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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 58

by Selena Kitt

  "Feeling better?" Helen had stuck her head around the door.

  Kelly looked over and forced a nod.

  "Good. You've got a session in two minutes."

  Kelly held up the newspaper as she stood up. "Have you seen this?"

  Helen walked in and as she closed in on the paper her jaw dropped. "Well, who'd have guessed that?" Taking the paper from Kelly's hand, she scanned the article.

  "Are you heartbroken?" Kelly asked, as she retied her sports shoes and shook out her arms and legs, limbering up for her session. She was curious about how the die-hard fans would react.

  Helen lowered the newspaper and rolled her eyes. "Are you kidding?" She pointed at the photo of Jay and Clayton. "I used to have wicked dreams about Clayton performing. Just look at this guy." She jabbed the picture of Jay. "Now I'm going to be having dreams about the pair of them getting it on." She fanned herself, laughing. "Two hot blokes. Now that I'd like to see."

  Kelly grinned, her mind going back to the image of Jay and Clayton backstage. "Yes, I bet that would be quite a sight." A soft laugh escaped her.

  Helen looked suspicious. "You knew, didn't you?"

  Kelly shrugged it off.

  "No, you did." Helen pointed at her accusingly, eyes narrowed. "There was something odd about when you went backstage, like part of the story was missing. It wasn't just to do with Tommy, was it?"

  There didn't seem to be any reason not to spill, now. "Okay, seeing as it's in the news, I may as well admit it. I accidentally saw Clayton and his lover together."

  Helen's eyebrows shot up, her eyes rounding. "Oh, my god, you lucky woman."

  Kelly nodded. "Not something I'll forget in a hurry." She winked. Glancing at the clock, she ruffled her hair. "Who's my client?"

  Helen folded the paper and tucked it under her arm. "Some bloke who looks like he needs a personal trainer like he needs a hole in the head."

  Kelly grimaced. "Not another one looking for girly attention?" It happened from time to time—men who paid for that one-on-one workout when they had no need for it. Mostly they wanted to show off in front of a woman and chat, maybe score.

  "Don't worry, this one is easy on the eye. Go, do your duty, soldier." She pointed at the door.

  Kelly saluted and headed off. Walking along the corridor, she made a mental note to update the championship league chart and the monthly challenge posters. Hearing the news about Clayton and Jay had lifted her sprits. She was glad. It was good to know that they were happy.

  At the door to the small weights room she stopped in her tracks. The "closed for maintenance" sign was back on the door. "Huh? I'm sure I changed that."

  Peering through the glass door, she couldn't see anyone waiting. The client must be getting changed, she figured, or maybe he thought the gym was really closed. As she walked in she was about to flip the sign, when she sensed another presence. The door shut behind her. Turning, she caught sight of a tall, familiar figure standing behind the door. Tommy.

  A hot thrill ran through her entire body. Her heart immediately started to race, her hand going to her throat. It was him. He'd found her—he'd been waiting for her.

  He kept his hand on the door, holding it shut, and scrutinized her from top to toe. "Ready for a stiff workout, Kelly?"

  Oh, yes. "Maybe," she breathed.

  His mouth moved in a slow, suggestive smile. "I've been having these relentless dreams about you straddling me, while you spot my, I bought your time for two hours, and then I paid the other customers to get the hell out of here." He stepped closer to her. "You were a hard woman to track down."

  She tried to get the image of straddling him out of her mind and lifted her chin, looking him in the eye. "But you managed the job. I'm impressed."

  "I never let a client down, and I was still on paid time through Sunday."


  He nodded. "Ah, but I'm learning from the mistress of cheek."

  He looked good in black shorts and a tight white T-shirt, his magnificent body shown to perfection. "How did you find me?"

  "You mentioned two consecutive years winning the Southern Counties canoeing title, that nailed it for me, Ms. Burton. I went through the records. Only one woman fitted the bill. Once I'd found out your last name, I started calling round all the gyms in London." He ran a finger down one side of her jaw, softly caressing her chin with his thumb.

  "I bought your time. Finding your maintenance sign was an added bonus. Now I've got you all to myself, and it's payback time." His intentions were perfectly clear.

  Kelly shook her head, unease rising. If they made love again, she might not be able to walk away from him like she had before.

  "And this time you won't get away so easy."

  His words only confirmed all her fears. "I shouldn't be doing this on work time." She was reaching out for excuses, denying him, denying herself.

  He smiled. "I've figured you out, Kelly. You're a strong, independent woman, you take what you want, but you shun emotional involvement."

  "So you think you know me now?" Backing away, she could barely take it in. He'd really thought about it.

  "You're also honest and true, and you have a strange effect on people. Clayton and Jay came out, because of you."

  "No." She shook her head. "I saw it in the paper, but it had nothing to do with me."

