It was quite a while later when they finally got to eat the food. They sat naked in the center of the bed and before they were through they were rolling in the remains of their feast as passion took them over once more.
Gavin sat reclined on the bed when Eddy went to shower, she had of course invited him to join her but he told her that if he did that they would end up doing more than simply washing. She had cocked a slim brow at him and said, ‘And’, but he had shoved her off muttering that she would be the death of him yet and that he needed some recovery time. The bit about recovery had been true at least in one sense, he needed to think, really think about what they were doing. He had originally convinced himself that he had followed her because he was obligated thru Rundleman to do so, but he knew that that wasn’t strictly true. He loved Eddy he knew that now he just didn’t know what he was going to do about it. When he had taken the job as a favor to Rundleman it had been due to intrigue but he hadn’t counted on his quarry being so damned beautiful and alluring in person. It was supposed to be a pie job that wouldn’t last to long, just keep an eye on the girl that was all, he was never supposed to have gotten involved with her. He needed to talk to Rundleman and find out what the deal was, why he wanted Eddy watched. The man had many connections, some on the up and up, and some on the shady side but to the best of his knowledge all within the limits of the law which granted in many cases allowed for a lot of leeway. Then there was the personal side of things, he had never wanted a woman with the kind of desperate need and fierce protectiveness that he had for her, yet in many ways and many times already he had hurt her deeply. He barely understood why he had done the things he had done, the main reason was fear, coupled with stubbornness and stupidity, he would hurt he again he knew that as well as he knew his own name. Being monogamous had never been in any of his plans, he’d been with a lot of women, hell he’d enjoyed being with lots of women, but what Vaughna had said to Eddy in his living room had struck him hard. Women had always flocked to him so find a willing bedmate had never been a problem, and there had only been a few over the years that had begun to get clingy and he didn’t see them any more after that. Part of the draw he knew had been his looks, he wasn’t vain but he knew he appealed to women in a dark sexy way. Another part was his wealth, he’d inherited a small fortune from his grandparents and stood to gain more sometime in the future from his parents, and this did not include payments for the discrete work he had done for the government. Years ago he would have been called a spy but nowadays his title was simply undercover operative, retired. He’d traveled the world on his assignments and had at times been in very precarious, even treacherous situations, this aspect of danger held strong appeal for women. However Vaughna’s insinuation and Eddy’s condemnation made him feel cheap, used, like the whore Eddy had called him. Why that bothered him so badly he didn’t know, hadn’t really figured out and maybe it was time that he did. The most important thing right now though was to find out everything he could about Eddy’s uncle, his business, and his private life, and what the hell the deal was with his niece. He had to talk to Rundleman and he would just a soon do that in person, ideally without Eddy’s knowledge, and keeping her with him.
Eddy came out of the bath sans towel or clothing and smiled at him beguilingly. She walked over and taking the cigarette from his mouth drew on it and replaced it, “The bathroom’s all yer’s” she told him before bending at the waist in front of him and giving him a glorious look at he bottom while she gathered her clothes which were scattered on the floor. “Behave” he told her and gave her a loud smack on the butt on his way to the shower.
Eddy wasn’t at all sure what her next move was going to be. She should ditch Gavin she knew that, but at the same time she wanted to spend more time with him. When she was with him she knew that it would be only a matter of time before he would do or say something that would hurt her, that’s part of who he was. But when he wasn’t around she yearned for him, craved him, like the very air she breathed. There wasn’t much more time, only a couple of months at best before she had to fulfill her obligations and once that time came she would never see Gavin again because even on the remote chance that he would still want her she would never be able to face him again. She sighed and stood at the window looking out at the river as it slid lazy by, she’d never been one for self pity, her parents hadn’t raised her that way, but just now she was feeling mighty sorry for herself wondering why everything always had to be such a struggle for her. She had no one that she could really call her friend, she had no home or family, she felt like she had so much love to give but had no one to give it to, not even Gavin because even he didn’t seem to want it. There was also her fear to consider, a very real fear that because of her he could be hurt or worse and she could not allow that to happen.
Gavin stood silently watching her as she gazed out the window, the look on her face tugged at his heart. She looked lost and lonely as tears rolled unchecked down her soft cheeks. He wanted to go to her to say something, anything to reassure her, to make her feel safe, protected, loved, but he was afraid, he didn’t want to make promises that he would not or could not keep, so he made a noise and walked into the room and collected his clothes so that he could get dressed instead.
Dropping the curtain back into place Eddy wiped the tears from her face hoping that he hadn’t seen them. She felt like such a wimp lately with all the tears and upset, the fighting and arguing, she wasn’t usually like this, she was tough, strong, she’d had to be. It was him that was making her this way, only him, she had never allowed anyone to get as close to her as she’d let Gavin Blackhawk, but she did not regret it, did not regret one second of the time she had spent with him.
“So Gavin what are yer plans for today” she asked in a to husky voice and quickly cleared her throat.
