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Scrapper Page 11

by Privette, Valerie

  Gavin’s thick dark brows formed a menacing V on his forehead and he leaned close to Special Agent Deavers, “Try it” he stood suddenly and faced Rundleman across the desk, “I’m going to get a room and shut down for a few hours, I’ll call you” and he left

  Rundleman sighed and looked at Deavers, “Did you really have to do that Holt that is not a man you want to have pissed off at you” And then he reached into a drawer and pulled out a file and slid it across the desk.

  Deavers looked briefly through the file and looked back at Rundleman, “He’s a fucking spook, hell they teach his shit at Langley”

  “As I said, not a man that you want to be on the bad side of, and if we don’t get him his woman back all hell is going to break loose in New York!”


  Today was the day, December 1st and Eddy had to go to her uncle; she packed up her meager belongings and checked out of her motel. It was a long way from Brooklyn to Long Island so Eddy took a cab for most of the way, choosing to walk for the last couple of miles. Though it was cold she enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine because she didn’t think she’d be able to do that again for a very long time. His house stood huge and intimidating before her and she hesitated only briefly before pushing the button at the front gate. A disembodied voice asked her to state her name and the nature of her business.

  Eddy pressed the intercom button to speak, “Tell Liam that Eudora is here”

  The gates immediately squeaked and began opening with a loud grinding sound, Eddy walked through and approached the house. The front door opened before she got up the steps and a uniformed old man bade she come in and follow him. He led her to her uncle’s office and with out a word closed the door behind her after she stepped inside. There was no one else in the room and she stood dead center and waited for nearly an hour before the door behind her opened. She knew her uncle’s games well and she had not fidgeted or sat while she’d waited, nor did she turn as he entered the room.

  “Eudora I’m glad you have decided to come on your own, it would have upset me to have to send someone after you” He stepped in front of her, “You are looking fine and healthy lass, I’m glad that you’ve taken such good care of my product” he stood before he and looked her over with a thoroughness that nearly made her retch it was so sickening. His eyes glazed, his breathing quickened and she cold see plainly that he was already becoming aroused just imagining what he would do to her.

  Liam Garrett was not an ugly man, just a bad one. He was 5’10, and about 175lbs, he had light red hair that was just beginning to go white at the temples. He kept fit and was in excellent condition for a man of 50.

  There were two other men in the room that had entered with him, one a short round man with graying brown hair that looked slightly older that Liam. The other was younger and tall with Black hair and a handsome face.

  “I want to see the whole package lass” Liam pronounced suddenly

  Eddy did not move and he moved to her side and touched her hair gently before grasping a handful and pulling sharply, “You’ve cut your hair and that makes me angry so I’ll have to see what damage you’ve done to the rest of yourself before I can gauge your worth. Take of this trash that you call clothes so that I can have them burned, and do it quick or I’ll do it myself”

  Eddy dropped her bags and began taking off her clothes in front of the three men, she dropped them into a pile at her side and stood nude with her head held high and her eyes steady.

  “Very nice, very nice indeed” Liam grinned evilly as he circled around her and ran his fingers lightly across her buttocks, “I’m glad to see you haven’t marked yourself up with tattoos and piercings like so many other young people do today” stopping back in front of her he asked the question that was most important to him, “Are you still a virgin lass?”

  Eddy did not answer and with shocking speed he reached over and pinched her nipple, making her gasp at the incredible pain, “I expect you to answer me when I speak to you, are you still a virgin?”

  Tears stung her eyes and her nipple felt like it was on fire, “Nay” she answered

  “So you’ve given what belonged to me to someone else, that will cost you dearly lass” he called for a servant to come and when the woman walked into the room she kept her eyes averted and waited for her orders, “Take these clothes and bags and put them into the incinerator”

  “There’s money in me bags” Eddy blurted out suddenly, “In the zipper on the bigger one at the end”

  Liam nodded to the women to have her check and the woman removed it and handed it to him, “How much”

  “$14,000” Eddy replied

  The woman took her bags away and Eddy glanced at the other two men briefly, the short man was rubbing the front of his pants disgustingly and the younger man stood with his arms crossed over his chest with a look in his eyes that may have been pity. Eddy looked at him and sniffed proudly before looking away and he grinned.

  “Do you like what you see Holt?” Liam asked the younger man “She could be yours if you’d like, for a price”

  “Yes Sir I like it just fine, just fine, but it won’t be me that’s doing the buying as you’ll recall, but she really does look like something that he would like, that is if she’s unmarked, he likes to see his work when he’s through” the man smiled and ran his eyes dispassionately over her nude body

  Liam chuckled, “Your friend is a man with my tastes I see, she’ll not be marked, nothing that will be seen anyway, no she’ll be as clean as a babe”

  With all three men looking at her Eddy could not help the flush of shame that crept over her body and she dropped her eyes to the floor.

