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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

Page 32

by Raymond L. Weil

  Jeremy leaned back, feeling stunned. He didn’t know what to say.

  “Your people would be safe,” Bartoll added. “Kazak will have some military duties to perform removing all the Simulin ships from the Shrieels they control.”

  “I can do that from the Communications and Transport Hub,” Kazak informed them. “It will be a simple matter of changing a few protocols and downloading the program to all the Shrieels. Once the changes have been made, the internal and external defenses will destroy all Simulin vessels within the vicinity of the Shrieels.”

  “We would still need your Marines to drive the Simulins out of the vortex Control Centers,” Marisa said. “While it will do the Simulins no good to activate a vortex once Kazak has changed the defensive protocols, they would still need to be removed.”

  Jeremy turned toward Camlin and Leeda. “This was your idea for us to move to a Dyson Sphere.”

  “Yes,” admitted Camlin. “Your people have been fighting a war against the Simulins ever since you arrived in this galaxy. Even back in your home galaxy, you were fighting. This will give your people a sanctuary, a place they can live in peace without the fear of war.”

  “If you agree to this, some of us will take the Distant Horizon back to the Communication and Transport hub and bring back the necessary ships to transport all of your people.”

  “What of the AIs?” Jeremy wasn’t sure what they were going to do since their Master Codex had been destroyed.

  “Have you spoken to ZED?” asked Leeda. “I think you should.”

  Jeremy was silent as he considered the offer. He didn’t see how he could turn it down. “What about the other Simulin worlds? Their shipyards must be destroyed to prevent them from ever being a threat to this galaxy again.”

  “I have spoken to the AIs,” Nomar said. “They have agreed to allow a sufficient number of their surviving warspheres to go with the Dominator to accomplish that mission while the rest of us go on the Distant Horizon back to the Communication and Transport Hub to make the necessary arrangements to receive your people.”

  Jeremy looked over at Commander Zafron. “Do you agree with this?”

  Zafron slowly shook his head. “No, this will expose your people to our technology, something which goes against our beliefs and laws. However, Bartoll is now the leader of our people, and I recognize some things may have to change.”

  “I need to speak to some others before I give you my decision.”

  Bartoll nodded. “Take as much time as you need. We will wait.”


  Jeremy was back on board the Avenger. On the trip back on the shuttle, he had thought about the ramifications of what the Originators were proposing. It was an offer he had not been expecting. It was also an offer that would be very difficult to turn down.

  Once arriving on the Avenger Jeremy called a meeting of his remaining command staff as well as several others he wanted involved in this decision.


  “They want us to move to a Dyson Sphere?” asked Kelsey, her blue eyes widening in shock.

  “At the Communication and Transport Hub,” Jeremy added.

  “We would be safe there,” explained Clarissa. “It’s in deep space between the galaxies. I’ve spoken to Kazak, and he claims he can fully activate and control the defenses of the Communication and Transport Hub. He says once he’s done that we will be safe from any possible enemy.”

  “I’ve seen what’s there,” Rear Admiral Barnes said, recalling her stay while the Distant Horizon was being updated. “What they’ve built is beyond belief. We could be a part of that.”

  “We won’t be totally out of the war,” Jeremy said, recalling the problem with the Simulins controlling numerous vortex Control Centers in the Dyson Spheres. “We still would need to furnish some of our Marines to clear out the Simulins from the Control Centers.”

  “Which will end the Simulin war,” Ariel pointed out. “Without the vortex Control Centers, the Simulins won’t be able to travel from galaxy to galaxy.”

  “I have spoken to Reesa,” Grayseth rumbled. “She has described to me some of the things she has seen on the Dyson Spheres, I believe my people would approve of the move.”

  “Would we be allowed access to Originator technology?” asked Rear Admiral Susan Marks, who had come up from the Fleet Academy.

  Jeremy nodded. “Some of their technology for sure, that is an area where there will need to be more discussion.”

