“I’m ready” Gavin told him in a voice that would cause many men to tremble in fear, “But there is something that the two of you need to know” He looked at both men, “Once I have her safe the first chance I get I intend to kill Liam Garrett, and if you have a problem with that then tell me now and I’ll handle this on my own and damn the consequences”
Eddy woke up slowly as if emerging from a dense fog, her head hurt and her body ached. She was in the large bed and she was naked curled up in the center of the bed on top of the covers. Groggily she scooted to the edge of the bed and sat up, a cramp low in her belly had her doubled over in pain, she waited for it to subside and tried to stand but pain blasted through her again and she fell to her knees. Eddy cried out as she lay on the floor feeling wet warmth between her legs, she reached down and brought her hand back up, there was blood on her fingers. She cried out louder and heard footsteps outside the door and Hildie entered the room.
“What is all the fuss about in here and what are you doing on the floor!” the woman asked as she rounded the bed, then she saw the blood, “Oh dear lord” she cried and rushed from the room
Moments later Sven hurried into the room followed by Hildie and another woman that Eddy did not know.
“What happened to her?” Sven was asking Hildie
Hildie threw up her arms, “I heard a noise and came in, she was on the floor and she keeps talking but I don’t understand what she’s saying, I just saw the blood and came for you, she must be talking Irish”
“Stupid cow” Sven said to Hildie and picked Eddy up gently and put her on the bed, “She’s speaking Gaeilge go and get Aimee quickly” Sven pushed the hair back from her face and saw that her eyes were glazed with pain, “Sara get me a warm cloth” He smoothed his hand over her brow as he waited, “Don’t worry little one Sven will take care of you” He took the cloth from Sara and washed the blood away but more came, “Sara you’d best get Dr. Stewart here the bleeding isn’t stopping”
Hildie came back with a young women who stepped over and began listening to Eddy, “She says she has cramping, it feels like someone is ripping her apart inside” Aimee began speaking to Eddy in her own language, “She says she woke up this way and I asked her if she was pregnant, she said no, but then she said she didn’t know, and she’s saying all kinds of things about Master Garrett”
“Tell her that I’ve sent for the doctor and tell her to hush about Liam, she doesn’t want him to hear her speaking badly of him, you stay here with me, Hildie and Sara can finish your chores, if she doesn’t snap out of this I’ll need you to interpret for the doctor”
Dr. Jason Stewart arrived thirty minutes later and was shown straight up to Eddy’s room, he was an older man perhaps in his sixties with a shock of white hair wearing a wrinkled suit that hung loose on his diminutive frame.
“Hello Sven, Aimee, what have we got here” he asked grumpily
“Possible miscarriage would be my guess” Sven answered, “I told Liam to leave her be until you had checked her out but he was up here last night with his friends and his toys and this is how she woke up, she says she has a lot of pain and cramping, and of course there is the bleeding” He stopped as the doctor walked to the bed, “I put some towels under her, and Aimee is here to interpret”
“She doesn’t speak English?” the doctor asked in surprise
Sven shrugged, “She does but she hasn’t this morning, fortunately Aimee speaks Gaeilge”
Dr. Stewart sighed heavily, “Alright, Sven you get behind her and make sure she doesn’t move, Aimee you stay down here with me, and ask her when she last menstruated”
Aimee did as requested, “She says mid September; she says that sometimes she’s late but never this late and she hadn’t thought about it because she takes the birth control pills to regulate her cycle.
The doctor laid his instruments and put on disposable gloves, “Alright let’s scoot her to the edge of the bed and have her put her heels on the edge and open her legs, Aimee explain to her that I’m going to examine her and it’s important that she lie still”
Eddy kept muttering in her own language as the doctor checked her. He used his hands and several different instruments during his treatment as well as the same plastic wash bin that Sven had used the day before. When he was finished he wiped away the blood and balled up the towels he had used.
