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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 169

by James Jackson

  Voknor contacts Prime Bralk, and states, “Begin reclamation procedures.”

  Bralk replies, “We could also test out those craft the Kord built. I am detecting high levels of radiologics on the ocean floors.”

  “Great idea! I will inform Primes Lokarz and Malflik to coordinate their efforts with you.” Voknor replies, genuinely pleased by the suggestion.

  Skylow taps on his console, then proudly states, “I think you will like what I have done this time!” He motions to the main viewer as he continues, “This is what every media frequency on the planet now displays.”

  They all look at the main view, and see a large banner, with Regent Voknor’s face profiled inside a colorful circle. Deep drum beats resonate with the image.

  Voknor stands and holds his sides as he roars in laughter. Between laughs he says, “That has to be the best effort ever! Based on the fiction I have reviewed, I am sure the locals are simply terrified.”

  Skylow grins, then says, “I am glad you approve. Now for stage two.” He taps his console, immediately transmitting a message, which the bridge crew hears, “Be prepared to receive the words of Regent Voknor of the Gamin.” This is going out in all known languages, and this planet has a lot.

  Regent Voknor grins then says, “Well, I had better compose myself if I want to scare the locals into complying with our demands.”

  As Skylow motions that Voknor will be broadcasting live, all the bridge crew moves to one side, so as not to be in the image sent to the inhabitants.

  Voknor adjusts his robe as he sits, and once Skylow nods, states, “I am Regent Voknor. In the name of the Gamin, I pronounce this planet a part of our hegemony. Welcome and rejoice in your new-found prosperity. The loss of life to your citizens has been unfortunate, and was completely avoidable.” He pauses, stands, then moves with measured steps closer to the main viewer as the camera is panned around to show him standing before the planet.

  Voknor stares sternly as he continues, “I could easily order a global assault that would leave you little time to respond. To prevent loss of life, we gave your planet ample warning. Your rulers and governments have failed you, and worse yet, they have lied to you. We come to share our knowledge and wisdom and can do so in peace, if you so choose.” Pointing to the planet, he states, “Two landers will be arriving shortly at the locations you call St. Petersburg and New York. These facilities will start the rebuilding process to repair the damage caused by the unfortunate strikes. The intended targets were nearby military installations, however, the many missiles launched by your planet changed the trajectory of our pounders, causing the unnecessary loss of life.”

  Pausing once more, Voknor moves back to his command chair, sits, then states, “I am generous and have instructed my crews to clear the damaged areas, and to start rebuilding immediately. Your way of life can continue as it was before, with a few exceptions. All of your military will stand down. Your non-military units may continue to function as normal. Any action against us will be responded to harshly. We will provide educational facilities and work for those who desire it. We are neither here to enslave, nor destroy; we merely desire to acquire various resources. Instructions will follow as to how you will provide them.”

  Regent Voknor looks down his snout straight into the camera, leaning forward slightly he says with great confidence. “Your planet is but one of many we have visited. In time, you may come to see us as friends and look forward to our visitations. Your planet has many that call themselves leaders, both in government and religion. Shortly, my council and I shall receive them to pass on instructions for a peaceful transition. In the meantime, I insist that all of your various military units cease operations. All military air units are to land, and all military water units are to head to their homes. Ground units may continue to assist in preventing civil disorder. I look forward to meeting your leaders.”

  With that, the screen fades back to the banner, upon which time Skylow sends a prepared list of instructions.

  Glarth stands in the entryway to the bridge and laughs hard as he comments, “Hegemony? Council? Landers? You have outdone yourself this time!”

  Voknor grins then says, “Well, I wanted to give them a lasting impression. Besides, based on what I have learned, many of their kind would welcome the idea of being a part of something larger.”

  “Well, I am sure you made an impression!” Glarth responds, then asks, “I am however curious as to why you summoned me here?”

  “Ah, yes!” Voknor responds, “To business then.”

