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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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by Tania Sparks

  I’m actually a bit nervous and it feels like I have butterflies dancing wildly in my tummy. I haven’t seen any of the guys for a while and a lot’s changed for me in the past year. I’ve grown up heaps. I definitely look different. My friends have always told me that I’m a knock-out and that I could have any guy I wanted, but I’ve never really believed them and although I think I look okay, I don’t think I’m beautiful by any stretch of the imagination. But over the last year I’ve embraced my sexuality, men seem to find me attractive, although I can’t fathom why. I feel a lot more confident and grown up than the last time I saw the band. I especially hope that Cody notices the changes in me and sees me as more than just Nikki’s little sister or the little girl that he’s known forever.

  We finally reach the hotel. We get out and make our way up to the hotel suite. I’m trailing along behind Nikki and Trixie, trying desperately, but not very successfully, to contain my excitement. As we reach the penthouse door, I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I can do this!

  I follow Nikki and Trixie inside and I spot Cody instantly. He stands up abruptly, drops his drumsticks to the floor and stares at me with a cheeky smirk on his face.

  He looks as sexy as ever. His brown hair and cock-sure red mohawk always drives me crazy mad. I’ve frequently imagined what it would feel like to run my fingers through that spiky hair. I wish I could walk over to him and do exactly that right now. He looks effing hot! He’s wearing faded blue jeans and an old Oblivion T-shirt. But the main thing I notice is the way he’s looking at me. Every part of him is screaming with uncontrolled desire. He’s never looked at me this way before and my body instantly heats as I stare back at him. His eyes rake over me and I feel tingles of goosebumps travel over my skin as if it’s actually his fingertips drifting tenderly over my body.

  After spending way too long ogling each other I snap out of my trance, look around the suite and squeal, “Oh my god! Hi guys. I’ve missed y’all so much.”

  The music gets turned down and everyone starts walking towards me to say hello. I say hi to Scott, then Hansen, then Ash and his girlfriend Eve. Then I turn my attention to Cody and confidently meander my way over to him. His eyes inspect every inch of me and a sexy smirk tugs at his lips as he growls, “Holy shit Kitty, when did you get so fucking hot!”

  My heart misses a beat as I realize he has definitely noticed me. But before I can take any pleasure in our mutual attraction, Nikki slaps Cody hard on the back of his head as he roars, “That’s my baby sister dipshit!”

  Cody’s eyes never leave mine as he mumbles back, “Yeah, hot as hell sister!”

  Nikki tries to take another swipe at Cody but Cody’s too quick as he darts away effortlessly.

  I follow Cody the few steps to where he’s now standing. Cody is still raking his eyes over me as I scan my eyes unashamedly over him. His body looks as hard as steel but warm and inviting at the same time and that cheeky lop-sided grin gets me every single time. My heart is pounding wildly and my body is tingling in anticipation of being closer to him. We’re now a few yards away from the rest of the group and I take the opportunity to step even closer to him. I secure my arms around his neck. He feels so good pressed up against me. I flutter my eyelids and focus my attention on his lips as I purr, “Hey Cody.”

  He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me tighter against his hard body. I feel a groan vibrate in his chest. He takes a deep breath and in his normal mischievous way he murmurs into my ear, “Your tits feel fucking amazing pressed up against me like that, feel free to wrap those sexy legs around me if you like baby.”

  He’s never spoken to me in such a sexually explicit way before, but if he thinks he can shock me that easily, he’s got another think coming. I whisper back, “You know what Sticks, it would feel even better if we were naked.”

  Cody’s eyes widen in shock. I chuckle, give him a quick kiss right on his lips, release my arms from around his neck and saunter off to the kitchen to get myself a drink. I try to look as calm as I possibly can, but that felt so darned good my whole body is literally vibrating with excitement.

  I spend the rest of the evening socializing with everyone and trying not to be too obvious that my attraction to Cody is pulsing off me in waves of desire. I constantly glance at him and every time our eyes meet my body hums and my heartbeat races. That boy’s got danger written all over him, but I can’t help but be drawn to him. I can tell he’s having the same reaction to me and I’m so thrilled that he’s finally noticed me. But the problem is that he’s a serial bad boy that breaks hearts on a nightly basis, hell, probably an hourly basis!

