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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

Page 16

by Tania Sparks

  Cody, who has been constantly at my side, puts his arms around me, kisses me on top of my head and tells me, “I’ll wait outside too. I’m here if you need me, but I’ll give you some time to say goodbye to Mom properly and in private.”

  I hug him back as I whisper, “Thanks Cody, thanks for everything, thanks for being here, thanks for looking after me.”

  Cody releases me and squeezes my hand caringly, “I’ll see you soon.” He leaves the room with the others, leaving just me, Dad, Nikki and Mom. We start talking to Mom, telling her all the wonderful memories we have of growing up with such an awesome and supportive Mom. We reminisce about all the fun times we’ve had as a family. Some of the stories make us laugh, bringing a slight lightness to the drab mood in the room. After about an hour we all reluctantly agree that it’s time to say our goodbyes. I say my goodbyes first and Nikki and Dad step out of the room for a few minutes to give me some privacy. I tell Mom how much I love her and will always love her. I tell her what an amazing mother she’s been and I thank her for bringing so much love and laughter to our family. By the time I’m finished, tears are again falling down my cheeks. I kiss her gently on her cheek and mutter my last goodbye, “Bye Mom, take care in heaven, I’m sure you’ll be looking down on us and I’ll do my very best to make you proud. I love you so much and even though you’re not gone yet, I miss you already.” I rest my head on her forehead then give her a kiss on her cheek. “Bye Mom.” I turn and reluctantly walk out of the room. Nikki and Dad are waiting just outside the door. We embrace each other warmly. Dad continues to hold me as Nikki goes in and says his goodbyes. After a few minutes, he comes out, he’s crying just us much as me and he rejoins our family hug. After a few more minutes of consoling each other, Dad goes and says his private goodbye too. When he’s finished he pokes his head out of the door and calls me and Nikki back in. He asks us, “So have you both said your goodbyes? Shall I call the nurse?”

  We both nod our heads sadly. Dad pushes the call button beside Mom’s bed. Within a minute a nurse walks into the room and asks, “You pressed the call button?”

  Dad responds somberly, “Yes, Could you please let the doctor know that we’ve said our goodbyes and we’re as ready as we’re ever going to be to let her go.”

  The nurse’s face is full of compassion as she says, “Okay Sir, I’ll just go get the doctor.” She leaves the room. Within a few minutes two doctors return. They both look at us, their whole demeanor is one of total empathy. The lady doctor asks, “So you’ve all said your goodbyes?”

  We all nod our heads somberly. The male doctor tells us, “Okay, we’re going to turn off the machines. It’s suddenly going to go very quiet and your Mom will quietly slip away. She won’t be in any pain, she won’t suffer in any way.”

  We all nod our heads once more to indicate we understand and want them to proceed. They step up to the head of the bed and turn off the equipment with a simple flick of a few switches. The room goes eerily silent. The doctors proficiently remove the tubes and breathing mask from Mom’s face. They quietly announce the time of death, one of them writes it on their clipboard and then they discretely leave the room.

  We walk over to Mom and each give her a hug. We’re unsure what to do exactly. Nikki says, “So what happens now?”

  Dad answers solemnly, “Why don’t you two head back to the hotel and get some rest. I’d like to stay here with your Mom for a while, and then I’ll head home. There’ll be lots of arrangements to be made over the next few days; I hope you can both stay around for a while.”

  Me and Nikki both answer instantly, “Of course Dad.”

  Nikki adds, “We’ll help you with everything Dad. You don’t have to do this alone.”

  I add, “We’re here for you. We’re a family and we’ll get through this together.”

  We hug each other again then me and Nikki leave the room to leave Dad alone with Mom.

  As soon as we leave the room, I’m met by Cody who hugs me caringly. All the guys are here still and have obviously been waiting for us. We all wearily make our way back to the hotel in taxis.

  Chapter 14

  As soon as we get back to the hotel, we make our way to our own rooms. Cody guides me to his bedroom and I’m glad that I get to share a bed with him. I don’t think I could stand to be alone tonight.

