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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 79

by Selena Kitt

  She laughed. “Just say the word, Danny, and I’ll strip off those jeans too and go at ya.”

  “Yeah, you would no doubt, but my upper head feels like it might explode too with the slightest bit of pressure or stress.”

  “Aww, too bad.” She bit her pouty lip. “Um, are you really serious about the slavery thing? Do you really want a slave?”

  I did get up from the couch, even though it hurt every muscle in my body. If she dared to lie, her eyes would tell me the truth. When I got up to her, I clutched her face. “I don’t want a slave; I want you as my slave, for one day. I crave to be Master of your everything for one stinking day. When I was lying in my bed in total anguish, I could see how thrilled you were at my command, and it eased my pain a little. You’re my new drug, Alexa Louise, and I’m yours. There’s nothing in this world that’s hotter to me than the thought of owning you and having complete say and control over you. I’ve never been able to get you to do anything before this week. Now, I’d bet my entire fortune, I could get you to do every damn thing I want.”

  “Probably.” She trembled in my grip and breath seeped out of her open mouth like a quiet ghost howl.

  I clutched her between the legs and stuck my lips on her ear. “I know. Yeah, I bet that pussy is wet for my proposition.” I massaged her and she melted down on my grabby ministrations. “And it is a proposition. Will you give up that much control, Lex, and be my slave for one day?”

  I kissed her lips slowly and bit the bottom one. I pulled it down and let go and it hit her top lip with a ‘bloop’.

  “I think so. I’d do absolutely anything to be yours. How do you know, Danny?”

  “Know what?”

  “What I crave. How do you know so precisely?”

  I could tell her about my keen ability to read women’s desires through their body language, but I simply said, “Your eyes just told me that I was dead right.”

  She blinked rapidly and ripped her gaze away.

  I bopped her chin with my curled index finger. “It’s okay.”

  “No, no, it’s not. This is just so messed up. It’s weird. It’s so weird. We were just arguing at Christmas break about you bossing me around, and now we’re talking about sexual slavery and me giving you the power and right to do it? And if you hadn’t gotten into that crash, I would already know what you feel like deep inside, as well as the things you like to say when you’re driving in with steady thrusts.”

  “Mmm. It’s what you want though, right? All of that? That’s sure as hell what I want.”

  She spun away and waved her hands as she spoke. “Yes. I said that. I’m not only highly considering it, the slave thing, I think it’s the hottest thing imaginable. It is. And I don’t know why. Err. I hate my own body and head right now. I don’t want to want you this badly and I don’t want to be all cool with giving you control, all the control, but it … honestly … turns me on like nothing else. Nothing.”

  I walked around to face her again. “It’s okay. At least I know I’m not freakish all on my own. At least you want me too. And you want to play where no one else has dared to with me.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not the one surrendering. You’d be the one taking charge and commanding. Uh, ohmygod, just saying that and thinking about it makes me weak. I’m so fucked up.”

  “I have no problem giving you a turn. We can be fucked up together, however we desire. Seriously, Lex, who even has to know what we do or don’t and who’s going to judge? Who’s going to give a fuck what you like or not? You only need to please yourself.” I laughed and added, “And me.”

  She embraced me and set her soft lips on my pecs, which made me jerk and emit a quick, loud breath. I wasn’t expecting her sweet tits against my skin and they felt so soft and warm. Her lips too. My arm felt clumsy and heavy in my cast, and I couldn’t put any pressure on it anyway without falling into a whimpering snail’s curl, so I just left it limp at my side and held her with the other one around her lower back. She gripped me tightly and kissed me all over above the waist, working her way up my neck and, mmm, ears, and finally parked at my mouth with a sensual amount of pressure.

  I slid my tongue in through her lips and swirled it around hers and she pulled me in at each thrust. It was such a simple, sexy thing, but of the dozens of girls I’ve made out with, not even one of them sucked my tongue like this, and the beautiful movement and silky, strong pulls stiffened me almost instantly. Sparks still sizzled in my loins, and I wanted to lay her down and fuck her and expel some of the firestorm of frustration that was whirling in my abdomen and clenching it up.

  I ripped away from her, ending it all because I couldn’t take another second of this bliss. “Stop this! Go get my damn snack and beer.”

  “Um, okay.” She blinked away tears at my sudden pivot from ecstasy. “Sorry for that. Sit down and get comfortable and I’ll get us a blanket. We can chill out.”

  “Nah, I think I’ll just watch by myself.”

  “What!” she said like an arrow, spearing into my heart. Anger in her eyes was replaced with deep sorrow that squeezed my heart, making my chest literally hurt. I couldn’t stand to see that kind of pain in her, never mind be the source of it. “You don’t want me around you?”

  “No, that’s the problem. I want you around me, gripping so tight, slicking up, sliding up and down. And I can’t … my head’s just—a pile of shit.”

  “I’ll be good, Danny. I swear. Please?” She laced her fingers together like she was praying to me. I liked her worship. Hot. “Let me watch a movie with you?”