  Earth Orbit – Never be the same again

  Regent Voknor looks around at his bridge crew, then at the planet below, and states, “They have what we need, and they will provide it. Monitor for transgressions and report.” Tapping the edge of his command chair, he quickly confirms his notes on the planet’s economic and political structures, then says, “Inform the Primes to ready themselves for assignment.”

  Looking around the bridge again, Regent Voknor considers each crew member’s strengths and weaknesses. “Sharz, you shall be my advisor for landing site one. Glarth, your style is much more suited for landing site two. Inform the Primes on both craft that you shall be joining them immediately.”

  “Regent.” Both Sharz and Glarth intone as they bow, then leave the bridge. Sharz keeps an even expression. He ponders his fate. Being assigned as a direct advisor to the Regent is a great honor, that also carries with it great responsibility. Success is well rewarded; failure however, is not an option.

  Glarth stops at the doorway, frowns, then hotly demands, “Am I losing my command?”

  “No,” Voknor replies, “I need your leadership style at one of the landing sites I am considering, not to mention that your ship would be able to assist at a moment’s notice. Meanwhile, I want Sharz’s assessment of the other site, while I monitor that location from space.”

  Sharz, who has also paused at the doorway, stares back as all eyes turn to him; he is not a Prime, and yet is being given a position of great importance once more. His duties as the flagship’s supply officer, and the Regent’s personal advisor, put him in close proximity to the Regent as it is; thus, many would see this as a practical step. They expect that he will be the next Prime, and none would dispute the promotion, Sharz has earned the respect of the Primes and their crews.

  Glarth is about to complain about his ground position; then it dawns on him the huge honor he is being awarded. While Regent Voknor will be monitoring one of the sites from space, with Sharz on the ground, he will be in full control of the other site. He glances at Voknor respectfully, his pride swelling at the trust being bestowed on him.

  Voknor states, “I won’t have us lose another craft, as we did before.”

  Sharz and Glarth leave the bridge, and while they make their way to the cruisers, they ponder Voknor’s meaning about each being suited for the landing sites they are going to.

  Glarth motions to Sharz and says, “You are deserving of this duty.”

  “Gratitude.” Sharz replies, not sure how to respond.

  Arriving at the hangar deck Glarth turns to Sharz and unexpectedly states, “I would support your position of Prime. You performed well on the last planet, and saved lives.”

  Sharz is surprised by Glarth’s backing, and replies respectfully, “You honor me, Prime Glarth.”

  They enter their shuttles, and make way to their respective cruisers.

  Lilpax monitors their shuttles, then stares in awe at the cruisers as two enormous sections open. Vast segments swing open from centrally mounted hinges, exposing areas along the top-side axis about as long as the main ships are wide. One side of each vessel contains a single craft, the other side, two smaller vessels. The four smaller craft turn for the planet, while the pair of larger vessels assist in cleaning up the orbiting debris field.

  Machkno is also preoccupied, but his attention is drawn elsewhere, to a fleet of watercraft; and one larger vessel in particular, a water-based carrier of sorts. He is detectin
g radiologics emanating from its power sources. He sits up when a nearby, smaller underwater craft, launches slow moving projectiles through the water at the larger vessel. He considers destroying the underwater craft, but decides that it is no threat.

  However, when the target carrier launches aircraft, in direct violation of Regent Voknor’s orders, he immediately fires heavy pounders at both vessels. The submerged unit does not stand a chance, and is carved in half. Miraculously, to the surprise of those watching, the carrier survives. The smaller support craft that were nearby, do not; they flounder and sink into the watery depths.

  Machkno stabs at his fire controls, sending a bolt of energy directly at the carrier. “Dodge that!” He mumbles under his breath, drawing Voknor’s attention.

  Regent Voknor glares at Machkno, then intones hotly, “I said REPORT, not respond.” He watches the vessel sink, then returns to his studies of the various cultures below.

