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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 35

by James Jackson

  Two hours later, the Japanese team hands over the data collection task to America. Teams frantically work to further enhance the supercomputer’s capacity, the jerry-rigging scares even the most ardent of them, but it must be done.

  Titan, the enhanced American supercomputer at Oak Ridge Laboratories picks up where the Japanese system left off. The Oak Ridge facility commander looks at his supercomputer and smiles. Titan can handle anything. His jaw drops the second he sees how fast the data is coming in, and how much there is. Sweat builds on his face as reports of overheating and imminent failures reach his ears within mere minutes. The volume of data soon overwhelms even this facility, causing them to fall back to their last option. The other supercomputers on campus have all been hastily networked, and though they are not very powerful when compared to Titan, they do provide valuable storage space.

  Three hours later, the Japanese team again takes over the task of continuing to store the mind-boggling amounts of data. This time it is the Oak Ridge facility that is forced to come up with innovative and almost reckless ways to upgrade their capacity. There is just too much information, and even though the Gamin satellites have converted the data, as George predicted they would, much of what comes down appears to be gibberish.

  Finally, some eight hours later, technicians at both sites confer, then report that the ten minute long data stream has been copied. Now comes the monumental task of sifting through it all.


  Kangbashi District


  Whereas others have been performing hasty upgrades to various supercomputers, there is one facility which has quietly been under construction for many months. Commander Jie stands with the city leaders and proudly looks down from the terrace. His rank of ‘Supreme Space Commander’ is a recent promotion, and one he takes quite seriously. The city leaders who have already been vying for favor, talk and point as the scale and scope of this project sinks in.

  Jie lets them point out the various facilities: gravity sciences, power creation, armor, and hull divisions. The list goes on. Having an actual section from the Terran helps their cause greatly. How they obtained this, he does not know, but he plans to find out. The team responsible for replicating the gravity plating has yet to unlock its secrets, but he has been assured that they will. Gazing off, he looks at the distant farmland that supports this city of almost one million. China’s people power in full swing, and backed with an unlimited budget, this city could be one of the wealthiest in the nation. Jie is very proud of his country’s achievements.

  Jie brings his focus to one particular building now, the computer center. Nicknamed ‘Kang’, it occupies a three-story building. The inside of this building has been designed specifically to allow easy access to every segment. Literally hundreds of computer technicians manage this facility. Small teams are responsible for clusters of these segments making for fast response times to problems that arise. This system was originally built to handle data from the Terran, but in this venture the teams failed, as they were never able to transmit or obtain the information. Not being sure how much data was stored on the Terran also caused a lot of debate. Finally, though, the edict came down that it did not matter how much information was involved, we would get all of it. Thus, Jie scoffs as he gets reports that the Japanese and Americans are suddenly buying up computer components and supercomputer components. His own orders had gone out the second the lunar base was discovered. He is also most proud of China’s intelligence network.

  Thus, while the Japanese and American systems struggle to take in the data, Kang gets it all. Not to say that it is was an easy task. Those working on the lowest level do so in bitter cold temperatures, as the custom made cooling system directs heat upward and away. Many of those on the upper level faint from heat exhaustion as Kang is pushed to its limits, and stays there for hours. The modular design works very well, allowing overheating segments to be scaled back. The teams are well trained and perform their duties flawlessly. Jie plans to recommend them all for the soldier-civilian solidarity award.


  Starship Terran

  Earth’s Moon

  Captain John sits quite formally at his station as the Terran lifts off the lunar surface. He uses the thrusters sparingly, and only to compensate for the ship’s tendency to drift to one side. Oh my. I bet that’s the side with fewer working gravity plates, the revelation startles him. That’s why we drifted into the dock on Earth, and why we started to tumble as we ascended.

  Cindy catches herself chewing on her lower lip as the ship takes off. Once the Terran is in space, she actually starts to feel more relaxed. All eyes turn to her as the crew awaits her orders.

  Cindy does not disappoint them, but she does surprise them, “John, you will stay onboard while Radclyf and Daitaro pilot the Gamin shuttles. Peter I want you to go through your list, and arrange to get everyone off this ship that wants to leave. I don’t care if they were scheduled to be here or not, this is going to be a volunteer only mission from now on.”

  Cindy glances over to George, and then continues. “George, please go with Radclyf. You should see your family first, and then get the air samples we need. I want you to makes sure this ship, the shuttles, and even that Gamin ground vehicle, have our own air.”

  Joe glances at George as a thought comes to his mind, but he remains quiet for now. George nods to Cindy, then catching Joe’s glance, nods to him as well, and smiles. He is pretty sure he knows what Joe wants.


