Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 5

by Tania Sparks

  After saying a quick goodnight to everyone, I quickly make my way to my own room. After removing my make-up, brushing my teeth and taking off my clothes, I fall into bed. I’m absolutely exhausted, both mentally and physically. But one thing’s for sure, I once again won’t be able to stop myself from dreaming about that sexy drummer who’s sleeping just a few rooms away.

  Chapter 4

  I get out of bed and decide it would be a good idea to go for a run, release some of the tension that’s been building up in my body from the stress of not knowing where I stand with Cody. He’s like two people, one minute he’s all sexy eyes, body primed and flirty words, the next he’s pushing me away and wants nothing to do with me. Running always helps me think, so I put on my running gear, tie my hair up into a ponytail and walk out into the sitting area.

  A few people are up already, but most are still in bed. Unfortunately one of the people that’s already up is Cody and he seems to be in his running gear too. Nikki is perched at the kitchen counter cherishing a large cup of coffee. Nikki says, “Mornin’” as his eyes move from me to Cody. He notices that both of us are in our running gear and comments, “You two goin’ for a run?”

  Cody grunts and Nikki continues, “Good idea. Sticks you can keep an eye on Kitty, the city’s not always the safest place for a young girl to run by herself.”

  Cody says nothing and I sarcastically respond, “I don’t think Sticks could keep up with me if he tried, I’m pretty fast you know.”

  Cody huffs, “I don’t think some girl’s gonna be quicker than me.”

  I run my eyes over him and comment, “Yeah, but you’re carrying all that heavy muscle, surely that must slow you down.”

  He smirks and lifts his T-shirt up to reveal rippling muscle as he pats his abs proudly. “Glad you noticed sweetheart.” I spend a little too much time ogling him, so he winks knowingly then pulls down his T-shirt and replies with a cheeky grin, “We’ll see who’s the fastest. I’ll race you down to the park. I hope those pretty little legs can keep up.”

  I smile and shake my head. I know I’m actually pretty fast and I’m just as fit as him, so I’m fairly confident that I can take him on and at least give him a run for his money. I make my way towards the door and quip, “Challenge on drummer boy.”

  We both walk out the door and get into the elevator. The trip down to the lobby seems to take forever. The electricity between us is still as strong as ever. We stand on opposite sides of the elevator eyeing each other up. I’m sure the intended purpose of this little stand-off is supposed to be to size up our running competition, but the only thing I can think about is how good Cody would look with no clothes on. After way too long of obvious perusing of his body, I look up to his face only to find a lustful gaze.

  Cody groans and whispers, “Kitty, you have to stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I protest, batting my eyes innocently.

  “Like you fuckin’ want to devour me.”

  “Maybe I do.” I respond nonchalantly.

  “Shit Kit, you make it so fuckin’ hard for me to say no.”

  I can’t miss an opening like that, he makes it way too easy, so I take the opportunity to flirt back, trying to coax him into accepting that we could be so hot together. I cast my eyes down to his crotch and coyly respond, “Talking of hard…”

  Cody curses under his breath and scolds, “Shit, you can’t say things like that…not when I’m wearing running shorts!”

  I chuckle but before I can continue teasing him, the elevator dings indicating we’ve reached the lobby. I quickly step out and say, “Race to the park right?”

  Cody steps out too, adjusting his crotch he says, “Don’t get lost behind be darlin’.”

  “I think it should be you who should be worried about getting lost,” I quip.

  Cody blows out a dismissive breath, “We’ll see.”

  “Yep, we’ll see.”

  We walk in silence through the lobby and out through the front doors.