  "You had an impact on them, you made Clayton think. He told me that himself, so don't you go shaking your head at me, madam. I've just seen them off at the airport. Clayton sends his thanks. They both do."

  Could it be true? She didn't realize that what she'd said would have any impact on him, other than explaining her own honest intentions. "I just...said what I thought."

  "That's it exactly. There's something about you. You changed my life too, just by being in it. You're a reckless, headstrong woman, and I love that about you."

  Love. Panic hit her. She'd been glad to see him, thrilled, but nerves had taken over. He was talking about stuff that unsettled her.

  He continued, ignoring her denial, but standing between her and the door. "Now that you've had your revenge, I wondered if you felt any differently?" His expression was serious. "Do you think two hours of your time will be long enough?"

  "Long enough for what, exactly?"

  "Long enough to talk you into seeing me under regular circumstances." He moved closer, and put his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them. Then he ran his fingers down her back, hauling her body against his.

  She could feel him so well, the angles and planes of his body, his strength and muscle, the hard bulge at his groin. Her hands were up and locked against his chest, just like that first night backstage. She couldn't have moved if she wanted to. That alone made her melt. I need this; I need this man who holds me so tightly. She shook her head, her hands fisting between them. She was programmed to deny this. "I can't."

  "You can."

  He made it sound so easy. Was it easy?

  "All this buying each other's time and tracking each other down could be much better spent with some quality one-on-one time, don't you think?" His expression was watchful, and then he shifted, stroking her shoulders. "But...if you insist on playing these kiss chase games across London, I warn you, I'll give as good as I get."

  "Kiss chase?" Why did that make her feel silly?

  "That's what Clayton said about us." Humor warmed his expression.

  "I guess he has a point." She could feel her cheeks heating, but the idea tickled her. "But, if I run away–"

  His eyes darkened. "I'd chase after you." He cursed under his breath, his body taut against hers.

  "What if I tied you up again and ran away?"

  "You don't want that, you can't."

  The response in his eyes made her heart leap. His expression was so serious, the atmosphere between them shifting again.

  No, she didn't want that. Could she admit it? She turned her face away.

  "Say you'll give it a go," he urged. "Kelly, please. I've let you do
things to me that no one else ever has or will, I wouldn't let anyone else."

  "You enjoyed it," she murmured, glancing back.

  "I did, but because you did it to me....I want you badly. You've got under my skin, you're in my blood. I think of you all night long when you're not there." He moved against her, gently reminding her of his erection.

  Her heart beat hard, as if responding to him no matter what her head told her about independence and being strong. Give it a try, it might just work. Yearning was rising up inside her. It was sexual need, yes, but something else too, something much more unusual. "I don't do relationships," she murmured.

  "Why are you so dammed prickly? Did someone break your heart?"

  "No, I..." She'd answered on reflex, but stopped. Her heart thundered in her chest, memories flooding her mind, memories that she'd locked away until now, until Tommy had forced her to see them again. Her dad, packing cases, leaving them. Her mother, heartbroken. And me, too. Staring up at him, she realized that he was right. She had been heartbroken. She'd been heartbroken right alongside her mother.

  That doesn't mean it won't happen again, fool.

  "Are you sure? You don't look sure."

  She swallowed it down, barely able to respond. "Okay, maybe you're right."

  His eyes searched hers. "Don't expect everyone to be like that person, whoever he was."

  Yes, she was meeting the devil halfway, expecting failure before giving life a chance, in the name of self-protection.

  He stroked her hair, tentatively drawing her attention back to him. "Will you tell me about it?"

  "Maybe. Not now though."

  "I understand."

  He did, she could see it in him. The big strong watchful man—so gentle and caring under it all. He'd been the one who had protected Clayton, and now he was here, offering to be with her too. She unfisted her hands, splayed her fingers against his chest. "I'm glad you came after me, but I'm scared."

  "I know that. We could take it slowly, see how it goes."

  "I'm scared I'll fall for you, that I'll need you."

  He lifted an eyebrow. "Would that be so bad?"

  "I can't afford to need anyone."

  "I think it's too late, Kelly. At is for me." He kissed her gently, a mere brush of his lips over hers. The tender touch made her tremble. "I need you, and I think you need me too." His breath was warm on her face. "You came after me. Revenge wasn't the only reason, admit it."

  She swallowed. "Maybe you're right." That was hard, but she'd got it out.

  He stared at her for an age, his eyes searching hers, his mouth moving into a smile.

  Please don't push me for more, not yet, she prayed. I love you, but I'm not ready to say it.

  "Maybe I'm right, huh?"

  She nodded, mustering up a warning glance.

  "Good, because I don't intend to let you get away." His expression grew mischievous.

  They were playing again. Her heartbeat went out of whack, a mixture of relief and desire. She felt steadier. She wanted to challenge him, sexually. "How could you stop me, if I wanted to run?"