  This made Liam laugh delightedly, “And if he pays the price he can come back anytime because she’ll be here for a very, very long time”

  This brought Eddy’s head back up with a jerk, “Two years Liam” she shouted, “That’s what ya promised, two years and we’d be square, I’ve paid ye over half of yer fee Liam tis what ya asked”

  Liam looked over her with cold cruel eyes, “Did you really believe that you could come in to my house and steal from me and throw me a pittance and all would be forgiven lass, and you come to me altered and used?” He barked with laughter, “No one takes what is mine, no one!” he gripped her chin in his hand, “You are a stupid girl, you belong to me and I will deal with you as I see fit and make no mistake you will never leave here, never”

  Eddy began backing away from him, “Nay Liam nay, how can ya do this, I am yer only brother’s child does that mean nothing to ya!” She hadn’t seen the short fat man move behind her and she backed into him, his arms snaked around her waist and he ground himself against her bottom, his feted breath hot against her neck as one hand moved down to cup her woman’s mound. She jabbed her elbow into his fleshy gut and when he released her she punched him in the nose making him howl in pain as blood trickled down over his fat lips to his chin.

  “That’s enough!” Liam demanded loudly, “Get away from the girl Owen before she really hurts you man!” and then he looked at Eddy with new interest, “So you’re a scrapper” he smiled, “I have a place for you that both of us may enjoy then” and then he bellowed for his servant and when she opened the door he barked out his order, “Take her to the blue room and get her cleaned up, and feed her” and he looked into Eddy’s eyes, “She’ll not have the chance to starve herself this time, if she doesn’t eat come and get me and I will feed her myself”

  The woman took Eddy by the arm in a surprisingly strong grip and led her naked through the house and up the stairs into the blue room.

  “I’m Hildie and I’ll be looking after you and it’s best you do as you’re told unless you want to be punished” she said sternly “Now we have to get you cleaned up, Sven will be up momentarily to see to you so you go and sit until he arrives” she motioned to a chair in the corner

  “Why are ya doin this, why do ya help him?” Eddy asked angrily

  The woman looked at her with ex
pressionless eyes, “If you know what’s good for you you’ll mind your tongue and do as I say.”

  Eddy sat curled protectively into herself as she watched Hildie bring towels and things from the adjoining bath. There was a knock on the door and a tall blonde man who was slim and deeply tanned came into the room. He carried a cloth sack and a folded table, the later of which he set up in the middle of the floor and laid a large bath sheet over the top of it.

  He turned to Eddy and held out a hand, “I am Sven and I won’t hurt you” he said in a high thin voice, “I want you to come here and lie down on the table for me sweetie; it’s my job to clean you up”

  Feeling as though there were no sense in fighting Eddy accepted his hand and stood allowing him to lead her to the table. “What are ya goin to be doin ta me?” she asked in a shaky voice

  “Honey you don’t have to worry about me, you have a beautiful body but the wrong equipment for my tastes if you get my drift” he sat her up on the table, “Liam likes things a certain way and it’s my job to make sure that these things are taken care of so you just relax and do as I say ok sweetie”

  Sven took his time and with gentle and impersonal hands waxed her legs and underarms, then her entire genital area making her as bald as a newborn. He then shaped and plucked her brows and waxed above her upper lip. When he finished he stood looking down at his handy work, “gorgeous” he said, “Now that wasn’t so bad was it?”

  Eddy was mortified at having been touched by this stranger in such a personal manner and silent tears coursed down her face. Sven led her to the bathroom and told her to shower after which he rubbed her privates with some sort of lotion, ‘to prevent irritation’ he had told her, on the rest of her body he used scented oil that he massaged in, and then he brushed and dried her hair and applied makeup to her face.

  “There now honey don’t you just look wonderful” he led her to a full length mirror to show off his work.

  Eddy looked at her face; the makeup he had applied was light and accented her features in such a way that made her look even younger than she usually did. Now with her shaved pubis and the makeup she looked like a very young girl of about 13 or 14 instead of her 22 years. She gasped, “I look like a child”

  Sven curled his lips, “Sweetie that’s how he likes them” and he cleaned up and packed up his things and left.

  Hildie stepped up behind her and slid a soft sleeveless gown over her head, Eddy didn’t know what it was made off but it was very soft and flowed over her body. She looked in the mirror and saw that although the gown was midnight blue and covered her from neck to feet it concealed nothing.

  “Your supper is on the way up and believe me when I tell you that it will be much better for you to eat it on your own than if I have to call Master Garrett” Hildie told her.

  Another knock on the door heralded the arrival of dinner and Eddy stared at the plates which contained a salad, baked chicken with creamed potatoes, and English peas. “I can na eat all of that!” she said to Hildie anxiously, “I do na eat that much food in a day let alone a single meal”

  “Do the best you can” Hildie scolded before leaving the room with a click of the lock.

