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Hot Holiday Love: an Interracial romance

Page 11

by Solomon, Germaine

  “This better be important, Selig, or you’re a dead man.”

  “Good morning, sir.”

  “Fuck you, Selig. What the hell do you want this goddamn early in the morning?”

  “The investigation is officially over and the league has reached its decision, sir. A meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow morning at ten o’clock at their headquarters in Frankfurt.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” I cut my eyes toward Natalie and realized I had her undivided attention.

  “Yes, sir, I’m quite serious. They’re expecting you to be there. The owner, head coach, and another Bayern Munich executive will be in attendance.” Selig paused briefly before saying, “I’ve already booked you on a one-fifteen first-class flight from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport to Flughafen Frankfurt am Main. I suggest you conclude your business there and prepare for your trip right away, sir.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  I don’t know why I was so nervous watching Hayden and listening to him talk on the phone to some dude named Selig. I guess it was because he looked kind of shocked and on edge like something important was going on. I wanted to know exactly what, but I had no right to ask him anything because out of fear, I had been avoiding the conversation that I knew in my heart we needed to have. I didn’t want to learn anything negative about Hayden that could possibly prevent us from having a future together. And I was afraid to let him know that I wasn’t just a songwriter and producer. I wouldn’t be able to handle it if he were to reject me as Zyeshia. Nor did I want him to come into my life and ride the gravy train like Tobias had either.

  I wrapped my arms around my naked body when Hayden finally said goodbye and hung up the phone. The few seconds he stared at me in silence felt like an eternity. Relief washed over me when he reached out and gathered me in his arms.

  He ran his fingers through my mussed hair and kissed my forehead. “I have to leave for Germany this afternoon, sweetheart. It’s about my job. I don’t have time to explain it because it’s very complicated. Right now, we need to pack and get out of here.”

  “We ?” I pulled back to study his face.

  “Natalie, this is not the time for one of your temper tantrums. My flight is at one-fifteen and it’s almost seven o’clock. We both need to shower, dress, and pack so we can leave here by nine.”

  “Why do you keep saying we , Hayden? You’re the one leaving. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to leave you here alone because that’s not going to happen!” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, the sincerity I saw in them warmed my heart. “Babe, you’ve got to trust me. I can’t leave you on the mountain alone. If anything were to happen to you in my absence, I would never forgive myself. So, don’t give me a hard time, okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  Almost two hours later, I stood on the porch of my cabin watching Hayden load my last piece of luggage in the back of my truck. My tears were fighting to flow, but my strong will held them back. I forced a smile on my face when he trudged up the walkway, climbed the steps, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “You stored all of my numbers in your cell phone, right?”


  “Did you store all of yours in mine like I told you to?”

  “Yes, Hayden, I did.”

  “Thank you.” He pulled me in for a big bear hug and caressed my back. “I wish I could take you with me.”

  I buried my face in his chest and allowed my tears to fall freely. I couldn’t speak or even make a sound over the lump in my throat. I just held on to him for dear life. My heart was breaking into tiny pieces. I wasn’t ready for our time together to end and I dreaded returning home to the real world in the A.

  Hayden took a step back and held me at arm’s length. The moment our eyes met, the emotional dam broke. More tears streamed down my face and my body began to tremble.

  “Hush now, babe. Don’t cry. I swear to God I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  He dropped his arms from my body, and I immediately felt empty on the inside. How the hell was I going to make it through a single day without feeling his touch, inhaling his scent, and tasting his sweet lips against mine?

  “Let me walk you to your truck, babe.” He grabbed my hand and led me down the steps and to my SUV. “Give me your keys.”

  Still bawling my eyes out, I reached into my purse and fished for my key ring. When I found it, I handed it to Hayden. He unlocked my door and opened it before he lifted me to sit sideways in the driver’s seat, facing him with my legs dangling in the air. He positioned his body between my thighs and pulled me forward. I felt his erection pressing against my core. When he wrapped his arms around me, I wanted to tell him I loved him and my heart belonged to him, but I swallowed my words and savored the final minutes of his presence.

