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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 178

by James Jackson

  Jukalore’s fleet arrives in orbit, and immediately forms a protective grid over Hemlax’s craft, which are on the ground. He contacts Hemlax, and says, “Voknor is right behind us, as is that human ship.”

  “Crazy species!” Hemlax replies, then says, “It is still going to be a tough battle!”

  “Agreed,” Jukalore replies, then says, “But if we nail them the moment they arrive, they won’t have time to launch all their fighters!”

  “Definitely our best shot!” Hemlax agrees.

  One of Hemlax’s officers interrupts them, and reports, “Voknor’s fleet is incoming, as is one unidentified target.”

  Jukalore raises his fist, and states, “Victory!”

  Hemlax does the same, then contacts his fleet, “All craft return to orbit, and prepare to engage the Atlans.”

  As Gustav leaves Space Station Unity, he experiences a flashback to the International Space Station, and John’s daring rescue in an aging space shuttle, one that should never have made it. He reflects on being rescued by the very race who destroyed the old station.

  A massive spacecraft approaches Earth, one unlike the others. The Atlan Warmonger immediately launches a wave of fighters, soon followed by another. The powerful warship moves away from the Gamin fleets, its weapons’ platforms firing at the nearest Gamin craft, damaging it slightly.

  Jukalore curses, “Get your stupid ass away from that Warmonger! All Primes, rally up, we’re going in!”

  Hemlax cringes, he is still waiting on the last of the shuttles to load, and for his fleet to get into orbit.

  As the Atlan fighters strafe the cities, many of those who were fleeing the Gamin, change their minds, only to watch in fear when the Gamin vessels lift off, without them. Consequently, mere thousands are rescued globally, when the potential was there to save many times that number.

  Hemlax leaves the surface of the planet, and joins the rest of the Gamin fleet in orbit. As a massive force, they converge on the Warmonger whose weapons and fighters have already begun destroying the Gamin satellite grid, and laid waste to the construction dock in Australia, and the Chinese facilities in Kangbashi.

  A second carrier, a smaller version, arrives in orbit, and immediately deploys its fighters. Energy beams and projectiles cross the distance between the fleets, causing havoc to their targets.

  Regent Voknor taps his armrest anxiously, they should have beaten Jukalore’s forces, but did not. They reduce speed to sub-light near Earth, and stare at the raging battle.

  Skylow scans the planet, then with a disparaging sigh, relays his discovery, “The Atlans have already deployed their gas.”

  Voknor stands and growls angrily, “Destroy those carriers, while we still can!”

  Frazik stares at his screen in disbelief, then says, “The Earth ship is here.” He puts the ship on the main viewer.

  “Impossible!” Skylow states, “They were still in the Kord repair dock when we left!”

  “Scans indicate they cooked their engines getting here, and their power output is unstable.” Frazik reports, then says, “They may well have arrived, but their only value is to be a target!”

  Voknor stares at the Terran as it performs a risky orbit of Earth, its glowing engines trailing a strange mix of particles. He recalls the day he almost burned out his engines, then states, “Those humans have spirit!”

  Skylow shouts, “A Vanguard!”

  A mammoth vessel, twice the size of the flagships, arrives in a high orbit over Earth’s northern polar region. It fires a volley of energy weapons, and almost vaporizes one of Jukalore’s craft; there are no survivors.

  “A Vanguard?” Questions Voknor.

  Skylow bares his teeth as he shares what he knows, “The Atlans used one in defense of their home world during the only attack we Gamin ever made on that world. It was before your time, and our losses were catastrophic. It is said we lost more than half our number that day.”

  “So long ago?” Voknor queries, then states, “How is it then that the Warmongers are such a new threat, if they have the capability to build these.”

  Jukalore interrupts them, ordering, “All craft retreat!”

  Hemlax adds his voice, “I agree, we must leave!” He presses, “Voknor, you must leave too. None of our craft can withstand that firepower, none ever have.”

  Voknor sighs, “We will retreat.” He then contacts the Terran, and immediately states, “We must leave, there is nothing that can be done now. Your world is lost.” He nods to Skylow, who sends the fleet a set of coordinates, where they are to regroup.

