The Sinner 01 The Sinner

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The Sinner 01 The Sinner Page 23

by K. Trap Jones

  As I soon will be wallowing in my river of self-pity once again.

  To God, I apologize for halting my transcriptions,

  But I must provide energy to my body

  So that I may defend myself from the visions

  As they are intensifying.



  We called it Reflection Point,

  A place where the prophets could go to reflect

  Upon all aspects of life.

  It was a beautiful and inspiring place

  In every detail of its existence.

  Sitting high on a hilltop in the northern valley,

  It was not an easy place to venture to.

  One had to endure long distance and treacherous encounters

  With land and animals in order to reap its benefits.

  All those who traveled to seek guidance

  Respected the foundation and its surroundings

  As it was the basis of which existence

  Became understandable.

  Fellow prophets would travel

  From far lands to envision the ancient relic.

  It was told that the creation of enlightenment

  Was conjured from its presence.

  The structure was simple in design

  With an open courtyard that was surrounded

  By marble pillars and statues of God.

  Being atop of the hill gave the visitor an opportunity

  To view the surrounding world in a full spectrum.

  The clarity of the horizons was breathtaking to behold

  And provided much inspiration to those

  Who took the time to contemplate it.

  There was no denial that God himself

  Constructed the monument

  As a way to thank the prophets for their service.

  No human hand could ever recreate

  The wonderful etchings within the statues

  Or the expanding columns that protruded into the heavens.

  It was considered an entry point to the glorious blessings of God,

  Where one could pray and worship

  Knowing that their words would be heard by the clouds.

  The weather around the monument

  Was always perfect and ripe

  Regardless of what hardships

  Were endured during the journey there.

  The tranquility of the scenery was unmatched

  By any other portion of the world;

  As if God withheld the ultimate peace from the planet

  In order to make the monument atmosphere

  That much more unique.

  The hill that supported the monument

  Was dense with forests and

  Provided no assistance to reaching the top.

  The terrain was not for the physically weak or undetermined

  As the lack of a man-made path

  Served as a righteous passage

  That blocked most visitors who were deemed unworthy.

  Only the strong willed would see the treasure and

  Reap the benefits of achieving their goal.

  Their determination would receive the visions

  And riches of the hilltop

  Through enlightenment and creativity.

  Most prophets believed that one

  Could grasp the same gifts

  By remaining at the base of the hill

  Instead of venturing to the top.

  It was untrue as God strategically

  Placed dangers that lurked around the base

  In the form of predators and poisonous vegetation

  To distract those who lingered beyond their welcome.

  At the bottom, prophets only had two options.

  One was to ascend the hill

  While the other was to turn and leave.

  God did allow for a brief period

  Of thought gathering in order to make a proper decision.

  When rushed, the mind would often

  Make immoral decisions

  Without the full consent of the body.

  Therefore, to enable the mind to fully absorb

  The greatness of the task at hand,

  God granted for an interlude of deep thought.

  However, if the prophet overstayed

  Or chose to selfishly extend the time,

  He would be promptly escorted from the area

  Either by an invasion of fearful thought

  Or pushed out by a pack of wild dogs.

  Either option was demoralizing to the prophet and

  Would last in their memories for quite some time.

  It was meant as a punishment for their confusion.

  It was believed that all misunderstandings should be depleted

  During the journey prior to reaching the threshold of the hill.

  The long duration of the voyage served

  As a means to drain the rational thought of the prophet.

  One had to relinquish all personal goals and dreams

  So that the mind was capable to receive more.

  It was believed that one could not fully focus

  His attentions on the visions of God

  If he was concerned about his current salvation or

  Burdened by worrisome acts.

  A true prophet bled for the opportunity

  To sacrifice his will in order to ascend the hill.

  The greatness that he would gather once atop

  Would return his passion in a more prosperous state.

  It was accustomed to relinquish your soul

  In the security of God

  Prior to climbing as a sign of respect and faithfulness.

  Only then would a prophet fully justify his reasoning for being.

  Only then would he truly understand the greatness that awaited.

  The monument was a place of worship and enlightenment.

  Some believed that they would hear the words of God

  While others utilized the scenery for prosperity.

