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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 6

by Selena Kitt

  “Should I guess what type of things he had you do? Or will you tell me?” He lowered his drink and stared at the opening between her legs.

  She shook her head, unwilling to admit how her husband had used her to gain favors with influential people. One man in particular jumped to the forefront of her mind. She shoved the thought of the arrogant bastard aside. She’d never accept his hideous proposal, so she’d do best to forget him.

  If things worked out with Bo, she’d soon be married. “I don’t think it really matters. What’s more important is what you want.”

  His gaze lifted to her face. The strong line of his jaw tightened as if deciding whether to demand she answer his questions or to let it go.

  Pleased by his indecision, she toyed with the button at her waist. “After all, you’re the one I’ll be marrying.”

  He blinked. The word marriage grabbed his attention, the same way it did most single men. “I have a ranch in a remote area. There won’t be any wild parties. I travel and will be gone for days at a time. You’ll be expected to keep house and cook for me and my brother.”

  Finally, she was getting a few answers as to what he really expected from her.


  Fighting to stay in his chair, Bo studied the woman leaning against the bed. She tempted him in a way few women had in a long time. Not only beautiful, with her blonde hair and sea-green eyes, she also had a confidence that appealed to him.

  “I have certain expectations, some of which others might not understand.” Bo recalled his conversation with his brother. He had shot down the idea of a woman living on the ranch, claiming Bo didn’t spend enough time at home to warrant a wife.

  Bo had to agree, but he also knew Chase. He never objected to having the companionship of a lady, as long as he participated in the fun of fucking her. Now, Bo intended to make sure they both approved of the arrangement so all of their needs would be satisfied.

  She popped another button free and shifted her hips onto the surface of the bed. “And what would those be?”

  Staring at the swell of her breasts over the top of her corset, he knocked back the rest of his water and set the glass on the floor. “I’m a demanding lover and don’t want an innocent virgin to blush every time I slap her ass.”

  He dropped his gaze. “I’m looking for a woman who will spread her legs when I tell her and show me her pussy.”

  “Like this?” Sarah caught the skirt of her dress and lifted it above her knees.

  He’d noticed her bare legs after he’d arrived at the cabin. Sparking the idea of her being naked under her red, silk dressing gown, he waited impatiently to discover the answer. His gaze lit on the creamy length of her thighs, and he stared at the blonde bush between her legs. “Yes, now, put your feet on the railing of the bed and let me see your pretty cunt.”

  She smiled and obeyed by settling back on the bed. The wide expand of her knees provided the perfect view of her intimate, pink folds.

  He groaned, hungry for a sample of her rich cream. “Did your husband ever ask you to show yourself to other men?”

  With a brief nod, she slid the last button of her gown open, exposing her trim waist and off-white corset. He spotted the small dimple of her navel and envisioned dipping his tongue into the tiny divot.

  “Did he let them taste you?” Bo unhooked his belt and shifted restlessly in his chair. He had to see how far he could push her so he’d know if she’d go along with his plan.

  “Yes.” She stood, pulled off her robe and walked forward in her corset alone. “Micah liked to watch other men play with me until I became so hot, I’d beg.”

  Damn, that’s exactly what he longed to hear. Bo grabbed her around the waist and drew her between his legs. He breathed in her sweet scent and rubbed his face against the soft flesh of her belly. “What did you beg for?”

  He pictured her with one cock in her mouth, one in her pussy, and another in her ass. A fire burned through him, igniting his lust. Blood pooled in his groin.

  She tunneled her hands through his hair and tugged, drawing his head back. Her gaze met his with a wicked challenge. “I thought tonight was purely about you and me.”

  Tempted beyond his endurance, Bo shifted her back enough to stand. “It is, but someday soon I plan to invite someone else to join the fun.”

  “Does that mean you plan to marry me?” She worked her fingers over the buttons of his shirt, undoing them as she went.

  “It’s why I’m here, and also the reason why we’re heading for my ranch tomorrow.” He dipped his head and nibbled at the corner of her mouth. So soft, he longed to dive right in and swallow her whole. Instead, he took his time tempting, teasing, playing with her lips until she opened for his probing tongue.

  He pulled her tighter against his chest, and her suppleness fed his hunger. His kiss grew more demanding with the long, wet strokes of his tongue plunging in and out. He made love to her mouth. He craved so much more and captured her waist. With a quick bend, he swept her up in his arms.

  She shifted, as if to break away, but he didn’t release his hold. Instead, in less than ten seconds, he had her spread out on the mattress and released her to shuck off his clothes.

  His shirt hit the floor, then his pants. He glanced up to catch her green-eye gaze. A spark of concern prompted him to ask, “Am I going too fast for you?”

  “No, well, I, uh, want you to know. If we weren’t considering marriage, I wouldn’t be doing this. I’m not an...” She swallowed and dug her fingers into the quilt. “Adventuress.”