  The Terran’s bridge is still on the main viewer when George screams, “No!” They watch as he drives his bodysuit’s fist into the wall console, then staggers back and demands, “We must fight!”

  Peter hurries to George and states, “Your family may yet be safe.”

  Regent Voknor’s bridge crew listens to the following exchange, while Skylow shares what he knows about the Vanguard Class, “The craft that defended the Atlan home world was a sub-light vessel, and although the one before us follows the same design principle, it has considerably more firepower. Historically, it was said that once you’re targeted by a Vanguard, you’re already dead, my guess is that still holds true today.”

  Voknor catches a few words from the Terran’s bridge, then motions for Skylow to wait, and then tells George, “We will go back for survivors, after the Atlans leave.”

  Cindy raises her eyebrows and questions, “Survivors? From that hell!”

  “Yes!” Voknor replies, then slowly adds, “We faced a similar fate, long ago. I regret that we could not save your planet. None of our ships can survive a Vanguard’s firepower. Indeed, it is rare to escape an encounter with one.”

  Regent Voknor takes one last disparaging look at Earth, with its green swirling gasses, then orders, “Wait for the Terran to leave, then get us out of here!”

  Skylow nods, then says, “I was able to scan the Vanguard, and will compare the readings to the original one.”

  Voknor leans back in his chair, and watches as the Terran’s main drive glows brighter, and then they are gone. Amazingly, their engines continue to function. He shakes his head in amazement.

  “Incoming!” Cushkull shouts, then as he stabs his main drive symbol, adds, “The Vanguard has targeted us and has fired all weapons.”

  The flagship streaks away, avoiding catastrophic damage by mere milliseconds. The Vanguard’s immense salvo of energy weapons, wasted.

  As soon as they are safe, a shaky Skylow reports, “To be accurate, the Vanguard fired a mere portion of its weaponry, but judging by the energy output, it was still enough to carve us in two.”

  Voknor shudders at the thought, then says, “I would learn all there is to know, about both Vanguards.”

  A fourth Atlan carrier arrives in Earth’s orbit, but does little more than watch the doomed planet.

  Chapter Fifteen – Alliance

  The fleets belonging to the three Regents arrive in staggered groups at the rally point, with the stragglers being the most severely damaged.

  Voknor contacts the other Regents, and says, “I think it is safe to say we were ambushed, again!”

  Jukalore sneers, “How do they do it? I lost three of my clan on that folly.”

  Hemlax lowers his gaze, then mumbles, “Two of my clan fell as well.”

  Jukalore paces his bridge as he states with disdain, “We lost five vessels, defending another race’s world!” With mounting anger, he stares at Voknor and states, “I would meet those responsible for our losses, and measure their worth.”

  Voknor meets Jukalore’s angered gaze unwaveringly, as he replies, “We came to ambush an easy target, besides, if it were not for those humans, my entire clan would have been lost!”

  Hemlax frowns as he shares his thoughts, “The Atlans went to a lot of trouble to destroy that world, but not only that, they should not have known we were coming.”

  Jukalore growls, “They must have long range detecto
rs, like we do!”

  “Yes…” Hemlax hesitantly agrees, then presses, “but to know we were coming is not the same as detecting us and responding. That Vanguard had to have traveled there, from somewhere.”

  Jukalore sighs, “All the people of that world did, was draw the attention of the Atlans upon themselves, and they paid for that attention in blood.”

  Voknor adds, “I estimate that seven billion of them died this day.”

  “Seven billion!” Hemlax exclaims, truly shocked at the number.

  “Their species is doomed then.” Jukalore states bluntly.

  “Perhaps not!” Voknor replies, then says, “Before we discuss anymore, I suggest we shut off our navicon units, and limit long distance communications.”

  Jukalore stares at Voknor hard, then orders his bridge crew, “Shut down the Navicon, and disable long-range coms.”

  Hemlax does the same, then comments, “As far as the other clans are concerned, we all simply vanished.”