  “My flight is nonstop, so I should arrive in Frankfort around ten-thirty tonight your time. I’ll call you as soon as I land.”

  “I’ll be waiting by the phone.”

  Our farewell kiss was slow but passionate, sending a love signal straight to my heart. The way Hayden made love to my mouth with thorough swipes of his tongue against mine made me miss him already. I wanted to drag him into my truck, lock him inside, and make him my prisoner for life. But I couldn’t because I cared too much about him to cause him to miss out on a career opportunity, despite the fact that I didn’t know a damn thing about what he did for a living.

  He ended the kiss and rested his forehead against mine. When he pulled me closer in a tighter hug, my love for him was confirmed ten times over. I wanted him to be my man. No, I needed him to be. Like a blue whale needed water to survive, I needed Hayden. I hadn’t come to Blue Ridge to find love. In fact, I was running away from the pain and embarrassment that imaginary love had caused me. My brief encounter with Hayden had taught me that what I’d had with Tobias wasn’t love at all. It was nothing more than a relationship based on convenience and familiarity, totally devoid of love and a spiritual connection. But when Hayden entered the scene, I was introduced to more love, passion, and romance than I could handle. And I wanted more of it. Hell, I wanted it all …an entire lifetime’s worth.

  “It’s time for you to go, babe,” Hayden whispered, snatching me from my thoughts. Then like the perfect gentleman, protector, and extraordinary lover I’d fallen in love with, he helped me reposition in the driver’s seat and secured my seatbelt before he kissed my temple and purred, “Mach’s gut mein Schatz. Ich liebe dich. Für immer .”

  “I don’t know what the hell that means,” I croaked over a pitiful sob that I’d tried my damndest to hold back.

  “I promise to translate it and demonstrate it for you when I see you again.”

  “But when will that be, Hayden?”

  “Soon , sweetheart. Trust me. You’ll be back in my arms again where you belong soon.”

  “Do you promise?”

  He lifted my hand from the steering wheel and placed it on his heart. “Ich verspreche. That means I promise.”

  I searched those mesmerizing eyes of his and saw raw truth in them. And that was all I needed. I allowed Hayden to wipe the tears from my face with his wide palm before he placed a chaste peck on my lips. I swallowed a whimper when he closed my door, hell bent on keeping my emotions in check. Cranking my truck was the hardest task ever, but I did it and shifted the gear to reverse. My bleeding heart wouldn’t allow me to steal one last glance at Hayden because I would’ve fallen apart. So, I kept it moving, motivated by his promise that we would be together again soon.

  “Eesh, wake your ass up, girl.” My body jerked from side to side when Ravie plopped her pregnant ass down on the bed and pushed my shoulder. “Wake up!”

  I rolled over onto my back with my hand shielding my eyes from the bright overhead light. “What time is it?”

  “It’s time to get your ass out of bed so you, Zahirah, and I can work on
a statement about this Tobias-Jian bullshit now that you’re back in town. That knocked-up heifer is doing a countdown to her delivery day on Instagram. Who the entire hell would do some tacky shit like that?”

  “Uggghhh! For real?”

  “Yep. And Tobias is just as bad. He’s all over social media and the radio promoting some whack-ass single he claims he’s about to drop New Year’s Day. This whole breakup and baby thing is making him semi-relevant again, but you and I know that nobody would even remember his name if it wasn’t for you.”

  I sat up, yawned, and stretched with my hands high above my head.

  “Damn, girl!” Ravie scrunched up her nose and fanned the air in front of her face with her hand. “What the hell did you eat last night before you went to bed? Your breath smells like foot fungus and sweaty booty crack!”

  “I couldn’t sleep last night so I called Big Quad and told him to bring me a big bag of Funyuns, a jar of pickles, and a six-pack of Altenburger Premium to help me mellow out.”

  “And what is that? Some kind of sleep aide?”

