Between walking, hitching, with women only, and one luxurious bus ride from Utah to Kansas, Eddy now found herself across the river in Kansas City Missouri. It had been two and a half months since she had left Seattle and Gavin. Her savings was up to about $14000 now and she kept it well hidden in a small flat purse which she kept under her clothes. Whenever she went out to play she stowed her bags, usually in a locker at a bus station, then she would wear the key on the long chain around her neck. She never took all of her money with her when she played, only enough to back her bets to make a tidy profit. Tonight she would play at a larger bar down by the river, this was not her preference but the simple fact was that there was more money to be made at larger places and she figured that the more money she had to give Liam when she got there the better.
Eddy showered and changed at a truck stop before going to the bar. The music inside was deafening as she skirted the area around the dance floor and headed toward the back where the tables were. There were eight tables in all and all were occupied.
Signaling a waitress for a drink she ordered a Guinness and watched the other players looking to see who was playing. Spotting a good table she placed $1 on the ledge at one end and sat down on a stool along the wall. She ignored the admiring glances she received and sipped slowly from her bottle. There was a woman playing and she was good, but Eddy knew that she was better and she didn’t try using her feminine assets to beat her male competitors as this woman was doing. While Eddie wore loose fitting ‘Army’ pants and a black tank top with her boots and fingerless black leather gloves, the other woman wore a tight short denim skirt with spiky heels and a loosely tied halter top that showed down to her navel when she bent forward.
At the end of the game the woman took the young cowboys money and stepped to the side and sat with a man who looked like a rough customer.
Eddy played a couple of rounds against different men and won, but made sure that it looked close each time. She knew that the woman watched her and that soon they would play each other that is where the big money would come from tonight as the rest of the crowd began placing bets on the winner.
It was time and Eddy picked up her cue that she had leaned against the wall next to where she sat, stepping up to the table she got a closer look at the woman’s cue which was her own. It was indeed a thing of beauty; the handle was inlaid with onyx and mother of pearl in an intricate design.
Eddy extended her hand and gave her name to the smug looking brunette, who Eddy could see up close was much more worn up close than she had looked from a distance.
“Eddy” she said simply
The woman raised a finely arched brow and looked her over from head to toe before grinning at the gloves eddy wore and saying, “Jolene”
“Are you ready to play Eddy?” Jolene laughed at the name
“Aye” Eddy replied not taking the bait, the way a woman like this would try to distract her would be to make her angry but Eddy had other plans.
“Flip for the break?” Jolene said and produced a coin
“Aye” Eddy answered and waited for the toss and called, “Tails” just before it landed, she looked up at her opponent, “Looks like you break”
They were playing a round of three games and Eddie allowed her to win the first. Jolene tossed out comments and criticisms to try and anger her but in defense Eddy made her increasingly nervous by making outrageous sexual comments to her.
“So Jolene the fella over yonder, is that yer man then?” Eddy asked as the women mapped out her next shot.
“Yeah, so” she said rudely
Eddy laughed, “No need to get huffy, I was only askin” she smiled, “These days ya can na tell ya know, I was thinking that after the game maybe the two of us” She stopped and waggled her brows suggestively
Jolene missed her shot and looked at Eddy in disgust as Eddy rounded the table for her shot, “I am definitely not you’re type!” she huffed
“That’s to bad” Eddy shot and sank her target,” I was thinking since ya showed me yer bosoms and yer arse that ya had an interest” Eddy finished the game.
Jolene pulled at her skirt and tightened her top self consciously, “Just shut up and play”
“Rack em up darlin, it be me turn to break”
Jolene set up the rack and Eddy stepped up to break once the bets were laid out, “are ya tired of playin yet” she asked Jolene
“I’m tired of playing with you” the woman said pointedly and rolled her eyes
“Aye that’s what I thought you’d say” and Eddy broke with a loud ‘Thack’ as the balls slammed together, and then she proceeded to run the table.
Jolene stood with her mouth hanging open in disbelief, “You played me” she sputtered, “You little cheat”
“Nay I did na cheat” Eddy pocketed the money a man handed her from a side bet and picked up the money from the side of the table, “I did nothing more than what ya was tryin to do to me, I was just better at it” Eddy quickly counted the money, “Yer short love” she told the woman, “Short by 5”
Jolene looked around at the crowd and then back at her boyfriend who just shrugged hid shoulders. “There’s nothing you can do about it, besides I still say you cheated” she said with false bravodo as she glanced around at the surrounding faces
“I did na cheat and ya well know it and if ya say so again there’ll be a misunderstanding, now I want me money” Eddy said with an edge to her voice.
A large crowd had gathered and the atmosphere was tense as they all waited to see what would happen, most of them hoping for a fight.