  National Assembly Building, Seoul

  Unified Korea

  A Chinese oversight committee replaces the bulk of North Korea’s leadership, which has seemingly vanished into thin air. The old South Korean Parliament bickers with them over every detail. However, once the committee proposes that the new capital of the unified Korea, be Seoul, many of the arguments quickly fade. When it comes to aid for the North Korean peninsula, again China steps up and indicates that it will send thousands of tons of food and medical supplies. This is in addition to aid that began to flow across the border the moment the war ended.

  As supplies head into Korea, Chinese workers remove all vestiges of the old regime. The North’s nuclear program is to be reviewed, and then updated to meet modern standards. South Korea, though reluctant, votes to remove the Demilitarized Zone. With their own military in tatters, it is useless anyway.

  A tough sticking point is China’s unexpected insistence that Korea break from the West, and join them in the upcoming era of peaceful space exploration. Much of the leadership recalls the hardships of the Korean wars, and implores China for more time to deliberate.

  China continues to dominate the world’s headlines over the Korean decision. Journalist start to converge on Seoul as the region becomes quite a focal point. China’s leaders smile as they provide aid, and appear to the world as peacemakers.

  Not a single person asks the most obvious of questions. How can China be looking into space explorations without access to a spacecraft? Their own launch vehicle was destroyed by the Gamin satellite grid not too long ago. So, what are they up to?


  Washington DC


  Whereas the Chinese government makes a decision, then implements it. The American congress is not quite as efficient. Democracy shows its flaws as party members begin to debate, and then argue over every detail. The projected costs of the President’s plan threaten to cripple the American economy. Concessions are given for favorable votes, which further complicates matters.

  While the data transmission from the alien lunar base is still being reviewed, the politicians make their decisions based purely on conjecture and rumor. Finally after many hours of tiring discourse, there is a majority vote in support of the initiatives presented. Thus plans are put in motion, contracts are drawn up allowing the private sector to submit bids. The democratic system though quite slow at times, has proven effective yet again.

  The President retires
, he is weary from the long debates. Though the process has been slow, he smiles to himself. Teams of engineers are already en route to the Australian Outback, the safest, quietest place available. He recalls the Australian Prime Minister telling him of similar debates and concessions, but eventually they too conceded. With the growing number of countries rallying together, he is confident that they can figure out the alien technology. They have the alien’s own construction facility, and now the information on how to build new spaceships. The applications for the new-found technology are seemingly endless. China is going to be left behind now, they should not have pulled out. He continues his musings, then considers France as they too, withdrew from the joint efforts.


  KGB Headquarters

  Minsk, Russia

  The Russian President leans back in his chair, his Matryoshka doll rests nearby, a constant reminder of plans within plans. Igor and Pavel are once again shouting at each other, this time over the situation in Korea. Other party members add their own comments here and there. Staring out the heavily draped windows for a while, he is so deep in thought he fails to notice when the room has gone quiet.

  The President brings his attention back to the meeting. Sighing deeply, he stands and begins. “The Americans are working on creating a consortium of nations that are to build a new spacecraft. We have been invited to join this new venture, to which I have already indicated our support.” He nods in deference to those in the room, “Pending your approval, of course.”

  Pausing in his speech, he walks to a window, allowing those at the table to speak in whispers. Gazing at the scene outside, he gathers his thoughts. Working with the Americans and Japanese has put a strain on relations with China.

  Turning back to the men in the room, the President waits for them before going on. “Should we inform this consortium of countries that China has also obtained the data from the alien’s lunar base? Worse still, that they have a city of almost one million working around the clock to perfect the technologies. But if we do so, we threaten to make an enemy of China, and their supporters.”

  The Russian spy network is as good as it has ever been, with agents planted world-wide, little escapes their attention. China has been very busy rallying support, both political and monetary, and now he knows why.

  “Furthermore,” the President continues, “do we move troops to the Chinese border? That is another question for this committee to debate.”

  The debate rages on and on over these, and other, domestic issues, until finally a consensus is reached. The President is very pleased with the results from this day’s meeting. A series of nationwide military training exercises will begin. The end result will be the redistribution of some minor, yet key forces, closer to the Chinese border. An envoy is to visit Beijing for a discussion on the Korean issue. Support will be given to the Korean reunification efforts, and China’s role as overseer.

  Breathing deeply, the President’s pride in his nation swells. Russia shall again be a mighty nation, an empire. With this thought, he signs the most momentous order of the day. Dripping wax upon the carefully folded flap, he then drives his ring into the setting wax, sealing it with his imperial stamp. Recalling the stories of Stalin, Lenin, and others, he smiles. Will I be remembered as such, or will I be forgotten, like so many others. His father often talked with respect of the Russian Empire, perhaps the dream is not yet dead.

  The courier is surprised to be handed a letter with a wax seal, but he is intuitive enough to not let his emotions show. His task is a simple one, hand deliver the letter to one particular person. He leaves immediately as the assignment will take some time to complete.