“Nothing specific at the moment but I do think we need to talk” he stood and took her hands, “Serious talk Eddy, but not here, let’s go out, find a nice shady spot by the river somewhere quiet, it’s going to be to nice of a day to stay cooped up in this room”
“Aye Gavin la brea ata ann” she whispered her eyes shadowed by sadness
“What does that mean” he quizzed
She grinned, “I said it’s a lovely da”
“You are lovely”
“Ta’ gra’ agam duit Gavin, thar gachni eile” she murmured softly.
Being as it was likely that they would not be going back to the hotel, or at least not that one Gavin collected his belongings and checked out as Eddy waited in the truck. He’d gotten directions from the clerk at the desk and stopped at a convenience store to get some drinks and snacks and was headed for the park.
“Where is it that yer takin me Gavin?” Eddy asked quietly
Glancing over at her he answered, “Holland Park”
“I need to get me bags and change me cloths first if ya please” she requested and directed him to the bus station.
He gave her a dubious look, “The bus station?” He lifted an untrusting dark brow questioningly.
“Aye Gavin” she grinned wickedly, “Do ya think I’ll be tryin to skip out on ya?”
“The thought has crossed my mind” he admitted crossly
“Nay Gavin I’ll be stayin with ya “she assured, “For now anyway” she added
Gavin escorted her into the station and to the lockers and then waited outside of the restroom for her when she went to change. After 15 minutes he got twitchy and began to wonder if there was a window in the ladies room that she had crawled out of, he was in the process of convincing an elderly woman to check on his ‘wife’ when Eddy emerged. His jaw dropped when he saw what she was wearing, not because of what it revealed, but because it was so un-Eddy like. She wore a pair of form fitting denim shorts that showed a lot of nicely tanned leg along with a clingy half top in baby blue that showed of her curvy midriff and a great deal of cleavage. She had pulled her bleached hair into two braids that hung over each shoulder and she had on makeup, not a
lot just enough to enhance her fine features and add a glossy shine to her full lips.
His groin tightened instantly and he groaned. He thanked the old woman and stepped toward her as she approached, her sandaled feet clacking on the tiled floor as she walked.
Eddy smiled at Gavin’s stunned reaction and walked past him to the doors, “Gavin ya must stop lookin at me that way, ya make me feel naked” she said with pink creeping up her cheeks.
She walked in front of him and his eyes were focused on her little heart shaped ass as it swished back and forth tauntingly before his eyes.
“That’s because seeing you dressed that way makes me want you naked” he said in a low growl as he helped her into the truck, his hand sliding under her beguiling ass to give it a firm squeeze.
He drove to the park and stowed her bags behind the seat and took out a blanket he had stored there. He helped Eddy down from the truck with his hands at her bare waist and slid her down the front of him pinning her between him and the truck.
“See what you do to me nymph” he said as he pressed himself against her.
She looked into his eyes that had gone from dark blue to nearly black and felt a thrill at the power she could have over him, “Aye Gavin” she reached down with her left hand between them and ran her fingers over the shape of him as he strained against his jeans, “Down boy” she laughed “Ya do na want to get arrested fer bein indecent do ya”
“Don’t do that” he said snatching her hand away, “You make me feel like a damned randy teenager with no self control”
“Is that such a bad thing then?” she smiled, her green eyes flashing with amusement.
“It’s sure as hell a damned uncomfortable thing” he muttered irritably before kissing her hard and letting her go.
They found a fairly secluded spot under a large old oak and spread out the blanket, he sat with his back against the tree and Eddy sat cross legged off to his side. Gavin handed her a bottle of pink lemonade and opened another for himself and sat silent for a moment before speaking.
“Eddy why are you going to your uncle in New York?”
“I told ya Gavin, I’ve explained it to ya and if I don’t go he’ll send his goons ta fetch me and it would be worse that way” she said as she watched the river
“But Eddy this is 2012 and you are in America, there are people that could help you” he argued
“Aye Gavin” she snapped, “The land of the free, Aye unless yer an illegal and then what, they ship me back to Ireland only to be picked up by his men there and brought back to him!” she was angry now and her eyes had grown dark, “It’s better to do what I must and have it done, when he’s through with me he’ll let me go”
“Damn it Eddy” he fumed, “But at what cost, he’ll use you up and throw you away like so much garbage, if he even let’s you go, and when would that be in weeks, months, years?”
She was angry but resigned, “Two years he told me, then I’ll be free of him, free Gavin, that may not seem like much ta you but it would if it was something that ya never had” her eyes clouded, “I’m tired of runnin, I tried and I failed ta meet his marker and I’d rather go to him strong than be broken and that’s what will happen if he sends his goon for me”
“Eddy do you understand what will happen to you once he get’s his hands on you, do you really?” he all but shouted
She looked down at her hands as she plucked at the blanket, “Aye” she said and looked back at the river, her eyes shining bright with unshed tears, “The man is unnatural, perverted, and when he finds I’m no longer a virgin he’ll keep me fer himself until he tires of me and then he’ll lock me up to be used by whoever will pay his price, to men like him, deviants, until my price is paid”
Angry color suffused Gavin’s face, “There will be nothing left of you when he is through, don’t you understand that?” his anger was palpable, “The kind of men he’s talking about will destroy not only your body but your mind, and they will get their pleasure from your pain!”