  “They will think we were destroyed,” Voknor replies, then says, “which is fine by me!” He grins, then offers, “I invite you both to my flagship, that we may discuss what we are to do next!”

  Hemlax immediately responds, “Right now, I don’t trust any communications. I will transport over.”

  Jukalore glances around his bridge, then reluctantly states, “I agree. On my way.”

  As soon as the Regents are gone, Voknor leans forward, and questions, “Where is that Earth ship?”

  Frazik runs a scan, then shakes his head as he reports, “They have stopped short of the rally point.”

  Voknor sighs, then orders, “As soon as the Regent’s shuttles are on board, inform the fleet to make for that vessel.”

  Skylow turns, then asks, “What of Hemlax and Jukalore’s fleets?”

  Voknor taps on his armrests, then says, “Inform their fleets of a new rendezvous. I will explain my actions to their Regents.”

  Moments later Frazik reports, “Both Regents have arrived.”

  The fleet of Gamin craft streaks away, and arrive moments later near the Terran.

  Regent Voknor monitors the craft that follow, then once he sees vessels belonging to the other Regents arriving, he contacts the Terran.

  The moment the Terran’s bridge comes into view, Voknor states, “Join me on my flagship.”

  Cindy nods as she replies, “Okay, I will see you soon.”

  Voknor considers what he knows of the humans, then states, “George too.”

  Cutting the channel, he contacts Sharz, and says, “Prime Sharz; George and his female leader are on their way to my ship. I would have you escort them to my bridge, where Regents Hemlax, Jukalore, and I, will be waiting.”

  Moments later, Jukalore strides onto Voknor’s bridge and demands, “What right do you have to issue orders to MY fleet?”

  Voknor lifts an open hand as he replies, “Not orders; simply updated rally point coordinates.”

  Jukalore narrows his eyes as he replies, “You press me too far Voknor!”

  Voknor grins, then says, “You would have issued the same orders, and you know it!”

  Jukalore growls, then unexpectedly states, “You are lucky I respect you, and all you have done for us, or we would be enemies by now!”

  Standing resolute, Voknor stumps them when he lifts a clenched fist, and states, “For the Empire!”

  Hemlax tilts his head, then says, “Interesting choice of words.”

  Jukalore frowns, then his eyes go wide as he realizes what Voknor just said. He lifts his fist, and with a tooth-filled grin, states, “For the Empire.”

  Hemlax also grins as he joins in, none swear allegiance to the Emperor, as they normally would. He immediately gets to business, and asks, “What do we do about the Atlans?”

  Jukalore’s anger immediately returns; he venomously spits, “I don’t trust the Emperor!”

  Voknor paces his bridge, agitated, then says, “I don’t know what to believe.”

  “I know that the Atlans are stronger than ever!” Jukalore states solemnly, “And they seem to be wherever we go!”

  Skylow turns to Voknor, and reports, “Prime Sharz is escorting three to the bridge.”

  Jukalore growls, “Who did you invite this time?”

  With a sigh, Voknor replies, “Humans, from their ship; that we may discuss all of our options with them.”

  “They have no voice in our discussions!” Jukalore states bluntly. His intense gaze bores into Voknor’s eyes.

  Hemlax nods, then asks, “Why would you offer them any input? They should be grateful that they still live, especially those my Primes rescued!”

  Jukalore surprises them when he states, “Two of my Primes also rescued some of them. Why they risked their vessels is beyond me.” He shakes his head, then reluctantly confesses, “I may have suggested they assist Hemlax’s fleets.”

  They all turn as Sharz steps onto the bridge, interrupting the terse discussion. George, Cindy, and John, follow close behind him. Jukalore scowls as he issues a deep throaty threatening growl. Hemlax narrows his eyes and evaluates the newcomers, he too, is feeling uneasy over the presence of the human trio.

  Regent Voknor stares at Hemlax and Jukalore, then reminds them, “They lost their world saving us.”

  “The fewer of them in the galaxy, the better.” Jukalore replies with disdain as he glares at the humans.

  “They’re not Atlans” Voknor states with dogged determination.

