V.J. Privette
Text copyright © 2014 V.J. Privette
All rights reserved
This book is dedicated to everyone who has a dream,
This was mine
Table of contents
Irish Proverb
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
An Irish saying
An Irish welcome
The Irish
Glossary or Irish words and Phrases
Chapter 1
He watched her as she walked down the sidewalk past him. Her gait was uneven and she clutched clumsily at parcels she toted. She didn’t look like anything special to him, she was short and plump by the look of it, dumpy looking really. She wore jeans that were to large and a long wide sweater that looked like a man’s, a man that was way larger than she was. Her hair was long and bounced against her back in a single thick braid, her cheeks pink with cold.
What was it about this woman that had Rundleman’s tail feathers twitching Gavin wondered, and not for the first time? He also wondered what had made him agree to do this job for Rundleman since he was no longer in the business, not the money he had plenty of that hence his ability to retire at age 34. It certainly wasn’t that they were great friends or that he owed him any favors either, no Gavin decided there had been something that bothered him about the whole thing that he couldn’t put a finger on, that and the fact that the picture he had initially been shown of her, some surveillance photo, had intrigued him somehow.
As she shuffled past he caught a whiff of something floral, floral and feminine and he breathed deeply of her scent. He watched as her packages shifted and she began struggling not to loose her grip. Then the toe of her shoe caught on a raised portion of the sidewalk and she pitched forward, her arms went out automatically to try and catch herself and in doing so she lost the battle with the assorted bags and boxes, they landed around her as she went down to her knees on the walkway.
Gavin stayed where he was for a moment but could not in good conscious not help her. He approached slowly so as not to startle her.
“Can I help you out there darlin” his deep lazy drawl startling her anyway and she dropped the items that she had already began to gather.
Eddy looked up and into a pair of the bluest eyes she had ever seen, they were the color of ripe blueberries and surrounded by long black lashes. Realizing that she was staring she shifted her gaze away and then immediately back as she took in the rest of him out of newly ingrained habit.
His hair was dark, nearly black and long, worn pulled back in a pony tail that hung past his shoulders. His skin was dark but whether it was from heritage or the sun she couldn’t tell. He was tall maybe 6’1 or 6’2 and had wide broad shoulders. He looked intense and she was instantly put on guard.
“I’m ok” she answered and Gav was enthralled by her smoky voice and lilting accent.
She leaned forward to gather her belongings as Gav squatted down beside her and he was treated to an impromptu display of her generous breasts as the large sweater dipped low as she bent. Jerking his eyes back up they clashed with hers which were a stunningly bright green that happened to be shooting sparks at him just now.
“Did I na say I was ok” she said irritably
He flashed a brilliant smile that never failed to have women following him like meek cuddly kittens, “So you did sweat heart but I’m afraid I just didn’t believe it” and he proceeded to gather bags and boxes, stuffing things into bags that had fallen out.
“Sounds like an excuse to be pawin through me things if ya was to ask me” she snapped
Gav hadn’t known what to expect but he hadn’t expected all the attitude, “You sure are a surly little thing aren’t you”
Saying nothing further she gathered what was left and stood, the neck of her sweater sliding down her shoulder showing him a smattering of freckles. With her hands already full she reached for those that he held and tugged at her sweater at the same time, of course this caused a dangerous shifting of packages and Gavin reached out to steady them. In her bid to maintain her grip she snatched at a bag that he had a grip on and it split in two.
Eddy stared at the contents as the spilled out, “Look what ya done now ya great oaf!” she scolded, and then her cheeks colored further as she realized what he had dangling from his fingers, “Give me those” she pulled the lace panties from his hand.
Gavin couldn’t help it, he laughed, “I suppose you want this as well?” and he held up what seemed to be the matching bra to the panties
He watched the myriad of expressions cross her face, a face that wasn’t as plain as he’d thought from his photo. Her lashes were lighter than her hair and incredibly long, her brows thin and finely arched. Those green eyes were large and round, her nose small, straight and turned up slightly at the end with a few fine freckles scattered across it and her cheeks. Her mouth, her mouth looked like it was made for kissing, it was small and full, lush really and a deep pink in color, and Gav had a sudden urge to run his thumb across it.
“Are ya some sort of a feckin pervert then” she huffed
“No ma’am not usually no”
She grunted in a very unladylike manner “Well then do na be makin exceptions for me” And after she gathered her things she stalked off with her backside swishing enticingly as she hurried away.
Gav wasn’t concerned about loosing her because he knew where she was headed and he knew a shortcut.
