“I think you’ve had enough wine” Gavin said as he reached for her glass
“Well boyo if ya want to hear me tail you’ll be givin that back” Eddy said firmly but turned and began speaking again,” Me dear own uncle Liam would na let anybody have a sample ya see, just a good look and a quick touch, but late when they was all gone he did his lookin and touchin, made me do things” she paused and breathed deeply, her face was red with embarrassment, “I knew I had to leave, he was fixin up an, um, I do na know the word, to sell me ta the highest bidder ya know, so the night before I did na fight him when he came ta me, and after he fell asleep. I collected everything I could get me hands on, even some of his clothes and I left”
“So how did you get to Washington?” Kevin asked
Eddy shrugged, “I walked or rode a bus, anything that did na require papers. First I stayed in Chicago, then St. Louis, and then Cheyenne, before comin to Seattle, there were other smaller places in between but this is the longest I’ve been in a place, and it was as far as I could go without swimmin” she looked around for her glass until Gavin handed her one and she drank deeply, “Ahhh sassparilla, I like it to!” she laughed
Eddy wasn’t even aware that she was now laying half on Gavin and that he hand an arm around her and the other was at her waist under her shirt.
“So when I got here I met a boy, ya know the kind that likes boys” she whispered the last part conspiratorially, “He knew about the modeling jobs and he gave me the fish hook”
“You mean the hook up” Gavin chuckled
“Aye Gavin do ya know him to?” Eddy looked up at him and he shook his head negatively. “So that is me story” she announced
“What about all the money” Gavin pushed
“Aye the money is gone now isn’t it, I can na pay him back now so he’ll come to fetch me to work it off in one of his bawdy houses” Eddy said with resignation
“What a minute, pay what money back?” he demanded as he looked down at her in his lap, for she was no longer beside him.
“Four and a half years ago Liam caught up with me, I was in New Orleans and he made a deal for me to pay him back in five years and he would hand over me papers and leave me be but now the money is gone” she stopped and waved her hand slowly in front of her face, back and forth, and back and forth, until Gavin stopped her.
“How much does he say you owe him Eddy” Charley asked
“Oh it’s a great sum, a great sum indeed” Eddy said as she raised her good leg straight up and watched in rapt fascination as she spun her foot around.
Kevin laughed, “She’s high as a kite Gavin”
“Eddy, Eddy look at me” Gavin coaxed patiently
She looked up at him and put a hand at his brow, “Mo anam cara”
“Eddy pay attention now, come on now focus” Gavin snapped his fingers
She immediately put her fingers together and began trying to snap them, studying them intently.
“Eddy love?”
“Aye Gavin aghra mo chroi” she leaned back up to his face
“How much money do you owe your uncle?” he held her face between his hands.
“Liam my uncle is a bad man Gavin, a vera bad man, do ya know he says I owe him money! A grand amount it is to 100 dollars” she shook her head and frowned, “No that is na right, 100,000, aye that is right, but I’ve paid him half now” she said adamantly, then she deflated, “But me money is gone now and I can na pay the rest in time so I’ll get more of this” she patted her knee
“What did happen to your knee Eddy?” Kev asked
“Oh Liam has a man to remind me on occasion that I own him” she held up her leg and pointed to her knee, “This is from New Orleans and a gulf club” She stood up wobbly, and pulled up her shirt to expose her right ribs and I thin white scar, “And this is from San Jose, a box cutter, and this one” she exposed a small round scar low on her right hip, “is from a screw driver here” she wondered towards the glass doors behind Gavin and stared for a moment before sliding it open. Everyone was talking at once and didn’t notice right off that she had slipped out.
Charley noticed her first and stood up, “Um Gav” she said and he followed her eyes.
“What the hell” he exclaimed
“She’s chasin the fairies Gavin” Kevin Laughed.
Gavin rounded the couch and headed outside, bent down and picked up Eddy’s jeans, and looked up just as her shirt fluttered to the ground.
“Eddy what are you doing, get back here!” he trotted after her, she turned just as he reached her and came up against his chest, the only thing she wore was a skimpy pair of panties.
“Let’s go to the Killeen Gavin Blackhawk and find a siofra” she laughed happily
Gavin tried putting the shirt back on her but she struggled and laughed, “That is na me shirt Gavin and I’ll not put it on”
He held onto her as she tried to dance away, “It’s my shirt Eddy come on put it on” he tried again but couldn’t seem to keep both arms in the sleeves at the same time.
“Ahhh horse’s hoof Gavin it does na smell of you, it is na yours”
“Ok, ok, here” he stripped off his long sleeved tee and slid it over her head. The shirt feel to her knees and her hands were buried somewhere in the sleeves, He wasn’t even going to try for the pants and slung them over his shoulder and picked her up, “Back inside we go my little nymph”
Getting settled back on the couch Charley tossed him a blanket and he tucked it around Eddy’s legs, who was explaining about the shirt to the others.