  She wanted to hear what he would say, needed to know. Yes. Need. Damn him, he was making her fall for him by pushing her—pushing her just enough.

  He didn't reply, but gave her a knowing, suggestive smile, then released her and walked over to the bench press. Reaching behind it, he lifted up a bag, which he placed on the bench. Then he went back to the door, and pulled the blind down, turned the key in the door and gave her a once-over that indicated he meant business. He was pacing himself, building up her anticipation.

  She glanced over at the closed-circuit camera and noticed for the first time that there was a towel hanging over it. "You planned this all along."

  "I came here with certain intentions, you know that, but the surroundings lent themselves perfectly to my plan." He gestured around the room. "And like you said to me on Saturday, I intend to enjoy it while I'm here."

  Suddenly, the exercise equipment looked perfect for a workout of an entirely different kind. A thrill ran through her veins. Tommy flexed his body as if he were getting ready for a real workout. He looked dangerous and, in a room like this, the possibilities for kinky sex were numerous.

  "You're all mine, and I'll do anything I have to, to keep you." He went over to the weights bench. Reaching inside the bag, he pulled some lengths of black tape.

  She recognized it immediately. It was the same bondage tape she had used on him. "I thought we were done with revenge?"

  Heat coursed through her. Instinctively she took a step back, but she wanted to be chased, to be hunted by this man who responded to her needs so well.

  He ran the lengths of black PVC tape through his hands, the look in his eyes dangerously arousing. "You're going to be mine, and you will have to take everything I give you."

  "I'll only get my revenge next time."

  "Next time?" He smiled insinuatingly, and wound the length of tape around his fists, stretching it tight. "If it's anything like last time, you'll drive me insane."

  "That could be entertaining," she retorted, her blood rushing with excitement. Her heart pounded against the wall of her chest. She noticed his gaze drifting over her breasts as they rose and fell inside her tight Lycra top.

  He moved up against her in a flash.

  Her hands clasped around his head, scrunching into his hair, reveling in that sensation she'd longed to feel again. Stroking him beneath his ear, where she knew his hidden erogenous spot was, she bit her lip and chuckled.

  "There's no need for that." He squeezed her closer and let her feel how hard he was.

  She hummed approvingly, her body soaring. "The chase has been kind of fun."

  "The capture will be even better, I assure you." He put one large hand around the base of her neck, resting the palm on her collarbone, and walked her back towards the wall.

  Overwhelmed, she moved under his control. She felt the stretch bars against her back and exclaimed.

  "You are the most beautiful, crazy woman I've ever known." His hands moved to her wrists and he lifted her arms over her head, to the bar above.

  She didn't fight him.

  Once he had tied her wrists to the metal bar, he gave her jaw a gentle bite, making her smile inside. He tested the range of movement in her wrists. "Can you move your hands?"

  "I didn't think you wanted me to move."

  "I want you to be able to struggle, just a little bit. It's more fun that way."

  Heat rose to the surface of her skin. Instinctively, her hands gripped at the rail, testing it out.

  He nodded approvingly. He ran his hands over her prone torso, enflaming her breasts. "The need to be inside you has been a more powerful force than anything I've ever known. The moment I saw you outside the door, my dick got hard."

  She snaked within his grasp, her body flushed with heat, his raw words sending flare after flare of red-hot lust through her. Her crotch was damp. She wanted to feel him there, longed for it.

  He put his fingers inside the waistband of her gym pants, breathing along the skin of her collarbone, before slowly dropping down to squat in front of her, taking her pants and underwear down with him. He looked up at her, his gaze making a slow passage over her body. "I'm dying to taste you. If you promise to sit on my face again, I'll be your slave forever."

  He looked so strong, so mighty, and when he knelt there looking up at her that way, saying those words, something came undone inside her. "Tommy, please," she murmured, her breath catching in her throat.

  He reached up, opening up her thighs, his fingers plunging into her sex, testing her. "So wet," he murmured, and then he leaned in, taking her in his mouth, working her fast and hard.

  Her clit pounded anxiously when he rolled his tongue back and forth over it, sucking on her as she writhed. Back and forth, the strokes maddening her. Then he did that thing with his teeth, rubbing them over her flesh, grazing the sensitive swell of her clit and she came fast, her womb heav
y with release as she moaned and wriggled, fluid running down her thighs.

  He stood up, wiped his face with the back of his hand, grinning, and pulled a condom from his pocket. Tearing it open, he reached inside his shorts for his cock, rolling the rubber onto it quickly. He grappled her buttocks into his hands, and then lifted her. "Are you ready for me?"

  She nodded, anticipating the feeling of that hard hot shaft that her body craved so much.

  He smiled, but he didn't enter her. Stepping back, he lurched her body away from the wall.


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