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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 22

by Selena Kitt

  “Jake? Her brother? What are you going to wear?”

  “You’re such a fashion whore. There’s not much room for fashion out here and since I brought basic clothing, there’s not much I can do.”

  “For the love of God, instead of putting yourself down, answer my question.” I hear the impatience in her voice. Gwyn hates it when I’m down on myself, but sometimes I can’t help it. Old habits die hard.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, immediately regretting my last comment. “I was thinking of wearing a pair of dark navy boot-cut jeans I got at the Gap and a button-down turquoise shirt I bought a few weeks ago on clearance at Macy’s.”

  “Turquoise looks amazing on you.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I’m unsure.

  “There you go again.”

  “Listen, Gwyn, I’m very self-conscious of the ten pounds I still want to lose.”

  “Sweetie, just because you have a bit of a tummy doesn’t mean you’re not yummy.”

  “You keep reminding me of that, but I’m not buying it. I don’t look like you—never will. Walking in on my ex and Paula kind of confirms what I’ve always known down deep inside—there’s nothing attractive about me. Clark professed to liking every part of me, but his words and actions suggest it was all a lie.”

  “Ali, you’re being blind here. You can’t crucify all mankind because you’ve dated a few idiots. Men aren’t looking for perfection. They want a woman who’s confident about herself—just the way she is… not the way she wishes she were. I mean, you must remember my colleague Kaileigh O’Connell from the barbecue we had at my house for Memorial Day?”

  “Yeah, I do,” I acquiesce grudgingly. “It’s hard to forget her.”

  “Exactly. She has quite arresting large teeth and she has a big gap right in the middle of her pearly whites. On top of that, she has bee-stung rosebud lips, large eyes and serious dimples. But here’s the thing, she’s fun, joyful and bubbly. Her personality is a real magnet… and her boyfriend is smoking hot. I mean, fan-me-and-pour-a-bucket-of-ice-water-all-over-my-fiery-body hot.”

  “You’re the least expressive person I know,” I mock.

  We both laugh.

  “Okay, you have a point. Kaileigh bagged a hunk who adores her.”

  “And so can you and you don’t have to look like a freaking supermodel.”

  “I wish I had as much confidence as you or Kaileigh, but I don’t. You’ve always been fearless and I’ve always been riddled with insecurities.”

  My best friend has been pushing me out of my comfort zone since the day we met. She was the one who took me kicking and screaming to my first frat party and got me passing-out drunk. Her then boyfriend, Darrell Cooks, invited her to be his date at this big bash one of his friends was holding at his parents’ house while they were away in Hawaii and she agreed on one condition—she had to be able to drag me along with her. I never clued in on why she insisted on bringing me because I ended up spending the earlier part of the night hugging the walls because I felt so out of place. Everyone was tall, skinny and sexy and I was not.

  Gwyn wouldn’t understand my angst. She’s always been gorgeous and the life of any party. When she walks in a room every man stops and pays attention—I’m the invisible one following in her footsteps.

  “Indulge me a little bit. What are these two Adonises you met earlier today like?” she asks.

  “Honestly, it was impossible for me to ignore how strong and manly they both are when we all sat in Jake’s kitchen right after my arrival. I mean, I was dizzy from all that alpha-male testosterone flying in the air.”

  “Damn, girl. Now I’m totally jealous. Don’t get me wrong, Gaven is a nice piece of eye candy, but you get to drool over these panty-drenchers all summer long,” she laughs. “Give me more details. Don’t hold back.”

  Gwyn can turn the shittiest day into something that seems to have jumped off of the screen of a Disney movie.

  “Well, Hunter, Jake’s business partner, is outspoken, impulsive, rugged and very tall. His jet-black hair only emphasizes his striking dark brown eyes and makes him that much more delicious. I’m sure life on the ranch is demanding, which would explain his impressive muscle mass, but his strong lean body had such an effect on me.”

  “Oh, God, girl, my tongue is hanging out from that description. What about Riley’s brother?”

  “Jake on the other hand is more subdued. He’s not quite as tall as Hunter, but I’m certain he stands at least six-three. The man is illegally hot. He’s totally my type since you know I’ve always been a sucker for men with blue eyes. He immediately caught my attention.”

  “See, another reason to say amen and hallelujah your ex was a philanderer.”

  “You kill me. Let me continue telling you about Jake,” I respond, more excited than I’ve been in a long time.

  “Honey, don’t let me stop you.”

  “My boss’ older sibling has such a commanding presence it’s disarming.”


  “I’m telling you, when he speaks, his deep voice reverberates through my entire body and during the time we spent together I couldn’t stop looking at his hands. His very large hands.”

  “Hmmm, that big?”


  “Gosh, it’s like you’ve landed in heaven.”

  “I think I’ve landed in hunk heaven for sure because when those two smile, I drool.”