  “I know all of my race will approve of the move,” Andram said. “The research opportunities will be tremendous. There will be so much for us to learn, even more than what is available on Astral and the City of Lights.”

  “No more war,” said Kelsey with a far away look in her eyes. “Jeremy, we deserve this. If we can’t return home, this is the next best thing.”

  “What about the rest of you?” Jeremy had invited Kevin, Katie, and Angela to the meeting. He trusted them above all others.

  “It would be a wonderful place to raise Clair,” Angela said. “We wouldn’t have to worry about our future.”

  Kevin and Katie nodded their agreement. “I’m tired of war,” Kevin said. “We deserve some time off.”

  “What of Ornellia?” asked Rear Admiral Akira. “We can’t just abandon the Ornellians.”

  “No, we can’t,” replied Jeremy. He had been thinking about this earlier. “I will have to speak to Bartoll and the remaining AIs, but I may have a solution for that also.”

  “Assign our remaining AI ships to defend Ornellia,” Rear Admiral Marks said in understanding.

  “Yes,” Jeremy answered. “I need to speak to ZED. From what I understand he is now the acting leader of the AIs.”

  “Many of our people have met their deaths with honor defending Gaia and Borton,” Grayseth said solemnly. “There will be much sadness in the coming days even for my people. Many cubs have lost their fathers. While much honor has been bestowed on numerous clan households, this will be a difficult time for many.”

  “All the more reason to move to one of the Dyson Spheres,” Kelsey said. “It will be a good place for all of our wounds to heal.”

  Jeremy took a deep breath. “Then we’re all in agreement.”

  Everyone nodded their heads.

  “Very well, I will inform Bartoll of our decision.”

  Jeremy leaned back in his chair scarcely believing what they had just decided. For him it meant the end of a war and time for him and Kelsey and the others to know peace. Looking over at his wife, Jeremy realized that once they settled down on one of the Dyson Spheres at the Communication and Transport Hub, it might be time for him and Kelsey to finally start their family. He looked over at Kevin and Katie, who were holding hands and smiling at one another. Perhaps Ariel had been right when she said someday there would be a new Special Five.

  Chapter Twenty

  Major Caulder was growing concerned. The evacuation of Gaia was nearly complete and all that remained was to finish the evacuation of New Eden. Overhead a flight of Anlon bombers dove down toward the thousands of Conqueror Drones steadily advancing toward the defenses surrounding the city. Already heavy fighting was being reported all along the heavily defended perimeter.

  “We won’t be able to hold them much longer,” Captain Donaldson said as he peered over one of the defensive walls protecting the tall laser tower. From the top of the tower, the twin laser turret was firing nearly nonstop. A Talon fighter made a low pass over the battlefield, strafing the Conqueror Drones.

  Brace let out a deep sigh. There were still long lines at the spaceport of people waiting to board the shuttles. “We need at least three more hours to get everyone off the planet. Can you hold the perimeter that long?”

  Captain Donaldson nodded his understanding. “We’ll buy you that time but we’re going to lose a lot of good Marines.”

  Several huge explosions struck the line of advancing Conqueror Drones, blasting huge gaps in their ranks. Black smoke rose up into the air. The blasts had bee
n caused by KEW rounds from one of the orbiting battlecarriers. These were becoming more common with every passing minute.

  “When they break through the defensive perimeter I want everyone to fall back to the spaceport. We’ll make our final stand around the shuttles.”

  “I’ll see you there,” replied Donaldson. “Now you better get back to the spaceport. It’s going to get pretty hairy here shortly.”

  Brace nodded. He knew Captain Donaldson was right. He had just made the trip out to the defensive perimeter to get a better feel for what his Marines were up against. “Make sure you make it there. I’ll be expecting you.”

  Brace turned and ran back over to his vehicle where his driver was waiting. It had been over a week since the evacuation had started. With any luck, it would be finished in a few more hours and the only thing left moving on Gaia would be the Conqueror Drones.


  On the Avenger Jeremy listened as Ariel outlined the latest developments on the evacuation. Things on the surface were getting more untenable with every passing moment.

