Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 4

by Tania Sparks

  His response is abrupt. “No thanks.”

  Hansen, who’s sitting on the other side of him punches him playfully on the shoulder as he reprimands, “Don’t be such a dickhead Sticks. If a beautiful lady asks you to dance, you fucking drag your sorry ass out of that seat and go and dance.” Hansen pushes him, nudging him roughly out of his seat. Cody tumbles off his chair but quickly gains his footing as he glares irately at Hansen.

  I quickly take advantage of the opportunity by springing out of my chair and securing Cody’s hand in mine. I tug on his arm, “Come on Cody, it’ll be fun, I promise.” Cody just responds with a grunt as I start to drag him reluctantly to the dance floor. After a few steps he takes control and it’s him that’s practically dragging me as we push our way into the middle of the crowd. We’re so far into the vibrating and moving swarm of people that we’re completely out of sight from the VIP area. Until now Cody had kept his distance but as soon as we reach a spot where he’s obviously satisfied that we can’t be seen by his bandmates, he grabs me roughly around my body, one hand clasping my ass and the other around my waist as he crushes our bodies together. I can feel his hard muscled torso pressing against my soft curves and he feels so darned good. His eyes focus on mine and the heat and lust radiating off him is voracious. As he starts to move erotically against me he rumbles, “You’re fuckin’ killing me Kitty. I’ve tried to keep my distance, but you’re making it near impossible.” His face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath as he groans, “You’re such a massive tease.”

  He grinds his body into mine as we move to the music that’s reverberating through our bodies. Hell, this is hot. Now there’s no mistaking that he wants me and we’re practically getting it on right here on the dance floor. I guess my cunning plan is having its desired effect after all.

  He spins me around and pulls me back into his body so my back is pressed against his front. I can feel his very hard erection digging against me and it’s satisfying to know that he’s just as affected by me as I am by him. He’s just as turned on and just as needy. Our chemistry is off the charts. His hands are everywhere as he runs them effortlessly over my body, inspecting every inch with his fingers. I’m practically vibrating from his touch as his body molds against mine. This feels so amazing, I don’t know how long I can hold out before I’m compelled to turn around and show him just how good we could be together. Then upping the stakes even more, he dips his head and his lips start to whisper lightly along my neck and shoulder, not kissing, just gliding so very close with the occasional nip of his teeth. He’s teasing, tempting and turning me on even more. I can feel his hot breath tickling my skin and goosebumps prickle across my body. This feels so good, so perfect, so right. Surely he can’t deny this now.

  I’m in a daze of pure bliss when suddenly Cody steps away from me and flips me around, holding me away from him at a disappointingly safe distance. I groan at the loss of contact. His eyes dart into the crowd to the right of us. It’s then that I spot Nikki and Trixie dancing a few feet away. Cody pleads with his eyes, silently asking me to keep my distance from him. I nod my head in agreement because although this physical contact has been amazing, even I’m not quite ready for my brother to spot the sexual chemistry that exists between me and Cody. Relief quickly passes over his face and I can see the tension evaporate from his body. We continue to dance for a few more songs. Our dancing is now toned down considerably and is in no way sexual, but I still enjoy it immensely. Just being this close to Cody and having his undivided attention makes my body hum and my pulse beat faster. But although this is nice, I’m just dying to have his hands on me again and to feel his body pressed against mine.

  After a while Cody grabs my hand and lifts his chin in the direction of the VIP area, indicating that he wants to go back. I could do with a drink of water and a rest so we stroll back hand in hand. As soon as we get close to the VIP area Cody drops my hand and we walk in separately. We sit down and help ourselves to a drink of water from the table. At least he’s sitting next to me now, albeit at a safe distance. It’s not as close as I would like, but thankfully he isn’t treating me like I’ve got some deathly disease that he’s trying to avoid. But it looks like we’re back to the whole no-contact rule. I sigh in disappointment. After a few minutes I try to snuggle a little closer to him but he just gets up and moves seats. I guess we’re back to this again. After a bit of a rest I ask Cody to dance again. Maybe if I can get him on the dance floor I can get some more of the body contact that I’m craving. But Cody just refuses. I guess the last time I was lucky enough to catch him in a moment of weakness, but I don’t think he’s going to cave again. I practically feel like pouting. Darned it!