  Suddenly I look at the clock on the wall in the kitchen and I realize I have to start getting ready for dinner.

  “Listen, I love you, but I’m going to have to call you tomorrow. I still have to get ready for dinner.”

  “All right. I love you right back. Chin up and go get them. Both of them.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “No. You deserve it.”

  Once I hang up with Gwyn, I’m bursting with newfound confidence. Thank God for her. She’s always able to help me see myself in a new light.

  I quickly put my clothing away in a wardrobe and place a few folded pieces in the gorgeous antique-looking drawers. I peel off the clothes I’m wearing and hit the shower. The cool water running down my body is a welcome treat considering it’s surprisingly hot in Colorado. I grab my bottle of pink grapefruit-scented shower gel and my shower pouf to lather my body. I catch sight of my stomach and wonder how much my gaining weight played into Clark’s decision to sleep with other women.

  Oh, well. It doesn’t matter anymore. I brush off the thought and continue rinsing off my body. As I turn off the water and step out of the tub, I realize in some ways I should be grateful I walked in on my ex while he was cheating on me because what we shared had false depth and lacked any spark—I can see it clearly now. It still hurts and it’s still humiliating, but at least I don’t have to grovel every night for his attention anymore.

  I walk into the bedroom to get dressed and to blow-dry my hair. I allowed myself two indulgences for this trip. I had no choice but to bring my hairdryer because my long mane cascades all the way down to my waist and it’s so full, it takes forever to dry. I have to thank Clark for the second indulgence. People do incredible things for love, particularly for unrequited love, and I’m no exception. In a desperate attempt to save my relationship, I got rid of all my older underwear one Saturday morning and I spent hours on Rosie’s Secret Lingerie’s website shopping for new lingerie to ignite the fire we had lost, but not even expensive, delicate underwear and in some cases downright naughty showstoppers would convince Clark to take a second look at me—not since he had started his affairs with Paula and the other women he’d been fucking. I might not have brought fashion-worthy country-style clothing, but I have some pretty incredible lingerie no one will ever get to see.

  As I shimmy into a soft pink bra and matching panties, a startling thought crosses my mind.

  “Did Gwyn really suggest I go after both guys?” I say aloud.

  As if that’s ever going to happen. I laugh to myself. I’m too much of a chicken to be forward with on
e man, let alone two.

  I’m still lost in my thoughts when the alarm I set on my iPhone rings, reminding me it’s nearly time for dinner. Since it makes no sense to wear makeup, I get ready in a flash and after a quick inspection in the tall mirror in my bedroom I’m ready to dash off. I grab my crossbody bag and head back to Jake’s house to enjoy a delicious meal. I’m so looking forward to getting to know my new hosts.



  I decide to enjoy my beer on the front porch. I love my sister, but when she gets into her frenetic mood before receiving a guest, she’s like a windstorm. As I take the last gulp of my beer, I notice my best friend approaching the house. He’s clean-shaven and dressed to kill. Hunter has swapped his usual work clothes for a fitted black tee shirt, a pair of sand-colored chinos and brand new boots he bought a few weeks ago.

  As much as I’d like to make fun of him, I can’t. After a cold shower, I traded my own dirty jeans for bone-colored chinos and a light denim shirt. I took extra time when shaving and I even spent time on my hair, which I never bother with.

  Hunter lifts his eyes and meets mine before rewarding me with a grin. I can’t help but smile back because it’s clear both of us realize the lengths to which we are willing to go to impress the newcomer.

  “Buddy, I haven’t seen you so clean-shaven since we left New York to move out here,” he comments as he steps up onto the porch.

  “You’re exaggerating,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Look who’s talking. You’re sporting brand-new boots.”

  “It’s important to make a good first impression.”

  “Too late. You nearly jumped Allison’s bones in the kitchen earlier.”

  “You’re jealous because I’m more forward than you are. How long were you sitting in your kitchen making idle conversation before I arrived? I bet you had plenty of time to make a move on her, but controlled, stoic, well-mannered Jake was prim and proper as always.”

  I hate him right now for being so accurate. “Am I that obvious to you?”

  “I know how you work when it comes to women you’re interested in. Let’s just say our approaches vary greatly,” he says, laughing.

  “Yeah, you’re right there.”

  “You’ve retreated to the porch because Riley has gone manic in your kitchen again.”

  “There’s only so much I can take.” I smile.

  One of the reasons why I built my sister a separate house on my land is so I can have some peace and quiet. If she wants to cook up a meal fit for the Queen of England, I don’t have to be part of it every single night. I recognize tonight is special since Allison arrived a few hours ago and Riley has been looking forward to this day for weeks now, but still, it’s best for me to step out of my own home and give her the space she needs.

  “It’s always been go big or go home with your sister. Not to mention you know well enough how important Allison is to Riley’s business.”

  “I know, I know,” I respond grudgingly.

