“Oh yeah” Gav said as he wiped his fingers on his jeans, he stood and went to move past her, “Excuse me” he said as he squeezed by
Eddy drew in a deep breath as he brushed her breasts with his chest as he stepped by her; she had truly never realized until then just how small her kitchen was. Gavin stepped backing as she moved to go back to the table and they collided chest to chest. “Gabhmo lieth scaal” she mumbled quickly and backed away.
“What did you just say” Gav asked curiously
“Excuse me” she said
“I’m asking what you just said to me in Irish”
“Gaeilge” she corrected, “And I said excuse me”
“Oh, oh I see, sorry, anyway this” he dug in the pocket of the jacket he had collected from the other room and pulled out her wallet, “Is what I came here for today” he set the wallet on the table, “I stayed because the offer was to good to pass up”
Red faced with embarrassment she snatched the wallet up, “How do you come to have my billfold?” her tone was accusatory
“Found it on the sidewalk after you ran off yesterday so I figured I’d return it” he eyed her speculatively, “Good thing you wrote your address and name inside because you don’t have a drivers license or ID in there.
“I do na drive and I do na need an ID for anything” she snapped
“What if you wanted to buy alcohol, or rent a hotel room?”
“I’ve no need for a room and not all Irish drink ya know”
Gav laughed, “Well I’m half Irish and I do, and I can see I’ll have to take up a course in the language if I’m going to continue seeing you so I’ll know what you’re calling me”
Eddy couldn’t help but grin a little at his audacity, “We are na seeing each other Mr. Blackhawk, I do na even know ya”
“Ah but you will, you will” he stood and took her by the shoulders, “Come out with me tomorrow night” he asked as he gazed down into her eyes
“No I can na” she shook her head slowly, not breaking eye contact
Gavin lifted her at the waist and sat her on the counter, her hands instinctively went to his chest, “That’s better, now where were we, oh yeah, come out with me Eddy” He moved in closer, parting her legs to stand between them and running a calloused finger down her cheek and then across her bottom lip.
Her tongue snuck out and touched his finger tip, “Nay I can na do it” she said with less resistance.
His hands slid under her bottom and edged her closer against his erection, cupping and squeezing her flesh as he did so, “Say yes Eddy” he murmured in her ear, and then circled the delicate pink shell with his tongue.
Lord he was handsome she thought, his eyes were so blue and now they were very nearly black. His brows were fine and slashed over his eyes, his nose was sharp and straight, and his lip wide and full and he had a hard square chin with a deep cleft right at the bottom center of it.
“You are a dangerous man Gavin Blackhawk and I can na do it” she whispered as her fingers trailed over his chin, enjoying the feel of the rough stubble. She let her index finger trail over the cleft in his chin and he opened his mouth and took the finger inside sucking and rolling his tongue around it.
Her breath puffed out in a sigh and she remover her finger and replaced it with her mouth kissing him lightly, experimentally. He tasted of spices and coffee and she groaned and put her hands at the back of his neck and pulled him closer.
Damn she was hot, Gavin thought as he kissed her back, pushing his tongue into her mouth and shifting her bottom until he couldn’t get her any closer. Then as he deepened the kiss even further he began moving his hips in slow circles, grinding his aching shaft against her hot core.
“Come out with me Eddy” he coxed against her mouth as he continued grinding against her as she squirmed and moaned, her breath coming in little pants as she wiggled against him lifting her hips and edging closed until he could feel her parting around him.
“Nay Gavin” she pleaded for something he held just out of reach for him and threw her head back as he ran his lips and tongue over her neck.
Her fingers clawed at his shoulders and she made little mewling noises deep in her throat, “Say yes Eddy” he said as he found a nipple under her sweater and fastened his lips around it tugging slightly.
“Yes” she shouted and he ground more deeply against her bringing her to orgasm as he used his mouth to swallow her cries. He kissed her as her body quaked and held her while her breathing calmed before backing off a ways.
Smoothing a hand over her face he looked at her dazed eyes, “I’ll be by for you at 7pm tomorrow”
“Aye Gavin tomorrow” she whispered
He kissed her one more time before he left, just to give her something more to think about, and then he was gone.
Eddy’s afternoon appointment had cancelled so she was free for the rest of the day and she spent much of it thinking about Gavin Blackhawk. Where had the man come from and what was he up to? A better looking man would be hard to find and that was a fact, with that dark skin and long silky hair, and muscles, lordy the man had muscles, and he was tall as well. Closing her eyes she thought again about what she had allowed him to do to her and she bit her lip as her pulse kicked up a notch. She had never felt anything like it and she didn’t regret it.
Shaking her head to dispel the images in her head she grabbed her knapsack and left the apartment. There were several errands that needed doing and they wouldn’t get done if she was wool gatherin.
