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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 183

by James Jackson

  Sharz strides onto Voknor’s bridge with Lisa and Johnny, then stops and grins as Lisa rushes to Voknor and hugs him. Prytec lowers his weapon when he realizes that she is not attacking him, and cringes as he grasps what would have happened, had he shot her, which he almost did.

  Tears flow freely down Lisa’s cheeks as she sobs, “Thank you for saving us! You are a God send.”

  Voknor does not understand what ‘God send’ means, and replies, “George will be pleased to see you.”

  Lisa removes her arms from Voknor, then sheepishly gazes around the bridge. She wipes her eyes, then says, “Thank you all for coming to our aid.” She coughs lightly; the heavy Gamin air makes it difficult for her to breathe.

  Johnny notices an empty seat, and sits on it. His lanky legs swing back and forth, his feet scraping the floor. He feels safe now that they are on the Regent’s flagship.

  Sharz glances at the command consoles, then steps closer when he notices there are no other vessels in the area. He turns to Voknor and asks fearfully, “Is the fleet lost?”

  Voknor grins as he replies, “The clan is safe. The Primes remain in orbit of New Earth, with Jukalore’s and Hemlax’s fleets.”

  Sharz grins as he asks, “How did you get those two to stay? I expected them to leave as soon as the battle was over.”

  Voknor takes a deep breath, then proudly states, “We four Regents, Golward of the Kord, and the Humans, have formed an alliance.”

  “You never cease to amaze me, Regent!” Sharz replies, truly impressed, and proud to be a part of what he feels will become historical landmarks.

  Skylow reviews his console, then reports, “Sharz’s vessel has been evacuated; all are on board.”

  Voknor does not hesitate, and orders, “Return us to New Earth, the same way we came!”

  Lisa glances around, then with fear in her eyes, hesitantly asks, “George did not come with you? Is he all right?”

  Voknor looks down at her, and suddenly realizes that he should have brought him, then says, “I did not think to ask!”

  “Well he could have asked!” She admonishes.

  Voknor detects her disappointment and frustration, then says, “Do not blame him. I would not have allowed it!”

  Lisa tilts her head and frowns, then says, “You did not want him to come all this way, only to find we had perished. You sought to protect him from further pain. Thank you.”

  Regent Voknor begrudgingly accepts the undeserving praise; he truly had forgotten to ask George, and feels bad for not considering the idea.

  “Did you say alliance?” Lisa questions, recalling Voknor’s comments to Sharz.

  “Yes!” Voknor replies, then says, “I will speak with the survivors, and have you as my liaison.”

  Lisa lowers her gaze as she replies, “They have a leader who…” She stops talking as she recalls her husband’s many tales of Voknor’s interactions with people, especially those who think they are in control of the Terran, or feel they are in a position to make demands.

  Voknor’s eyes glint as he smiles, and waits for her to continue.

  She lifts her gaze and states, “I will inform the scientists that you will be addressing them.” She glances at the entryway to the bridge, and tries to mentally retrace her steps.

  “Thank You!” Voknor states as his grin widens. He knows she understands how he operates. Turning to Sharz, he says, “Escort Lisa back to her people, and inform your crew that replacing your vessel is now the clan’s highest priority.”

  Sharz nods, then as he turns, says, “I almost forgot; the humans were provided with translators. It made it easier to communicate with them.”

  Regent Voknor watches the pair leave, and is relieved that they are both alive and well. He had not been looking forward to facing George with news of her death, and is grateful that he does not have to. He turns and frowns when he notices George’s son is still sitting in one of the chairs.

  Johnny smiles, then politely says, “Hello Mr. Voknor. You have a big spaceship!”

  Skylow suppresses a smile as he reports, “There is no sign of Atlan activity, but without the navicon, I am unable to receive updates from other clans.”

  “Understood.” Voknor replies, then turns his attention to Johnny. He is about to tell him to leave the bridge, but instead says, “Young human, join me if you wish, or stay here. The choice is yours.”

  Johnny smiles as he replies, “I would like to stay here Mr. Voknor, if that’s alright with you.”

