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by Privette, Valerie

Kevin and Charley joined them as Charley was off work for the night. Kev stood next to Gavin and watched as under the encouragement of her many newfound male admirerers Eddy chugged another drink.

  “How many has she had Gav?” Kev asked

  “Oh about 8 or 10 I’d say”

  A drunken young man about Eddy’s same age backed into her as she was making a shot, “Fack away aff” she said as she gave the offender a dirty look

  “What’d she say Kev” Gavin asked

  “She told him to fuck off” Kev and Charley laughed

  The young man was obviously to drunk to realize what he had done on top of being full of himself, “Ain’t you just a firecracker” he said as he wrapped an arm around her waist in a surprisingly quick move.

  “Teigh trasna ort fien caffler!” Eddy shouted as she stomped the mans foot “Bod”

  “What was that?” Gavin asked Kev as the two of them stepped forward

  “She said ‘go fuck yerself asshole’ and then she called him a dick” he laughed, “she’s a real spitfire Gavin

  The man howled over his injured foot and spun Eddy around “You bitch”

  And before Gavin or Kevin could reach her side Eddy hauled off and punched the man in the nose and let loose with a string of Irish that even Kevin could not keep up with.

  Eddy made to kick the guy when he fell back onto the floor but Gavin snagged her around the waist picking her up off the floor and pulling her away.

  “Eejit!” she yelled after him

  “That’s about enough slugger” Gavin said as he sank onto his stool by the wall and hauled her onto his lap.

  “He messed up me game he did Gavin” she complained and reached for her nearly empty drink

  “Well you messed up his face so I reckon you’re even”

  “Aye I did at that” she laughed loudly, “I like this Guinness Gavin, I’ll have another”

  Gavin looked at her then at Kevin and Charley who both shrugged, “How would you like to dance first” he asked instead

  “Aw it’s two left feet I have Gavin” she said as she slid from his lap

  “So you don’t like to dance?”

  “Aye I like it but I’m clumsy, I’ll mash yer toes” she wobbled a bit in front of him, “But it’s a grand time I’m havin” She looked at Charley,” Who’s yer friend Cha- Charley he’s fine lookin mon”

  More drinks came and she lifted her’s high, “Slainte!”

  A loud chorus went up, “Cheers”

  “Eddy this is my husband Kevin, he’s originally from Dublin” Charley replied

  Eddy grinned at Kevin and they broke into speech that nobody could understand for several minutes.

  Eddy finished her drink and looked at Gavin with a very serious expression.

  “Tame arc meisce Gavin” she said as she leaned into him smiling

  Gavin did not ask, he simply looked at Kevin as Kev burst out laughing

  “She says she is very drunk Gavin”

  “Uh-huh that you are my love” he grinned down at her

  “Gavin tat a go halainn” she said as she put her hands on his cheeks and kissed his lips

  “Oh I know this one” Charley laughed excitedly, “She thinks you’re beautiful Gavin”

  Gavin chuckled, “And on that note I think it’s time to go boys and girls”

  After saying their goodbyes Gavin helped a very wobbly Eddy to his truck and put her inside.

  Having decided to go to his place instead of taking her home Gavin kept an eye on her as she played with the radio and switched from one station to the next. It didn’t take long to get to his house and they were soon inside.

  “Where have ya taken me boyo?” she wanted to know as he led her to a chair

  “This is my house” he said matter of factly

  She stood and tossed off her cloak that he had hung over her shoulders and dropped her purse on the floor. Gavin had removed his boots and stood at the table to empty his pockets.

  “Are ya goin to take advantage of me now Gavin” Eddy asked as she slid her arms around his waist and looked up at him

  “Now that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me in your condition” he answered as he pulled her close and placed his mouth over hers for what he had intended as a light kiss that heated rapidly with her eager response.

  She broke away for a moment, “Who said I wanted a gentleman” and she locked her mouth back onto his.

  Groaning loudly he delved deep into her mouth with his tongue and ran his hands down to her bottom and squeezed.

  Eddy’s hands pulled his shirt from his pants and then ran them up his chest under it, “Touch me Gavin Blackhawk”

  Scooping her up he walked to his room and gently placed her on his bed quickly divesting her of her clothes as he did. He removed his shirt and joined her, kissing her sweet mouth once more.

  Delightful little mewling noises escaped her lips as he worked his way down her neck and her shoulders. Her hands explored his bared chest and when he took a nipple into his mouth she arched and cried out racking her nails down his back. Paying homage to first one breast then the other he made his way down her body using his tongue to swab her belly and then her thighs.

  She moved wantonly beneath him as he placed his hand between her thighs to part them and then used his fingers to divide her damp folds. She moaned and thrashed as he caressed her there and then eased a finger inside using his thumb to rub lightly over her clitoris as his mouth suckled a breast.