Gavin was tired, he’d been to more bars in the last two months than he had in his entire life. After he’d gotten the first lead on Eddy he’d followed her trail from state to state, town to town, and bar to bar, never catching up with her. He’d just crossed the river into Kansas City and with no real hope that he’d find her tonight and had come to this bar for a drink. He wasn’t going to follow her, at least that’s what he’d told himself, it was a job, a job he was being paid to do and therefore was bound to find her and report in to Rundleman.
The man at the bar brought him a tall cold one and he nursed it slowly figuring if he sat for a while and had a couple he might be able to make some connection and find out if Eddy had passed this way and maybe get a feel for where she would be headed.
There was a loud ruckus coming from the back room that seemed to be getting louder and more rowdy, “What’s going on back there?” Gavin asked one of the servers who was waiting for a tray of drinks.
She turned to him, looking him over slowly before giving him an inviting smile, “Well hello sugar ain’t never seen you around here”
“Just passing through” Gavin replied and motioned towards the back
“Oh that, just the usual for a Saturday night, you know everybody’s a pool sharp, there’s always something goin on back there” She smiled again before leaving with the drinks
Gavin took out a cigarette and inhaled deeply after lighting it. He looked towards the back room through the mirror behind the bar and was not surprised to see the well endowed server bouncing back to the bar in a hurry as the noise in the back doubled.
“Jake” she yelled to the bartender “I’m going to get Smiley, there’s a fight breaking out back there” and she whizzed past
‘Smiley’ turned out to be a man taller than Gavin who topped him by at least 100 lbs. He lumbered towards the back carrying a baseball bat.
The server tittered back up to the bar and sat down next to Gavin breathing heavily, “Whew, now I need something cold for myself”
“So, a fight back there you say” Gavin asked, still watching
“Yeah, women” she said in shock
That peaked his interest, “Women”
“Yeah some tall woman and some blonde dyke, I think she came on to the other one” she said confidentially
Smiley pounded the bat loudly high up on the wooden door frame, “Take it outside now!” he demanded and st
ood back for the mass exodus
In a matter of minutes the entire bar was empty save for Gavin, the bartender and the server who grabbed Gavin’s hand, “Come on let’s go see”
Shrugging he said, “Why the hell not”
They stepped out and went over to the huge circle that had formed over on the right. All Gavin could see was the back of a blonde head, and the face of a brunette in the center, he walked over to get a closer look.
Eddy stood in her boxing stance with her arms raised, “I do na think yer wantin to do this, all I want is me money and I’ll go peaceful”
The server who had run ahead turned back to Gavin, “Betty Jean, the other server says that the tall girl stiffed the little Irish chick on a bet, can you imagine, all this fuss over $5”
Gavin was no longer listening, the only thing he could see was Eddy, and he got as close as he dared so that he could see and hear without her detecting him.
“I think ya been scammin games long enough to know that you don’t bet what ya can na back, I just want me money or I’ll take it out of yer arse”
The brunette made a show of tying her hair back and kicking off her spiked heels, “Big talk for someone who’s already bleeding”
“Aye and ya can bet I will na be slappin at yer face or pullin at yer hair like a girl” Eddy said as she swiped at the blood under her nose
Jolene screwed up her face, “Cheating dyke!”
“Nay I do na like the women and that be the third time ya called me a cheat and ya will na be doin it again” Eddy warned with her brows down low over her eyes and her mouth an angry slash across her face, and quick as can be punched Jolene in the mouth.
Blood spurted from her busted lip and the women screamed in rage and lunged at Eddy but Eddy dodged and the woman pulled and ripped one side of her black tank top revealing a modest but lacy and feminine black bra.
Eddy shook her head in disgust and pulled the remains of the hanging shirt from her body and slung it into the crowd, “Bitseach” she said
A cheer went up all around and many lewd suggestions were made with regard for the rest of the clothing and what they’d like to see the women do.
Jolene lunged again and Eddy dodger but landed a good shot in the woman’s gut for her efforts, “Quit acting the maggot Jolene and fight”
Jolene held her stomach and ribs, breathing hard, “You little troll I think you broke a rib!”
“Oh nay” Eddy said with certainty, “I’ll show ya the difference in a minute” and she swing and caught the side of the woman’s jaw
Gavin stood back and watched, oddly feeling a sense of pride at Eddy’s performance, he knew what those dainty looking little fists could do first hand and felt sorry for the women that could not seem to quit antagonizing Eddy.
“You won’t get a chance you little…”
That was all Jolene was able to say before Eddy caught her below the chin with an uppercut that tossed her head back sharply, then Eddy caught her with three consecutive jabs to the left rib cage actually bringing the woman’s feet off of the ground before she slumped limply to the ground moaning and gasping for breath.