  Nikki and Trixie come back and wrap themselves around each other on one of the couches. A group of vaguely familiar looking rockers come wandering over to the VIP area. The Oblivion guys all raise their hands and wave in recognition as the security guy checks with them to see whether it’s okay to let the visitors into the VIP area. They all keenly agree.

  The rockers walk in and quickly make themselves at home, everyone greeting each other with fist pumps and shoulder slaps. More drinks are ordered and everyone starts chatting animatedly. They seem to know each other pretty well so I’m guessing they must be a band that Oblivion cross paths with frequently on the tour circuit.

  One of the visitors stands up and walks towards me with a twinkle in his eye and a convivial smile on his lips. He holds out his hand and introduces himself, “Hey there, my name’s Aiden, guitarist Sacrificial Tendencies. What’s your name beautiful?”

  Ah, now I know who they are! They’re really, really good. They’re very talented musicians and this charismatic guitarist is legendary, both on and off the stage. He’s a well-known guitar god with amazing talent and his reputation off stage is one of being a smooth-talking player.

  I hold out my hand and reply, “I’m Kitty.”

  Aiden takes my hand, but instead of shaking it he lifts it to his lips and gently kisses it. His eyes scan over me slowly then with a mischievous grin on his face he looks around the VIP area and enquires, “Nice to meet you Kitty. Please tell me you’re not here with one of the Oblivion guys.”

  I hear Cody grunt loudly. I flick my gaze over to him only to see him roll his eyes with an annoyed expression covering his scowling face. But that grunt doesn’t exactly mean he’s staking his claim. I do understand the awkward position he’s in but it’s not as if him and me are an item in any way at all. In fact, he’s made it perfectly clear that anything more than that one time of sexy dancing is completely off limits. Yeah, sure that dancing was as hot as hell and it made my body burn with desire, but at the end of the day it was just dancing and although the chemistry between Cody and me sizzles, it doesn’t mean I should reserve myself for the occasional time he thinks it appropriate for us to get closer than a few feet away from each other.

  I decide that there’s no real reason I can’t have a bit of fun. I turn back to Aiden and answer him truthfully, “No, no, I’m definitely not with any of the Oblivion guys.”

  Cody pipes up irritably with a strong determined warning, “She’s Nikki’s little sister Aiden. Back the fuck off.”

  But Aiden doesn’t seem deterred in the slightest. He just raises his eyebrows at Cody as if questioning his over-the-top caution. Then he grins as he positions himself in the seat next to me, the one that Cody had been so keen to vacate just a few minutes ago.

  The whole group spends the next hour chatting and dancing. Aiden is being very attentive towards me and we’ve even got up and danced a few times. I’m thankful that he’s not being too ‘touchy-feely’ because I think that would make me feel a bit awkward with Cody sitting so close by. Cody spends his time constantly glaring at me with a disgruntled scowl on his face. He’s being very sulky and is not being very sociable at all. Whenever anyone tries to involve him in a conversation he always responds with just single word answers, a simple grunt or some sarcastic comment. After a whil
e everyone gets the hint that he’s not in the mood to socialize and they just leave him to himself.

  I decide that I need to go to the bathroom so I stand up. I few of the guys in the group stand up in a surprising display of southern manners. Aiden asks me where I’m off to and I discretely tell him that I’m just going to go and powder my nose. Aiden graciously asks if I would like him to escort me. I politely decline and make my way out of the VIP area by myself. I push my way through the people as I walk towards the other side of the club. I’m only about half way there when I hear my name being called out loudly, “Kitty!”

  I turn my head to see Cody storming towards me with a pissed off look on his face. Great, just what I need, an angry drummer telling me that I’m not allowed to enjoy myself by talking and dancing with another guy. The last thing I need is a second big brother being all over protective. I roll my eyes, turn back around and ignore him as I continue to walk to the bathroom.