  “Let me grab a cold one and I’ll come out and join you.” Before I can even agree, Hunter pulls open the front door and steps into my home. It takes Hunter no time at all to grab a couple of beers and come sit next to me. He hands me a bottle and twists the cap off of his before chugging down a big gulp.

  “There’s nothing quite like a cold beer at the end of a long work day.”

  “Amen to that, buddy.”

  “Well, that or you know…”

  “No. I don’t.”

  He flashes me a telling smile and I can’t help but burst out laughing.

  Man, Hunter doesn’t waste any time.

  I shake my head, reliving how shamelessly my best friend flirted with Allison when he got back from the city. She seemed a bit shy, but the twinkle in her eyes suggested she loved his forwardness. It’s going to be a long summer because as much as I try to talk myself out of seeing Allison as anything more than hired help for Riley, I can’t keep lying to myself—the blonde is the type of woman I gravitate towards like a bee to honey. I have to man up and I have to take the same advice I dished out to Hunter earlier in our office.

  Fuck, this is going to be hard.

  “You’re a dirty hound-dog,”

  “I’m a man. Sue me.” Hunter leans into his chair and swings his long legs on a chair sitting across from him. “I wonder how things will play out tonight.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Now that it’s out in the open we both like her, things might get weird tonight.”

  “Nothing has to be weird if you follow my advice,” I hiss.

  “I hear you loud and clear. You want me to keep it in my pants and I will. I don’t know how you do it.”

  “Do what?”

  My friend gives me a long stare before speaking again. “When was the last time you got laid?” Hunter whispers his words, aware that although Miranda Lambert’s Little Red Wagon is blaring from my house and I can hear my sister singing along, Riley is still within earshot. “It’s been a month since you broke things off with Lindsay.”

  Thank God that’s over. I met Lindsay Corbin at a charity event in Silicon Valley. Hunter and I still keep a close circle of friends out there and we never miss the opportunity to hop on a plane and go party. The minute I saw Lindsay, I was instantly drawn to her. After a few months of back-and-forth, the relationship became taxing because as much as I enjoyed sex with her, I couldn’t see things going any further. Even though she came to Denver a few times to party and to see me, she’d made it clear she could never leave San Francisco to move out here and I knew I wasn’t going back there—I didn’t need to. Not to mention Lindsay is a bit high-maintenance and too much of a drama queen for my liking. Since the breakup I’ve been a bit of a recluse, satisfying my sexual needs with predictable porn clips and jerking off any chance I get.

  “I haven’t seen you bring anyone around either,” I reply defensively.

  “You know perfectly well we have a rule not to bring women to the ranch and to keep it to hotels or their homes. At least I get some. I go to Denver any chance I have for some fun with no strings attached, but I know you get bored easily with one-night stands. A friend has a right to be concerned.”

  “Listen, breaking things off with Lindsay was a royal pain in the ass. Although she doesn’t see herself living out here, she wanted us to keep what we had going. She keeps calling and texting in the hopes I’ll reconsider. I keep turning her down, but she’s unwilling to let it go. After all this, I need a break from women.”

  “She’s still calling? She won’t give up.”

  “I’m sure she’ll find the right one, but it’s not me. I haven’t heard from her in a week now, so I’m hoping she’s found a replacement boyfriend to latch onto. I should have never started this long-distance relationship. In the end Lindsay became needy and I had no desire to take things further, but I was dragging my feet about letting her go.”

  “Well, let’s hope she’s moved on and you won’t hear from her again. I think it’s high time for you to get back in the saddle.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m doing fine. As for me hopping from one pussy to another… I’m not like you. I need a break between women.”

  We both laugh.

  “As much as I love our life out here, I miss the big-city life.”

  Before moving to Colorado, we lived for six months in New York trying to escape our overnight fame after we got bought out. Living in Silicon Valley felt claustrophobic because of the journalists and paparazzi chasing us. They were relentless. After a couple of months, we couldn’t continue being stalked by them and still hope to live a normal life. So we left.

  “Damn right. We lived in the land of plenty. The Big Apple offers a tempting range of sultry women capable of fulfilling our wildest fantasies.”

  “Yup. In all fairness, Silicon Valley or San Fran offered a lot of amazing options as well.”

  “Yeah. We’ve had our share of unforgettable nights and insane weekends of debauchery, but out
here… it’s harder.”

  “I won’t lie, Hunter. There are plenty of attractive perks in living on a ranch like this one, but it’s shit for our sex life.”

  “Maybe our luck turned around today.” My best friend raises his eyebrows and tilts his head to the right. I’ve seen this predatory look too many times and I know exactly what he’s thinking.

  “Hunter, we’ve already talked about this earlier.”

  “I get it, but when I was in the shower, I closed my eyes and…” He trails off, forcing me to lean in closer to catch the rest of his train of thought.

  “And what?”


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