  After doing a few stretches and warm ups Cody starts to say, “On your marks, get set…” But before he gets a chance to say go, I’m off and sprinting down the street. I get a good head start and can hear Cody cursing behind me. He’s really close. I can practically feel his footsteps pounding on the concrete. I don’t want to turn around and look because it might just give him the advantage. I’m running as fast as I can go. I’m pretty good at running and had been one of the best in the track team at high school and I’ve always enjoyed athletics and competition, so I’m pretty sure I have a really good chance of beating him.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see him just to my side. He’s keeping up but he looks just as stretched as I feel. We’re both giving it our all. My lungs are already burning and my legs are throbbing in protest. As we reach the end of the road, we make a right turn and we’re neck and neck. There’s only a couple of blocks before we get to the park so I dig deep and push myself just that little bit harder. I manage to get just out in front of Cody as the park starts to come into sight, then Cody suddenly catches up and there is practically no distance between us again. We’re racing, running and sprinting our fastest. Just as Cody starts to edge a little bit ahead of me I manage to push even harder as I edge just in front of him, then he does the same. We see-saw back and forth, taking turns at taking the lead.

  The park is just there. I can see it quickly approaching, only a few strides to go. Suddenly we’re at our destination and we both collapse thankfully onto the first bit of grass that we come into contact with. Our breathing is labored as we both lie flat out on our backs gasping for air. My legs and lungs are burning.

  Cody manages to groan, “Holy shit Kitty, when did you learn to run that damned fast?”

  I shrug my shoulders and reply, “I was the champion at high school. Running is sorta one of my things.”

  “How the fuck did I not know that!” Cody exclaims between gasps of breath.

  “I guess you weren’t that interested…”

  “Hmm,” Cody ponders, “There’s that comment of yours again about me not being interested…maybe not back then.” He takes a few deep breaths.

  “What about now?” I ask cheekily, “Are you interested now?”

  He chuckles, “It’s complicated.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I comment back with a chuckle of my own.

  Our breathing has now come under control and Cody sits up and looks down to me. The sexual tension is palpable and the only noise I can hear is that of our breathing and my heart pounding in my chest. He just looks at me for a few seconds, shakes his head then jumps up and says, “Okay, I think we should call that one a tie, a few times around the park then?”

  “Sure.” I agree, knowing that with this level of chemistry between us, he won’t be able to resist much longer. His head may be saying ‘no’, but his body is all ‘yes’.

  We both get up and jog amiably around the park. It’s pleasant, we talk occasionally but mainly we’re both caught up in our own thoughts. After eventually doing three laps around the park, we jog back to the hotel.

  When we arrive back everyone else has left for the day so Cody and I are alone again. This is my opportunity. I have to take my efforts to a higher level. I need to up my game.

  I excuse myself to my room and after taking a long hot shower I decide to gussy myself up a bit with some mascara and red lip gloss. I brush my hair and pull it up into a high ponytail then I spritz myself with some of my favorite perfume.

  Then a brilliant idea springs into my head. It’s so good that I do a little happy dance just thinking about it. I dig though my suitcase until I find the items I’m looking for. The first one is a sexy as hell black lingerie set. There’s not much to it but it’s made of shiny silk fabric and it has strings that crisscross over my body. It looks pretty hot and it makes me feel extremely sexy. The second is my favorite red lace bra and garter belt that matches the red lace panties I’m wearing. I hold each of them up against me and m
ake an assessment in the mirror as I try to make up my mind which one to put on.

  I slither myself into the black one, put on some black stilettos, pick up the red set and walk towards the bedroom door. I poke my head around the door frame and yell out, “Hey Cody, I can’t figure out what to wear, can you give me your opinion on what looks good?”

  I hear Cody grunt and then he mumbles, “Sure Kit, but I’m really no good at all that girly shit.”

  I stroll confidently out into the living area. Cody’s still looking the other way. I hold up the red lace lingerie and clear my throat to get his attention. “So what d’ya think, the black or the red?”

  Cody slowly turns his head towards me. It’s easy to see the exact instant I’ve come into his line of sight and he realizes what I’m wearing. He instantly springs up from his seat, draws in a deep breath through his teeth and groans sexily, “Holy Fucking Christ!”

  I smirk and do a little twirl, displaying myself so he gets an all-round view of the sexy black number I’m wearing. I hold out the red one in front of me and wave it around, “So what I’m wearing, or this red one?”