  “Gavin” she cried his name

  As he continued with his finger he moved his mouth down over her.

  Her hips came off the bed, “Nay Gavin” she tried to push him away and hold him to her at the same time as she writhed and he didn’t stop.

  “Please, please” she begged sobbing

  He deftly removed the rest of his clothing and rose over her, positioning himself at her entrance as he took her mouth again and plunged in.

  She cried out in pain and Gavin realized that he was her first and froze; cursing himself he pushed up on his arms, his jaw tight.

  “Shhh, love the pain is over, shhh” he soothed her with kisses as he let her body get used to his size, rolling his hips gently around until she relaxed and began to move her hips with him. Slowly he began to move, stretching her and letting her take him in completely. He was not a small man and he knew that he could hurt her further if he did not exercise control. Gavin tongued her nipples and bit at them gently arousing her again and when she bucked her hips back up at him once more he began moving faster and she came screaming his name, and then he slammed into her as he pushed his tongue into her mouth, sucking and moving it in and out in a parody of what he was doing below. As he felt her coming again he thrust forcefully one last time and exploded inside of her as he sealed her screams in his mouth.

  Collapsing on top of her he held her close as her body spasmed around him, and when he could breathe and move again he rolled to the side and pulled her with him. After a while Gavin got up and went into the bathroom, coming back with a warm cloth and bathing her as she slept before crawling back into bed and pulling the covers up around them as she cuddled against him.

  He awoke twice more during the night and loved her before finally falling into a deep exhausted sleep.


  Eddy woke up and stretched languidly and eased from beneath Gavin’s heavy arm. He mumbled in his sleep and rolled over as she left the bed. After donning his shirt from the previous night she found the bathroom where she quickly showered and put his shirt back on. She stood for a moment before the large bathroom mirror and looked at herself. Other than a few red marks on her neck and breasts no doubt from his whiskers, and her swollen lips she didn’t look any different. She felt different though in her mind and her body and she was not ashamed at what she had done.

  Making her way quietly out to his kitchen she made some coffee and rifled through her purse until she found a hairbrush and looked around his house. It wasn’t a large house
with his bedroom and a second one that looked like a store room/office, the kitchen, small dining room, second bath, and living room, but it was obviously a man’s house. It was clean but not tidy as there were things scattered about on all surfaces. There was a plain black sofa and a brown recliner with an end table and coffee table in the living room as well as an entertainment center with a large flat television.

  Picking up her coffee and hair brush she slip open the big glass doors and stepped out side, it was cool out not being gone seven yet and she sat her mug and brush down on a small glass table and stepped back inside and fetched the throw blanket from the back of he sofa.

  It was a beautiful morning, the steadily rising sun burning off the light fog and there was a slight rain leaking down from the heavens, but wrapped in the blanket under the back porch she was warm and dry.

  Curled up with her knees drawn to her chest she inhaled deeply of the fresh morning air and off the smell from the shirt that was uniquely Gavin. Then she raised her arms and unbound her hair and began brushing it over one shoulder.

  That was how Gavin found her and he silently watched as she untangled the long strands of silk that he knew flowed past her rather enticing bottom. She wore his shirt and had only buttoned a few buttons down the center and as she raised and lowered her arms she revealed tantalizing glimpses at what lay beneath. He watched and felt a sudden pang of not only desire but of protectiveness wash over him and frowned inwardly at the later, there was something about this slight young woman that was getting under his skin and he wasn’t comfortable with that feeling but neither did he want to get rid of her which is what he usually did on the morning after.

  The first indication that Eddy had that Gavin was awake was the pair of hot lips at the exposed side of her neck and the hand that slid inside of his shirt that she wore and cupped her breast. Arching back she offered him her mouth which he accepted gladly as she moaned at his ardor which was contagious.

  He hadn’t meant to make love to her again so soon knowing that after last night she must be sore but as soon as he touched her his need grew so intense that his mind would only listen to his body and he slid behind her, turning her and positioned her over him as he pushed his jeans out of the way. He entered her swiftly, lowering her down upon himself and held her there as he parted her shirt and filled his hands with the soft mounds of her breasts. When he took one tight pink bud into his mouth she arched back and moaned and the sound drove him mad so that he brought them both to fulfillment quickly, with little regard for her comfort.

  Afterward she collapsed on top of him panting weakly against his chest and he was amazed to find himself growing hard again inside of her and he rolled his hips slowly beneath her as he lifted her face to capture her mouth. Soon she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed back to straighten herself and she picked up his rhythm with her slim hips and rode him slowly. With her head thrown back, her mouth opened she mover sensuously like a pagan goddess as he held her hips in his hands, he watched as the orgasm took her and thought he had never seen anything as exciting in his life as the picture she made as she rose and fell over him, her arms folded atop her head as she cried out and then he came as well with a roar of intense satisfaction.