  He drew back as if her words had clipped him on the chin and blinked. Dropping onto the side of the bed to tug off his boots, he exclaimed, “Where the hell did that come from? I’d never call you a whore.”

  She glanced away, her eyes darting at everything but him. “It’s just...”

  “You’ve been called nasty names before?” He realized her husband hadn’t protected her as much as he should have. Also, since his death, other men had probably approached her expecting sexual favors. After all, if they had fun with her when Micah was alive, why shouldn’t it continue after his passing?

  “Yes. That’s why I haven’t been with any man in the last year. I intend to settle down and become a normal wife.” Once started, she couldn’t seem to stop and continued on her tirade. “I grew up on a horse ranch and love being around them. I have no intentions of attending any more wild parties or being in the spotlight. My hope is to have a quiet life where I don’t have to worry about anything other than making you happy.”

  He smiled, understanding a little better the reason for her agreeing to meet with him. It also explained why she might be willing to accept his proposal. “Good, because living with me will be nothing like it was with your late husband.”

  She reared up, wrapped her arms around his neck, and fell back, drawing him over her plush body. “Good, then please make love to me. Because I’m so close, I feel as if I’ll shatter into a million pieces if you don’t.”

  In complete agreement, he marveled at the cushion of her breast against his chest and the caress of her legs cradling his hips. Without hesitation, he covered her mouth and traced the seam with his tongue. He planned to enjoy her for hours until they were both so spent they’d fall asleep in a haze of orgasmic bliss.

  * * *

  As if in a sensual fantasy, Sarah wondered how this man had managed to stay single for so long. The light kisses he dropped on her lips were playful. His fingers teased nimbly over her arms, shoulders, and neck. He massaged each body part, prompting need to pool in her core. The hard line of his cock nestled against her thigh seared her, branding her with its erotic touch.

  She trembled, eager to have him deep inside her twat. Still, she appreciated him taking his time, building the anticipation. Men tended to think only of their own desires and didn’t particularly care to offer a woman a moment to catch up with them. Instead, they groped and pinched without thought as to their partner’s enjoyment.

  Delighted by
his compassion, she glided her hands across his shoulders and tunneled her fingers through his hair, holding his head for a blistering kiss. The scorching brush of his lips ran along the seam between hers. His tongue nudged seeking entrance. She opened her mouth, giving him free access.

  Here, she expected him to plunge in and overpower her with his demands. Instead, he tormented her with soft strokes. The kiss seduced her senses, invoking a ravenous hunger. Her nipples peaked into stiff points of pain and the wall of her cunt fluttered. She shifted restlessly, working her legs farther apart and wrapping them over the back of his thighs. Her heels ran over his smooth flesh.

  His strong body on top of hers, she felt every hard muscle and the insistent nudge of his cock against her wet folds. She rocked her hips, hoping to encourage him to dip between them.

  Instead, he lifted his head and his dark gaze met hers. “As much as you might want me to sink into your hot pussy, we’re doing this my way.”

  She noted the determined glint in his eyes and the demanding tone of his voice. “Meaning you don’t intend to fuck me?”

  He laughed, a pleasant burst of merriment she found almost as appealing as his hand gliding over her chest. With his thumbs, he wedged her breast out from under the confines of her corset. He tweaked the peak and eased away enough to stare at the rosy tip.

  “Sugar, I like the way you think. But in this instant, I believe we’re more in the discovery phase of our relationship. First, I hope to discover all of your secrets. What gets you hot and what doesn’t.”

  “What if I’m already so hot, I might explode?” Sarah moaned. The tantalizing rub of his fingers over her flesh excited her to the point where she had to fight the urge to beg for relief.

  “Oh, now, then I’d better...” He didn’t finish his sentence, opting instead to send her into blissful nirvana by covering her nipple with his mouth. The hot, wet suction caused her back to bow and her head to rear back on her pillow.

  God, it’d been too long.

  She’d had multiple partners pleasing her, a man on each breast teasing her while Micah pounded into her cunt. Still, she hadn’t felt this out of control or this impossible need for a release in a long time. Did the extended dry spell have something to do with it or had Bo somehow tapped into one of her insatiable cravings?

  He tugged on her breast and flicked his tongue across the sensitive tip. “So sweet, I’m going to enjoy sucking on these tight berries every chance I get.”

  A whimper escaped from between her lips when he shifted and freed her other breast. His mouth again clamped around her nipple, and he lightly nibbled on the hard point.

  She screamed and curled her fingers in his dark hair. Her nails scraped against his scalp. She rocked her head against her pillow, uncertain how much more she could take. Her body poised on the sharp edge of release. She sobbed, “Please, Bo, you have to...”

  As if he hadn’t heard her, he continued to lick and nip at her breasts, keeping her consistently on the brim without giving her enough stimuli to fall into pure bliss. With a smile, he muttered, “What you need sugar, is a good tongue lashing.”

  The thought of his mouth on her intimate flesh had her clutching at his shoulders, arms, hands, anything to keep him from shifting lower. “No, Bo, I won’t be able to take it.”

