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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 8

by Selena Kitt

  “Then what the hell did they do to you?” Bo’s gaze stripped her of the thin barrier covering her body from his view. He no longer appeared enticed by her ample breasts and curve of her hips. His lips tightened as if he were clenching his jaw.

  From the way he spit out his words, she gathered he considered the idea of her saving herself only for her husband as ludicrous. “They played, with their mouth, their fingers, but I had to draw the line somewhere or I’d been nothing more than a...”

  “A whore,” Bo finished her sentence when she paused. “That’s why you didn’t sleep with other men after your husband died. You were being loyal to the slimy bastard.”

  Fighting to stay calm, she drew in a cleansing breath. For two years, she’d put up with Micah’s antics, stood beside him, played his games. Yes, she had a few rules. Ones he’d maintained, because he claimed he agreed with them. Though the same guidelines didn’t apply to him. He enjoyed dipping his cock in any pussy he wanted.

  “I believe that’s a quality you might want in a wife,” Chase muttered. His lips curved into a hint of a smile for a moment, before he stretched out his arms and stood. “You two must be hungry. Why don’t I rustle up something for us to eat?”

  Sarah assessed his lean, muscular form. Where Bo was husky and resembled a solid, brick wall, Chase had the lean whipcord body of a wrangler. Both had dark hair, Bo’s curly and cut short, Chase’s straight and wrapped in a leather cord. The long braid hung down his back. Their brown eyes were intense, Chase more so because of their darker color.

  “Good idea. We’re both tired and haven’t eaten anything for hours. We can probably use a break to calm our nerves.” Bo followed his brother to his feet and gathered her outfit up off the floor. Without another word, he tossed them into the fireplace.

  Furious with him, she drew off the afghan and rushed forward. “Bo, what the hell are you doing?”

  He blocked her path, grabbed her shoulders, and prevented her attempts to save her clothes. “I told you on the trail they were history. We’ll simply have to find you something else to wear.”

  She slammed her hands against his chest, releasing the anger that had been building since he announced he wanted her to have sex with his brother. “You did that on purpose. You’re clearly mad because I won’t screw every man you bring home.”

  He held her close, slipped his hands along her back, and cupped her ass. “I’m not asking you to let any other man near your sweet, little pussy, only Chase and I.”

  “Why do you need someone else to join us?” Sarah had asked this same question many times and had never received a great answer for it.

  He grinned and glanced over her shoulder. “Not anyone, just Chase specifically.”

  “Fine, why Chase?” she huffed and shoved at his chest, trying to break his hold. His nearness was robbing her of the ability to think clearly. Why else would she consider having sex with both of them? Was she up to the challenge of pleasing two men?

  “It makes us both hot.” He nodded to his brother. “Right now, Chase is staring at your ass, wishing his hands were where mine are.”

  She trembled, remembering all the times two men had teased, tempted, and pleasured her. “And you enjoy seeing him excited?”

  “Yes. It’s the reason why I want to share you with him. One, because I can watch, and two, it’ll give us both the pleasure of fucking you.” Bo leaned in and whispered, “You’ll be the only woman for us.”

  Damn, being so close to him and the sound of his sexy voice had her body heating with need. She wiggled, trying to break free. The action rocked her lower body against the front of his pants. She felt the hard length of him and recalled how much she delighted in having his cock buried deep.

  Bo squeezed her ass and stopped her movement. “You keep that up and I’ll not be able to control myself.”

  “Let her go, Bo.” Chase spoke from behind her. He dropped something over her shoulders, his shirt. The white cotton still held his heat and the unique male fragrance of his skin.

  Loosening his grip, Bo allowed a few inches to form between them.

  She dropped her hands from his chest, sliding first one arm, then the other into the long sleeves. “Thank you, Chase. I believe if it were up to Bo, I’d be parading around the house naked.”

  “I warned you, I hated those clothes,” Bo grumbled and started securing each button closed.

  “He likes access to all points of interest,” Chase acknowledged in her ear. His fingertips brushed over the back of her thighs, riding a trail up her legs, under his shirt until he cupped her ass and curled his fingers into her flesh.

  She lurched forward, bumping her pubic bone against Bo’s solid erection. The double stimulation had her gasping for breath. Shocked by the sudden hunger in her core, she clamped her hands around Bo’s biceps to keep from rocking repeatedly into him.

  Bo groaned, and his hands slipped to her waist. “Can you smell her? How hot she is getting from us simply touching her?”

  Sandwiched between them, Sarah felt as if she stood between two muscular walls of pure masculinity. How was she expected to resist such enticement?

  “How does she taste?” Chase rubbed his hands repeatedly over her rear, setting her body in motion along his brother’s straining cock.

  “Like the sweetest candy you’ve ever eaten,” Bo replied and rocked his hips, which increased the seductive brush of his pants against her clit.

  Unable to fight the orgasm blooming in her core, Sarah curled her nails into Bo’s arms. “You guys have to stop.”