  As soon as we walk into his room, he goes straight to the bathroom and starts running water into the deep soaker bath. He splashes in some bath liquid that smells absolutely divine, like sandalwood, cedar and ginger. I stand in the doorway and snicker, “You feel like a bubble bath?”

  He looks over to me with a warm smile, “It’s for you. I figured you’ve had a really bad day so I thought a nice hot bubble bath might help you relax and feel a bit better.”

  “I must admit that sounds absolutely heavenly. That’s so kind of you Cody. Thank you.”

  As the water pours into the tub, he walks over to me and starts to undo my jacket. He slips it off my shoulders then folds and places it gently on the tiled floor. His hands drift slowly over my skin as he proceeds to remove each item of clothing. By the time I’m completely naked, Cody’s whole body is vibrating with desire. He softly glides his hands over my breasts, over my hips and down my thighs and then back up to my hips again. A low rumble of admiration rumbles in his chest as he mutters, “You’re so god-damned beautiful.” He shakes his head as if trying to clear it then resolutely tugs me towards the bath. As we get close, he raises my hand high and mumbles, “Tonight’s about you Kitty, you need to be pampered and looked after. Even though there’s nothing I’d like more than to bury myself deep inside you, I think what you really need right now is some peace and serenity. Jump in the bath sweetheart, I’ll look after you.”

  The bath is now full of steaming water and lavish bubbles so he leans over and turns off the taps. I step up and into the tub and then sink my body down into the hot water and luxurious bubbles. If feels and smells amazing. The tension in my muscles slowly starts to release and I sigh in gratification.

  Cody leans down and kisses me softly on the top of my head then mumbles, “I’ll be back in a second.” He turns his back and walks out of the bathroom. After a few minutes he returns holding a bottle of red wine and a couple of glasses. He places the glasses on the bathroom vanity, opens the bottle of wine and pours some of the deep red liquid into each glass.

  He then puts the bottle down and starts to remove his clothing. Just seeing him undress sends an unexpected tickle of excitement through my body. I hadn’t thought that I’d be in the mood to be intimate, but watching him is already making me tingle in all the right places. I watch him intently as each item of clothing is discarded recklessly to the floor.

  He reaches back and picks up both glasses of wine from the vanity and hands both of them to me. I take them from him and raise one of the glasses to my lips and take an indulgent sip. The warm liquid slides down my throat way too easily.

  Cody nods his head and rumbles, “Shuffle on up baby. I’m going to slip on in behind you.”

  I scuffle up the bath and Cody slides down behind me. His body is firm and comforting as he wraps his arms securely around me. I settle myself back into his chest and it feels nice, it feels soothing. After the day I’ve had, it’s good to have someone to ease my pain, look after me and maybe even help me forget my troubles for a little while.

  He takes one of the glasses of wine from me and takes a sip, an appreciative growl echoes in his chest. We sit relaxing for a while as we sip peacefully on our wine. Pretty quickly we’ve finished our first glass. Cody reaches up, grabs the bottle and pours us some more. He places the bottle back up on the vanity and places his glass down on the floor beside us.

  “Scoot on up a bit further Kitty, I’ll wash your hair for you.” I scoot on further up the bath and he scoops up some water in a glass he’s taken from the vanity and gently pours the water over my hair. He squirts some shampoo into his hand and his strong fingers massage the soap caringly into my
hair. It feels so good and so insanely relaxing that I almost drift off to sleep. He then rinses off the shampoo and applies some conditioner in long tender strokes, smoothing my hair down my back. After he’s rinsed off the conditioner I shuffle myself back against his body and it’s comforting to feel his skin against mine again. He grabs a sponge and squirts some of the sweet smelling bath liquid onto it and circles the sponge over my shoulders and down my arms instantly causing any remaining tension to quickly dissipate from my body. His attention then moves to my chest as he swirls the soapy sponge erotically over each of my breasts. I can feel his hard erection swelling and prodding into my back. I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows as I wriggle my ass, making sure that he knows I’m fully aware of what’s happening behind me.

  Cody smirks and shrugs his shoulders as he mumbles, “What? You’re naked, my dick can’t help but react. Don’t blame me, I have no control.”