  I’ve had a crush on him for years and all I had wanted was for him to notice me, but now he has I’m unsure what to do about it. To be quite honest, I hadn’t even thought about what I would do if he showed any interest in me. I simply presumed it would be the same as it’s always been with me admiring him from a distance and him never even noticing me in ‘that’ way. This mutual attraction thing is new, it’s thrilling and I’m not sure what to make of it.

  I can tell he wouldn’t need much coaxing to make him mine for a night, but can I handle the inevitable eventual rejection? Cody’s not a more-than-one-night sorta guy.

  I’m confused and it’s pure torture trying to figure out, now I’ve got his attention, what it is I actually want to do about it.

  After a good catch up with the guys and after we’ve all had way too many drinks, I take myself off to bed in one of the spare rooms of the suite. I spend the entire night dreaming of the sexy drummer, his cheeky smile and what might eventuate tomorrow.

  Chapter 2

  I didn’t sleep well. I tossed and turned all night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Cody’s green eyes burning with desire, his penetrating gaze inspecting every inch of me and his cheeky grin promising all sorts of mischief.

  Those imaginings quickly turned into more erotic thoughts. I started to imagine how his body would feel…

  Cody’s lying on his back, we’re both topless and my legs are straddled over his hips. I can feel his hardness through his jeans, pressing into me where I ache for him. I run my fingertips over each and every ridge of his muscled torso, tracing the lines of ink that decorate his skin. His body feels firm, warm and smooth.

  His breath hitches as my hands slowly move down and over his abs, edging closer and closer to his belt buckle. I run my fingers back and forth just under the top of his waistband. Our attention is focused solely on each other as our scorching desire is communicated silently between us. There is no need for words, just touch and this unspoken electricity that connects us. My body tingles and my mind goes blank with unbridled lust.

  His fingers hungrily dig into the flesh on my hips then his talented hands caress and explore my body. I lean down and hungrily lower my mouth to his. We devour each other in a tangle of tongues and lips. We make sounds of pleasure, muttered words of promise and sighs of desire.

  We slowly and sensually remove each other’s jeans. He isn’t wearing any underwear and he springs free…ready…waiting…hard and hot.

  He slowly removes my lace panties…we touch and explore each other, giving pleasure and receiving pleasure in return. It’s complete and utter heaven and I’m amazed at how incredible this feels. We touch, feel and taste. My head is dizzy with lust and my body hums in readiness.

  Then our bodies are entwined, connected intimately and moving in perfect harmony with each other. Hot. Sweaty. Thrusting. Breathless. Sharing sensations of unadulterated pleasure as our bodies race towards climax in ultimate bliss…


  No, my dreams made sure I didn’t get much sleep last night. I wake up tired, completely unrested and as horny as hell.

  I lie in bed for darned-knows how long, just thinking and dreaming, in a state of semi-consciousness and definite heightened arousal.

  My mind wanders. Last night Cody definitely noticed me. But now he has, what do I do about it? I’ve wanted this, fantasized about this and i
magined scenarios like this for so long. Am I ready to take a shot at trying something with him? Am I ready for the ultimate end rejection that will surely come swiftly after we’ve had our one-time of hot and wild sex? I know in my heart that Cody’s only interested in a one off hookup…but surely one night is better than no nights right? Or would that completely devastate me? Can I stop at just the one time? Or will I want the impossible – will I want more?

  I reach over to my bedside table and pick up my journal and pen. I decide to jot down a few thoughts. Writing things down always helps me sort out my feelings and clear my mind. After writing a few pages I come to a decision – why the hell not! Let’s see where this mutual attraction takes us. I’d rather have one night of complete and utter bliss than wonder incessantly for the rest of my life what it would have been like if only I’d had the guts to give this a go.