  The breathy tone had to reveal her excitement. She only hoped it’d convince them to take her over quickly, because she couldn’t take much more.

  “Good to know, she can be our dessert.” Chase stepped back and his hands dropped away from her ass.

  Sarah released a needy groan.

  Both men laughed.

  * * *

  “After I finish slicing this meat, I’ll let you add it to the gravy you’re making.”

  Chase’s words from the small table behind her didn’t distract Sarah’s focus. Since they had entered the kitchen, he’d worked with her to prepare their meal. She had hoped to become better acquainted with Bo in the room, possibly see the interaction between them. Instead, he had left after only a few minutes, taking with him cutlery and plates to set the table. He’d given her the distinct impression he expected her to fill the time by talking to Chase.

  Uncertain what to say to the man, she glanced around the small space. The stove stood next to a small counter. Along the adjacent wall where Chase was working, a table hugged the cream-colored plaster. The other two walls had doors in them, one outside, one back to the dining area.

  Trying her best to break the silence that had grown into an invisible force between them, Sarah ventured, “So does Bo really hate to cook?”

  “Bo can survive on his own meager skills but prefers not to if he has any other choice.” Chase stepped up beside her and dropped strips of dried beef into the pan.

  She incorporated the meat into the mixture, waiting silently for the man beside her to step back. When he remained close, she glanced up into his face. “Has it always been just the two of you?”

  His dark brown gaze drilled into her, searching for something.

  What, she couldn’t determine.

  “Yes, for more than ten years, but Bo needs a wife. He has for a long time now. His job is stressful. And even though he loves it, he craves a break from the rough violence that he sees every day while he’s at home.” Chase shifted, turning so that he faced her. “He likes sex. Hell, what man doesn’t.”

  The sudden humor in his dark eyes fascinated her. One minute, his solemn expression showed a man who had decided a long time ago to be satisfied with his life. The next, a light bloomed in his gaze and revealed his longing for the same pleasures as his brother. Was he hoping she’d agree to Bo’s conditions? On the other hand, did he only approve of her marrying Bo if he too had the benefit of
sleeping with her?

  “Yet, that’s not all of it. He needs a soft touch, the nights holding a woman in his arms, the knowledge of her belonging to him.” Chase crowded closer, wedging his way between her and the stove.

  She drew the spoon out of the pan and set it aside before she turned off the fire and backed away. “But what about you?”

  He matched her step for step until her hips hit the table along the back wall. The intimidating force of his presence demanded her attention, and he cupped his hands around her shoulders. “I want Bo to be happy. If it requires I stay away from you, I’ll do it.”

  Shocked by his loyalty to his brother, she dropped her gaze to his mouth and licked her lips. Would he really leave her alone if she asked him too?

  “Granted, I’d much prefer to satisfy the hunger burning inside you.” He leaned closer, and without touching her, whispered, “While Bo’s away, there’ll only be the two of us.”

  She closed her eyes and forced herself to take a deep breath. His masculine scent teased her. Thoughts of his hands running over her body tempted her with images of them being alone together. Bo had a job where he could be gone for weeks at a time. Could she resist Chase? Did she even want to try?

  “I’m, uh, not sure it’s proper for a woman to be involved with two men at the same time.” Sarah lifted her hands to his chest to gain more room between them. It would have worked too, if Chase hadn’t decided to nibble on her ear. The light caress overpowered her senses, even though his hands had fallen to his sides.

  She moaned, fighting to remind herself a normal wife didn’t have such temptations. No, I have to be content with only one man.

  From the other room, Bo called, “The table is set. Is the food ready?”

  * * *

  “Did you have any problem with Pretty Boy?” Sarah slid onto the bench beside Bo.

  He studied her face and tried his best to gauge her mood. She’d not complained when they left her wanting earlier and had gone from the verge of completion to being the perfect little wife. She’d worked beside Chase cooking up a quick bite, while Bo had set the table.

  “No. He settled right into his stall without putting up any kind of fuss.” Chase dropped into the chair at the end of the table and reached for the platter of steak. Cut in strips, the beef swam in thick, brown gravy. A bowl of rice and a few hard rolls rounded off the impromptu meal.

  “Good, he must be tired from our trip today and the one from Dallas.” Sarah smiled and passed the rice. The steam rising off the fluffy pile floated across her face, and her stomach rumbled.

  Bo took it from her, making sure to let his fingers brush hers. “How long did it take you?”

  “About three days, I stayed with different friends along the way.” She finished filling her plate and appeared content to eat.

  Bo glanced at his brother, noting how he divided his attention between eating his meal and watching Sarah. Chase had a way with skittish animals and inherently knew how to handle women.

  Earlier, when he clamped his hands over Sarah’s ass, Bo expected her to let loose with a fiery tirade. He’d noted the fury in her gaze when she sprang to her feet. He expected he’d have to soothe her ruffled feathers. Instead, Chase’s touch had released her lust. Moisture had dripped from her pussy and marked his pants with her need.