  “As you wish.” Voknor replies as he leaves the bridge.

  Arriving at the hangar deck, he makes his way to the second level, then gazing across the crowd, begins, “Firstly, you will survive.”

  People immediately call out in disbelief and fear.

  Lisa shouts out from the crowd, her voice carrying surprisingly well, “Regent Voknor is good for his word! His people came to save us. Remember that!”

  Voknor nods in her direction, then continues, “Your colony thrives, and is being protected by us, and the Kord.”

  “You couldn’t save Earth. What makes you think you can save our colony?” Demands a voice from the crowd.

  Voknor grins as he replies, “We Gamin have been on the run for thousands of your years, and we know how to survive. We will teach you how to survive as well.”

  More people call out from the crowd, then as Voknor continues his positive rhetoric, it dawns on them that they are alive, and for now, safe.

  The bridge crew relaxes as they leave the solar system and engage the main drive. Johnny watches as the view changes to display a cascade of colors as they are propelled at many times the speed of light. He finds the view mesmerizing, and soon falls asleep.

  The journey back to New Earth, though lengthy thanks to them heading towards the galactic core first, passes uneventfully. Johnny becomes a familiar fixture on the bridge, with Lisa being the only other human allowed there. The rest, no matter their claims to positions of authority, or their insistence that the issues they present are of great importance, are denied.

  Finally, the flagship arrives in New Earth’s orbit. The bridge crew is relieved to be with the fleet again; travelling alone was a strange experience for them, and as some commented, how the Terran travels all the time. This gives many a renewed respect for the crew of the Terran, and their bravery.

  Voknor immediately contacts Jukalore, and as soon as he is on the main viewer says, “Sharz rescued eighty-five of your clan, and twenty-six eggs from one of your hatcheries.”

  Jukalore stares at Voknor in disbelief, then replies, “Your clan continues to do the impossible.” He pauses as he reflects on past battles, then says, “I am unable to recall a time when we went back to a battle scene, to search for survivors; but it is clearly something we should do from now on!”

  “Indeed!” Voknor agrees, then says, “Even though it cost Sharz his vessel, I consider it a worthy exchange.”

  Jukalore nods as he agrees, “Craft, we can manufacture. Lives, once lost, are gone for eternity.”

  “Now it is time for me to address the humans, with more great news.” Voknor replies.

  Regent Voknor activates his local communications icon, on audio only, and happily relays, “Prime Sharz succeeded in rescuing one thousand, fifty-seven from Earth, and although the Atlan gas destroyed his vessel, he has proved the Atlans are not all powerful. They left survivors on a planet they intended to render uninhabitable.”

  The reply is unexpected, and mildly unnerving, “General Walker, here. Welcome back!”

  Voknor frowns, then questions, “What happened to the female leader?”

  Walker offers an unseen smile as he replies, “George suggested the civilian government be temporarily suspended. He said that he would explain his reasons to you in person.”

  Voknor glances to Lisa and Johnny, who at the mention of George’s name, have become excited. He glances to his bridge crew, then nods as he replies, “I trust George’s decisions, and do not require an explanat

  Walker hurriedly adds, “We have a surprise for you too! One spacecraft is almost complete.”

  “So fast!” Voknor exclaims.

  “I thought that would make your day!” Walker responds.

  “Yes indeed,” Voknor replies, then adds, “the good news keeps rolling in now.”

  “Will you be landing the flagship, or should we expect shuttles?” Walker asks.

  “We will transport all survivors by shuttle, to your stadium.” Voknor replies.

  “It’s your stadium too now,” Walker replies, then explains, “if we are to be true allies, that is the way it should be.”

  Voknor nods to his bridge crew, then says, “Inform George that his mate and son are safe.”

  Regent Voknor, Sharz, and Cindy all stand on the stadium’s grass, and watch as George, Lisa, and Johnny, are reunited. Cindy smiles when the family tears up as they hug each other. She glances to Voknor and Sharz as she realizes that the rescue came at a great cost to the Gamin, and in particular, Sharz, who lost his ship in the process. She narrows her eyes as she vows to allow George’s family to travel with them in the future, if they desire it, and to never force them to be apart.

