol reported. “No contacts on the sensors.”

  “What does the battle computer recommend?”

  “We know the organic and AI ships’ long-range sensors have a range of ten light years, perhaps more,” Gantol replied. “The battle computer recommends we stay at least sixteen to twenty light years away from the nebula.”

  Caluthe gazed at one of the viewscreens showing one of his fleet’s seventeen-hundred-meter battlecruisers. It looked ominous against the background of unblinking stars.

  “Set up a series of jumps encircling the nebula. Keep a minimum range of eighteen light years. We will continue to make these jumps until we detect one of their fleets. Once we do, then we’ll move in and attack.”

  Second Commander Gantol nodded. “There can be none but Simulin.”

  “None but Simulin,” Caluthe replied.

  Leaning back in his command chair, he gazed around the Command Center. After his last victory, he had been given a much larger command. If he defeated this next organic and AI fleet, he expected to be put in charge of an even larger fleet. Perhaps even be promoted to the rank of Supreme High Commander responsible for destroying the Fitula organics and their AIs. He understood his duty to the Grand Council. It was his responsibility to destroy all threats to the empire and eliminate all organics or die in the attempt.

  “Ready to jump to the next star,” reported the navigation officer. “Coordinates have been transmitted to all fleet units.”

  “Do it,” ordered Caluthe. It was time the organics and AIs of the Fitula Nebula learned that to face the Simulins in battle only resulted in death.


  Moments later the fleet vanished into hyperspace. Unknown to High Commander Caluthe a small stealthed hyperspace detection buoy had already transmitted the appearance of the fleet in the red dwarf system to a waiting ship just inside the periphery of the nebula.


  Commander John Marshall of the strikecruiser Benson looked thoughtfully at the newest information from one of the hyperspace detection buoys. This one was eighteen light years distant.

  “Is it the same fleet?” he asked. For days now, there had been detection reports flooding in from various hyperspace detection buoys of a large Simulin fleet moving through the sector.

  “Confirmed,” reported Lieutena
nt Weiss from his sensor console. “Our contact has the same number of battlecruisers and escort cruisers.”

  “Should I send the contact information to Gaia?” asked Captain Scott, the executive officer.

  Marshall nodded. “Yes, send it down the tunnel and let them know the Simulin fleet is still in the sector. Once that’s been done, send FTL messages to our three patrolling fleets and let them know what’s out there. We could end up with a hell of a battle if one of our patrol fleets runs into that Simulin force.” Marshall knew this Simulin fleet was too large for one of the patrol fleets to risk tangling with. Better to let Fleet Admiral Strong decide what to do.

  Scott walked over to Communications to make sure all the messages were sent. They had the patrol schedule for all three fleets so a message would be relatively easy to send. It would also allow the three fleets to continue to avoid the Simulins until it was time to do battle.


  Jeremy was down on Gaia at the Fleet Academy. He was visiting with Rear Admiral Susan Marks in her office high above the Academy grounds.

  “An actual Originator,” murmured Susan, her eyes showing awe. “And you’ve really talked to him?”

  “Yes,” Jeremy answered. “Several times. Only yesterday Zafron boarded a shuttle and left the Alton science ship to go over to the Dominator.”

  Susan shifted uneasily in her chair. “Is that wise? He’s the defacto commander of that ship now. Is there any way for us to know what he’s thinking or planning on doing?

  Jeremy stood and walked to the window looking out at the Academy. From this lofty height, he could see students going from building to building and others just sitting on the immaculate grounds, studying.

  “No,” he admitted with a deep sigh.

  Kelsey and he had spent several nights talking into the late hours about Zafron, Kazak, and the Dominator. For the time being Zafron had agreed to allow the Human and Alton crew to remain on board the ship. He had even agreed to allow Kelsey to remain in command until he decided what his next course of action needed to be. Kelsey had canceled the leaves of all crewmembers to ensure the maximum number of Humans and Altons were on the ship.


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