  He caught a hold of her wrists and lifted them above her head. “Do I need to tie you to the bed?”

  A flash of anger rushed through her body, kicking her heart rate into high. Sexual bondage didn’t arouse her. She didn’t mind a man holding her hands, but she wouldn’t allow any man to secure her limbs where she wasn’t able to break free if she wanted. She squirmed and shook her head. “That’s not something I really enjoy.”

  “Then I’ll have to come up with something else to get you excited. Why don’t you be a good girl while I...” He sank deeper between her legs and released his hold on her hands to cup them over her knees, spreading them wider. Heat flamed in his dark eyes, his hunger evident as he stared at her twat.

  “So pretty, I have to have a taste.” He extended his thumbs between the damp slit and peeled back the folds. Holding her open, he ducked his head and ran his tongue along the soggy length.

  Pleasure coursed through her body. She tried to rock her hips, but he held her in place. Intimate muscles fluttered, warning of the impending release. She groaned, aware he’d set off an erotic explosion any second, and she’d fly.

  Then he wrapped his lips around her clit and tugged on the small bud. Stars erupted behind her eyelids. She screamed and wriggled beneath his wicked assault. Her pussy clutched at air, needing the driving force of his cock to satisfy its hunger.

  Wanting him to move his hands, she opened her eyes to see the bright smile on his face.

  “Do you know how much I enjoy watching you come? Knowing how hungry you are for me.” He blew a warm breath against her needy core.

  “Then what are you waiting for?” She lowered her hands and rested them over his on her thighs.

  “Now, now, let’s not forget ourselves. Put your hands back over your head while I feast on your cream.” He waved his finger in warning and leaned forward. His mouth closed over her twat again. This time, he didn’t play.

  He probed the entrance with his tongue, lapped at her cream, and flicked her overstimulated clit. Each brush sent a shock through her system. He cupped her ass and squeezed.

  With him no longer pinning her thighs to the bed, she bucked her hips and wrapped her legs around his shoulders. Pleasure again surged through her, building another fire in her core.

  “Please, Bo, I need you inside me.” She didn’t think he’d stop.

  Endless minutes passed. Each time she came close, he backed off, until he finally lifted his head. Moisture circled his smiling mouth. He lowered her legs off his shoulders and shifted up over her. The scent of her musk on him combined with his own masculine aroma strengthened her need.

  She lowered her arms and grabbed a hold of his biceps. The hard muscles holding her steady as he wrapped a fist around his cock.

  He fed the blunt head into her channel, slowly pushing his length into her. A predatory look glittered in his almost black eyes. “So tight! You weren’t lying when you said you’ve been a good girl for the last year.”

  Sarah groaned, the sheer size of him stretching the walls of her vagina. Energy pulsed through her, ripping a sigh from her lips. “That feels so good.”

  He settled over her, resting his weight on his elbows, and his cock sank a little deeper. A light pull back excited her nerve endings, then a long erotic thrust forward. Each stroke intensified her desire.

  Unable to hold back, she circled her arms and legs around him, clinging to him. The steady rhythm robbed her of air. Strung out on the mind-numbing pleasure, she floated. Nothing existed except the two of them. Her body rocking with his, she rode the waves until an undertow caught him. His pace increased. He pounded into her, harder, faster, racing for a release on a distant shore.

  His teeth lightly scored her neck, arousing a swell of feverish emotions to crash over her senses, plunging her into another world, an incredible place where he understood her need for sex, for love, for a chance to have a normal life. She screamed, releasing the ache in her soul and praying silently for the beginning of something worth sharing. Could she finally escape her past?

  Bo let out a long sigh. Molten heat pooled in her groin. Together, they fell into an ecstasy, marked only by their heavy breathing and spent bodies.

  Moments later, he shifted. His seductive weight fell away as he rolled onto his back. “Let’s rest for a bit. Then when you’re ready, we can discuss what time we should leave tomorrow for my ranch.”

  Completely sated, Sarah let herself believe that for once in her life, things would work out exactly the way she wanted.


  Thunder rumbled overhead.

  The rain fell a little harder for a moment, then slowly eased into a light drizzle.

  Unaffected by the ba
d weather, Bo glanced at the person riding on the horse beside his. Most people would believe it to be a man, perhaps even a boy. No one would venture a guess a beautiful woman lay hidden under such awful clothes. The long rain slicker covered a plain, cotton shirt and dark pants fell to the top of her muddy boots. “I hope you’re not attached to those clothes, because as soon as we reach home, I’m burning them.”

  She tilted her head to gaze at him. Water dripped off the brim of her hat. An amused smile bloomed on her kissable lips. “Now, don’t do anything hasty. This outfit is perfect. I can ride without the bulk of my dress inhibiting my movements. Also, it’s a great disguise. No one will ever suspect I’m leaving town. Their best guess would be I sold you my horse.”


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