  George lifts his gaze and locks eyes with Sharz, then nods in thanks to his friend. He does the same to Regent Voknor, then returns his attention to his family.

  Both Gamin feel a great sense of accomplishment. After all the setbacks, losses, and failures of late, it feels good to have succeeded in reuniting George’s family.

  With a whimsical smile, it dawns on Cindy that she has no doubts about them returning to space, and is excited by the prospect. Gazing around, she looks for the man responsible for saving Lisa and Johnny, then smiles as she notices him in the distance. She then turns her thoughts to the vast number of tasks ahead of them all, if they are to survive.

  Akardy leads Pavel and Igor to where Petrovitch is, and beams a smile when he sees him. The pair meet, and clasp hands firmly.

  Peter grins back and says, “Hello old friends; welcome to New Earth.” He locks eyes with Akardy and states, “I thank you for your due diligence.”

  “It was my pleasure, comrade Petrovitch.” Akardy replies, then says, “But damn, I never thought the planet would be attacked. I figured they would be targeted for kidnapping, and ransom.”

  “I agree,” Peter replies, then adds, “Also, I no longer go by that name. A lot has changed. As you can imagine.” He waves his arms to indicate the stadium’s grass where Gamin, Kord, and colonists alike, are gathered.

  Pavel gazes around and then states with a measure of self-importance, “We would do well to find out who runs this show, and let them know who we are.”

  “Like I said,” Peter replies, “much has changed.”

  Igor frowns as he asks, “Like what? Don’t they have a government? They would do well to include us.”

  Peter chuckles lightly as he states, “The old ways are gone. You have nothing to offer them, except a mouth to feed.”

  Akardy casts his gaze around, and then with a frown, asks, “Is this truly all that remains of us?”

  Peter sighs as he replies, “You bring our numbers to somewhere over thirty-one thousand. I am sure a new census will be conducted to determine exactly how many.”

  “So few.” Akardy replies with a gut-wrenching feeling of loss, then as his face twitches, he adds, “I thought there were more.”

  The four continue talking for some time, with Peter eventually agreeing to speak to Walker about possible roles for Igor and Pavel. Peter is already considering requesting Akardy be allowed to join his team on the Terran.

  Meanwhile, in another part of the stadium, John is sitting and staring at the people gathered around him as he reminisces over all that has happened. He is interrupted by a vaguely familiar voice.

  “Well, if it isn’t Commander John Thompson!” Gustav Fuchs states as he holds out his hand. A smile fills his face so much his eyes seem to shine.

  John takes the offered hand and replies, “I was wondering what happened to you. I had heard you were picked up when we arrived in Earth’s orbit.”

  Gustav chuckles as he explains, “You rescued me from the I.S.S. Then the Gamin did the same from Unity.” He scrunches up his face as he says, “I have to say, the Gamin air is the foulest thing I have ever breathed, but I was so happy to do so!”

  John reflects on the first time the Terran launched, then smiles as he replies, “We know all about Gamin air!”

  Gustav casts his gaze around as he reflects, “We will be okay. Thirty thousand people, the support of two space faring races, and your piloting skills!”

  John chuckles, then narrows his eyes inquisitively as he asks, “So what are you going to do?”

  “Not sure.” Gustav replies as he involuntarily looks upward.

  John puts a hand on his shoulder as he says, “Oh, so you have heard the Kord are building a space station. Do you want to be up there?” He asks matter-of-factly.

  Gustav laughs heartily as he replies, “Why would the Kord want an old man like me? They are so far ahead of us technologically, I would simply be a waste of oxygen.”

  “Why don’t we go and find out?” John questions, then adds, “I can think of no one else better suited at handling the cultural differences; it’s what you’re used to doing!”

  “True,” Gustav admits, “In the past I had people from many different countries on both space stations.”