  Machkno expects a reprisal, and is surprised when he receives none. He watches the two fragile air craft that survived with curiosity, clawed fingers poised over controls, awaiting orders.

  Voknor glances up, then says, “Let them go. I think they got your point.”

  The lesser experienced officers mutter amongst themselves as to whether Machkno was following orders, or breaking them. They momentarily forget where they are as their debate gets loud enough for others to hear.

  With a sigh, Voknor turns to them and states, “If I disciplined every officer who took the initiative, we could well all be dead by now. Though I do not agree with Machkno’s decision, I would rather have a crew that quickly reacts to threats, than waits. I commend Machkno for noticing a potential threat, and reacting. I will not have my officers afraid to take the initiative, even if it means that mistakes are made.”

  Machkno continues to intently monitor numerous military forces, but he does not destroy any more, even though a few are clearly violating the Regent’s edict that all military assets are to stand down. However, that does not stop him from imagining destroying convoys, bridges, and military bases.

  Cushkull notices an oddity about the planet, then moves the flagship to orbit over the area, and quickly confirms his findings. He turns to Voknor and states, “The planet has a nearly barren continent which contains vast amounts of naturally occurring radiologics!”

  Regent Voknor strides to a wall console, then after a moment, states, “That would be an excellent location for a construction dock; it’s well away from any locals, and easily defendable.”

  “Yes!” Cushkull exclaims, adding, “And we could use the other two sites as armor manufacturing locations!”

  Voknor grins, “The locals won’t even know we’re building new vessels!”

  Skylow puts the area on the main viewer and states, “Does anyone actually live there?”

  “Not for long!” Voknor states.

  The bridge crew performs a fresh series of scans, then once they have confirmed their initial findings, becomes relieved. The area is vast, flat, and virtually uninhabited, with radiologics close enough to the surface that they can be easily mined.

  Regent Voknor contacts his Primes, and relays his thoughts, “This planet is the most volatile we have ever attempted to secure resources from.” He stares at the main viewer, his features a hardened mask, “Remain vigilant while I attempt to secure a diplomatic solution. I want the fleet completely restocked before we depart.”

  The Primes wait and watch as Voknor gathers his thoughts, then continues, “We will recover, and be more vigilant of the Atlans. Clearly, they are back on the offensive. I will send detailed instructions after I speak with Earth’s leaders.”

  None of the Primes blame their Regent for their ambush; their satellite grid was to warn them of threats. Each Prime readies their craft and crew for the task of monitoring, as they wait.

  Voknor stands, then orders, “Skylow, the fleet is yours, I will be touring the damaged areas.”

  Lilpax glances around, then accompanies her mate as he leaves the bridge. As they tour the ship, she offers encouraging words, and slowly brings him out from his depressed mood. The losses to the clan are deeply affecting him, and she is one of few who are able to notice. By the time they return to the bridge, she has lifted his spirits, which is fortunate, as he now has a most difficult task ahead.

  Skylow stands as Voknor returns to the bridge, and with a grin, reports, “Regent, the locals are a stubborn bunch, but I think we have all the major players ready for your instructions.”

  “Excellent!” Voknor replies as he adjusts his robe and sits in his command chair. He nods to Skylow as he says, “Let the show begin.”

  Skylow taps on his console, and sends the prepared message to each terminal, “Be prepared to receive the words of Regent Voknor of the Gamin.”

  The video conference link is two-way, allowing Voknor to see each of the leaders on the main viewer, just as each of them can see him, seated, imposing, and powerful.

  Voknor begins, “I greet you with the respect due to all leaders. I am sure you have many questions, but first the Gamin will allow communications to resume for your citizens.”

  He nods, then motions to Skylow, who with a single tap on his console, restores all global communications.