  I chuckle quietly and snuggle back even more as we both groan in satisfaction at the contact. He puts the sponge down and then squirts some more bath liquid directly into his hands. He rubs his hands together to form a bubbly lather. His hands lower to my belly as he circles slowly and sensually. He lowers his hand below the water and slips even lower so his hand is now firmly positioned over my pussy. Warmth and unexpected desire spreads through me. I raise myself up, encouraging him to touch me more intimately. A couple of fingers easily slip inside and I groan in response. His mouth secures on my neck as he softly sucks and kisses, moving his lips over my neck, shoulder and jaw. His fingers start to move rhythmically inside me and I can feel myself getting aroused.

  “Oh, that feels so good.” I moan breathlessly.

  He rumbles in my ear, “That’s it baby, let me take care of you. Let yourself go.”

  His fingers continue to stroke and move inside me, causing the walls of my pussy to contract around him. Then when he moves his other hand and starts to rub my clit rhythmically, my body starts to vibrate in approval. Pretty soon the intensity of the vibration multiplies and takes over my entire body as I’m surrounded in ripples of pure bliss as my orgasm encapsulates me. I lose all sense of being as my body and mind get totally lost in the ecstasy of the moment.

  I slowly come back to reality. Cody’s fingers slip out of me, he wraps his arms around my body and buries his head in the crook of my neck. We sit there like that for a few minutes just luxuriating in the pleasure of being together. After a while he kisses me tenderly on the back of my head and says, “I guess we should get out of this bath before the water gets too cold.”

  I nod my head and we both stand up and step out of the bath. He leans over and grabs one of the fluffy white bath towels and wraps it around me. He then grabs a towel for himself and after wiping himself dry, wraps it around his waist then helps me to get dry.

  We walk into the bedroom and he grabs a T-shirt out of his bag and passes it to me, “Here, you had better wear this to bed. I don’t think I could cope if you were lying naked next to me, that would be way too much of a tease.”

  I chuckle and smile warmly at him. I pull on the T-shirt, Cody puts on some underwear and then we both snuggle into bed. I cuddle in close as he wraps his strong arms around me, our legs are entangled. We both must be really exhausted because we almost instantly fall asleep.


  I wake up to the feeling of having Cody wrapped around me. I manage to enjoy a few seconds of serenity and happiness until I remember the unfortunate events of yesterday and I’m confronted by the fact that I will never see Mom alive again. My heart floods with sadness and I must sigh loudly because Cody mutters, “It’s okay Kitty, I’m here with you, we’ll get through this together. The next few days are gonna be real tough, but we need to stay strong. I’m here for you honey.”

  I stroke Cody’s hand that is affectionately rubbing my shoulder, “Yeah I know. Thanks for looking after me.”

  “That’s okay sweetheart. I’ll help you through this.” He gives me a tight squeeze and then we get out of bed together. Cody pulls on some jeans as he says, “You go jump in the shower. It’s still real early, but shall I order some room service?”

  “Nah, I thought we’d gather everyone up then grab some supplies and cook some breakfast over at Mom and Dad’s place.”

  “That sounds like a nice idea.” Cody agrees. He smirks and starts to undo his jeans as he chuckles, “I may as well hop in the shower too then.”

  We both share the shower and even though Cody’s morning arousal is blatantly obvious, he must sense that my mind is elsewhere and doesn’t attempt anything other than a completely platonic mutual washing. Well, almost platonic, there are definitely a few stray fingers and squeezes here and there, but nothing that leads to more.

  Once out of the shower we get ready and decide to go and make sure the others are all up and getting ready to go. Cody makes his way to wake up the other band members and I go to Nikki and Trixie’s room to make sure they’re out of bed.

  I quietly knock on their door, “Nikki you up yet?”

  I wait for an answer and can hear a little bit of shuffling going on in the room. Nikki opens the door with a sheet wrapped around his waist and he quietly mumbles, “Yeah we’re up.”

  “What time shall we head out to Dad’s?” I ask.

  Nikki replies, “Give us half an hour and we’ll meet you down in the lobby.”

  “Okay, that sounds good, I’ll make sure the other guys are up.”