  “Nope. It’s German beer.” I smiled but only for a few seconds because an image of Hayden’s face flashed before my eyes, reminding me about his meeting this morning. He had promised me last night before we ended our hour-long conversation that he would call before his meeting with some important people about his job.

  I hopped out of bed and started searching my bedroom frantically for my cell phone.

  “Eesh, what’s the matter?” Ravie waddled behind me as fast as she could when I ran toward the master bath.

  “I need to find my phone! I was expecting a call from Hayden this morning before his meeting. Those three beers I drank last night must’ve really wiped me out. And now, I can’t remember what I did with my freaking phone. I’ll be back!” I shouted over my shoulder as I dashed out of the master suite toward the stairs.

  I sprinted into the great room and checked the coffee table and both end tables, but my phone was nowhere to be found. I twisted my fingers in my ’fro and mentally retraced my steps from the moment Big Quad showed up last night with the beer and snacks until he left. My memory was a little blurry for a minute, but then I remembered putting the three beers I had left over in the fridge and Big Quad’s fifth of French vanilla Cîroc in the freezer.

  I power walked to the kitchen and found my phone on the counter next to the stainless steel, sub-zero refrigerator. My hand shook terribly as I reached for it. I picked it up and immediately saw a bunch of missed text messages and calls that meant absolutely nothing to me. But the call I’d missed a little after four o’clock this morning Eastern Standard Time from a phone number starting with a +43 country code brought tears to my eyes. How could I have missed his call? I silently questioned myself.

  I left the kitchen and dragged my body upstairs with tears pooling in my eyes. I was so damn emotional since leaving Blue Ridge.

  “Eesh, what’s wrong? Did he call?” Ravie asked as soon as I re-entered the master suite.

  I nodded and slumped down on the bed next to her before I swiped my phone’s screen a few times. I pushed the voicemail icon as tears began to spill from my eyes and trickle down my cheeks.

  “Good morning, babe. I had hoped you’d be awake so I could hear your sexy voice, but I understand that you’re probably tired from packing in a rush and the unexpected drive back home yesterday. Forgive me if I kept you up too late on the phone last night. I just miss you so much. Anyway, I’m on my way to the meeting. Wish me luck. I’ll call you as soon as I’m done. Ich liebe dich.”

  “Oooh weee! Honey, that damn accent!” Ravie squealed, rubbing her big belly filled with Chip Junior. “All that bass in his voice and them words he said in German at the end made my coochie clap three times ! Damn, Eesh, I see why that man’s got you wide open.” She giggled and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “Aw, don’t cry, Eeshy Pooh. It’s gonna be alright.”

  I rested my head in the crook of Ravie’s neck and cried quietly with thoughts of being reunited with Hayden filling my head space.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Frankfurt, Germany

  “Viper! Viper! How does it feel to have been cleared by Bundesliga officials to return to the football field with Bayern Munich?” a middle-aged male reporter asked.

  I stared straight through the chubby guy and in like German spat, “It was the very least they could do after my successful, ten-year, scandal-free career in which I contributed greatly to the league. I have made Bundesliga millions of euros. They never should’ve suspended me in the first place. Everyone knows that Viper Drachenberg is not a cheater. The league owed me the benefit of the doubt. But because they acted so swiftly to sideline me instead, I have chosen to explore my options to play for another league at the end of this season.”

  Selig grunted as the crowd of reporters began to whisper while flashes from cameras sent streaks of light throughout the room. Other reporters yelled out their questions to me, but I was in no rush to answer them. They reminded me of greedy, disgusting vultures fighting over a fresh carcass.

  I focused my attention on my dear mom, Didrika, who was seated in the second row of chairs amongst a small crowd of non-media people who had been allowed into the press conference. Aunt Gerda, a feisty old soul, was next to her. I chuckled on the inside, amazed that she was able to sit quietly and restrain from exploding in a rant of curses and insults at the media. She hated reporters and the paparazzi even more than she hated the league officials. I nodded my acknowledgement to my mom and her older sister before looking to my left at my hero and best friend, my father, retired Colonel Hale Ellis. No matter what was going on in my life, I could always count on Papa’s unwavering support.