  Was she still wet?

  He dropped his hand to her knee and guided it along her thigh.

  Sarah clapped her hand over his. “Bo, behave yourself and eat your dinner.”

  “What’s he doing?” Chase leaned forward and peered over the side of the table. With her sitting near the end of the bench, he had a good view of her lap.

  “He’s trying to excite me. Even though I haven’t finished eating.” Sarah set her fork on the table and shoved at his wrist.

  “She’s right, Bo. She needs to eat.” Chase pushed his empty plate forward and shoved back his chair. “I’ll tease her while you feed her.”

  “What? No. That won’t work. He should eat too.” Sarah’s gaze swung to each of them. “It won’t take long.”

  Chase scooted back his chair and leaned forward. He captured her ankle and set her foot on his thigh. “Take all the time you need. I just want to touch you, have you become accustomed to having my hands on your body.”

  “He’s right.” Bo glanced at his brother and read the hunger in his gaze. They needed to build the fire in her core again until her appetite for sex outweighed her resistance to hold back from fucking both of them. “You said you enjoyed having men play with you.”

  “Relax. We won’t do anything you don’t want us to.” Chase massaged her calf muscles.

  Confident his brother could convince Sarah to let him do whatever he wanted, Bo dished up another bite of his dinner. He and his brother would make love to her tonight, tomorrow, and for as long as they lived.

  He smiled and watched the interaction between the two of them.


  Easing forward to the edge of his chair, Chase bent Sarah’s leg, keeping her foot flat on his thigh. The change in position opened up the space between her legs. His shirt that she still had on slid to her crotch, providing him a bird-eye’s view of her pink folds.

  He massaged her leg, keeping her attention on his touch and not on what she had unwillingly revealed.

  Bo stood and straddled the bench in which he and Sarah shared. He snaked one arm around her waist and dropped the other over her wrist. He stopped the upward motion of her fork, adding to her distraction. “Now I’m done. I can feed you.”

  Unable to hold back his grin, Chase had to commend his brother on knowing exactly what to do to aid in relaxing Sarah’s inhibitions. It’d been years since they had shared a woman. The first time being when Bo was only sixteen and still wet behind the ears.

  Granted, the whore Chase had hired to educate Bo in the art of seduction didn’t need any distracting. Hell, she would’ve been willing to ride Bo’s cock without any effort on his part at all. Chase, though, felt his brother needed to learn how to charm any woman he might want in his bed.

  The lesson had done its job. Through the years, Bo had gotten into the habit of inviting Chase to join in the fun, bringing them both the satisfaction they craved.

  Though initially, when Bo had mentioned getting married and adding the stipulation for the woman to fuck them both, Chase had balked at the idea. He claimed no lady would agree to such terms, especially after learning of his mixed heritage.

  Now, here he sat staring at Sarah’s milky-white thighs that framed the blond curls at the apex of her legs. Need sizzled through him. His mouth watered, upping his desire for a taste of her sweet cream.


  Oh God, the best kind imaginable. Especially with the long dry spell he’d endured for the last six months. He shoved back his chair and dropped to his knees, allowing her foot to touch the floor. He guided his hands to her inner thighs.

  “No, Bo, I only have a few bites left.” She tugged her hand out from under Bo’s and ate another bite. She glanced at his other hand on her breast.

  He toyed with the buttons of her shirt while Chase shifted deeper between her thighs. They gently eased her around on the bench until she fell back against Bo’s chest. He kissed her neck. “I want to see Chase’s mouth on your pussy.”

  He slid his hands under the white cotton and cupped her breasts. Two lush swells peeked out the top.

  Chase caressed her legs with a teasing stroke and waited for a reaction. Would she go along with the plan or call a halt to the fun?

  Tossing her fork into the middle of her plate, she met his gaze. The heat in her sea-green eyes lit a hunger inside Chase. She appeared to come to some conclusion and lifted her chin. “Let’s get a few things straight, Chase. I’ll let you play with me with your mouth and fingers. But I still haven’t decided if it’s proper to let two different men inside my twat. If you want though, I’ll relieve your desire by giving you fellatio.”

  The thought of having her mou
th around his cock set Chase on fire. Yes, he wanted inside her sweet pussy, but shit, to be in her mouth was the next best thing.

  “Holy crap, sugar! No wonder the men didn’t complain about not getting their cock past your bush, if you were willing to suck on their member,” Bo exclaimed and must have tweaked her nipples.

  She gasped and clamped her hands over his on the outside of her shirt. “What else could I do? Micah insisted I relieve the pressure in their groin somehow.”

  “Damn, it’s a good thing I have a few days off, or I’d never be able to do my job. Not when I can’t think of anything other than fucking your pussy, mouth, and your ass,” Bo grumbled and nuzzled his face against her neck.

  Sarah tensed, tried to squeeze her legs together, and turned her head. With her hands, she shoved Bo’s free of her breasts. “No! I don’t do anal sex. Not with anyone.”


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