The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel Page 23

by Raymond L. Weil

  “He could just take the Dominator and fly off into deep space,” Susan said as she walked over to stand near Jeremy. “We can’t afford to lose the Dominator, not if the Simulins discover how to get through the hyperspace interference keeping them out of the nebula. We’ll need that ship’s weapons.”

  Jeremy knew Susan was right. The Simulins still possessed a massive fleet. The Dominator was their only hope of stopping the Simulins short of Gaia if they launched a full-scale attack. “If he decides to leave, we would be powerless to stop him. I’m still hoping Zafron will follow through on Kazak’s promise to furnish us with advanced weapons and technology.”

  Susan was about to reply when there was a slight shimmer in the middle of her office and Ariel suddenly appeared. Susan had allowed a number of Ariel’s holo-emitters to be placed around the campus since Ariel did teach a few classes and sometimes spoke to the students.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” the dark haired AI said. She placed her hands on her hips and looked over at Jeremy. “Commander Marshall just sent a message. That large Simulin fleet was detected eighteen light years distant from the nebula. Marshall believes the Simulins are circling the nebula searching for one of our patrol fleets to attack.”

  “Most likely,” replied Jeremy. He had not expected the Simulins to send such a large fleet back into the sector, not without any nearby support bases. They had been tracking the fleet for several days.

  It was evident the Simulins were increasing their fleet activity throughout the galaxy. Only a few days back he had received a message from Admiral Jackson concerning the growing number of Simulin vessels gathering in a star system close to Ornellia. By now Admiral Calmat should have arrived with his reinforcing fleet. Jeremy hated that it took nearly a week for a message to travel one way between Gaia and Ornellia. For all he knew, the battle Jackson was expecting had already occurred.

  “Are you going to take a fleet out to engage the Simulins?” asked Susan.

  Jeremy folded his arms across his chest. He could see several students tossing a football around on one of the grassy areas. That was one thing he missed from home: all the sporting events prevalent in the Federation, particularly Earth. “The reason I sent Grayseth out to destroy the two Simulin bases in this sector was to limit Simulin access. We can’t let that fleet flaunt its power and not respond. In the next day or two, I’ll call a meeting of all of the fleet admirals still here at Gaia. I’ll include the Command AI as well. We’ll see if we can come up with a strategy to deal with that Simulin fleet.” Jeremy knew it would be necessary to attack the fleet with overwhelming force in order to keep losses to a minimum. He wished he could use the Dominator, but for now that was out of the question.


  Outside the nebula, the Distant Horizon exited a swirling spatial vortex. Its stealth shield was up to prevent detection even from Federation ships.

  “We’re just outside the entry tunnel,” reported Commander Grissim as she checked their coordinates.

  “Detecting a strikecruiser sitting in the center of the tunnel just inside the nebula,” Captain Reynolds added. “I don’t believe they detected us though they might have noticed the power surge from the exit vortex.”

  Kathryn nodded. It felt strange being back at the nebula. She paused, gazing at it on the large viewscreen, which surrounded most of the Command Center. “Sible, use the gravity drive and maneuver us past the strikecruiser. Once we’ve put sufficient distance between us and the ship, we’ll jump to the next open section of the tunnel.” There were several open sections so ships could calculate their next hyperspace jump.

  “They may detect our exit and entry vortexes,” warned Sible as she activated the Distant Horizon’s gravity drive causing the ship to move rapidly toward the designated area on the periphery of the nebula.

  “Admiral, I’m also picking up a large Simulin fleet in hyperspace about twenty-two light years distant,” reported Reynolds. He put the red threat icons up on one of the tactical displays near Kathryn. Nearly two hundred red threat icons appeared, moving away from the Distant Horizon. Kathryn wasn’t sure what this meant as they had been away from Gaia for so long.

  “We’ll worry about them later,” She replied. Kathryn’s eyes shifted over to Leeda, who was standing quietly next to her. “Are you ready to face Kazak and the Dominator?”

  Leeda turned toward Kathryn. “As ready as I’m going to be. Clarissa will attempt communications first. We’ve discussed what she needs to say. With a little luck we can settle this peacefully.”