Gavin saw her come out and followed her, careful not to get to close and risk being seen by her. He had been thinking about her all afternoon and had even had to go and relieve himself when every time he thought about what had happened today he got so hard that it was painful. This was something that was new to him, women had always been plentiful and the fact was that he took care of his needs with them when he needed to but shied away from any relationships. There was always some female that got a bee in her bonnet about tying him down until through rudeness and disregard he convinced them that he just wasn’t the marrying kind.
Eddy went into the market and pulled out a cart. She had looked around and couldn’t see anyone but the hairs at the back of her neck stood up and told her that someone was there. The market was small and if anyone followed her in she would be able to see them. Pushing the buggy up and down the narrow isles she dropped miscellaneous items into it as she used the stores own mirrors that were mounted high up in the corners to watch and see if she was being followed. Going around the far back corner she ducked and slid behind a low counter and eased into the backroom where there was a restroom. Standing on the toilet tank she pushed open the small window and shimmied out of it letting herself drop to the ground in a crouch and then she disappeared.
Having waited outside for the past 30 minutes Gav flicked his cigarette down on the sidewalk and went inside, knowing for whatever reason that he would not find her. After canvassing the neighborhood he decided to head back to his truck, and her apartment to wait. Eddy didn’t show up until after midnight and Gav had never seen her until she was unlocking the door. Waiting for a long time after she went in he eased out from the shadows and went about finding her back way in.
Eddy was a bundle of nerves. Gavin was due to fetch her soon and she was putting some finishing touches on her hair and makeup. She didn’t wear much makeup, just enough to enhance her eyes a little and some color for her lips. Her hair she pulled back in a French braid that trailed down the center of her back. Gavin had not said where they would go or what they would do so she had debated long and hard over what to wear, not that she had much of a selection. She had only two dresses, one a haltered sundress and the other a short sleeved baby doll that came to just above her knees. She considered both inappropriate for March in Seattle and had selected instead a multi colored skirt that flowed loosely to her ankles and cinched in at the waist. It had long straps that crossed over her back like suspenders and be
neath it she wore a soft yellow peasant blouse. She had chosen her soft beige calfskin boots since they were flat heeled and she was clumsy.
Glancing at the clock she wrung her hands anxiously as time ticked down. Eddy was ashamed at how she had behaved with him yesterday but at the same time excited. At 22 she had little to no experience with the opposite sex. Seven years ago when she had come to this country after her parents had died she had been shocked at her uncle’s sexual advances. Having been sheltered by her parents, home schooled and considered to young to date the foul treatment she had received at her wealthy kin’s home had forced her to flee. She had stolen a large sum of money from him as well as rings and a watch that she used to survive. Living on the streets and by her wits had made her hard and untrusting; she didn’t spend much time with people and had never been out on a date.
When the doorbell rang promptly at seven she almost jumped from her skin before taking a deep breath and opening the door.
Gavin was wearing black slacks and a black belt with a shiny silver buckle. His shirt was rust and left open at the neck; on his feet he wore cowboy boots. Just as on each previous occasion his long hair was held back at the neck, and he smelled of a spicy masculine scent that quickened her pulse.
“Nice” was all Gavin said as he ran his eyes slowly down and back before resting on her eyes that were very bright, nearly the color of fresh limes.
Eddy blushed prettily as his compliment, “Tapadh leat, and don’t you look fair to middlin yerself” She smiled, “I’ll just get me wrap”
He watched as she fluttered about with her purse and keys and then pulled what he would call a cloak around her slim shoulders.
“All ready?” he asked
“Aye Gavin I’m ready” He waited as she locked up and then taking her arm led her to his truck.
Eddy stopped as he unlocked the door and opened it for her, the truck was high off the ground and she looked up at him, “Do ya have a ladder then?”
Chuckling he simply scooped her up and lifted her to the seat before closing her door and walking around to the other side and climbing effortlessly in.
It seemed odd at first that neither of them knew what to say so Eddy reached over and played with the radio, settling momentarily on a rock station while she leafed through a book of CD’s on the seat.
“So what kind of music is it that ya like?” she asked as she looked
“Pretty much anything really, I’m not to keen on rap, or punk though, I suppose I’m partial to country” he grinned over at her, “What about you?”
“Oh I’d be what you’d call eclectic I suppose, I’ll listen to anything” she told him as she selected a disc, “Do ya mind?” she asked, motioning to the disc
“Be my guest, whatever you like”
She slid the disc in and skipped through the tracks until she found what she wanted and then she sat back, closing her eyes as she listened.
Gavin watched curiously as she silently mouthed the words of the song, her hands folded neatly in her lap.
