The Sinner 01 The Sinner

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The Sinner 01 The Sinner Page 22

by K. Trap Jones

  Allowing me to construct more weapons.

  However, my perfect blacksmith life

  Would soon be devastated and reduced

  To the dirt that encased the ore.

  A messenger approached my shop and handed me a letter.

  I peeled away the wax seal and unraveled the scroll.

  As I read the words that etched their way deep into my brain,

  I had no one to blame but myself.

  The words were my banishment

  From the blacksmith community in the region.

  The signature of all my colleagues on the mountain

  Sealed my fate in the area.

  I was no longer recognized as a blacksmith

  By the surrounding kingdoms.

  The stamps of each king made it official.

  I kept reading the letter again and again

  With the hopes that it would have a different outcome.

  With paper in hand, I walked outside and

  Looked up to the stars for any type of forgiveness,

  But found none.

  I felt as if my entire self-being imploded.

  I had nothing left.

  I had no desire to finish any of my projects

  As no one would be there to claim them.

  As I sat accompanied by my friend of misery,

  I heard the faint sound of the wagon wheels coming up the path.

  Along with the squeaking

  Was the howling of the wind in a rhythmic pattern.

  I looked down the path and saw Levi pulling the wagon

  Being followed by several wild wolves.

  The scene somehow coincided with the letter and

  Offered me a vision of death with Levi being the grim reaper.

  I stared at him slowly coming up the path

  With the wheels and wolves providing him support.

  I could not help, but think about my life without him.

  I go back to the moment I met him.

  More specifically when I asked him to work for me.

  I would have never known of the special ore

  If it were not for him.

  The cart still approached, but unlike the other times

  I was not eager for it to arrive.

  I offered the wheels no excitement.

  I felt it whistling around my head desiring attention,

  Trying to penetrate my skull like a claw to ice.

  The sound only reminded me of what I had done so

  I forcefully blocked my ears to protect my thoughts,

  But it was useless as still it crept closer.

  Levi approached me with a demeanor

  As if he already was aware of the situation.

  He told me that I had done well in the task,

  That the outcome was to his liking.

  I looked up from the letter

  With a bewildered expression for clarity.

  His smile offered me nothing in return.

  He continued with his mysterious praise of me

  By adding that I made his chore easy for him.

  He proclaimed that I had chosen the path

  Of envy over humility when tempted by the ore.

  I wish I could have blocked out his words

  As I had done so many times before,

  But there was nothing to offer me that solitary.

  I did not know who he was anymore.

  With disgust written on my face, I asked him.

  He restated his name as Leviathan.

  He said that his friends did not call him Levi

  Because he had no friends.

  His task was to expose my weakness with the ore.

  That he had succeeded.

  I ask him if he killed my striker and

  He responded with only a smile.

  The question prompted him

  To approach the wagon and tilt it upright

  So that it would unload the cargo.

  Instead of a pile of ore,

  The rotted corpse of my previous striker

  Rolled to the ground before me.

  The stench of the decayed flesh

  Assaulted my senses as I vomited.

  The flesh was crawling with insects and caked with dirt.

  Levi said the striker was easy prey

  Within the darkened mine.

  He said without care that he simply stalked him and

  Drove a pick axe into his chest.

  He went on to say that he did not die right away,

  But no one would hear his call that far down in the mine.

  It all came clear to me

  As I recalled his body dragged

  Beyond the torches.

  The fact that Levi had no wagon of his own

  At the mine entrance.

  I was furious with him,

  Not only for bringing that fate to me,

  But his lack of respect towards me.

  The anger built up within me so much

  That I lunged at him.

  I did not know what I was going to do to him,

  But my pulsating heart required action.

  He anticipated my attack and swiftly blocked my arm.

  He struck me once in the head, blurring my vision,

  And once in the ribs that sent me back to the ground.

  He told me that I should not have done that.

  His arrogance only infuriated me more

  As I reached for a nearby pick axe.

  I wanted him dead and he knew it.

  Anything less would be unsatisfactory for me.

  I tried my luck again, this time backed by a weapon.

  Before my swing could connect with him,

  He grabbed the handle and twisted it.

  His strength spun my wrist in an unusual manner

  Forcing me to release the axe.

