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SWAT Team Seven: Goddess of the Circle [The Men of Five-0 #5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “And if you were caught?”

  “You or Tango would have paid my bail and got me out of there.”

  “No, you would have been prosecuted and charged,” Tango added.

  “No, not when all those repeat offenders keep getting let off the hook. It would have been a slap on the wrist.”

  “You shouldn’t have gone.”

  “I wanted to. I did it and I wasn’t caught.”

  “You were seen on video camera.”

  She squinted her eyes at him as if she didn’t believe his statement. She looked so cute. She was a mature woman and soon her fate would step in and change her life.

  “Hence, the very black outfit and mask.”

  “Either way, we now are trying to get the detectives to ignore that footage and focus on the fact that they captured Dashkin and Lunvolk,” Saxton said.

  “They should be charging those two with everything, especially after the other raid and all those innocent people being shot and killed,” Tango stated.


  Saxton stared at Melena. There would be no use in arguing with her. Now he wondered if the chest contained the brooch.

  “So, what was in the chest?” he asked as he unfolded his arms and took a seat behind the desk.

  “I haven’t looked inside of it yet.” She lowered her eyes. He knew this would be tough for her. Anything having to do with her family, remembering them and her past, brought on sadness and also made Melena close up her emotions.

  “Want us to look inside of it with you?” Saxton suggested.

  She looked up, appearing surprised at his suggestion but then she smiled and nodded her head.

  “Okay, go get the box.”

  He was surprised as she opened the door, reached down, and pulled a black duffle bag into the room. She walked over to his desk and pulled out the plain, brown chest.

  She ran her fingers gently over the wood and traced the letter M, with her finger.

  “I don’t have anything of my mother’s or father’s. I hope this contains something important.” She opened it up. He identified the magnificent brooch immediately as Melena reached for a locket, some rings and earrings, and then caressed the diamonds that lined the upper part of the inside of the box.

  “That brooch, Melena, is so very important to your family and to the were world,” Saxton whispered as she picked it up and looked at the multitude of pearls, diamonds, and floral gold leaves.

  “This right here?”

  He nodded his head as she stared at it, held it in both hands, then smiled wide.

  “It is important. I sensed it immediately, Saxton. What is it and what does it mean?”

  “When the gods decide the time is right, they will tell you, Melena, but for now, we must keep it in safekeeping. It is yours and no one else should ever possess it,” Saxton said as apprehension filled his heart. He would do whatever was necessary to keep Melena safe and alive.

  * * * *

  “Well, I’d say that someone wants our attention taken away from the woman in black,” Xavier Dolberg stated to his nephew Gideon over the phone.

  “Why is that?” Gideon asked.

  “Beats the hell out of me, but it is coming from higher up. Perhaps she was working for the good guys? I did receive some intel that someone tipped your Commander and headquarters off on the building and its occupants. You did receive the call to move in without a lot of notice?”

  “That is correct. We got the call and we moved in very quickly.”

  “Well it worked out. Dashkin and Lunvolk are done. Plus, they seemed to be behind the warehouse fire and the situation from the other night as well.”

  “We’re still trying to get over that mess. We lost good men and innocent civilians. All over drugs and guns. What a waste.”

  “I know, Gideon. The council is under a lot of pressure right now. Some revamping is necessary and protocol doesn’t allow for much leeway.”

  “Bullshit. Just eliminate the scum and secure the good guys. It’s a no-brainer as far as I’m concerned.”

  Xavier chuckled. Gideon and his brothers were fierce and straight to the point. They didn’t care for fluff or bureaucracy.

  “How about the vault? Were you able to confiscate and find what it was you were searching for, Uncle?” Gideon asked, and Xavier felt his chest tighten. He was extremely disappointed.

  “No. It wasn’t there. Our intel was incorrect.”

  “Perhaps the woman in black, whom we are no longer allowed to pursue, had something to do with it?” Gideon asked, and Xavier suddenly felt on edge.

  “Maybe, under the radar of course, you and your brothers could try and find out?”

  “I’m on it. Later.”

  Gideon hung up and Xavier leaned back in his chair and sighed. He needed to secure the circle and get this Security Ring up and running. Perhaps Morago and his associates didn’t locate and take the item as he had thought. If they did possess it and then located that book, the circle would be vulnerable to destruction.

  * * * *

  A few days had passed and both Saxton and Tango expressed concern over her identity being compromised. She probably shouldn’t have also broken into Morago’s warehouse days prior to breaking into Dashkin and Lunvolk’s. But those were two different circumstances.

  She’d secured her family’s important brooch, whatever that was all about, and she broke into the Morago’s warehouses and found some interesting files on his office computer in regards to illegal activities. It seemed to her that Morago was planning something big. Something that would ensure a position in some kind of group.

  The country seemed to be running amuck lately, with the news media broadcasting certain stories while bypassing others. Interesting enough, it seemed through her position in the city council as liaison to Xavier Dolberg that werewolves controlled everything. They ran the government, the law enforcement, and most other forms of public and private organizations people had to report to. The fact that most humans had no idea how surrounded by werewolves they were at all times kind of pissed Melena off. But every time she felt anger or upset over those who ruled, something in her reminded Melena of her job. She didn’t want anyone else to experience the loss and danger that she had. Being in charge of the new project with the city council was huge.