  He yells even louder, “Kitty, stop!”

  I sigh and shrug my shoulders but continue walking. I reach the corridor that leads down to the bathrooms when I hear Cody calling my name again, he’s much closer now, “Kitty, stop goddam it!”

  He quickly catches up to me, grabs my arm and roughly spins me around to face him.

  I sigh exaggeratedly and drone, “What Cody? What do you want?”

  He glowers, “I want to know what the fuck you’re doing!”

  “I’m going to powder my nose. What’s your problem?”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it! You’re all over Aiden like a god-damned fucking rash. What’s up with that? Are you planning on hooking up with him?”

  I don’t know how the hell he jumped to that conclusion. Aiden and I have just been dancing and chatting. Sure there’s a bit of innocent flirting going on, but I have not been ‘all over him’ and I have no intention at all of hooking up with him. I’m not the type of girl to hook-up with someone I’ve just met. Besides what I’m doing is not any of Cody’s business. I take a step closer to him so our bodies are touching. I growl sarcastically, “Well I’d rather hook up with you, but you don’t seem to be that interested…”

  “Who the hell said I’m not interested?” he exclaims frantically.

  “Well you seem to be doing a pretty good job of avoiding me. You’re confusing the hell out of me Cody. One minute we’re dancing so close that I think you’re practically going to rip my clothes off and do me right there on the dance floor, and the next minute you’re avoiding me and keeping your distance. You need to decide Cody – are you interested or not?”

  Cody tugs anxiously at his hair as he takes a step backwards, creating some distance between us as he desperately proclaims, “Fuck, it’s not that easy Kitty.”

  I take a step closer to him, closing the distance between us again. I stare into his eyes, “Yes it is Sticks, just tell me you’re interested and I’ll tell Aiden to back off. You can’t have it both ways. Either you’re interested or you’re not. It’s simple!”

  He yells, “No it’s not simple!” Desperation and frustration flood him.

  I sort of start to feel a bit sorry for him and the obvious conflict he’s feeling, but I need an answer. I need to know where I stand so I probe, “Yes it is – just tell me if you’re interested.”

  He grabs me around the waist and the heat from his hands, even through the thin fabric of my dress, instantly warms my body. He sincerely groans, “Of course I’m interested Kitty. You make my body feel like it’s constantly on fucking high alert. I only need to look at you and the adrenaline starts pumping through my veins. And when you touch me, holy crap! I think if we ever actually fucked it would blow my God-damned mind.”

  I’m so relieved that it’s not just me that feels like this. I’m thrilled that my suspicions were right and I do have the same effect on him as he has on me. I agree that our attraction to each other is amazing and I know for sure we would literally explode in bed together. Just to make sure I ask, “I make you feel like that?”

  “Yes, and it shocks the hell out of me. Only a few things have ever made me feel like this. One is when I used to use, if I was as high as a kite I’d feel sort of like this. But now the only other thing that gives me this sort of high is when I perform on stage, that always makes me feel this type of rush. But you, you’re unexpected, when you touch me or let me touch you, hell Kitty, you make me feel fucking incredible, like no other high I’ve ever experienced. So am I interested? Hell yeah I’m interested!”

  I’m thrilled that I have this effect on him, but I need to convince him to take this mutual attraction to the next level. I need him to take action so I challenge him, “Well do something about it.”

  His face turns desperate as he frowns, “I can’t, I’ll fuck everything up…”

  “You can, nobody needs to know. We can keep it secret. It only has to be a one-time thing Cody, I’m not asking for anything more. This attraction between us, we have to see where it goes. The sex would be mind-blowing. You know I’m right. So I ask you again…are you interested?”

  The silence is eerie as he stands motionless while a gambit of emotions flashes over his face. He takes a step even closer to me and I think he’s going to kiss me. What if he does? Will I be able to control myself? Just the thought of those lips on mine is making me all sorts of horny. Maybe I’ll even be tempted to drag him into a bathroom stall? His eyes desperately search my face. I can feel the heat radiating off his body. I can feel his breath whisper over my skin. We stare at each other in silence. Is he going to kiss me?