  “Mr. Drachenberg! Mr. Drachenberg! I have a question, sir!”

  If I’d had hair on my head, every damn wisp would’ve bristled at the sound of the familiar voice. My eyes scanned the crowd carefully for the face I hadn’t laid eyes on in many years, but I didn’t see her anywhere.

  “I’m in the back,” she shouted, waving her hand in the air.

  My eyes zoomed in on her, and our gazes connected and lingered briefly. With a slight nod, I acknowledged her and granted her permission to ask her question although Selig raised a subtle protest by mumbling a few harsh words under his breath and shifting in his chair.

  Ilsa Göbel, Satan in feminine flesh.

  Everyone watched her sashay down the center aisle like a fashion model, wearing a stylish navy blue suit. The skirt hugged her petite frame snuggly and its hemline barely reached the tops of her kneecaps. Never conservative, even when in hot pursuit of a headline story, scarlet red was always her lipstick color of choice. And high heels, the skinny kind, were signature for her regardless of the outfit she wore. As she drew closer, I concentrated on her facial expression. It was flat but confident, teetering on arrogant. Her baby blue eyes told me she was still very much the attention whore I remembered her to be, clearly enjoying the fact that she was now the center of everyone’s focus. Her blonde curls bounced with each step.

  Cameras were still clicking and flashing when Ilsa finally reached the front of the room. She took a seat in the first row of chairs and crossed her legs. I refused to give her the satisfaction of lowering my eyes to her thighs. I knew every inch of them well. My body had spent excessive amounts of time between them during my rookie season in the league. I watched her face attentively and didn’t miss her tongue slide smoothly across her bottom lip. It was a sensual gesture, so typical of her.

  “Mr. Drachenberg, the reason for your suspension from the league was due to the results of your most recent random drug analysis. You tested positive for illegal substances, more specifically, synthetic per— ”

  “What’s your question, Ms. Göbel?” Selig barked into his microphone.

  “Mr. Drachenberg, I’d like to know about your health.” She looked around the room, waving her hand with a cynical smile on her face. “Everyone here is curio
us about the condition that Mr. Sarden Ludwig, your former personal physician’s assistant, was treating you for. Do you have an injury that we should know about?”

  The room erupted with gasps and whispers, creating a heavy buzz. Ilsa leaned back coolly in her chair and licked her scarlet red lips. I had to grip Selig’s knee with my right hand under the table to keep him from reacting. I felt the heat of his anger searing my left profile. But I was calm and unfazed by Ilsa’s sucker-punch question.

  “You and the rest of the world already know everything you need to know about me, Ms. Göbel.”

  “So, does that mean there’s no injury?” she pressed boldly.

  “You’re invited to attend my next game and afterwards, I will allow you to draw your own conclusion regarding my physical fitness.”

  I scooted my chair backwards and stood to make my exit through the side door of the room while persistent reporters shouted their questions over each other, vying for my attention. I ignored them and kept walking. I didn’t need to look behind me to know that Selig and Papa were trailing me closely. I was in a zone, somewhat pleased with the events of the day, but there was another pending issue on my mind.


  I wasted no time loosening the knot in my tie and unbuttoning the first two buttons on my shirt the moment Selig closed the door of the small dressing room behind us. On an adrenaline rush, I began to pace the short length of carpet between the walls of the tiny space.

  “Son, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, but I’ll feel much better if Selig can locate a pilot to fly me to Atlanta in my jet as soon as possible.”

  “That’s not possible, sir. You have a very full day ahead of you, starting with a meeting in one hour with your attorneys and league officials. Important documents must be signed right away, sir. Then your team’s owner and head coach are expecting you for a late lunch. And have you forgotten about your doctor’s appointment and on-field drills tomorrow?”


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