  Regardless of why they came,

  Each prophet would leave with a greater purpose

  And a well-driven soul.

  No one spoke of what gifts they received during their stay

  As each translation was different per person.

  Every vision or sign was meant for one prophet

  And one prophet only.

  It was considered disrespectful for the prophets

  To share their experiences amongst one another.

  If God intended for his visions to be shared among many,

  He would have showed them the same visions himself.

  That was not the case

  As no two prophets received the same experience.

  A normal stay on the hilltop for a traveling prophet

  Lasted no more than two days.

  Staying longer deciphered into greediness,

  An overabundance of God’s word.

  Those who greedily stayed passed their welcome

  Would have the vengeance of God

  Forced upon them and

  Stricken of their enlightenment.

  There were no comforts of a town or city

  To grant a decent night sleep.

  It was believed that one did not need these materials

  As the dreams provided everything one would desire.

  When you slept, you were allowed to envision the heavens.

  You were allowed to walk amongst its long-grained fields.

  You were allowed to taste the sweet nectar of its fruits and

  Feel the warm breeze of its meadows.

  Only sleeping upon the hill,

  Were you allowed to dream in God’s garden

  That many would not have the opportunity to experience.

  It was considered a blessing to rest amongst the clouds

  As it was the most peaceful slumber imaginable

  Due to the protection that one felt.

  There were no bad dreams,

  Only visions o
f purity and contentment.

  It served as a way to cleanse the soul and

  Heal the wounds that often scar the mind.

  The replenishment allowed for a complete recovery

  From the hardships endured during life.

  All emotional constraints and shackles of fear

  Were broken so that the soul would be released.

  That was why I traveled the distance from my homeland.

  That was why I longed for the monument.

  For the opportunity to cleanse myself

  Of the grime of life,

  The utter filth that one collects along the way

  While trying to worship God.

  The infestation of normal people

  Haunted my sleep as I feared of becoming one.

  I felt that those who did not share my beliefs

  Endangered my existence with God.

  Those who did not worship or

  Pray were not worthy of my touch.

  I kept my thoughts sacred from others and

  Used my talents to preach the word of God.

  Those who allowed for the opportunity

  To hear my words were greeted with respect and friendship.

  Those who denied my words

  Were shunned from me and deemed a lost soul.

  I had no energy to lend to lost souls as

  I believed they would be dealt with

  By the hand of God and

  I was not going to trespass on the eternal punishment.

  Conformity was not an easy task

  In a human society with different opinions and views

  Towards worship,

  But I continued my lectures

  In hopes to free more minds.

  I tried to venture to the monument

  At random intervals

  Especially when I felt that my faith was lessening

  Or if I felt overwhelmed by the number

  Of lost souls engulfing me.

  I would often feel besieged by the lost souls

  As they tempted me to plummet into their

  Sea of misery or tease me with their

  Acts of evilness, but my faith for God

  Always remained strong in the battle and

  Allowed me to overpower their temptations.

  The monument gave me a sense of purpose in my life.

  It reassured me that I was not alone in my struggles.

  I was never unsatisfied when leaving the hill,

  I always had thoughts of inspiration to sustain me

  Until the next visit.

  It was comforting to see other prophets

  With the same idealism as me,

  Trying to spread the word of God

  To those who desired it.

  When returning to my town,

  I would preach to the citizens

  About my discoveries in hopes to better their lives.

  Not all would listen to my words,

  But I believed that those who did would benefit greatly.

  I felt I had to at least provide them

  With an opportunity to understand worship and

  How it could increase their happiness.

  At that moment, I found myself at the base of the hill

  With others surrounding me and seeking the same visions.

  The pause before the uphill journey began was always somber.

  The hesitation in thought would determine

  Whether the person would proceed or not.

  If fear was allowed to intervene

  Then their journey would be halted.

  It was a stress endued task

  To enter the demanding dense woods that aligned the bottom.

  Many dangers awaited those who trespassed within it and

  Once entangled there was no altering the course.

  Changing direction midstream was considered disrespectful.

  It was looked upon better if one were to not start

  As opposed to shifting course

  Once one was decided upon.

  All prophets knew of that.