  He visually inspects every inch of me, his eyes burn with lust and his fingers are clutching and releasing as though he’s just dying to touch me. But he still shows a great deal of restraint as he grins seductively and growls, “I just don’t know sweetheart, let me see you in the red one and I’ll let you know which one I think looks best.” He winks at me and lifts his chin, nodding towards the bedroom.

  I smile seductively at him and purr, “I’ll be back in a sec. Don’t go anywhere now.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head, “No damned chance of that.”

  I turn around slowly and make my way back to my room. I know he’s watching me so I make sure I walk in the most seductive way possible, wriggling my ass and swaying my hips.

  Once inside my room, I take my time getting changed. Now I’ve got his attention, there’s no harm in making him wait. I casually touch up my lip gloss, take my hair out of the ponytail and smooth it down so it flows around my shoulders.

  After a couple of minutes I hear the impatient drummer yell out, “Hurry up Kit…what’s taking you so long? It’s a fucking bra and panties, I could have had them off in two seconds.”

  I chuckle to myself and saunter out. Cody’s still standing in the same spot I left him and as I enter the room he starts to amble confidently towards me. That cheeky grin is back again and his eyes are twinkling with mischief. He shakes his head in resigned conquest as he lifts his arm to run his fingers through that sexy mohawk.

  The distance between us is quickly disappearing. We’re now only a few feet away from each other when he stops and stands still. He rakes his eyes over me, scanning me heatedly from head to toe, inspecting me, assessing me. By the smile on his face and the desire burning in his eyes, he likes what he sees. Then he seems to snap as he loses control. He groans and mumbles, “Fuck it!”

  He rapidly closes the remaining gap between us. His hands go to my hips, my hands go to his shoulders and he lifts me up so I can secure my legs around his hips. Instantly our mouths find each other as our tongues entwine and our bodies meld. This feels so freaking good, his lips are strong but soft at the same time. His tongue duels with mine as we suck, lick and devour each other ravenously. I’ve imagined this moment for so long, but this is so much more than what I’d anticipated, this is more than just incredible, this is mind-blowingly amazing and it feels absolutely extraordinary! My whole body is humming and I’m dizzy with excitement.

  I’m still wrapped around him when he slowly walks us over to one of the large sofas and pulls us down so he’s sitting and my legs are straddling his lap. His hands are everywhere at once as they caress and explore. We can’t seem to be able to get enough of each other as lust consumes us. My skin burns at his touch and I feel so turned on I think I might explode. His fingertips edge under the edge of the red lace on my bra.

  He looks at me and mumbles, almost to himself, “I think I like the red one…but fuck, I think I’d like it even better off you and on the floor.” My bra springs open and is quickly discarded to the floor. How the hell did he manage that so adeptly?

  He lifts me up so I’m standing in front of him. For a second I get an awful feeling that he’s going to reject me again and my blood runs cold as my eyes snap to his so I can gauge his intention. But instead of rejection he tucks his fingers into both my panties and garter belt as he seductively tugs them down my legs and to the floor. I step out of them and flick them away. I’m now completely naked and he’s still completely clothed. I need to see that sexy body of his so I reach down to the hem of his T-shirt and tug it upwards. He lifts his arms and I pull his shirt up and over his head. He’s incredible, all hard ridges and toned muscle. I know I’ve admired him numerous times before from a distance but to now be able to touch as well as see is so damned mind-blowing, I don’t even know where to start.

  Before I get a chance to think about what I want to touch first, Cody’s once again all hands, mouth and sexy burning eyes. It feels like he’s everywhere, completely consuming me. I have the sensation as if I’m drunk. My head is spinning in eagerness and my whole body feels like I’m on high alert as the adrenaline pumps through my veins.

  I lift my hand and do what I’ve been craving to do for years, I run my fingers through his mohawk. It feels even better than what I thought it would. Although it’s only a couple of inches high, I had thought it would be full of hair product to hold it up but it’s surprisingly soft. Cody leans his head into my hand as he revels in my touch.