  Eddie pulled some of the chicken from the bone and added it along with some of the peas to the salad and tied to eat. She had to choke the food down with large gulps of the fruit juice that accompanied the meal in order to get it down her throat. When she had eaten what she could she took what was left and flushed it down the toilet and went back and placed the plate back on the tray and curled back up in the chair and drank the rest of her juice.

  She felt like she was floating on air as feather light touches caressed her body, she moaned softly as her body heated, and gasped in pain as rude fingers invaded her.

  “There now lass” a voice spoke above her, she could not understand the words and her eyes would not focus, “This salve is imported from the far east and it will make you so full of want that you’ll be begging me for release”

  Even in her drugged state Eddy could feel the heat building in her loins, her body was on fire and she writhed in pleasure as she was stretched and filled, she cried out as an orgasm took her and greedy hands roamed her body making her whimper and moan as the pounding in her most privet place kept on until she came again and again until her body could take no more and she sank into another type of bliss, that of unconsciousness.

  Gavin stalked around the room like a caged animal as he waited with Rundleman for Deavers to return. Deavers had been working deep undercover for well over a year at Garrett’s estate in Long Island and he had gone there earlier today and was due back to report his findings at any time, but Gavin was tired of waiting. He feared for Eddy more now than ever after hearing all that Rundleman and Deavers had told him. Liam Garrett was the devil incarnate and would do anything to assuage his sexual deviations.

  The door to the hotel suite opened and Deavers came in and went straight to the bar filling a glass full of bourbon and drinking it straight down before refilling the glass and downing half of that as well.

  “That bad?” Rundleman asked the younger man with a worried frown

  “Worse” he answered as he sat the glass on the bar and stood for a moment with his eyes closed tight, “Worse than anything I’ve ever witnessed”

  “Eddy?” Gavin spoke here name questioningly

  Deavers nodded and walked to the windows overlooking the city, “She showed up around three this afternoon” he shook his head, “Blackhawk you need to hear this for the sake of the operation or I could not tell you, but just know that had I interfered in any way he would have killed us both” he turned and met Gavin’s hard dark eyes briefly before turning away.

  “Tell me” Gavin ground out through his clenched jaw

  “He has taken all of the money she paid him, a total of $67,000 and he told her she owed him more than she could ever repay and that he intended to keep her. He stripped her down almost immediately in front of me and that slime ball Owen Harper and he touched her, and then when she said didn’t respond fast enough to something her said he pinched her, hard” his own hand moved to his chest and rubbed as though he felt the girls pain, he cleared his throat and continued, “ he sent her upstairs, nude, to ‘be cleaned’ he’d said” he took another long swallow from his glass, “I didn’t see her until later on but Liam kept bragging about what he had in store for her, he’s got this stuff, his special salve he calls it that’s imported from the middle east and when you apply it to a woman’s genitals it makes them crave sexual gratification” He didn’t speak for long minutes and hesitated to continue, “Later in her room, he must have drugged her food or drink, I don’t know but she was totally out of it, he stripped her gown from her and tied her spread eagle on the bed and rubbed her down with that stuff, Christ he even put it inside of her, he had all of her hair removed so she looks like a child” he finished his drink, “He used various toys on her, in her, hell I know he hurt her because he had a hard time at first getting it… even as drugged up as she was I could see she was in pain, there were six of us in the room with him, he wanted us all to see, he said he would break her. He made her come until she passed out and then he slapped her around to try and revive her for more but she was out so he said he would continue tomorrow night, he said he wants her broken before the party.” His hands where shaking when he finished, “Excuse me” he went into the bathroom and emptied his stomach, “I’m sorry Gavin, I’m so sorry, I’ve never seen him treat anyone, male or female the way he treated her, I wasn’t expecting that and I’ve never been so horrified or so sickened in my life”

  Gavin didn’t say a word and if he clenched his jaw any tightened he would no doubt shatter all of his teeth.

  Rundleman watched Gavin and silently applauded his control, he could see in his eyes that the man was in hell and even knowing Gavin as well as he did wasn’t at all sure that he would make it through the next four days without snapping. “Gavin I can’t imagine what you’re feeling ri
ght now and I’m sorry, just try for her sake to hold it together and stick to the plan”

  “I know it doesn’t seem like much of a difference” Deavers said quietly, “but from what he has said he doesn’t intend to rape her or let anyone else have her until the party, and I’ve already expressed interest in her on your behalf” he stopped for a minute thinking, “Had I known what he had planned I may have been better prepared but I think when I see him tomorrow if I tell him you would like it better if she fought you” He paused when Gavin turned his eyes to him and that moment he feared for his life, “Look I’m just trying to say that if I give him that impression then maybe he’ll lay off her, or at least go easier on her until we can get her out”

  “Gavin” Rundleman drew his attention away from Deavers, “Holt is right and she is not the only one being kept there, there are others, children and it is our responsibility to look at the whole picture, and if you are not positive that you can pull this off then I need to know now so we can get someone else in place, because if he finds anything off about you then you will loose her forever”


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