  “The colony ship Olympus is 22 percent full and should be able to accommodate the rest of the survivors from New Eden. The evacuation should be completed in two point six hours after which the Marines will make a fighting withdrawal to the spaceport where they will board waiting shuttles. Anlon bombers and Talon fighters will give them covering fire.”

  “How many Marines do we still have around New Eden?”

  “Six thousand,” Ariel answered promptly. “Twenty-three hundred others have already been evacuated from the other secure landing sites.”

  “What’s the current condition at those sites?

  “They’re overrun by Conqueror Drones.”

  Jeremy thought for a moment. He hated leaving Gaia covered with the drones. Gaia deserved better. “Lieutenant Preston, when the evacuation is complete and all fighters and bombers have returned to the battlecarriers I want Shrike missiles targeted on all the evacuation sites.”

  “Even New Eden?” asked Preston, his eyes widening.

  “Yes, even New Eden. I want to take out as many Conqueror Drones as possible before we make the jump into hyperspace. Once we leave, I don’t intend ever to return here. Gaia is now a part of our history.”


  At the Fleet Academy, Rear Admiral Susan Marks stood at the window to her office looking out over the Academy grounds. All the cadets had been evacuated and a shuttle was waiting at the Academy’s spaceport to take her up to the Retribution. She had one more trip to make before she was ready to leave.


  Twenty minutes later she stood in front of the granite obelisk and walls that listed the fleet personnel who had died since coming to the Triangulum Galaxy. With a deep sigh, she knew that list was now much larger after the losses suffered in the defense of Gaia. For several long moments she stood there with her head bowed and then, turning, she started the long trip back down the wide flight of stairs leading to the parade ground where her Marine escort was waiting. It had been decided not to destroy the Academy. The energy shield protecting it should operate anther sixty years before it ran out of power. Until that time, the Academy and its memorial would bear testimony to the determination of the Lost Fleets to survive in the Triangulum Galaxy.


  Nearly three hours later Major Caulder watched as the last civilian was loaded on a shuttle, which promptly took off. Knowing it was time, he sent out the order for all Marine units to pull back to the spaceport. The laser towers would be set on automatic and would continue to fire until the Conquer Drones managed to pull them down. From the latest reports from the perimeter, Brace knew his Marines were suffering heavy casualties.


  Captain Donaldson was in a heavy firefight with hundreds of Simulin Conqueror Drones. In the clear area between the laser tower and the distant tree line, hundreds of destroyed Drones were evident. But more kept on coming. Looking to either side he could see other Marine units similarly engaged. With each passing minute the drones were drawing steadily closer to the defense perimeter. With deep concern he saw a fresh wave of drones erupt from the tree line. This wave was much larger than previous ones.

  “Captain, we’ve been ordered to withdraw,” yelled Sergeant Mathews. “I’ve already told the turret crew to set it on automatic and head for the spaceport.”

  Even as Donaldson acknowledged the report half a dozen Conqueror Drones came crashing over the top of one of the concrete barriers. Marines began screaming as the drones grabbed them with their oversized pinchers and started tearing them apart. Weapons fire increased dramatically as other Marines rushed to their aid.

  Captain Donaldson saw all along the defensive line that the Conqueror Drones were beginning to penetrate. This final wave of drones was too overpowering. With a sudden calmness, he knew his Marines weren’t going to make it to the spaceport.

  With a cold chill, Donaldson could hear the screams of his Marines and others all along the line. Many Marines were fleeing their defensive positions and running toward the city hoping to evade the Conqueror Drones long enough to make it to the spaceport. Others would run a few meters, turn and fire at the drones and then start running again.

  “Lieutenant Lewis, get me Rear Admiral Akira on the Retribution.”

  Moments later he told the Rear Admiral what he wanted done. Donaldson knew he had just given his last order as a captain in the Marines. Even as he saw a Conquer Drone bearing down on him, massive explosions began erupting up and down the defensive line. Donaldson had called in KEW strikes on his own position to give some of his Marines and others a chance to make it to the spaceport. Just before the drone reached him, a massive explosion obliterated the wall he was standing behind, sending Donaldson into peaceful darkness.