  I stroke my hands smoothly down his neck and over his muscled shoulders. His skin is soft and smooth but his muscles feel strong and solid. He feels remarkable and I need more. I continue down his body, touching every ridge, running my fingertips over every piece of ink and inspecting each intricate design, taking my time to savor this opportunity.

  I move lower still, admiring his sculpted abs. Once I get to his belt buckle I start to undo it. Cody’s hand secures strongly over mine and he calmly asks, “You sure ’bout this Kit?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life!” I gush, hoping that I don’t sound too desperate, but knowing that I do.

  He chuckles, lifts his hand from mine and moves his hold to gently clasp me around the back of my neck. He pulls my face to his and his mouth consumes mine. The kiss is soft and passionate and it makes me melt. Slowly his kiss intensifies as it becomes more uncontrolled, more fraught as we struggle to get more of each other. I frantically fumble to undo his belt and jeans. He lifts himself up and pushes his jeans down his hips. He releases himself from the confines of his jeans and he’s as hard as steel and big, really, really big. Oh my gosh, I can’t stop looking at him and I definitely can’t wait to touch and taste him. I run my tongue over my lips, eliciting a sexy growl from deep in his chest.

  Cody reaches across the back of the sofa and magically produces a condom. He rips it open with his teeth, drops the foil to the floor and rolls it over his waiting erection. Although I really, really want to take my time to enjoy this moment and savor every touch and every sensation, neither of us can wait, we’re both desperate to claim each other. The anticipation that has been building has made us both so wound up, so ready, so desperate. Cody’s hand moves to my pussy and a single finger slips inside as he rotates and strokes gently causing ripples of pleasure to radiate from my core. I drop my head back and groan at the sensation.

  Cody mumbles agonizingly, “Shit, you’re already soaked.”

  I look back up and secure my eyes on his. I desperately nudge his hand away and lift myself up so I’m hovering over him. I grab his cock and line him up with my entrance as I moan, “You’ve got me so turned on, I think I might orgasm at the mere thought of you being inside me.”

  His face is a combination of total desire and uncontrollable lust. I can feel the tip of him nudging at my pussy. His fingers are pressing into the flesh on my hips; he
pulls me down as he sinks himself inside me in one strong determined stroke. He grunts in carnal pleasure and then holds me still, so I’m fully impaled on him. He’s breathing heavily and I can hardly breathe.

  I beg, knowing I sound desperate, but not giving a damn, “Oh God Cody, please!”

  I can feel his cock pulsing inside me as he groans, “Just give me a sec darlin’…you feel so fuckin’ good, I think I might instantly explode inside you if we actually start moving.”

  Although he’s managing to hold back, I can’t control myself so I wriggle to get some friction. I need more and I need it now. I don’t want to wait.

  Suddenly Cody loses control too and we’re both frantically thrusting as he lifts me up and down, guiding me, controlling our movements. It feels unbelievable, it feels like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. My body starts to tingle and my muscles start to tense. I feel the pleasure mounting inside me and I know this is going to be good, really, really good.

  We continue to move wildly. This is not gentle at all. This is wild, animalistic and extremely hot. Cody is nuzzling his face into my neck when he licks a long line up my throat and then bites firmly just below my ear. This erotic move is so carnal and so darned hot that it makes me instantly detonate. I quite literally see stars as my orgasm pulsates uncontrollably over my entire body and ripples of pleasure completely consume me. Cody’s body tenses and I see him surrender to the pleasure coursing through him as goosebumps prickle all over his skin. His face contorts in pure ecstasy as he groans in gratification and roars out, “Holy fucking hell!”

  The sensations seem to go on forever and I start to wonder if I can handle any more without shattering into a million pieces. After what feels like a lifetime, our orgasms gradually start to abate and our bodies stop pulsating. I flop my head down so it’s resting on his shoulder. I’m completely exhausted and entirely satiated. We sit motionless for a minute or two, him still inside me, both of us still breathing heavily while we attempt to recover from what truly was mind-blowing.


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