  “Put your fucking shirt back on then. And mine. That’s a start. Snuggling clothed would be world’s better than half-naked. I can’t handle your amazing body. Seeing you like this makes me want to maul your boobs and pound things into your sexy crevices until you scream.”

  She smirked, clearly feeling better. She redressed us and left to get my goodies. When she came back, she brought a blanket too, and we snuggled in the reclined seats under that. But it was dumb to be back in shirts because a quarter of the way through the movie, we were stroking up inside fabric. My skin sang at her touch that volleyed from angel-wing flutters to tiger-claw grabs that seized flesh with hunger. My face warmed as she massaged my pecs with sure fingers. I kept dreading her hand slide every time it went to my navel. I wanted to just shove her hand into my jeans, but my head was already aching just with the light stimulation.

  We made out the rest of the movie, diving up shirts and me down the back of her jeans, grabbing her ass in such a way that urged her to masturbate against my rigidity.

  “Fuck.” Out of breath, I suddenly moved my broken arm and shoved her over my lap with a rough grab on her scalp. She yelped and gasped in shock that my palm crashed down and I was suddenly spanking her. The sexy breaths ripping in and out of each time I fired a hard smack to her turned-up rump with my left hand made me want to hunt for my belt. If only I had the energy. “Be good. Stop that. You’re driving me crazy.” I gave her a solid, steady fifteen. I ached to expose her ass to see if she was pink yet, but that would ruin me. Even though it was my weaker hand, she respected my order to behave with furious nodding. When I jerked her head back up and repositioned her next to me, she had to keep dragging her curving lips back down into a straight line. Her respiration was now quicker and she was shaking against me. She liked me spanking her? Errr, nice.

  She could’ve easily brought up the very true fact that I was seizing her naked ass in her jeans just as she decided to get wickedly dirty on my junk, but she left the blame all on herself. “Okay. Sorry ’bout that, Danny.”

  We nestled back together, no longer kissing or stroking under clothes. However, fingers dancing over palms and intertwining still stirred up arousal in my gut. Everything about touching Alexa was heaven and fireworks and lollipops to the soul.

  “Danny, um, have you reconsidered what I said yesterday about the band working with Momentum? The things people are saying are so awful and getting worse by the day.
You need help. You can’t do it alone.”

  I let out a groan. “I still find it fucked-up. You know I hate yielding to others.”

  “But …IF desperately needs the help now. At least talk to Matty and see what he says. I’d like to be able to give Nina an answer before I head back tomorrow. We can set up a meeting for this week. You need to get a jump on this before the trash heap of negativity buries you guys completely and forever.”

  “Uh, I hate this shit. Hate it.”

  “I know. But you’ve spent all this time taking care of me, and I want to return the favor. I don’t like all your music, that’s true, but I’ve always admired your tenacity and drive anyway. It’s bad enough you got dropped by your label, and I don’t want to see everything get stripped away with this girl’s awful death on top of that.”

  “They’re calling us lady killers. It is all my fault she’s dead, that she died like that, speared in the chest and stomach. Um, she was holding onto what was nearest to her, and that happened to be my junk. She was squeezing the life out of my nuts, keeping me in brutal agony, when the bus started careening off-road. I haven’t told a soul,” I lowered my voice and said, “but … I pushed her. I grabbed her hand to break her off me and shoved her right when we hit that damn tree and she went flying through the glass. It’s all my fault she’s dead. Everyone else survived. Fuck.” The anguish overwhelming in my chest popped tears out of my eyes that bounced down my face. I brushed them away with a smear.

  “It’s not your fault, Danny. Puck was the idiot driver who did this. It was just a series of unfortunate events and bad timing. You didn’t know you were about to crash into trees, right?”

  “No, but … a girl is fucking dead, a girl I pushed, and no amount of spin can erase that fact.”

  “So what were you supposed to do? Just put up with pain in your nuts? You did what any guy would’ve done in that case. Trust me, Danny, it is not your fault. It is Puck’s.”

  The weight of her death was so heavy on me, I curled up into Alexa, wanting to drift up into her soft skin and hide in her bosom forever.

  She ran her hand down the back of my aching head and stroked my hair. “It’s not your fault. I promise. Don’t beat yourself up over it. It was a bus crash, and none of it would’ve happened if Puck hadn’t been smashed. It’ll be okay. I’ll make everything okay. The first thing you need to do is publically cut that idiot off. Drop him like a hot coal.”

  I lifted my head off her and shook her. “No way! I can’t do that. Being a military brat, you know how important loyalty is to me, Lex. You know. You don’t just hack off a brother when things get rough or ugly. It’s not noble or cool.”

  “Yeah, but he is literally your enemy now, shredding everything you’ve built from the inside out. You need to drop him before you lose everything. He’s a fairly new addition to the band anyway. Bands drop people all the time when they’re not working out, for whatever lame reason, but this is a major, major reason.”

  “Uh, I dunno, Lex. That just feels so wrong.”

  “Well, you and Matty are the only ones who’ve been in IF from the start. Talk to him or put it up for a vote with everyone else, then it’s not solely you making the decision. Something needs to get done, right away, before your band falls in a pool of tar it can never climb out of.”