  “Commander Grissim, when we exit hyperspace near Gaia I want the ship at Condition One and all weapons aimed at the Dominator. I want Kazak to understand we’re deadly serious about him turning over the Originators who are in stasis.”

  “We’re currently at Condition Two,” Anne replied. “We’ll go to Condition One just before we make the last hyperjump.”

  Kathryn turned her attention back to the viewscreen. She wondered what type of commotion they would stir up when they appeared over Gaia. Nobody would be expecting them and it was going to be quite a shock. She heard a slight noise behind her. Kathryn knew that Clarissa was excited about speaking to Ariel again and telling her all about the AI body she had brought back for her from the Originator AIs’ Communication and Transport Hub. Kathryn also had a long report to submit to Fleet Admiral Strong. However, before they could do any of that, Kazak and the Dominator had to be dealt with first.


  On board the Benson, the sensor operator looked confused. The long-range sensors had indicated the appearance of a spatial vortex. However, when he had activated additional sensors, there was nothing at that location. No ship, no probe, nothing. For a long moment he sat there studying the readings and then decided not to mention it to the commander. It must have been a sensor ghost. He began running a quick diagnostic check on the long-range sensors to ensure they were functioning properly.


  The Distant Horizon moved quickly past the strikecruiser and on down the lengthy tunnel. The tunnel wasn’t completely clear of the gases of the nebula; it was just free of the hyperspace jamming caused by the numerous jamming buoys seeded throughout the nebula. The gas had been thinned out somewhat with special Alton technology. After a few minutes of travel, enough distance had been put between the two ships that activation of a spatial vortex would not be detected. Once again a vortex formed and the ship vanished into it.


  Jeremy was still in Rear Admiral Mark’s office talking with her and Ariel.

  “That’s a pretty large fleet,” Ariel pointed out. “We’ll lose some ships engaging it.”

  “Mostly AI warspheres,” Susan said, her eyes narrowing. The AIs were getting a propensity for sacrificing themselves to save Federation ships and crews. “I didn’t think I would ever say this about the AIs, but I don’t want to see them lose too many of their ships. They’re a type of life just as we are.”

  Jeremy nodded. He knew this had been hard for Susan to say. The atrocities committed by the AIs back in the Milky Way would never be forgotten. However, the AIs in the Gaia System were certainly doing everything in their power to make up for their past mistakes. Jeremy had some officers and crews who would never forgive the AIs and he understood that.

  Susan looked over at Ariel who was gazing out the large window. “Ariel, have you decided what classes you’re going to teach next semester?”

  Ariel turned back with a big smile on her face. She was about to reply when her face suddenly turned pale and she appeared to stumble. In a voice filled with stutters, she said one word clearly. “Clarissa?”

  Jeremy was about to ask what was wrong when alarms started sounding. He recognized them as the setting of Condition One across the planet. He felt like a giant hand had just squeezed his heart. He was deeply concerned about Ariel. Why the strange behavior and why did she say Clarissa’s name?

  The comm on Susan’s desk suddenly went off. “Report!” she said, gazing at Ariel who s
eemed to be frozen in mid-stride. “What? That’s impossible!” Susan’s face turned white as she stared in disbelief at Jeremy.

  At that moment the minicomm in Jeremy’s left ear suddenly went off. “Admiral, this is Lieutenant Preston. We have a situation developing. A large warship has just emerged from hyperspace four hundred kilometers from the Dominator. The ship has its energy shield up and all of its weapons aimed at the Originator vessel.”

  “Is it a Simulin warship?” Jeremy was afraid the Simulins had finally found a way through the hyperspace distortion in the nebula.

  “No,” Preston replied in an unsure voice. “I know this sounds impossible but I think it’s the Distant Horizon.”

  Jeremy felt a cold chill run down his back. It was as if a ghost had suddenly stepped into the room. His breath caught in his throat. It couldn’t be the Distant Horizon. They had sacrificed their lives at the black matter Dyson Sphere.