  I looked up in time to see the axe coming down upon me.

  The blade funneled deep into my upper chest above my heart.

  The force was so strong that I felt the blade exit my back.

  Levi followed closely to me as

  I was trying to retreat on the ground.

  He picked up a shovel from the ground and

  Jabbed my stomach, just enough to make a point.

  He said he could easily kill me, but he would not.

  He added that he would receive more enjoyment

  Out of seeing me dwell in my choice and

  The fact that I could no longer have my precious ore.

  Instead of killing me

  He swung the shovel into the axe handle.

  The vibration rattled my wound and

  Sent tremors deep into my chest.

  The pain was intense and

  Made it difficult to breathe at times.

  He stood above me staring into my eyes and said nothing.

  I felt his vision piercing my mind

  As if trying to read it.

  If he was looking for pain and suffering,

  Then he would find a great deal of it

  As they were the only feelings I had left.

  He owned all of my other emotions already

  And added them to his sadistic collection of grief.

  He leaned back from me and grinned.

  With the wagon empty and me no longer a threat,

  Levi began to load up my remaining stockpile of ore.

  He paused for a moment and said

  That he was going to deliver the ore to its rightful owner.

  My mind fell away from the pain.

  It was replaced with jealously over the idea,

  But there was nothing I could do.

  I asked him why he betrayed me.

  His response was that he did nothing but offer me a choice.

  He said his task was simply,

  Provide me an alternative way

  That I eagerly accepted.

  Everything he said was true, but

  It did not make the reality any easier to comprehend.

  I was lost in my emotions and

  Did not know what to think.

  My entire life and credibility had vanished.

  I could have easily continued down my original path

  With ore from my own mines,

  But the idea of someone else

  Using that special ore for trinkets cut at my heart.

  The utter disgust that I felt for that blacksmith

  Was real and justified in my eyes.

  I should have been the one

  Who owned that resource, not him.

  He did not deserve that quality and

  It did not deserve him.

  I saw the potential in it.

  I released its inner power, not him.

  Levi sensed my continued frustration

  Even under the worst conditions.

  He offered me more praise and

  Said that dwelling on my feelings

  Only made me stronger and that one day

  I would be glad that I did.

  He added that the weak minded

  Often times toss aside their true feelings

  Before they are able to fully revitalize them;

  Therefore they are buried into the subconscious and

  Can never fulfill their potential.

  He added that I would be successful and

  That he looked forward to seeing me again.

  I had no idea what he was referring to, but

  The vision of seeing him again was not something

  That I wanted, as my first encounter with him

  Had not ended to my advantage.

  Levi loaded up the last of the ore

  And offered one piece of advice.

  He said that I should have thought about the outcome.

  The words caught me off guard

  As he said them in an evil demeanor.

  The outcome was something that never occurred to me

  When he first held up that lone piece of ore.

  My mind portrayed no other option, but desire.

  I initially wanted the ore for personal use,

  But the notion of the other blacksmith

  Twisted my desire into envy.

  Once I released that emotion, I was lost at sea.

  I found it odd that the only time

  I dwelled on the outcome was in the outcome itself.

  It made me think that my mind did not allow me

  To choose, as it had already chosen for me.

  It persuaded me with many positives and no negatives.

  The wheels of the wagon squeaked

  Along the path for the last time.

  I saw Levi delivering my quality ore to the other blacksmith.

  I laid at the entrance of my shop

  With a pick axe protruding from my chest, a dead striker,

  A destroyed career and lasting envy

  Towards something that I could no longer have.


  The silence is growing.

  I feel that when each of my

  Shadowy friends leaves

  That they take a piece of my soul with them.

  Each departure adds to my misery and solitude.

  The compounded pressure of sadness

  On my mind is reaching its apex.

  I am afraid that I may not venture

  Out of my situation alive.

  My mind has become an enemy and depicts my death.

  I try to battle it, but it is too strong and overwhelming

  With vivid images of my demise.

  It is apparent that my mind can no longer

  Relate to the confinement and

  Is exploring other options for escape.

  The visions of my own passing are so vivid

  That they leave an aftermath of

  Disgust and denial within me.

  I feel my hatred for my mind increasing

  As I reside in vengeance.

  Does my mind hate me so,

  That it has resorted to cursing

  My thoughts with death?