Later in his room Gavin went back over the information he had on the girl. Her name was Eudora Louise Garrett, born November 19th 1989 to Francis Garrett and Marie Laughlin Garrett in Nenagh, Ireland. Orphaned at 15 she was sent to the States to stay with an Uncle in New York but had left his home after only one week. From there she had moved around a lot before settling here for the past 18 months in Seattle Washington. She had never been in trouble with the law, and she had no visible means of support. The apartment she lived in was one of a six unit building in a questionable neighborhood, there were bars on the windows and a nosy old lady across the hall or Gav would have gotten inside already for a look around.
With that very little bit of information and Rundleman’s request for him to ‘watch’ her Gav had exactly squat. Rundleman wanted to know where she went and when and who she met, who went to her apartment and who stayed there. It had been almost a week and he hadn’t seen a danged thing, but tomorrow he was getting in to that apartment, he’d see what he could find out then. Taking the wallet out of his inner jacket pocket he went through it careful to put everything back as it was when he finished. There was nothing there of use but it was his ticket inside tomorrow when he returned it to her.
Gavin walked up the sidewalk to the apartments and then to the inner hall. The clicking of his boots echoed loudly as he continued to the end and stopped in front of her door. He had waited intentionally until now because he knew she was not alone. Three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the same young man came at 8am and stayed until noon, and then another came at 1pm until 5pm. Now on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday it was the same only it was a young man and a young woman.
Gav knocked on the door and waited, he stood purpo
sely close to the peephole so that his face could not be seen. The door was opened after a minute or two by the young man. He was probably 18 to 22 or so, skinny, with dirty looking blonde hair and a goatee. He was wiping his hands on a rag that was smudged with paint.
“You must be the new guy Eddy said was coming by, I’m Rich” he said as he moved away from the door, “You can come on in and just have a seat behind me on the stool, you’re on my time and you can watch as long as you’re quiet, I don’t mind, we’re not ready for you yet so, just like I said stay quiet so I don’t loose my groove” and with a grin and a clap on the shoulder he turned and I followed.
Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next. The room was in shadow except for where the small spotlights shined. Staying behind and to the side of Rich I tried to pick my chin off of the floor. In front of us draped over a royal blue lounger in all of her naked glory was Eudora Garrett.
All Gavin could think of was how completely deceptive her clothing was. He had thought she was plump which was ok he didn’t like women that starved themselves anyway. But she was not plump, not at all. Her body was perfection. For her short stature her limbs looked long and elegant, pale, luminescent. Her breasts were large for her frame but not overly so, and they were firm. Her waist nipped in neatly over the curve of her hips, her belly looked soft and inviting, and his mouth watered at the site of the neatly trimmed dark hair at the apex of her thighs.
The way she was posed her shoulders were flat, her arms folded over her head, her back arched up and her left knee was bent with the foot flat on the lounger, the other foot was toes first on the floor, with her hips tilted slightly towards us. Her finger and toe nails were painted a deep red and there was bright red lipstick on her mouth which was slightly opened and her cheeks were darkened with streaks of deep pink and her eyes where closed. Her hair was loose, part of it spread over her right breast and the rest flowed over the side to the floor. She looked like a woman in the throes of passion and Gav was not surprised to feel himself hardening.
Rich painted as Gav watched and we stayed that way for about 30 minutes, before he called out, “Ok Eddy that’s it for that one and the new guy is here so unless you need a break we can just switch poses”
Rich turned and looked at Gavin with a critical eye, “You’re a little bigger than I expected but you’ll work out fine, just strip down, the bathrooms down the hall if you want, no wait” he looked Gav over again, “Leave the jeans on, take everything else off”
Gavin raised an eyebrow and then decided to just go with the flow and stripped down to his jeans leaving his things stacked on top of his boots by the wall.
Eddy got up and left the room, while she was gone Rich led Gav over to the lounger and had him unsnap his jeans and pull the zipper down. He then had him lie down, and then gave the legs of his jeans a tug to pull them down to just above his business. He left his left leg flat but cocked to the left and he placed the right leg with his foot flat on the floor. He picked up Gav’s arms and had him cross them in an X over his face as he lifted his neck to tilt his head back.
As rich completed his positioning of Gavin Eddy walked back in. Gav was able to peek from under his arms and watched as Rich posed her. Rich had her at the foot of the lounger with her knees on the floor. Her breasts rested between Gav’s thighs and her arms snaked up his chest, her red tipped fingers poised like claws. Her face was positioned so that it was over his manhood with her hair spread out over his abdomen and thighs.
Gav was afraid to even breathe; if he did he feared he would embarrass himself.