Eddy squatted down next to Jolene as she gasped painfully, “Now there’s the busted rib, see the difference” She asked as if it were an important question, “Ya know there are three types of people I can na stand and that’s a thief, a liar, and a welsher. The welsher is the worst because that makes ya a thief and a liar together” Eddy sighed, “I’m vera angry with ya Jolene because ya do na have me $500 so I’ll be takin something of yer’s ta even things up a bit”
As Gavin and the crowd watched Eddy pulled a long jagged edged knife from her pants and cut the woman Jolene’s hair off at the pony tail.
A man stepped forward and gathered a sniveling Jolene and walked away with her. Eddy stood and slid the knife back into her pants and looked around at all the shocked and amazed faces, she bent forward with her hands on her knees for a moment and said, “Shows over folks, best ya be goin about yer business” the crowd drifted away slowly and Gavin walked over to his truck and grabbed a tee shirt off of his front seat and turned to go back. At first he didn’t see her and then on the far side of the building he spotted her.
Eddy was digging around in her pocket for a light when Gavin snuck up behind her. He took out his lighter and lit it as he circled his arms around her, “Need a light?”
To her credit she did not jump or even make a sound, “Aye Gavin” she drew on the cigarette and blew out the blue-gray smoke and leaned back against him and held the cigarette to his lips and waited for him to inhale from it before she put it back to her own. Gavin’s fingers brushed softly up and down her bare midriff as he looked down over her head and he watched as he muscles contracted and quivered, “What do ya want Gavin?”
“You” he said blatantly as his mouth wreaked havoc on the left side of her neck.
The fierce desire and longing slammed into Eddy with such a force that she was momentarily breathless, and then she pulled his head over and devoured his mouth with hers as his hands roamed freely over her. A long drawn out moan of want escaped from her lips as a hand captured a breast and fondled it.
“Come with me” he whispered as his tongue outlined her ear wetly
She didn’t answer she simply allowed him to slide the tee shirt he carried over her head and lead her to his truck. Gavin drove to the hotel where he was staying and together they fell into the room like long lost lovers freshly reunited. There was little grace or tenderness in their coupling, just pure uncompromising lust as they came together hurriedly as their remaining clothes hung loosely from their bodies and they sought the only thing they knew that could relieve each of their pain, the pleasure of the others body.
Eddy sat up slowly when she finally could and looked around the small room and then at Gavin and herself. Her bra hung from the slow moving ceiling fan, one of her boots was on the dresser, the sock she could not see, her pants and panties where down around her right ankle, and Gavin was in much the same condition. Reaching down to her pants she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and reached across Gavin for the ashtray and matches. She lit two and handed one to him. “Since when do you really smoke?” Gavin said as he inhaled
“Sometimes I just do I suppose, just depends on me mood I guess” she shrugged, “So now you’ve found me” she said but did not elaborate further
“What makes you so sure that I’m here because of you?” he grinned behind her as he danced his fingers down her spine
Eddy put her cigarette out and passed back the ashtray, “So ya have business here then do ya” she herd the clink of the glass on wood as he sat the ashtray down and moved his hands to her shoulders and massaged gently until her head lulled forward on her neck and then he eased her down on her stomach and removed her left over garments as well as his own
“My business is you Eddy” he said as he moved his mouth over her back and bottom tasting and kneading the supple skin, “I smell you Eddy, your heat, your desire, it’s uniquely you and I smell it in my dreams and wake up wanting you” He eased his finger into her and played unhurried now as he aroused her again, “I have to taste you, I have to know if you taste as sweet as you smell, as sweet as I remember” so he tasted her and he loved her, slow and easy this time leaving no part of her untouched as he brought them both to the greatest heights of ecstasy time and time again.
Gavin stretched and rolled over seeking the warmth and softness of the woman that slept next to him. He reached out an arm and felt around cracking open one eye, sure enough she was gone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and reached for a cigarette and lit it, he should have known better, he should have tied her up, handcuffed her. “Son of a bitch” he muttered out loud as he walked into the bathroom. He was pulling on his jeans as the knob on the door rattled and he looked over at it.
Eddy used the card key that Gavin had tossed on the dresser to get back into the room and smiled when she saw Gavin awake, �
�Dia dui tar maidin” she said as she put the bags she carried on the dresser, “Did ya sleep well then?”
“Yeah I slept great” he had to admit because it truly had been awhile
Standing in front of him Eddy stared down into his stormy blue eyes, “I see it in yer eyes that ya thought I’d gone” she said softly as she leaned in and kissed him, “Nay I did na as ya can see” she unbound his long dark hair and spread it about his shoulders, “I’ve brought us some breakfast” she pointed out as she unbound her hair and while doing so pushed off her untied boots, “I’ve brought us some coffee as well” she removed her shirt under which she wore no bra, “And some juice” she slid her pants and panties down her legs and kicked them off, “But before we have breakfast I want you ta feed me” she pushed him back on the bed and began at his toes, kissing, licking, sucking, her way up his body until by the time she got to his mouth he was mad for her.
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