  Major Caulder felt helpless as reports of the Conqueror Drones overrunning Marine positions began to flood in. He had set up a defensive perimeter around the waiting shuttles to allow the Marines a chance to escape. As time passed, Marines began to straggle in. Sometimes in ones and twos and at other times entire squads. For nearly an hour shuttles climbed toward space carrying injured and exhausted Marines.

  When Caulder was certain there were no more Marines coming, he gave the order for the Marines on the perimeter to pull back and enter the shuttles. As Brace entered his own shuttle, he turned and stared out the hatch as it closed. Already Conqueror Drones were beginning to swarm onto the tarmac of the spaceport. Then the hatch closed and he felt the shuttle take off. With a deep sigh, he walked over and sat down. Gaia now belonged to the Conqueror Drones. He had also noticed that Captain Donaldson had not been among the survivors


  “Evacuation complete,” confirmed Kelsey, looking over at Jeremy. “All shuttles have docked and the fleet is ready to depart.”

  “Lieutenant Preston, launch the Shrike missiles.”

  From four missile tubes on the Avenger, the twenty-megaton Shrike missiles launched and then fell toward their targets.

  Jeremy watched silently as the missiles reached the surface and detonated. His eyes focused on where New Eden was, watching with great sadness as a mushroom cloud rose above the city and high up into the planet’s atmosphere. He tried not to think of all the time he had spent in the city with Kelsey, Kevin, Katie, and Angela. All those places were gone now, washed away in nuclear fire.

  “Jeremy?” said Kelsey in a softer and understanding voice. “It’s time to go.”

  Drawing in a deep breath, Jeremy looked around the Command Center and the quiet group of officers. “Ariel, set a course for Ornellia. It’s time we go and check on Admiral Jackson.”

  “Fleet is jumping,” reported Kevin from his sensor console.

  The Avenger was the last ship to enter hyperspace. In front of the powerful battleship, a swirling blue-white spatial vortex formed and moments later the Avenger left the Gaia System. The system had served its purpose. It had protected the Lost Fleets and now the system was once more lef
t in solitude.


  Nearly seven weeks had passed since the Distant Horizon had left the Triangulum Galaxy. Kathryn was in the Command Center as dropout at the Originator Communication and Transport Hub was expected shortly. It had been a long journey but the new intergalactic drive the ship was equipped with had functioned flawlessly.

  “It feels strange coming back here after so long,” Bartoll said. The Originator scientist had expressed his wish to be in the Command Center when the ship reached the hub. “In my youth, before the onset of the life extension pathogen, I made the journey to the hub many times. We had several major research projects that were to be launched from here. We had dreams of projects which would allow us to explore our entire universe, to acquire even more knowledge, and perhaps someday unite all the races in thousands of galaxies into working together for the common good.”

  “It sounds like an ambitious and worthy goal,” Kathryn said. Just the scope of what the Originators had planned was far beyond anything she had imagined.

  “It’s going to be a shock when the other Originator AIs learn we have living Originators on board,” Leeda said with a pleased smile. “We have all waited so long for this day.”

  “It will be an adjustment for some of us,” Camlin admitted. “Many of us never thought this day would come.”

  “Dropout,” Sible announced as the ship exited hyperspace.

  Almost instantly on the viewscreen appeared the massive constructs of the Originator hub.

  “I’ll inform them we’ve returned and that a meeting of all Originator AI leaders is necessary,” Camlin said as she moved toward the communications console.

  “Even from the other Dyson Spheres?” asked Kathryn, wondering how they would get here fast enough.

  “No, just from the hub megastructures,” replied Camlin. “Once we have met then news of the recovery of the Originators will be spread by activating small intergalactic vortexes we use for communication. Within two days all the Shrieels will know of the return of the Originators.”


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