  As she lay replete unable or unwilling to move Eddy tried to decipher the feelings that overcame her. She felt like it was too soon and yet in her heart she knew that she loved this man who held her so tenderly and yet she feared that what she felt and what he felt were oceans apart and this thought brought tears to her eyes that flowed slowly down her face and onto his chest

  “Are you ok” Gavin asked anxiously as he felt the dampness on his skin afraid that he may have hurt her.

  “Aye Gavin” she answered in a whisper, “Just being a woman I suppose”

  “What does that mean” he said fearing now that he may have made a mistake in seducing her. He wasn’t looking for a girlfriend or commitments; he didn’t need a wife or a family. He enjoyed his life and took his pleasure where he could and rarely saw the same woman more than a few times for fear that they would become clingy and demanding, but those women were older and knew the score they weren’t young and innocent like she was and he was sorry for that but he had known that it would happen eventually anyway.

  “Come on” he said and urged her up, “Let’s get something to eat”

  She buttoned his shirt as they went inside following him to the kitchen. Eddy was surprised at the amount of food that he had stocked in the fridge and pantry and couldn’t help thinking how long that amount of food would last her.

  He began looking through the fridge, “I don’t have much but I’m sure we can manage something” he said and wondered at the surprised look on her face.

  The telephone rang and he excused himself to answer it and when he came back some twenty minutes later she had two heaping plates that she was just setting down on the table.

  “What’s this” he said as he sniffed appreciatively, “Smells great”

  “Nothin fancy, just a bit of a scramble” she shrugged and went back for the two mugs of coffee she had poured.

  He dug in to the concoction that was really quit delicious, eggs, diced potatoes, sausage, onions and peppers, and tomatoes all seasoned and scrambled together with some toast on the side.

  “This is awesome” he told her as he ate hungrily but frowned over the tiny portion she had eaten from her own plate, “You have to eat more than that”

  “I do na eat much” she muttered with a shrug and took her dishes to the sink and began cleaning up.

  When Gavin brought his dishes in he stood watching her for a minute, her smooth economical movements fascinated him but he turned away abruptly.

  “Look I have some business to take care of so if you want to get dressed I’ll drive you home”

  Eddy frowned as she walked to his room to dress wondering at his dismissive tone. She didn’t expect flowery words or promises from him but neither did she expect to be dismissed like the help or worse a woman of the night.

  Dressing quickly she collected her purse and cape and stood by his front door waiting silently as he pulled on his boots. He had his cell phone to his ear and picked up his wallet and keys as he joined her and they left the house. He didn’t bother to open her door for her or help her up into the truck which she struggled awkwardly to do, he just sat as if impatient to be rid of her and continued with his phone conversation.

  Gavin pulled up in front of her apartment building and didn’t even bother to get out of his truck. With the phone still pressed to his ear he glanced absently over at her telling whoever he was talking to, to hold on.

  Reaching over he cupped the back of her head and leaned over giving her a hard quick kiss. “Thanks babe you were great”

  In shock Eddy slid down from the truck and shut the door numbly as he pulled away almost before she could do so and she stood stiffly and watched as his truck disappeared around a corner.

  Gavin saw as he turned around and parked that she still stood rooted to the spot and didn’t move for a long time until a car full of boisterous teens drove past beeping their horn and calling out suggestively to her. He felt like the worst kind of heal knowing that he had hurt her badly. A part of him wanted to go to her and pull her into his arms and love her, and that was precisely why he did not.

  Eddy went inside and dropped everything on the floor of her tiny kitchen before going and dropping to her bed and curling up like a lost child. She was to hurt to even cry and her dry eyes burned. She didn’t know what had caused his change in mood and behavior, only that she felt used and wounded. She hadn’t expected promises or proposals but neither had she expected to be treated as a whore to be used and easily gotten rid of. Eventually she fell into a troubled sleep and for the first time in years the nightmares she’d had after her parents’ death when she had stayed with her uncle returned.

  Having left sometime around midnight Gavin returned early in the morning just in time for Rich to arrive. From hi
s vantage point he could see as the younger man knocked on the door and went inside only to come back out only a few minutes later and get in his car to leave.

  Gavin made some calls as he sat there and got out of his truck when another pulled in behind him. He gave the man his instructions and got back in his truck and left, he felt it best that he had someone else wasting time watching her and they could just report back to him every few days.

  Eddy had settled up with Rich who was close enough to finished with his sketches that he could do it without her. Her other three artists had already finished and she had nothing else lined up for now which was just as well. She went back to bed for the remainder of the day and didn’t venture out of the apartment for several more days when her supplies were running low.


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