  “Could have fooled me.” Jukalore snorts as he motions toward them.

  Sharz feels the mounting tensions, bows, then in an attempt to soothe matters, regally says, “My Regent, I present to you, the human delegation.”

  Voknor motions to Cindy, as he says, “I present to you, Regent Hemlax and Regent Jukalore.”

  With a deepening frown, Voknor steps closer to John and says, “George, I know well, and Cindy is your leader, but this one. I don’t know.”

  Though John is tall, he must look up to meet Voknor’s intense gaze. He immediately regrets doing so, looks down, and nervously stammers, “I am John.”

  Cindy steps forward, but is stopped by George, who then bows, and respectfully says, “Regents, we thank your clans for their sacrifice and assistance in the battle against our mutual foe, the Atlans.”

  Voknor turns to Jukalore and Hemlax as he comments, “He honors us with his words.”

  “Words!” Jukalore spits out. “Three of my fleet were lost during that futile undertaking.”

  Hemlax feels that this discussion is going nowhere, and says, “I must retire and repair my fleet. I bid you farewell.”

  George looks about anxiously, then boldly offers, “Come and repair at our colony world. It is far from the Atlans.”

  Cindy quickly adds, “Our colony has vast resources, which we are more than willing to share with you.”

  Voknor replies, “I agree. It would be better to continue this discussion in orbit of a world that offers resources, than in the emptiness of space.”

  Jukalore is aware of his fleet’s dire need to repair, and reluctantly growls, “Where is this safe world? We are already far beyond the reach of the Atlans, and yet still, here they are.”

  Hemlax reconsiders his position, and states, “My clan will accept your offer, as should we all.” It would also allow for an easier transfer of the rescued humans, he reasons inwardly.

  Jukalore stares at Hemlax and Voknor and then storms off. He glares at Cindy, and says, “My clan will repair at your safe world. After that task is done, I hope to never see your kind again.” He bares his teeth, and flexes his forearms causing the bony protrusions to rise and fall threateningly.

  Hemlax turns to Voknor and says, “His clan has suffered greatly, as have we all. I will see to it that he joins us at the next meeting. There is a lot to discuss.”

  “Agreed.” Voknor replies, grateful for Hemlax’s support.

  Once Hemlax strides off the bridge, George nervously asks, “Were your clans able
to save many of us?”

  Voknor tilts his head; he had not thought to find out, then replies, “Jukalore and Hemlax have survivors on their ships. Do not fear, they will be attended to.”

  Cindy fretfully asks, “How many were saved?”

  “They did not say, but the number is small.” Voknor replies, knowing that if there were a lot of humans on either of their fleets, they would have raised it as an issue.

  “I know of an underground facility, one that was still intact when we left.” Cindy presses, hoping to offer some hope to the others, and herself.

  George looks to Voknor and pleads, “My wife and son, along with many others, may yet be alive.”

  Voknor places his hand on George’s shoulder and replies, “I cannot risk my clan, not even for you.”

  Sharz stands tall and offers, “I will go.”

  The bridge crew turns and stares at Sharz in surprise.

  Voknor considers all that has happened this day, then responds, “Your ship is yours to command, Prime Sharz.”

  Sharz bows, then turns to George, and says, “If your family lives, I will bring them to you.” He glances to Voknor, lowers his gaze respectfully, and then leaves.

  “To other matters.” Voknor states, “There is no time to transfer your crew. We will eject your ship’s engines and tow you.”

  Cindy frowns as she responds sarcastically, “We have no time, and yet you insisted we come over here?”

  George cringes at her tone, and expects a harsh response from Regent Voknor, as does his bridge crew.

  Voknor considers Cindy’s comment, then states, “Good! You are a real leader.” He adds, “The other Regents wanted to meet you, as was their right, having lost clan members to save your kind.”

  Cindy considers the Gamin losses, then bows and respectfully says, “Your people did the best they could. I wish I could offer more than my thanks.”

  Voknor stares at Cindy, and then states, “It is I who should be grateful. The Atlans devastated your world because you came to assist my clan.”


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