“Where is that yer taking me to Gavin Blackhawk?” she asked suddenly, but before he could answer, “So are you a real Indian then?”
Raising one dark brow, “I am Chinook on my father’s side, and on my mothers Scots/ Irish”
Laughing gaily she said, “Yer a mutt Gavin Blackhawk, but with ancestors like that ya should be able to drink like a fish”
He was turning into a packed parking lot now, “Gee I’ve never heard that before” he joked.
The bar and grill he had chosen was popular but not to rowdy. After helping her from the truck Gavin put an arm around her shoulder and led her inside.
They were led to a table and seated and he watched as her eyes went wide, looking around in wonder. She looked everywhere at once and an excited flush came over her face.
“I take it you’ve never been here before”
“Nay Gavin but it looks like fun” she said smiling brightly
The waitress came and greeted them warmly
“Gavin, haven’t seen you in a while, where have you been keeping yourself, and who’s this pretty little thing” the women who was tall and slender with short blonde hair and a lovely face asked in a friendly voice
“Hey Charley” he stood and hugged the woman, “You know me I’m always around” he sat, “This is Eddy, Eddy meet Charley the love of my life who happens to be married to my best friend Kevin Donnelley”
“Pleased to meet ya” Eddy smiled shyly
“Oh Gav she’s Irish” Charley said, “She’ll have to meet Kev, he’ll be here later, what can I get you to drink?”
Gavin looked at Eddy, “Guinness?”
“Um sure” Eddy answered uncertainly having never tried any
As they waited they looked over the menu and upon seeing the prices Eddy bit her lip anxiously. The only places she ate out at were the occasional fast food joints and she seldom did that, so the cost of the dinner plates was shockingly high to her, but the food in the pictures looked fine.
“Have you decided on something” Gavin asked as he saw Charley coming back with their drinks.
“What are you havin?”
“Me, I think I’d like the 12oz rib eye plate” he said casually
Eddy found it on the menu and gasped at the price, “Um maybe just some soup then”
Charley put the drafts down and took her order pad from her pocket, “Are you ready?”
“Yeah I’ll have the 12oz medium with all the trimming and bring her the 8oz the same way” He thanked Charley and she was gone
“Now ya know I did na ask for a steak Gavin, the cost is dear, I could eat for a week for what this meal will cost ya” Eddy argued
Reaching across the table he grasped her chin in irritation, “Believe me when I say that I can afford it Eddy, and I find it offensive that you would assume otherwise. Now try your drink and see how you like it”
Feeling ashamed she kept her head down and obliged him by taking a swallow of the Guinness. Her eyes watered, but she bravely took another smaller sip. “It’s good”
Unable to help himself he reached over and using his thumb removed the foam from her top lip and then brought it back to his mouth. “It Is”
She drew in a breath at his touch and the lime green eyes darkened to olive.
“You’re very fresh Mr. Blackhawk” she admonished as she took another gulp of her drink.
“I can be” he grinned, “Now tell me how a woman who blushes so beautifully can pose in the nude?”
Her eyes flashed angrily for a moment but her voice was calm, “That’s me work and I’m not ashamed of it” But her high color and dropped eyes told him a different story.
“I never said you should be, you have a gorgeous body and nothing to be ashamed of” he assured, “I was just curious as to how one finds oneself doing such a thing”
“When ya need money ya do what ya have to do and it’s better than the alternative” she sighed, “You saw fer yerself that I have no papers so I can na get a regular position, besides I need the money”
The food arrived along with fresh drinks and despite her earlier protests Eddy ate hungrily. They chatted while they ate and Gavin got her to tell more about herself.
“Me mathair and athair were killed in a crash when I was 15. I’ve kin in New York but it did na work out so I left, it was for the best” she drank thirstily
“So you’ve been on your own for a while” he stated
Eddy shrugged, “Its fer the best”
They finished their meal and seeing an open table Gavin suggested a game of pool, Eddy agreed readily and they went to the table.
“Do you know how to play?” he asked her as he picked out a couple of cue sticks.
“Aye Gavin a wee bit but you should go first so I can watch” she suggested
They played to games and Gavin beat her terribly each time. As he racked the balls for a third game she stood eyeing him and gulped down half of her fourth Guinness.
sp; At her urging Gavin broke again and stepped back when it was her turn. Taking up her cue she finished off her drink and proceeded to clear the table.
“Rack em up boyo” she said as she called for another round of drinks.
A burly biker looking man laid his money on the side of the table calling to play the winner, which was Eddy.
“I think I’ve been bamboozled” Gavin complained with a grin
Several more games were played and she won every one of them as Gavin sat back and watched. She took a restroom break and resumed with the games and the Guinness.
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