  It torments me in my wake and

  Infects my dreams in my sleep.

  I choose not to become its prey

  Even though it stalks me always.

  I have no choice but to battle and

  Defend myself from its onslaught.

  If not, I fear that it will entrap me and

  Poison me for eternity.

  If that were to occur,

  I dread that I would no longer

  Have a free mind and

  The ability to think on my own.

  If it were in full control,

  I worry for my safety and for those around me.

  Regardless of how much I fight,

  The harsh realism is that I am losing the battle,

  For it is much too strong for me to deny.

  The struggle weakens my body and

  Slowly consumes my muscles.

  Why does my mind do this to me?

  Why does it choose suffering over satisfaction?

  The images of my death

  Do not stop and grow more rapid

  If I try to avoid them.

  Each vision depicts my suffering

  In various forms of torture.

  My mind is very creative in this aspect,

  But the sorrow that dwells within me

  Does not allow me to respect the talent.

  I have come to know death so well

  That I am close to befriending the concept.

  Death comes to me and fills my thoughts.

  It is the only logical exit from life.

  When the mind becomes so torturous and

  Offers only pure resentment to the soul;

  Death offers a solution.

  I will not coward to my mind;

  I will not allow it to conquer me

  As I believe that I would be gifted

  An eternity of evilness if I were to take my own life.

  My mind wants me to die

  So that it would rule in the afterlife,

  But I will not allow this.

  I will defeat it and overcome its sadistic visions

  As I do not wish to encounter the alternative.

  Only two of my friends remain

  In the shadows and I sense that

  They are eager to follow their comrades.

  Somehow my transcriptions relate to them and set them free.

  This is only one of my many questions

  That I have about my situation.

  I only hope that I will have a few of them

  Answered upon reaching the apex.

  If not, I will not dwell on them.

  I imagine that having my own life back will suffice me.

  I try to think positively about

  What will occur after my task is completed,

  But my mind distorts the thoughts and suffocates them.

  I begin thinking about my farm and livestock

  Then the idea is morphed into a life of flame.

  Not to give my mind any satisfaction,

  I often cease my thoughts

  Trying to think of nothing in particular.

  If it is thoughts that feed it, then I will starve it.

  This process does provide anger

  As when a vision does travel through my blockade,

  It is intense in detail and devastating in its results.

  I am determined to not have a thought within my head,

  Not as an insult to God,

  Rather an infliction to my mind.

  I cannot continue on like this and

  Allow the visions to consume me.

  I have done nothing to deserve this.

  I have only desired freedom for my dreams and

  Cannot achieve it as long as my mind is in control.

  I often times find myself rubbing my skull

  In an ill attempt to soothe my mind,

  But it spits on me in return

  By supplying me with rapid thoughts of di

  It is trying to break my spirit and

  I am afraid that it is achieving its goal with each passing period.

  What does it want from me?

  To surrender? To kneel before it?

  To recognize it as a God when I know that it is not?

  I will not give it death.

  I will not sacrifice myself for its cause.

  If it is my death that it desires

  Then it will not be happy with the judgment.

  I have little control left, but the small portion I

  Do have will hold onto life with a slippery grip.

  My mind may be pulling at my conscious,

  But I will resist as my final act of defiance.

  I feel my mind is listening to me and

  It is rattled within its skull.

  It is desperate for a new vision,

  To subdue my increase in self-righteousness, but

  It will not succeed.

  The confusion that it is experiencing

  Is empowering me.

  It gives me a brief calmness that is much appreciated.

  I am enjoying this peace

  As I know it will not last.

  The determination of my mind is much too strong

  To allow me with victory.

  I dwell in this period before the storm

  For I know that it is conjuring something

  More destructive and so explicitly detailed

  That it will devastate me.

  Until then, I am at peace and all is right.

  I do not worry about what is to come

  Or when it will occur.

  To do that would be an insult to the small victory

  That I have achieved.

  Instead I offer my mind a simple smile

  As it contemplates its next move,

  Not as a gesture of revulsion or insult,

  Rather as a way to inform it that I am here to play.

  I would be lying

  If I were to deny that the small triumph

  Did not give me some satisfaction and increase my ego,

  But I realize that it will be short lived,


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