  She looked over the documents and notes she had written on her findings at Morago’s warehouse. The letters TAMW were the title of different files that were encoded. There was also a logo from some pharmaceutical company or lab called United Shield. Saxton was working on finding more information. The one thing she did take with her from the office was a set of silver knives under glass. They were different sizes, the smallest being a switchblade. She would bring that with her tonight. Melena wasn’t sure why she took them, but the largest reminded her of one her father once carried with him.

  Melena was in shape, well trained by two members of an elite organization the government denied existed. Saxton and Tango held allegiance to her father for things that they wouldn’t divulge but obviously meant the world to them. They took her under their care immediately ten years ago and ultimately trained her.

  More often than not, they acted like her fathers, and that was a bit annoying.

  They had argued for years about her desire for revenge. She nearly attempted to escape and seek that revenge before she was ready as she allowed anger and pure hatred to rule her mind. Tango had stopped her right before she exposed herself to Coriano. If he hadn’t been there, there was no doubt that she would have been killed.

  She was smarter now. She was older, twenty-two, in amazing shape and trained in the use of everything from explosives to firearms. She was her own arsenal and wouldn’t need a soul to help her accomplish her goal. The last ten years were spent in preparation of taking down Coriano Morago and securing a position in the city council. Coriano Morago wouldn’t know what hit him. She would destroy him slowly, making his life miserable and his fat wallet empty. Revenge was a powerful w
eapon and so was patience.

  Chapter 3

  Gideon Dolberg sighed in annoyance as he spoke with Julius Kordosky, a vampire and associate. The man had such a powerful attitude and way about him. It wasn’t that Julius was pompous, but he was determined and assertive. As members of The Secret Order of the Brothers of Were, Gideon and his four brothers, Mano, Chordeo, Chance, and Edric, all held allegiance to the circle and to were law. For years they had searched for a means to secure the circle and its members, but it seemed that society and greed had influenced some of the members and now it was their job to help weed those individuals out.

  “I get why you decided to pretend interest in the illegal activity, Julius. However, catching Count Divanni and Filletto must be done in a certain fashion. Besides, as we both know, there is someone who is keeping those two wolves protected from arrest and prosecution for their crimes. We need to be careful.”

  “Gideon, I called you because of the bit of information I overheard. There is a secret society that could possibly hold those individuals that are plaguing your circle of laws. I would like nothing more than to destroy these greedy, disloyal wolves just as you want to. It’s just a hunch, but the urge to inform you was great. You know how I am about instincts and signs. The magic of the gods works in mysterious ways.”

  Gideon snorted. His life had done a complete change ten years ago when he and his brothers realized that the mate they never had the chance to physically meet had died. When a wolf’s mate dies, a part of the wolf does. He and his brothers had quite the reputation as nasty, hard-core enforcers. They did things under their legal right but also with gusto and forcefulness that would send fear to anyone with any bit of common sense.

  “You don’t have to tell me about magic or the gods’ surprise intentions. I will have Mano look into this society. Do you have a name?”

  “Unfortunately I don’t. However, there is this warehouse that Filletto and Morago have set up for business. I believe that location was mentioned.”

  “I appreciate the heads-up. Will we see you tonight at the gala?”

  “Perhaps. I was stiffed out of a delivery of very rare jewels.”

  “Don’t say any more. I do not want to be held in contempt with having knowledge of your extracurricular activities to get information to bring down these men.”

  Julius chuckled.

  “Good-bye, friend.”

  Gideon disconnected the call and sighed. As he walked over toward the mirror and fixed the bow tie on his tux, he took in the sight.

  He was a very large man and an even larger wolf. His jet-black hair was wavy and past his shoulders and he didn’t feel like pulling it back for this event. He was a wolf, a soldier, and an enforcer. This was his life and the lives of his four brothers. There was never going to be anything more.

  The words brought on instant thoughts of his mate and his brothers. That day would stand out in his mind forever. Although they were young, only a hundred years of age, every wolf longed to find their mate and to feel complete. They had not truly been searching for her because they knew that finding a mate was rare. Especially considering their dedication and commitment as Brothers of Were enforcers. They were asked to be part of the elite group and because their mate was dead, they were available at the drop of a hat.

  He remembered walking into the massacre of bodies and sensing her there. He could smell her hidden amongst the mix of her family’s blood. Her body more than likely shredded like her siblings. Gideon closed his eyes and felt his chest tighten. She was dead, before he had the opportunity to see her, to know her, never mind possess her. Even if she had survived, he and his brothers would have had to wait at least eight to ten years for her to mature into a woman. But during that time they would have protected her, guided her in decisions and ultimately won her heart before any other wolf could stake a claim.

  Gideon’s heart ached and he clenched his fists by his side and stared at his reflection in the mirror. She was gone. There was nothing he and his brothers could do about it. Fighting for the circle, protecting were law, and destroying those out to hurt the circle and its members was their lives now.