Eddy lay in her position and peeked out from under her hair at the torso of the man under her, he was built. He had way better form and definition than most of the male models that were sent to work with her. His abdomen was tight and defined with four distinct sets of muscles divided down the center. His pectoral muscles were sculpted with dusky brown nipples, and his upper arms were as big as her thighs. She couldn’t see his face except for his chin which looked square and strong with a cleft at its center. His legs were long and his feet large. He had no hair on his chest save for the thin dark line that ran from his naval to the thatch of dark curls that hid just below her face. The hairs moved as she breathed and tickled her chin and she had the strangest urge to flick her tongue out over them, and she had to stay like this for the next two hours.
After an hour and a half of torture Gavin was twitching restlessly, his back ached and he was getting very close to loosing control.
“Stad!” Eddy hissed out, “Ya canna be writhin about so with yer bod in my” face”
As she spoke her hot moist mouth only proved to make the situation worse and Gavin groaned and prepared for a tongue lashing of the verbal variety unfortunately as he grew hard and thick.
Surprisingly though she laughed as she pushed herself up and ran a finger over his denim covered shaft, “Oh Richey yer gonna be sorry ye left his pants on” she looked over her shoulder at the other man, “Yer missin out on a great huge bod here, big as a horse I’m figurin” she stood and scooped up a long terry cloth robe and put it on. “Look at him Richey he’s gone scarlet”
Gavin lowered his arms slowly and Eddy got the first good look at his face.
“Ni thuigim” she mumbled and stepped back, “What are you doin in my house?” she demanded
Gavin grinned and cocked an eyebrow, “He let me in and told me to take off my clothes, ask him” he jerked his thumb towards Rich who didn’t seem to be paying any attention.
“So yer not even the model then” she squinted, eyeing him suspiciously
Gavin grinned wickedly, “Why, don’t you think I look like a model?”
“Damnu” she spat, “I knew you was a pervert, I said so didn’t I”
“Look lady I can’t help it if you lay around in the buff for strange men to look, at, but one thing for sure is if it’s there I’m going to look, hell he invited me to look so if that makes me a pervert then so be it’
Her face went red, “Go hifreann leat” she yelled and stomped from the room slamming another door down the short hallway.
“Whatever man” Rich said as he packed and gathered his cases “She was right though with a boner like that I should have done you nude, but anyway I hope you’ll come back on Monday, at least so I can finish the sketch”
Gavin frowned, “What’s the deal with that anyway” he asked pitching his head towards the art supplies”
“Oh, yeah um she does modeling for art students, mostly nudes but not always.” He shrugged “I’m outta here dude”
Rich left and Gavin stood in Eddy’s living room half dressed and wondered what to do next. Deciding he would wait her out he pulled on his socks and boots and walked to the kitchen. He started a pot of coffee, called in an order for pizza delivery and sat down at her small table. When the coffee was ready he searched out a mug and poured himself some.
“I thought you’d be gone by now” her voice came from the narrow doorway and Gavin looked over at her. She was dressed now in baggy jeans and a large sweater much like yesterdays
“No as you can see I’m still here, besides we’ve never gotten around to why I was here in the first place” he said as he buttoned his shirt as her eyes followed his movement.
“Why are ye here Mr. …?” She asked tentatively
“Gavin, Gavin Blackhawk, most people call me Gav” he extended a hand
Eddy pulled away from the doorway slowly, eyeing him as if he could be the pervert that she had accused him of being, but she did take his hand finally and caught her breath at the electrical current that shot up her arm at the brief contact; pulling away she stuffed her hand behind her back.
Gav had felt it as well and knew that things between him and his quarry had just inadvertently kicked up a notch.
There was a knock on the door and as if it were his place Gavin answered the door, he pulled his wallet from his back pocket and took out some cash handing it through the small space of the opened doo
r. Eddy watched and wondered what in the world this man was up to.
Gavin backed and turned around setting the large pizza box on the table and looked at Eddy, “Lunch” he said simply and picked up his coffee and moved to the table, flipped open the pizza box and dug in.
“What are ya doin now?” Eddy stood by with her hands on her hips
Shrugging he explained patiently, “I was waiting to see you, I was hungry since I missed breakfast, I figured it was lunch time anyway so” Motioning to a chair as he bit into a slice, “Sit down, I don’t bite, well unless you ask me real nice anyway, have something to eat, you know you want to”
“Great Eejit” she mumbled but sat and looked at the selection
“Wasn’t sure what you’d like so I got ¼ meat, ¼ supreme, ¼ veggie, and ¼ cheese, come on grab a slice” Gavin encouraged.
Eddy did and for a few minutes they ate in silence until she got up to get a soda from the fridge, “So are ya gonna tell me now how ya came to be here?”
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