“You may want to check for a fitheal in the house, ya see they are mischievous, that was na my own shirt I was wearin and Gavin said it was his but I knew it was na, it did na smell like Gavin see” before he knew what she was doing she had both Kev and Charley chuckling as they sniffed the shirt she now wore, “Ya see this one is Gavin’s” she pulled up the shirt exposing a lot of leg as she smilingly inhaled his scent from the shirt, “No one smells like my Gavin”
Gavin pulled her back down and covered her only this time he lay down and pulled her on top of him. She lay between his spread legs with her head on his chest, “Ta’ gra’ agam duit” she said and then she slept.
“Well what do you think Gav” Kev asked
“Hell I don’t know ”Gavin answered as he absently stroked Eddy’s long hair down her back, “She’s in a shit load of trouble” he looked down at her sleeping face, “And so am I” he said lower
Charley smiled gently and spoke, “Admit it Blackhawk you love her, you may not want to but you do”
“I don’t need this shit damn it” he said aggravated and lit a cigarette
“So she still owes Liam O’Grady 50 large Gav and only six months left to pay him if I’m understanding all of this right” Kev said thoughtfully
“Yeah I guess that’s the size of it, and it’s not like I don’t have it, that’s not the problem, the problem would be getting her to accept it, she’s so damned prideful “ he said as he now stoked her back under the covers
“Yeah people like that just piss me off to” Kev said jokingly as he stared directly at Gavin and Gavin tossed one of the small pillows by his side at Kevin’s head.
His motion startled Eddy awake and she pushed up from his chest unseeing, her hands tangled in the to long shirt sleeves, “Gavin!” she cried as she struggled to free her hands.
Dropping his cigarette in the ashtray he reached for her hands to try and help her as she cried out again, “Gavin!”
“She’s sleeping Gavin, she has night terrors sometimes” Kevin told him “She did it when she stayed here”
Not sure what to do Gavin pulled her down and held her to him, “I’m here Eddy, it’s ok I’m here” she struggled and tried to pull away, “Nay do na hurt him” she cried, “Do na hurt Gavin!”
“Shhh Eddy it’s ok, I’m ok shhh” he kissed her mouth with exquisite tenderness and she quieted, “Gavin?” she whimpered before burying her face in his neck. She snuggl
ed into him and wrapped her arms around his chest and went back to sleep.
Gavin was humbled, “Everything that she has been through, and still faces, and after the way I’ve treated her and she is worried about me being hurt”, Gavin stared up at the ceiling until he got his emotions under control, if anyone had looked closely they would have seen that his eyes where suspiciously moist.
“She loves you Gavin, she had said so in a dozen different ways just today alone” Kevin told him gently, “And I know you, you love her to, but right now no way do you deserve her, hell none of us do”
He couldn’t think properly, hell it seemed his mind wanted to go in fifteen different directions at once. He could admit that yes he felt something for the girl, was it love? He couldn’t say for certain. Knowing how badly his actions had hurt her caused a wrenching in his gut, and knowing that for whatever reason that she feared for him twisted it even further. He wanted her, of that her was certain, his desire for her burned hotly within him, more so than with any other woman he had ever known. Now another issue being all of her problems, did he really want to take them on? Did he want to end up mixed up with the likes of Liam O’Grady? Did he want to leave her to fend for herself where her uncle was concerned? And either way could he live with his decision? If he had only just stuck to the job, if he hadn’t let curiosity get the better of him so that he could meet her, speak to her, if only he hadn’t fallen into the depths of those changeable green eyes, and that Irish brogue that thickened and became more pronounced when she was drunk, or angry, or when she was aroused.
Gavin adjusted himself more comfortably on the couch without dislodging Eddy, his friends having retired to bed leaving him with the option to stay and of using the spare room or staying on the couch. He opted for the couch not wanting to disturb Eddy and truth be told, to tired to get up and move, so he kept his arms around her with one hand on her back under her shirt, and the other under the loose waist band of her panties and fell asleep.
Waking to a man hard and inside of you had to be the most erotic feeling in the world, and that is what Eddy had felt at 6:30 this morning. She thought she had been dreaming, dreaming of making love with Gavin. Hot hands had traveled her body, seeking and finding all of her most sensitive spots and exploiting them, plundering with his lips, tongue, and teeth and finding hidden treasure buried deep. Bringing her to rapturous fulfillment only to delight her by beginning over again and taking her up, up to impossible heights of ecstasy before taking his own satisfaction and in doing so pushing her over the edge one final time.
Eddy blushed just thinking about the things he did to her as she glanced at his profile as he drove. He was so handsome, so strong, so male that she had to stifle a groan at the desire that flooded her just thinking about what he could do with those talented fingers, and those lips, and that tongue, her groan was not loud but he heard it and smiled knowingly, flashes of heat scorching her skin where his eyes touched.