  “Put the fleet on alert,” ordered Jeremy. “I’m taking a shuttle and will be on the Avenger shortly. Try to raise that ship and confirm its identity.”

  “Jeremy,” said Ariel as she unfroze and looked uncertainly at him. “It is the Distant Horizon. I’ve been speaking with Clarissa.”

  Jeremy felt faint. How could this be possible? “Where have they been? Why are they pointing their weapons at the Dominator? Don’t they know Kazak could blow them into a million pieces if he feels threatened?”

  “Not anymore,” Ariel said, regaining her composure. “The Distant Horizon has a number of Originator AIs on board. The ship has also been upgraded and equipped with advanced Originator weapons and energy screens. If any ship gets blown apart, it will be the Dominator.”

  “What do they want?” Jeremy needed to get up to the Avenger before this situation got out of hand. He felt it difficult to comprehend what Ariel had just reported. The Distant Horizon was now more powerful than the Dominator? None of this seemed possible.

  Ariel seemed to listen for several moments before she answered. “Clarissa is talking to Kazak. It seems the Originator AIs on board the Distant Horizon have a cure for the life extension pathogen. They are offering to use it on the Originators in stasis if Kazak turns them over.”

  “They don’t know we’ve already revived Zafron,” said Susan, her eyes narrowing. “This could get ugly quick.”

  “Ariel, tell Clarissa they’re not to fire on the Dominator no matter what. We’ll be up on the Avenger shortly and talk then. Don’t mention Zafron being awake.” Jeremy wanted this kept secret for now. There was no doubt that a living Originator could control the AIs on the Distant Horizon if necessary.

  “I haven’t and I won’t,” answered Ariel as she suddenly vanished.

  Jeremy let out a deep sigh. He knew that the dark-eyed AI was already back on board the Avenger. It was where he needed her to be.

  “Get to the spaceport,” Susan said. “I’ll have your shuttle ready by the time you get there.”

  “Thanks, Susan,” Jeremy said as he turned and rushed out the door of her office.

  Susan watched him leave. She wondered what the return of the Distant Horizon would mean. It was evident from what Ariel had said that more Originator AIs were involved. With a deep sigh she sat back down. There would be no classes for the rest of the day, maybe for the next several days.


  Kelsey stared in shock at the large viewscreen that covered the Command Center. What she was seeing on the screen was impossible. That ship couldn’t be there.

  “It’s confirmed,” Commander Malen said. “It is indeed the Distant Horizon. The ship has been rebuilt and sensors indicate it’s armed with Originator weapons, possibly more powerful than those on the Dominator.”

  “We must leave,” Zafron said as he rushed into the Command Center. “We can’t endanger the lives of the rest of my people in the stasis chamber. Prepare the ship to make a hyperspace jump.”

  “I have contact with Clarissa,” Kazak announced as he strode into the Command Center.

  “Clarissa,” uttered Katie, her eyes opening wide in disbelief. She looked over at Mikow with hope in her eyes. “What does she want?”

  Kazak was silent for a long moment and then a look of surprise spread across his face. “This is a startling development. There are Originator AIs on board from the Communication and Transport Hub. They claim to have a cure for the life extension pathogen.”

  “A cure?” said Zafron suddenly looking unsure of himself.

  “Yes,” Kazak answered. “Evidently they continued to work on a cure after all of the Originators died. They did so for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, they finally found a cure they claim will work.”

  “We wouldn’t need the mechanical nanites?”

  “No,” answered Kazak, looking at Zafron. “This is a totally organic cure.”

  “Can we trust this Clarissa?” asked Zafron. “We could still take the ship and flee to safety.”

  “Clarissa is trustworthy,” said Commander Malen, turning toward Zafron. “I’ve known her for years. She wouldn’t lie or use subterfuge in something such as this.”

  Zafron stared at the viewscreen and the Distant Horizon. Even from here it was obvious the ship’s weapons ports were open and they were all targeted on the Dominator. “It seems they plan on taking my people off the Dominator even if we refuse to cooperate.”