  Then he abruptly curses, “Fuck…I can’t!” He steps away from me, turns his back and storms off back to the VIP area, tugging frantically at his hair and punching the air angrily with constant streams of curses falling from his lips.

  Shit! Cody and me aren’t going to happen! I’m so frustrated!

  I make my way into the bathroom and exasperatedly splash some cold water on my face. My heart is beating rapidly. I had thought that this was it. I had wanted him to kiss me and I believed that we were going to do so much more. He definitely wanted to, I could tell. His body was as highly strung as mine, the tension and electricity between us was so powerful that I thought we might both spontaneously combust. But Cody had more control. He’s determined that by hooking up with me it would put his whole life in jeopardy and he’s obviously decided that I’m not worth the risk.


  I take a few minutes to calm myself down before I make my way back to the VIP area. As I sit down I look around for Cody but I can’t see him, “Where’s Cody?” I ask.

  Hansen responds, “He decided to get out of here. He said he just wants to be alone. But he did tell me to let you know that he hopes you enjoy the rest of your night and he’ll catch up with you in the morning. It’s just as well he left, he was in a shit mood anyway so it’s best that he went back and slept off whatever’s eating at him. No room for shitty assholes around here, hey guys?” Hansen picks up his drink and clinks his glass with Aiden’s as they both toast, “No to shitty assholes.”

  Aiden sidles up next to me and comments, “Cody was a dick all night. He’s usually the life of the party but tonight he was a sulky bastard and most of his wrath seemed to be directed at me. Maybe I did something to upset him?”

  I shake my head, “No, I don’t think it was you.”

  “Hmm, we normally get on really well, but tonight he seemed to have some sort of grudge with me. I don’t know what the hell I did to upset him, but even as he left he warned me not to be a fucker and to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I don’t know what’s up with that shit.”

  I’m shocked, “He actually said that to you?”

  “Yeah, but you know I’d only treat you right hey Kitty? I haven’t been coming on too strong have I? I haven’t offended you I hope?”

  “No, not at all,” I reply. But I guess I do need to let Aiden know that I’m not looking for any sort of hook-up and I don’t want to lead him o
n so I say, “I’ve really enjoyed your company tonight Aiden, but I should let you know that I’m not looking for anything more.”

  He politely acknowledges my honesty and for the next few hours he continues to be jovial and polite without being overly flirtatious. The whole group of us chat and dance. It’s very enjoyable and it’s been a real fun evening. It’s just a pity that Cody hasn’t been part of the party. I guess my plan to seduce him didn’t work after all. I’ll just have to try harder. I’ll only have tomorrow though, then the guys go back on tour and I’ll have missed my opportunity.

  At just after 3am we decide to call it a night. We say our farewells to the guys from Sacrificial Tendencies and Scott calls the limo to come and pick us up. As soon as it arrives we pile inside and head back to the hotel.

  Once we get there we all noisily pile out of the limo and make our way across the lobby and up in the elevator to the penthouse. As we walk in the door I notice that Cody is still up and is sitting in his usual armchair tapping away with his drumsticks on the furniture. As soon as he sees us walk inside his eyes scan the group until they land on me. As our eyes connect, I’m sure I see relief cross his face. Had he been waiting up for me? By the look on his face he is certainly relieved to see me. Surely he hadn’t really thought I’d hook up with Aiden and go back to his hotel room with him?

  Cody gets up from his seat and starts walking towards his bedroom. “Night all.”

  As he walks past me he rests his hand on my shoulder, his index finger lightly strokes my neck. Heat radiates where he’s touched me and excited shivers tingle up my spine. He leans in to whisper in my ear. “Glad to see you back here Kitty. I’ve been sitting here driving myself fucking crazy thinking that you were with him.” He then walks away and disappears into his room. This man is cryptic. Now I’m left wondering if he wants me or not. Luckily the others were way too busy heading off to their own rooms to notice our exchange and it’s also just as well they’ve all been drinking otherwise someone may have seen how Cody touched me or how I reacted to him.


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