  Feeling satisfied that I’ve made the right decision, I close my journal and place it back down on the bedside table. It sounds like everyone else is already up and getting ready. From what I gathered last night, today all the guys are going off for the day to catch up with friends and hang out at some of their old haunts. Tonight they have a free night and then tomorrow evening they all have plans to visit family. Nikki’s going with Trixie to visit her folks, which he’s curiously quite nervous about. Hansen, Scott, Ash and Eve are all going to visit their families and I heard that Cody was just going to hang around the hotel. He said something about his folks being away.

  I eventually get out of bed and jump in the shower. I turn the temperature setting to cold and find that the chilly water somewhat successfully dampens my erotic cravings. Once I’m completely cooled down I get out, dry my over-sensitized skin with the rough white towel, brush my hair and throw on some red lace panties, a red tank top and some jean shorts. I make my way out into the main living area of the suite.

  I was right, everyone else is already up and they look like they’re just about ready to leave for the day. As soon as I walk into the room mine and Cody’s line of sight connects and we lustfully hold our gazes as I stroll towards the kitchen. He must have just showered too because his hair is still damp. He looks absolutely edible. The electricity between us is definitely still there. In fact my desire has been fueled even further by all the erotic dreams I had last night and now we’re in the same room again my cold shower seems to have been a complete waste of time. By the way he’s looking at me it makes me wonder whether he’s been thinking about me too.

  The next thing I know I hear Nikki growling angrily as he stomps towards me pointing at my leg, “What the fuck’s that?” he snarls.

  Shit, I’d forgotten about my tattoo. About three months ago I got a colorful tattoo. I think it looks cool and I’m told it’s extremely sexy. I glance down at my leg and then glance back up to Nikki who’s still pointing angrily.

  I mock surprise by holding my fingers to my lips, widening my eyes and inspecting my thigh as I snark, “Oh my gosh, I think it might be a tattoo! How the hell did that get there!”

  Nikki scowls and admonishes, “I know it’s a fucking tattoo Kit but what the hell’s it doing on your thigh?”

  Nikki’s attitude annoys me. “Don’t be such a hypocrite Nikki, you’re covered in ink. Anyway, I think it looks sexy.”

  Cody gets up from his seat and saunters casually over to me. His eyes run over my leg, carefully inspecting the ink on my thigh. He steps so close to me that we’re almost touching and I can feel the heat of his body radiating off him. He smells divine, fresh from the shower, all musky and clean. I’m struggling to control my urge to reach out and touch him.

  He moves his focus to my face and winks at me self-confidently, “Looks as sexy as fuck if you ask me sweetheart.” His fingers gently glide over my thigh, but as quick as he’s there, he’s gone and is strolling back to the other side of the room where he slouches back down into his armchair. My skin tingles at his touch and that small amount of contact definitely leaves me wanting more. I hope like hell I’m not visibly panting!

  Nikki scowls at him. “She’s my god-damned little sister Sticks. I don’t want her to look sexy. So keep your opinions to yourself…and your fucking hands for that matter. Don’t think I didn’t see that dickhead.”

  Nikki’s comment doesn’t affect Cody in the slightest as he mumbles, “Not my fault she’s scorching hot, I’m just admiring the view and saying it how I see it.”

  Nikki doesn’t look happy and takes an irate step towards Cody, but Trixie grabs him by the arm and drags him away, whispering something in his ear that seems to placate him. Nikki calls out over his shoulder, “Put on some damned fuckin’ clothes Kit. You shouldn’t be prancing around here in that get-up.”

  I shrug my shoulders and haughtily remark, “Whatever!” as I continue defiantly towards the kitchen. I glance over to Cody and shrug my shoulders then wave my hands up and down my body, silently asking him what he thinks. He peruses me appreciatively, nods his head and gives me a discrete thumbs up. A tingle of excitement reverberates through me at his endorsement.