  He cleared his mind and puffed out his chest. He was itching for a fight and maybe he’d get his wish and take out some of the pent-up anger now flowing through his veins. That’s when he felt the slight tingling in his belly. He took pause and tried to identify the emotion.

  Something was up. Something was going to happen soon. What? He wasn’t certain, but the gods were.

  * * * *

  “I really hope this is not just another fucking waste of time. I mean, we’ve been to these damn galas and protect these members of the circle and for what? The majority of people there are oblivious,” Edric Dolberg stated as he leaned back on the sofa. He had worked out, showered, and now waited for the clock to reach six and for Gideon to give the order that it was time to head out.

  “I hear ya, Edric. Believe me, I hate wearing fucking tuxedoes just like the rest of you, but this is part of our job responsibilities and besides, Uncle Xavier asked us to attend as undercover security. If we’re not working in SWAT Team Seven, then we’re working for the Secret Order or being subcontracted out by Sam or Ava. We’re good at what we do. This is a piece of cake compared to some of our other missions,” Chance said then winked, acting like his overconfident and pompous self. His brother was slick and oh, so very charming when it came to the ladies.

  “First of all, look at the size of us. Anyone with a fucking brain could see we’re not regular guys. Throw in the tight fucking tuxedo and shit, my wolf is annoyed and angry. I prefer to be knocking people around, letting them meet my fists or better yet, tearing some throats out.”

  “Well you’re just going to have to deal with it. More than likely your wolf is still not calmed down after that raid in the warehouse and the fact that the woman in black got away. Throw in the stint in Ireland prior to that. We were in were form a lot and got to enjoy the O’Brian land and all its natural beauty. Plus, there’s still that issue with Warnerbe Pierce, claiming that we weren’t protecting him last week at the event.”

  “That asshole had it coming. He fucks women as often as he changes his underwear. He was bound to get caught by the bimbo he was dating steadily. It’s more than that. Things have been kind of quiet around here, haven’t they?” Edric asked then took a slug of beer from the beer can.

  “Ah hell, Edric, why did you just jinx the evening? I’ve got plans with a certain brunette if all goes well,” Mano said as he joined them in the living room.

  He reached into the bowl of pretzels and grabbed a handful.

  “What’s going on, Edric?” Chance asked him and Edric sighed.

  “I don’t know. I just have this odd feeling. It’s been with me for the last few days now.”

  “You haven’t felt right since that botched drug bust we were called to after the mess by the local authorities,” Mano said.

  Edric thought about that a minute. It sucked to pull up onto the scene thinking they were going to aid in arrests but instead an all-out blood bath lay before them. Innocent lives were destroyed and children left without parents. He thought about their mate and her family. The way they were killed and left shredded up made him have a hollow heart.

  “It was a massacre,” Edric said.

  “It was a fucking mess but the circumstances were out of our control. Our team would have handled it differently,” Mano stated.

  “Our team wouldn’t have gone in there gung ho like those guys did. The men responsible wouldn’t be walking or breathing right now.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Chance. It was over before we got there. I just felt bad for those families. I still don’t understand why the circle didn’t eliminate the gang responsible,” Edric said with disgust.

  “Because there is more to what happened than we were told.” Gideon, their Alpha, appeared with their brother Chordeo accompanying him. Gideon was fixing his bow tie and straining his neck as if the monkey s
uit was too tight. That was how they would all feel shortly when they, too, had to get dressed.

  “Well we figured it had to be tied to someone of importance,” Chance added.

  “It is more than that, brothers. Chordeo and I have been in contact with the Valdamar Pack members. They understand our upset, but indicated that there was more at stake here and that the Filletto organization could not be penalized at this time,” Gideon explained.

  “That sounds like a bunch of red tape to me,” Edric replied.

  “More like a load of bullshit. Let’s face it, we have no say in these matters. Look how the call came up to drop the investigation on the chick in black from Dashkin’s warehouse. I’d like to know who she is and what she was doing there,” Mano said.

  “We get our orders and we do our jobs. Let’s get ready,” Chordeo stated firmly then turned around and left the room.

  He was right. Even though each of them were part of SWAT Team Seven and the Secret Order and were highly trained Alpha wolves, they were servants to the circle of elders. That would never change. So why was Edric feeling so negative about their responsibilities tonight?

  * * * *

  Melena dressed in a stylish red fitted dress. Saxton thought it was sad that Melena couldn’t go by Kamea, her Polynesian name. So often, her family name, ‘Kamea’, would nearly slip off his tongue. He wondered if he were getting soft. Melena had that effect on him, especially since he practically raised her with Tango.

  She was strapping on the second heel as she stepped onto the high bench. Saxton stood in the doorway watching her. She was so beautiful. Although he was way older and a wolf, he found her incredibly sexy and attractive. He worried about her and the men who might try to seduce her. The thought brought on emotions he wasn’t quite able to identify. It wasn’t jealousy. It was true concern. A woman of Polynesian descent, she would surely stand out in a crowd. Her long wavy brown hair was now covered with a blonde wig. She still looked amazing.


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