  Ground Control


  Western Australia

  Radclyf’s piloting skills are adequate at best. The shuttle lands heavily on the desert floor, jostling the two occupants. George leaves his suit in the shuttle, and hurriedly makes his way to his quarters.

  Lisa stares at the opening door, then seeing George, she bursts into tears as she runs up to him and hugs him closely.

  Johnny jumps up from the couch and cheers. “Dad, you’re home, that was really cool!”

  George ruffles his son’s hair with one hand while still holding Lisa with the other. He looks into her dark eyes and has trouble saying what is on his mind.

  Lisa gazes back and frowns at his distress. “What’s wrong?” Her tears diminish, while at the same time, her anxiety increases with every passing second.

  George sighs deeply. “They need my help.” He looks at his family, and for the first time feels torn, really torn.

  Lisa recalls the General’s visit and his words of praise for George. “Do you know how long you will be gone?” She asks lovingly.

  George ponders the question. “You know, I have no idea. I would say a couple of months at the most. The dangerous part, the launch, is over. Now it’s just a case of working out how the ship’s drive systems work.”

  Lisa wonders if there is something else. A week ago, people, powerful people, were begging George to go with them. No matter the family’s compensation, he said no each time. Now it is almost as though he wants to go. The General was quite clear though, without George, they would have all perished. A small smile creases her features. Johnny was right, he did save them.

  George does not know how to take the unusual silence from his wife. They both know that going is the right thing to do.

  Feeling a swelling of pride, Lisa wipes her eyes dry. “Three things Mister.” She declares seriously. “First, you promise to return home safe; you hear me?” She looks at him sternly, and then her expression softens. “Secondly. No alien girlfriends out there, or you had better not come home at all.” Tensions relieved, they both burst into laughter. “Third, we’re taking up those government offers. Our son is getting the best schooling in the world.”

  Johnny scowls a little at this, he has very much enjoyed gallivanting around the base. He cheekily smiles at the memories of sneaking aboard the spaceship and peeking around.

  George holds his wife close, and with heartfelt sincerity replies, “I am so lucky to have such an understanding woman.” He lets her go then smiles as an idea pops into his head. “You know, it’s going to take them a few days to sort out the ship’s crew. After I complete a few errands of my own, I should be free to stay here until we leave.”

  Lisa closes her eyes and smiles. “That would be great.”

  “Well then, the sooner I am done, the sooner I shall be back.” George says as he hugs her close one more time. He then looks over to his son and says, “And you had better be a good boy for your mom.”


  Cape Grim, Tasmania


  Radclyf and George stand on the edge of the bluff, overlooking the ocean below. Both having lived in cities most of their lives, they look at each other with reservation, neither having experienced air quite like this.

  Radclyf looks at George with uncertainty. “This is the freshest air on the planet?”

  George shrugs his shoulders. “That’s what the medics say.”

  Stepping into his bodysuit, George takes an air sample. After a few minutes, he strides into the Gamin shuttle. “Okay, here goes.” He says as he inserts the sample into the shuttle’s life support module. He steps back outside and obtains another sample.

  George smiles at Radclyf mischievously and asks, “What do you want to breathe?”

  Radclyf looks back at George a little confused. “Don’t we all have to breathe the same air?”

  “Nope, this is your shuttle, right?” George states more than asks.

  Radclyf sighs. “No, we’re leaving this one here, well at the launch site in Australia.”

  “Ah, okay. Well, let’s go grab some more samples anyway.”

  While Radclyf and George continue their errands, Daitaro is also busy, ferrying people and supplies to and from the Terran. Having two shuttles is an absolute boon
to the team. Vast amounts of additional supplies and equipment are loaded on board. Although many people choose to leave, Cindy is pleasantly surprised to find that many wish to stay, including a small group of welding contractors.

  Radclyf picks up the replacement shuttle crew who are most surprised at the speed of their journey. The three new shuttle pilots are awed as the Gamin shuttle lands inside the spaceship that they have all heard so much about. The ramp opens, allowing the unpleasant air to waft in. The three men suddenly do not feel so fortunate. Stepping out, they look back at Radclyf. No amount of words can prepare anyone for the foul air, or the heavier gravity. Everything around them screams alien, until they spot the three American Space Shuttles, an oddity in this unfamiliar realm.

  George steps from the cockpit area wearing his Gamin bodysuit. “Excuse me please.” The three stunned men move out of the way, briefs about the bodysuits did not do them justice at all. George walks casually past them, and then heads to the ship’s central life support system. Their eyes follow the departing figure with bewilderment.

  John walks up to the three men and smiles. “Welcome aboard the Terran, gentlemen.”

  While fighting back against his gag reflex, one of the men intones. “How can you breath this horrid stuff, it’s making me sick to my stomach.”

  “Well, you guys are lucky, it’s been like this since we launched. But, if George is successful, we will have something a lot more to our liking very soon.”


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