  I look back to Nikki, in hope that I haven’t antagonized him even more but I’m relieved to discover that Trixie has distracted him rather cleverly. I’m thankful because I don’t think I have the fortitude to argue with my over-protective brother this early in the morning. I plan on concentrating all my attention today solely on Cody. Besides, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with what I’m wearing, it’s not as if I’m wearing something slutty. In fact I’m wearing considerably more than the typical hoard of groupies and fan girls that usually surround the guys. Those tramps normally parade around in their underwear – or less for that matter and I’ve never seen Nikki complaining before! I look fine. In fact I look downright decent! I get to the kitchen, grab a mug and pour myself some coffee, then I sit down at the kitchen counter and take a long satisfying sip.

  I watch as one by one everyone except for me and Cody leave to go out for the day. As soon as the door closes and the last person has left, Cody and I are alone and the electricity in the air heightens and starts to crackle between us. I’m still at the kitchen counter and Cody’s still slouched down on one of the armchairs. His legs are propped up casually on the coffee table, one ankle resting over the other. His arms are resting on the armrests and his fingers are tapping to a beat that I’m sure he constantly hears in his own head. Our eyes meet and neither of us are sure what to make of this undeniable attraction we have towards each other.

  I don’t want to make the first move, I want Cody to do that. I don’t want to risk coming across as some desperate fan-girl. I’m pretty sure everyone, including Cody, knows that I’ve had a crush on him forever. If he’s interested then it’s up to him to act first. I think I’ve already made it pretty clear how I feel.

  After a few awkward minutes of neither of us making a move, I decide that maybe it’s not going to happen for us after all. I break our eye contact and shake my head in disappointed frustration. I can’t believe that now we have the opportunity with everyone gone, it’s not going to happen.

  My original plan for the day was to go out shopping for a few hours and then come back to the hotel and indulge in a spa treatment or two. I don’t get much of a chance to stay in these flashy hotels and I may as well make the most of it while I have the opportunity. Cody’s still not made any move so I resign to the fact that it’s not going to happen. I get up and start to walk across the living area towards my bedroom to change into some jeans and grab my coat and handbag so I can go out.

  I get halfway across the room when Cody drops his feet to the floor, sits up, leans his elbows across his knees and growls sexily, “Come here Kit.”

  His voice is raspy, sexy and confident. It sends chills up my spine. I stop in my tracks and raise my eyebrows at him, questioning his abrupt demand.

  He just smirks and continues, “Let me have a proper look at that ink on your leg.” He raises his hand and crooks his finger, indicating for me to come closer.

sp; I saunter over to him and position myself between his spread thighs. I turn sideways so he can see my tattoo clearly. He places one hand low on my hip and I freakin’ swear I feel his touch ricochet across my body. He moves his other hand to my thigh and gently drifts his fingers over where my dragon tattoo is etched on my skin. His hands are warm and strong and I have an instant craving for him to touch me in other ways, more intimate ways. His fingers continue to trace the lines of the ink as it travels up my thigh and the dragon disappears under my clothing. His fingers move higher until they’re right at the edge of my shorts. He tilts his head and looks up at me. I can see the desire on his face, his lust is palpable. His pinky finger delves just under the hem, his lips curl into that irresistible smirk as he angles his head and sexily rumbles, “What’s under here?”

  My heart’s beating so fast and I feel hot and extremely turned on. “The tattoo goes right up and over my hip.”

  His gaze secures on mine and his hand moves to the button on my shorts. “I’d like to see…may I?”

  Even though I know it’s a completely loaded question, I nod my head in agreement. Sure, he wants to see the tattoo, but I know he’s asking my permission for so much more. My heart is beating wildly and I’m struggling to keep my breathing even. My body tingles – everywhere.

  His fingers adeptly undo the button on my shorts and he lowers the zipper. His hands slip inside the fabric. His touch is firm and heated as he glides over my skin, slowly pushing my shorts down my legs and dropping them to the floor. As soon as my red lace panties are exposed I hear him suck the air in through his teeth, he proclaims, “Holy shit Kit, I don’t know what’s hotter, this sexy as fuck tattoo crawling up your thigh or these pretty lace panties.”

  He pulls me down onto his lap and buries his head in the crook of my neck. I can feel his hot breath whispering across my skin as we sit motionless, both of us contemplating what’s likely to happen next and making the most of the anticipation that’s zapping between us.


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