As soon as he pulled into his driveway Gavin slammed the truck into park and reached for her, his mouth devouring as it slammed down on hers and she moaned lustily matching his passion as she straddled his lap and rocked her hips against his jutting hardness. Suddenly he slid his seat back and then freed himself, gripped the waist of her pants and took down them and her panties to her knees, and with her feet on his shoulders he plunged into her over and over until they were both temporarily sated.
They fixed their clothes and collected her bags before going into the house. Gavin held the door and followed her inside and ran into her back as she froze when she reached the living room. Eddy watched as a tall leggy redhead wearing a thong and a smile, with breasts that had to have been man made turned to look at the doorway.
“Gavy” she cried happily and skipped over to throw her arms around him, plastering her big bouncy boobs onto his chest, and her collagen enhanced lips to his mouth.
Eddy watched the embrace and was sickened by the exchange; there was no doubt that Gavin was an eager participant as his hands moved up her waist to the undersides of her breasts and his tongue tangled with hers. They had just had wild passionate sex in his truck, in his driveway not five minutes ago and now he was ravishing this women right in front of her as though she did not exist, Eddy was hurt, humiliated, embarrassed, jealous, and angry!
Clearing her throat, she waited to speak. When no one payed her any attention she did it again louder refusing, though it was killing her to look away from the sight before her.
“Hello, remember me, ya know the one ya just finished fookin out in your truck!” Eddy said with a raw edge to her voice.
The redhead looked at her and squeaked, “Gavy who is this, are you baby sitting”
“Aye me name is Eddy and me parents went to Vegas and Gavy said he’d watch me proper for em” Eddy said earnestly, batting her eyes innocently, “He was just showin me in his truck how easy it was to drive a stick”
“That’s enough Eddy” Gavin warned
But Eddy didn’t heed him, “That’s enough of what precisely?” she flung at him, “What do YOU have ta be angry about, I’d surely like to know!” she spat, her anger growing by the second, “Ya had me this morning, ya had me just now, I have na ask ya for a thing so I can na say anything about her” she threw her arm out to the redhead, “But am I not worth even the smallest bit of respect or consideration, do I not rate the decency that it would take for ya not to fook her in front of me very eyes?”
And to make matters worse, “Oh honey Gavin don’t mean anything by it, all the girls know you call him for a good time, and we know that’s all he’s good for, but he’s good at it” she giggled and jiggled, “So who cares!”
“Aye who cares” Eddy retrieved her bags where he’d dumped them, “I’ll be goin know” she went around him
“Eddy wait” he took one step
“Wait for what Gavin” she raged, “Wait for the next time ya need an easy piece?” she picked up a glass plate from the counter, “Wait for ya to go slumming again?” she threw the plate and picked up another, “What is wrong with ya?” she threw the plate, the red head screamed and ran to the bedroom, Eddy grabbed a bowl, “Why me, why did ya pick me to torment?”
Gavin dodged the flying dishes admirably, “Damn it Eddy stop it”
She threw the bowl, “Aye Gavin, I’ll stop, and I’m leavin and I do na want ya following me” she went to the door, “I told ya before that ya made me feel like a whore but I’m na the whore here Gavin you are” and then she laughed, “Maybe if I ever make it back this way I’ll look ya up, for a good fook”
Once out the door Eddy didn’t turn towards the city, there was nothing there for her and if Gavin came after her he would go that way.
Being on the road didn’t used to bother Eddy, but she had become soft over the past year and a half, had gotten used to having a roof over her head, a place to come home to, a place she had called home.
Eddy did not stick to main roads; she had learned years ago that doing so was a sure fire way to either get caught by her uncle’s goons, or to get into some other sort of trouble. She headed south for now and would look for places where she could pick up some fast cash, bars, pool halls, places like that usually yielded a fair sum.
Her plan was simple, she would head south to California and then turn east and work her way through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and then finally New York. She had come west from New York via Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, and then Washington, but the way she figured it she would be safer taking a different route and would have the added benefit of seeing a lot more of this country before her life was no longer her own. She had just over six months to make it to New York and even if it took longer she didn’t care because once there as they say ‘that would be that’.
Making money from playing a game was an easy living if not a little dangerous, Eddy was always careful and she c
arried the big knife she had found at an outdoor flea market, she hooked it to her belt and wore it inside of her pants out of sight. She was also good and quick with her hands, a pugilist someone had once called her due to the many scuffs she got into. She had begun this journey with just over $200, and in two weeks time she had turned it into nearly $4000 after taking out for expenses such as food, and clothing.
In larger areas she could find a shelter for food and a place to sleep, always having one hand on her knife and the other on her bags which she slept with. She had found a second hand store in a small town in California and had traded in her heavy sweaters and jacket for some shorts and tee shirts. She had found a well worn pair of hiking boots and some heavy socks and had gotten rid of her winter like boots. Wanting to appear as different as possible she had considered cutting her hair but could not bring herself to do so, instead she splurged and purchased two coloring kits, because she had so much hair and had bleached her hair blonde.
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