  Regent Voknor then continues, “In time, we shall place new satellites, but for now, this fleet shall allow your various peoples to return to a normal life. They can have their entertainment, which will make your task easier. Two landing craft will repair the damaged areas and provide training facilities for those that volunteer. Your medical and science technologies are insufficient to meet our needs, and thus, will be enhanced. We will land more craft as deemed necessary. Shipments of various metals and foods will be sent to the two primary locations. Those that supply the materials requested shall receive our gratitude; those that do not, will not. I will answer questions now.”

  Voknor suppresses a chuckle as numerous leaders immediately begin making requests; they talk over each other, getting louder and louder, until finally they realize that they are not being listened to. Many of the leaders of smaller countries leave, while others eventually stop talking. The remaining leaders hotly debate amongst themselves as to who should speak first.

  Regent Voknor interrupts them, stands, then points to the screen and dictates, “I will speak with the leaders of Russia, United States, and France, in that order, they have suffered the greatest. Then I would speak with China, United Kingdom, and Australia.”

  The Chinese leader huffs, as does the British Prime Minister. A few of the other leaders leave the conference, while the Australian leader stares ahead, dumfounded. He had not requested a private discussion, and yet is getting one.

  Voknor taps on his panel, isolating the Russian leader, and immediately states, “One of my Construction craft will land, and build housing for your displaced people, while my engineers manufacture bodysuits which your people are to use to assist in the crafting of armor plating for my fleet.”

  The Russian leader responds coldly, “As President, I will order my people to comply. We have no choice but to do as you wish.”

  Voknor grins, then says, “You always have a choice, but the alternatives would be unpleasant!”

  “I understand!” Retorts the President.

  “Good,” Voknor replies, then states, “The vessel which lands will require vast amounts of resources to be delivered to it. A list will be sent dictating our requirements.”

  The Russian President shakes his head in annoyance, but capitulates, “It will be done.”

  Switching to the American leader, Voknor’s conversation is almost a word for word repeat of the previous one, which surprises him as the two countries differ on many levels.

  As soon as the French leader is on the main viewer the man blusters, “You destroyed the FS Charles De Gaulle, our nation’s pride has been injured. We demand compensation!”

  Regent Voknor suppresses a smile at the obstinate man; he has met many just lik
e him. He states, “I see your country also prides itself in its medical research.”

  “We are world leaders, yes.” Boasts the French Minister proudly.

  “Then I shall land a craft, and provide your scientists with medical knowledge.”

  The Minister was not expecting such an offer, and blinks in surprise.

  “I take your silence to mean you accept my offer of compensation, as you called it.” Voknor states, then switches to the Chinese Leader.

  The Chinese leader patiently waits for Voknor to speak; he has a mental list of requests, but is curious as to what the Gamin want from his country.

  Voknor leans forward, then states, “My people desire meat, vast quantities of fresh meat, and your nation has an abundance of animals you slaughter for food. I would have you deliver live animals to the vessel which will be landing in your territory.”

  The Chinese leader had prepared himself for many requests, but this was not one of them. After a moment, he replies, “I will contact my ministers, and make arrangements to deliver the livestock you request.” He then cautiously says, “My country suffers from chronic power shortages, which I hope will not interfere with your transport.”

  Voknor stares hard at the Chinese leader, then leans forward and replies, “Your failed infrastructure will not have an impact on deliveries. Indeed, if you please me, I may be able to alleviate your issues.” He stands, then points to the man on the viewer and states, “If you do not please me, you will not require power, at all!”

  The Chinese leader nervously swallows, then offers, “I meant no offence, merely to inform you of our limitations.”

  “Understood!” Voknor replies, then cuts him off.

  Skylow snorts, “You scared him to death!”

  Lilpax queries, “I do not understand how these creatures think they can make demands? Surely, they know we could eliminate them and take what we need?”

  “Pride!” Voknor states, then adds, “And stubbornness. Perhaps they think we need them! Well in a way we do. It’s easier for us to sit back and process collected materials, then to have to mine everything.”


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