  “Okay thanks Kitty.”

  “Oh, and I thought we’d call by at the store on the way and pick up some supplies to cook everyone some breakfast over at Mom and Dad’s place.”

  Nikki replies, “Good idea, see you in a few.” He closes the door.

  I sigh sadly as I comprehend that it’s not really Mom and Dad’s place any more, now it’s just Dad’s. Mom won’t be coming home again. It makes me extremely sad.


  After getting ready, we head off to Dad’s place, picking up some breakfast supplies on the way. When we arrive Dad is fluffing around the house, obviously trying to keep himself busy and distracted. We place the grocery bags on the kitchen counter and I walk over to him and give him a massive hug, “How are you coping Dad?”

  Dad hugs me firmly and mutters back, “I’m okay, coping. I’m just so pleased that I have you and the boys here to help me through. But let’s have some breakfast, those boys must be starving, it’s almost nine.”

  We all help to get breakfast prepared and it’s quite therapeutic doing this all together. Once everything is ready we sit down at the large family dining table to eat. The mood is very somber with not a lot of talking going on which is quite different from when we normally have this group of people all eating together.

  We’re just finishing off our food when Dad pulls out an envelope and places it strategically on the table. We all look at it, wondering what the mysterious note is. Dad clears his throat and pats me affectionately on the knee, he says, “You know a week back your Mom woke up and was in an odd mood. She gave me a kiss and told me that she loved me, then she locked herself away in the den. After a couple of hours she came out and handed me two envelopes. The first one had my name on it, the second one had the names, Nikki, Kitty and my boys written across it. She handed them both to me and told me that if anything should happen to her, one of these envelopes is for me and she’d like me to get Nikki to read the other one out. At the time it really freaked me out, I thought something was wrong. I asked her if there was anything I should know. She explained to me that she’d had a dream the night before that made her realize that if anything happened to her that she had things she wanted us all to know. She assured me that nothing was wrong, she said that she was probably just being silly, but by her writing the notes, it made her feel better. I read my note last night and this one here is for you.” He pats the envelope that he’d placed on the table.

  We all look on in stunned silence. Nikki picks up the envelope and traces his finger over his name that Mom had
wrote on the outside of the envelope. He slowly opens it up and takes out a single piece of paper and starts to read it out loud:

  To my dearest Nikki, darling Kitty and my wonderful boys, if you are reading this it means that I wasn’t overreacting to my vivid dream and something has indeed happened to me. My dream was so unusual and so intense, that I felt compelled to get my thoughts down in writing, just in case something did in fact go wrong and I am no longer with you.

  I take a deep breath, Mom was always very intuitive but her having this type of insight is scary.

  Nikki, you’re the best son that I could ever have asked for. You make me so proud and I’ve been privileged to be your Mom. You radiate exhilaration in everything that you do. You’ve created yourself an amazing career with your music and have made the most of your talent. I have watched you grow from a boy into a remarkable man. You are an incredible person with passion, loyalty and love in your heart. I hope that one day you find a lady to share yourself with. That would make me very happy. Take care, continue to make me proud. I love you my darling.

  Kitty, you’re the most wonderful daughter. I couldn’t ask for anything more. You’re exuberant, energetic and have a love for life that is contagious. You have also made me so very proud. You work hard at your studies and are an amazing young lady with a bright future ahead of you. I’m sad that I won’t be around to see you develop into the amazing woman I know you will become. I hope you never lose your ability to make a room light up with your smile and enthusiasm. I love you my beautiful girl.

  Now to my boys, Scott, Hansen, Cody and Ash. I love you all like my own children. Scott, Hansen and Cody, I have watched each of you since you were geeky pre-teens rehearsing in our garage. And also my newest boy to our family, Ash, who joined Oblivion seven or so years back. I’ve watched all of you grow from boys into amazing men. I remember how hard you all worked at the beginning, touring, sleeping in your van and I remember you crashing back here at our home when you needed to rest between tour legs. You’ve all grown into unbelievable men. You all have this rough heavy rock appearance but I know you are all big softies inside. I hope you each find your own loves to share your lives with.


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