  “All right. You’re right. I’ll call the guys tonight. I can say right now that Matty will definitely want to meet with Momentum, to at least hear what Nina has to say. I guess I’m kind of curious too.”


  After the movie, I did have a conference call, and the vote to nix our mate was almost unanimous. Bumping my vote up to a yes to match everyone else’s made me feel literally sick inside. I felt like I was betraying a core value, my code of ethics.

  With one phone call from Alexa to Nina, they were organizing a press conference for the members of Itchy Fringe for tomorrow night.

  I’d have to demonstrate to the whole world that I was a shit-faced betrayer with a lance in my fist. None of this, not one fucking bit of it, was cool with me. They were right though. No matter how kick-ass of a player he was, I had to cut that draggy millstone loose in order to save my band. But I didn’t like that I had to sell my soul in order to do it. Not cool.


  Alexa – 9 Major Freakouts

  On Sunday afternoon, I hated going back to college and leaving Danny when he was in so much pain and struggling with simple things like washing up and putting on shirts, but he swore to me things were becoming easier now that he was getting used to having a cast.

  I called him the second I got into my suite on campus. “Danny? Did you—”

  “Muster up any less loathing for the stab in the back I’m about to publically give Puck? Nope. I’ve been burned by pros before too, so I don’t like any of this.”

  “No one’ll burn you guys. We only want to help. I was starting to ask if you’d had time yet to read my suggested speech. You can say it in your own words of course, but I just wanted to give you a basis.”

  “It’s shitty.”

  “Shitty?” I snapped. “What?”

  “I can’t stomach this, Lex. It sucks. The investigation’s still on-going. I don’t want to jump the gun here.”

  “Danny, Puck has never been good for your band.”

  “Like hell!” he yelled. “Aaahh oooww. How would you know, Lex? You aren’t there with us in the daily grind. His musicality and ideas for mixing on a couple songs took our sound and excellence up to a whole new level. He stepped in, filling Brody’s shoes, like he’d been one of us all along. He’s awesome, sick really.”

  “Maybe. But he got you nothing but bad press all summer long.”

  “Well, his mom died in March, so he was in a bad place. He didn’t even have time to grieve before we had to hit the road. I was out of control for a while when cancer bit my mom in the ass too, so I know. People hated our new music, which we barely wrote in the collaboration, and the tour was only shitty ’cause we had to play all that damn new crap. The lightning pace was too much for him. But he swears he’s clean now and going to AA and better able to deal with pressure and the rush. He said he didn’t drink that night. And I’m inclined to believe him.”

  “Some girl died, Danny. She’s dead because he couldn’t avoid a damn tree. How do you explain that? The cops must have somethin’ on him.”

  “Uh, I don’t know. I just feel like this is the worst move for me to make right now.”

  “What’d the rest of IF say?”

  “They agree with you, whole-heartedly. I don’t. I dunno, Lex. It feels like I’m taking a dump on that poor kid. I’m going along with this, but I’m not liking it one bit. I’ll work on the speech and make it my own. It’ll be shorter, much shorter. There’s no sense in going on and on.”

  “Well, you have to evidently cut ties with him and let people know you won’t stand for that kind of irresponsibility.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I saw that part in bold. Fucking hard to miss.”

  “Hey, don’t get testy with me, Danny. None of this is my fault. I’m only trying to help you save your band.”

  He let out a long sigh. “I know. And I appreciate everything you’re doing, Alexa. I do know you’re right. I just fucking hate it. Another thing that’s pissing me off is Heather’s funeral is Tuesday, and my lawyer told me not to go. He doesn’t even want me to send flowers or whatever. That’s so damn cold-hearted. I hate not being able to do anything. I know nothing will make up for or fix what happened, but I feel like I have to give some token of support.”

  “How about if you send ’em under my name? I can text you my card number. Or just say from Your Friends and leave it generic like that.”

  “Maybe. Yeah, maybe I’ll do that. I’m going out of my mind, having my hands tied like that.”

  “I know. I know you, and that you’ll keep stewing about this one thing. But do what your lawyer says. Don’t you dare show up, not even in secret or some lame disguise at the
cemetery. You know eyes’ll be everywhere ’cause this is such a public catastrophe, and someone’ll spot you and splash that all over the web. It will probably not look good for you.”

  “You’re right. But I’m bugged that I can’t pay my respects. Don’t you, um, think not doing anything is worse? Like it looks like we don’t give a shit?”

  “If I were her parents, I wouldn’t want a damn thing from any of you. Just saying. You can’t fix it. You can’t take it back. She’s dead. What can you possible say or do to make it better?”

  “Nothing. Not a damn thing.”

  “Exactly. I can tell you’re still feeling guilty for what happened, but as I keep stressing, it was not your fault. It, all of this, was Puck’s fault. That’s why you need to hack him off.”

  “Right. I know.”

  He hung up and I called Nina to make sure everything was set for the press conference and to see if there was anything left for me to do. She wanted me to do one more social media blast, which I did, and sites were all abuzz about it.


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