  “It’s due to my programming,” Kazak said regretfully. “They believe I’m in the last stages of my mission and will do anything to preserve those in the stasis chamber. Clarissa says the Originator AIs on board are worried that I will take the ship and leave and they will never find us again.”

  “Activate our weapons and target that ship,” Zafron ordered. “I want the ship ready to enter hyperspace at my command.”

  “Zafron, don’t fire on the Distant Horizon,” pleaded Kelsey. “I have a lot of close friends on that ship. Let’s hear what they have to say.”

  “Ship targeted,” reported Kazak. “Energy shield has been energized. Hyperspace coordinates have been set. Hyperdrive is ready to be energized.”

  Zafron paused for a long moment and then seemed to reach a decision. “I won’t fire first,” Zafron said finally, shifting his eyes to Kelsey. “But if they make a threatening move toward this vessel, I’ll use every weapon at my disposal to destroy them. If I can’t then we leave.”


  On board the Distant Horizon, Kathryn stared with worry at the Dominator.

  “Admiral, the Dominator’s energy shield just went up, and its weapons are being targeted on us,” reported Captain Reynolds as several alarms sounded on his sensor console.

  “Just a precaution,” Clarissa said quickly. “I’m still talking to Kazak.”

  “Does Fleet Admiral Strong know of our arrival?” asked Kathryn.

  “Yes, the entire fleet has gone to Condition One and he’s on his way to the Avenger. Ariel says he should be on board in twenty minutes.”

  “The Dominator isn’t moving,” pointed out Commander Grissim. “Maybe Fleet Admiral Strong will get to the Avenger in time.”

  “Is Kazak agreeing to turn over the Originators in the stasis chambers?” asked Leeda. “He must do so. We can’t risk the Dominator making a hyperspace jump.”

  “Major Weir, target the Dominator’s hyperspace drive. If there’s any sign of them energizing the drive I want it disabled.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Weir said as he retargeted one of the ship’s particle beam cannons.

  Kathryn looked over at Leeda. “Can any of the Dominator’s weapons penetrate our energy shield?”

  “I don’t think so,” Leeda replied. “Only Jolban would know for sure and he’s in detention.”

  Kathryn drew in a sharp breath. She didn’t want to risk any damage to her ship or the Dominator if she could help it.

  “Clarissa, ask Kazak if he’s willing to wait until Fleet Admiral Strong arrives to help us work through this situation.”

  Clarissa quickly sent the request t
o Kazak. With a relieved look on her face, she nodded. “He agrees, but we’re not to go any closer to the Dominator or they will consider it as an aggressive move and will open fire.”

  “Very well,” Kathryn said with a sigh of relief. “Sible hold us in this exact position relative to the Dominator until we hear from Fleet Admiral Strong.”


  On board the Dominator, Kelsey was watching Zafron anxiously. It was nearly impossible to guess what he was thinking. “Zafron, I know both Rear Admiral Barnes and Clarissa very well. They won’t fire. We just need to wait for Fleet Admiral Strong to get here and he can straighten everything out.”

  “We’re jeopardizing the lives of the rest of my people,” Zafron said as he walked over to the weapons console. “I can’t risk that.”

  “Fleet Admiral Strong saved all of us,” Commander Malen said as she moved closer to Zafron. “Look around this system. Under his command we’ve managed to survive against almost impossible odds. He’ll do everything in his power to keep your people safe just as he did us. You must give him the chance.”

  Zafron turned toward Commander Malen. “You have a lot of confidence in your fleet admiral.”

  “I would give my life for him,” Malen said without hesitation.

  Zafron seemed to consider her words and then moved away from the weapons console. “Very well, we’ll wait. But remember, I will not risk any danger to those of my race still in stasis. If I decide to fight this ship or jump out, all of you will still be on board.”

  “We understand,” Commander Malen said. “I promise Fleet Admiral Strong will do what’s best for all of us and that includes you and those of your people in stasis.”

  Kelsey watched as Zafron walked over to Kazak and started speaking to him in a low voice. She just hoped Commander Malen was right and Jeremy could defuse this situation. If he couldn’t then she might never see him or Gaia again. None of them would.


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