“Nay Gavin” she cried as the tears she’d held softly escaped, “Not my mind, I’ll go elsewhere to a better place and it will only be me body that they abuse, and when he lets me go I’ll be 25 and still have a long life ahead of me even if it takes years to recover I will na have to run anymore”
“I’ll pay him Eddy, I have the money” he said almost desperately
“Nay Gavin mo anam cara I’ll not take yer money” she said firmly
“Why the hell not? I’m rich Eddy, I can afford it, and I’d do it for you”
She smiled reaching over to stroke a hand down his cheek, “Nay Gavin that would be tradin one owner for another wouldn’t it”
“No damn it” He did shout now, “I would not own you!”
“What would it be then Gavin, would ya find me an apartment somewhere safe, would ya help take care of me?” She asked as she looked away
“Yes, yes” He sat forward, “That’s exactly what I would do” his eyes and expression held hope.
Eddy crushed that hope with her words, “And while ya live yer life and have fun with yer many women I could sit in that apartment day after day and wait fer ya to come ta me, so ya could fook me whenever ya wanted and I could be grateful to ya for yer attention” She looked him in the eye now, “Tell me it would na be that way, tell me I’d be better off bein yer whore with ya breakin me heart than I would be with my uncle, tell me Gavin because from where I sit there’s not much difference and in the end it would be yer way that would kill me” Her eyes burned into him.
“Eddy I…” he began, “Damn it I like my life, I like my house, I do what I want and come and go as I please”
“Aye Gavin, is folamh fuar e teach gan bean” and interpreting for him, “It is a cold house without a woman Gavin”
“Eddy you’re being unreasonable” he spat though he knew that all of her words rang with truth, and he knew that even though he loved her he would do nearly exactly what she had said he would, and he hated knowing that he was that kind of a person.
“Nay Gavin I’m being honest and we both know it” she stood, “I do na wanna talk anymore, I want to have some fun” she looked down at him, “I’ll stay with ya for a time Gavin but I do na want ta speak of this again, I want to live a little, I want to laugh, I want to be happy, can ya help we with that?”
He stood and pulled her into his arms holding her close, “Yeah Eddy I can help you with that” he told her as his mind worked overtime to find a solution, not even realizing that what she’d asked of him coupled with the other memories that she already had of him were the very things she would us in the near future to try and preserve her sanity.
Gavin took their things back to the truck and they walked hand in hand along the water and ate ice cream purchased from a vendor. Eddy asked Gavin about himself and they talked as he told her of some of the places he’d been and the things he had seen like the pyramids in Egypt, the Kremlin in Russia, he’d been to the Eiffel Tower, and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. He’d seen the London Bridge and been in Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen; he’d even been to Stone Hinge and to Dublin. He told her of all these things and more but he never told her of the work he’d done. She’d been fascinated and had constantly interrupted his tails to ask questions, she was in awe of how much of the world he had visited.
They’d come upon a group of older teens playing Frisbee and when the plastic disc had landed at her feet and they yelled for her to toss it back Gavin showed her how and they stayed and joined in the game for awhile playing and cavorting like the young people around them relaxed and happy. Until he became jealous of the attention she received from the young males and he pulled her away so that he could once more have her to himself.
Later finding a nice Café they had lunch al fresco and watched as families of tourists passed by making the most out of the last of the summer. That evening they sat on a blanket in the grass at another park and watched an old film outdoors with lots of people who during parts
of the film would get up and dance. Gavin had stood and held a hand out to her and led her through a slow moving waltz as he held her close, and they had a picnic dinner that Gavin had arranged and had delivered to them. He now sat with his legs spread wide and her sitting between them and leaning back into him while his hands caresses her belly and he kissed her passionately, unashamed as many couples around them did the same thing.
When they left the park he checked them into a fancy hotel and ordered strawberries and cream with champagne and they sat naked on the bed feeding one and other and sipped the bubbly brew. Gavin took a large juicy berry and dipped it in cream and held it to her lips, and when she would have bitten it he pulled it back and traced it over her lips instead and leaned in to lick them clean before allowing her a taste. Her moist pink tongue shot out and licked before she bit it and she watched his eyes darken. He eased her back on the bed and traced a path from neck to naval down her body and then followed it with his hot tongue, then he took his glass and poured the amber liquid down the same path and followed it down and lapped it up where it pooled between her hips and filled her naval causing her to moan seductively. He continued his ministrations with both the fruit and drink all along the front of her body before rolling her over and beginning the same at the twin dimples at the base of her spine. He ignored her sobs of pleasure and cries for fulfillment as he poured the ice cold champagne between her legs and caught her startled gasp in his mouth as he kissed her before rolling her over and lapping at the sweet mixture of champagne and Eddy and then entered her in slow agonizing increments as she pleaded and whimpered for release which he did not give until he gave her all of the pleasure he could imagine making her come over and over and then he finally sought his own release and called out her name as she screamed his and then they slept for hours until he awoke and began it all again.
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