  That was why many hesitated at the base.

  Even I paused, though I had previously

  Made the journey several times before.

  It allowed for an opportunity

  To reflect upon myself,

  For my doubt to be subdued.

  Some prophets reach the base and never ascend the hill.

  They allowed their anxiety to conquer them.

  Their punishment would be that they would never

  Envision God and hear his words.

  After a small hiatus of thought,

  I left behind several others at the base.

  I squeezed through two trees and

  Decided that my destiny involved reaching the heavens.

  The journey often times called

  For creative foot placements and

  Sturdy tree limbs in order to succeed.

  All aspects of survival were to be tested.

  All aspects of humanity were to be tested.

  While climbing, a prophet would never see another.

  The sensation of being alone

  In the labyrinth of trees

  Could be upsetting if one dwelled within it.

  The most caustic onslaught on the mind

  Was when a prophet became lost and twisted in their direction.

  Panic and fear was not a companion

  That was preferred during the journey.

  Being able to focus with faith

  Was the greatest asset

  That would lead to success and the summit.

  If lost, it was not easy to find the way

  As God would tease the weak by contorting the landscape.

  Turning around did not always mean

  That one was returning to where they began.

  An endless loop of trees was given to those

  Who became flustered and tormented by their surroundings.

  Being lost in the woods was not

  A situation that any prophet beloved.

  My first journey proved to be the worst as

  I had indeed gotten lost where my patience and soul was tested.

  Misery became my only ally and even he could not be trusted.

  My mind battled with my body

  Regarding which way to proceed.

  The thought patterns were draining as my energy faded.

  Being so weak minded, I even questioned my faith

  As to why I was allowed to be lost

  When all I desired was to worship.

  I had failed.

  Up became down and right became left.

  I found myself spinning around

  Trying to understand my direction, but

  The identical trees that surrounded me made it difficult.

  I had nothing left to give,

  No energy and no commitment.

  My heart had spilled more of its livelihood

  With every tree I touched until it was empty.

  I was completely beaten and betrayed by my mind.

  I had no other option but to kneel and pray.

  When all was lost and my faith was being questioned,

  A single sun ray penetrated the thick trees and illuminated me.

  The warmth of the sun pierced my skin and renewed my faith.

  The sign pulled me from my coffin of despair and

  Gave me the courage to continue.

  I rose to my feet and singled out one path

  Through the trees and kept to my thoughts.

  I no longer randomly ventured with different directions;

  I stayed to my path with purpose and faith in my decision.

  For that, I was thankful to God.

  My current journey offered the same difficulty as the past ones.

  One never gets accustomed to the battered conditions

  Of the lower hill area as they become altered

  With every change of season.

ng that I had already previously been to the monument,

  The visions of the reward aided me and

  Gave me the necessary energy that I needed.

  I had seen the glory that the journey led to.

  I had experienced the peaceful slumber of the heavens

  And required nothing else to persuade me further.

  I doubted that I would see many of the visitors

  That I bypassed at the top

  As a few of them would not make it beyond the first challenge.

  Choosing the unknown was never an easy task,

  Especially for prophets who pride themselves in realization.

  It was difficult for me at first to forego

  My prior knowledge of the heavens

  So that I would receive the new visions.

  I had to realize that my previous

  Understanding of God was incorrect.

  Only then could I discard

  My original thoughts and accept new ones.

  Those who are unable to complete the task

  Would be bombarded by both old and new concepts.

  That internal struggle never ended well as

  It would often break the spirit of the weak minded.

  It was said that God used the process

  As a means to exhaust the person and

  Reduce it to a mere mindless being.

  In order to succeed, a prophet must lose himself

  In the situation and absorb the chaos of confusion

  Before they were able to find themselves and

  Truly rejoice in the glory.

  The mind could only hold so many concepts

  Before it blocked new ones from entering.

  When filled to capacity, the mind would deny thoughts

  Regardless of how beneficial they would be to the person.

  It was common practice to reduce the capacity of the mind

  So that the prophet could receive new visions.

  The more vacant space there was

  Meant that more of God’s ideas could enter and be held.

  Those types of ideas kept me company

  As I ascended the hill.


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