  The pair has trouble hunting down the short Kord, but eventually they find Golward, who instead of relaxing and enjoying the festivities, is literally pulling his hair out over some issue.

  Golward stops, then shakes his head as he asks, “What broke this time?”

  John stops and waves his arms as he replies, “You would think I only speak to you when something goes wrong?’

  Golward lifts his gaze, and says, “Or when you humans want me to do something for you.”

  Gustav laughs heartily as he states, “Well, he’s got you there!”

  “Ha!” Golward exclaims, “You do want something.”

  John sighs, then admits, “Yes. I want you to consider my friend, Gustav Fuchs, as an advisor on your space station.”

  Golward stares at Fuchs, then unexpectedly questions, “What’s the gravimetric variance of a pulsar in a dark matter nebular?”

  John’s jaw drops at the question, then waits to see what answer Gustav provides.

  Fuchs smiles, then unexpectedly says, “I think I am going to like you. That’s a trick question” His tone turns serious as he rattles off, “The variance depends upon gravity, more than the density of the gas in the nebular, and although gas density has an effect, such effects are minor in comparison.”

  Golward puts his hands on his hips then replies, “A smart human. The second one I have spoken to today.”

  John’s smile freezes as Golward continues, “Not you! I was referring to Cindy.”

  A moment later Golward laughs, then says, “A joke, human. A joke! I have been learning more about your humor.”

  John smiles thinly, then asks, “Would you please consider Gustav for your team?”

  Golward holds out his small furry hand to John, then as they shake hands, he replies, “I would take anyone you recommend.”

  Then, turning to Gustav, Golward extends his hand once more, and says, “Welcome to the team!”

  Gustav stammers, “It’s that easy? Don’t we have to talk to someone?”

  Golward replies indignantly, “You did speak to someone. Me!”

  “My apologies,” Gustav hurriedly replies, then says, “thank you!”

  Golward glances around, then states, “I will see you in the morning, Gustav.” He then rushes off on his short legs, to catch up with a group of Kord who are walking past.

  John glances upward as he says, “Third time is a charm!”

  “Third time?” Gustav questions. Not being sure what John means.

  With a cheeky grin, John explains, “You had to
be rescued from the last two!”

  “By shuttle no less, each time.” Gustav replies with a grin.

  John recalls his earlier thoughts, and shares, “You know, a lot has happened these last three years.”

  “Three years?” Gustav queries with a frown.

  “Yes,” John says, then continues, “Since the Gamin arrived at Earth.”

  “Ah,” Gustav slowly replies, “I hate to remind you, but for us it’s been over six years.”

  “Oh,” John exclaims, “I forgot about the time differential when we returned from that first trek in the Terran.”

  Gustav tilts his head, then nods to a group of Kord as he says, “I will ask them about it, when I get a chance.”

  They continue talking for a while as the festivities continue, both of them are grateful to be alive, and although saddened by the massive loss of life on Earth, they feel hopeful for their future.

  The idea of an official alliance celebration, was at first met with a lot of skepticism by many; the Kord, Gamin, and even a few of the colonists. But judging by the mixed groups that are gathered here and there, it is clear the idea was a good one. Primes Jukalore and Hemlax are mingling with the crowd, which surprises even Regent Voknor.

  The celebrations wind down as the evening wears on, with everyone returning to their normal duties the next day.

  Waazh has not been lax either; ever since his arrival, he has been busy working on a project so secret, few outside his clan know of its existence. The natural tunnel between Hawking and the fields beyond the mountain range is seeded with heavy metals so as to disrupt sensor scans. His small team then constructs a side passage, one that slopes downward and contains no signs of technology. There are no lights, and the floors and walls are left rough and natural looking. This tunnel extends below the level of the lake, and can be flooded at a moment’s notice. A concealed door is built into the bottom of the deep passageway, one that only opens to Gamin life signs.

  Beyond this doorway, a series of heavy doors are built, beyond which an underground facility is commissioned, one that would rival any other in history. Waazh plans that if his clan, or any other, is trapped underground, they can sustain themselves indefinitely.


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