“Have Hildie take this to the furnace and get rid of it” he instructed Aimee, “She was I’d say around two months along and didn’t know it, she may bleed for a day or two, I’ll give her a shot, but after that she’ll be fine” he stood and removed his gloves and dropped them into the tub Aimee held, “He’s abused this one pretty badly, that’s not like Liam, but she’ll recover, just tell him it would be best to wait until at least Friday or Saturday to present this one, give her some time to heal at least” He picked up his bag and withdrew a syringe and a bottle and drew up the clear liquid. He Gave Eddy a shot and packed his bag, “You can clean her up, a good hot soak would probably feel good to her about now but not to long. If you have any more problems with her you know how to reach me” and then he left
Sven spoke softly to Eddy as he gently bathed her and washed her hair, only leaving her long enough to have the bed changed and to find a pair of pajamas, underwear, and sanitary napkins for her to use, he even dressed her, and she never said a word or made another sound, he didn’t know that she had left, he didn’t know about the secret place inside her mind that she had gone to where none of them existed.
Rundleman and Deavers waited in the suite for Gavin to return. He had gone out ‘to get a few things’ is what he’d told them, so they talked while they waited.
“So what else did you find out today” Rundleman asked Deavers
“Nothing that I want him to know but if we don’t tell him it will come back on us for sure” he looked around as if he expected Gavin to pop up out of nowhere, “I told you yesterday that he’s pulled Eddy out of the line up for the 5th, 6th, and 7th, and I didn’t know why but I found out today from Aimee. Apparently the girl was pregnant”
“She’s pregnant and Gavin doesn’t know?” Rundleman asked in shock
Deavers shook his head, “No, he must have been to rough with the girl, rougher than even I realized, she miscarried the next morning”
“Jesus he’s going to go fucking ballistic” Rundleman bit out
“Well it seems ole doc Stewart told Garrett to let her heel for a few days so he’s giving her until Saturday before he brings her out, but Aimee also says the girl ain’t right, says she eats and sleeps, maybe mumbles some words of Gaeilge and that’s all. She says it’s like the lights are on but no ones home, but she’ll do whatever you tell her to do” he let out a deep breath, “Garrett plans to put her in the ring though, beginning tomorrow night”
“He what!”Rundleman exclaimed, “The man is insane’”
Gavin had come up behind the man without their knowing, “Dare I ask who you are talking about?”
“Damn it Gavin” Rundleman jumped nearly spilling his drink “I thought I was good but you have the stealth of an alley cat, could give a man a heart attack”
Gavin ignored him and looked at Deavers, “Did you find anything out today?”
Deavers looked away from Gavin unable to take the intensity of his gaze, “Yeah, I found out what he has planned but there’s something else that you need to know” He watched as Rundleman got up and fixed a drink to hand to Gavin.
“Have a seat Gavin” he said as he passed him the drink, “You’re gonna need this” And he waited while Gavin accepted the drink but did not sit down
“There’s no other way to tell you this but straight out” Deavers said and watched Gavin’s back stiffen, “Gavin Eddy was pregnant and has had a miscarriage” Deavers ducked as the glass Gavin was holding flew through the air and smashed to a million pieces against the wall behind him
Rundleman stood and put his hands out in front of him, �
�Gavin she going to be alright, physically, he’s bringing her out on Saturday instead of tomorrow”
“But” Deavers added, “He’s putting her in the ring tomorrow night”
Gavin sank down in a chair and hung his head, the three men sat in silence for a long time until Gavin raised his head and cleared his throat, he looked at Deavers unashamed of the wetness around his eyes, “You said she was alright physically, what does that mean?”
“Um Aimee, one of the other girls there said that Eddy will do what ever she’s told to do, eat, sleep, anything, but she says that she’s not there Gavin, that she stares of into space with no expression.”
Gavin nodded but didn’t say anything else; he just picked up the bottle and went to his room.
Gavin and Deavers rode through the gates at the Garrett estate at 8:15 the next night, Deavers and his team had designed Gavin’s cover using his own name and had made it deep enough to ensure a thorough looking into or he wouldn’t have even made it through the front gate. Gavin wore an Italian suite in a deep gray with his polished black boots, his shirt was white and he wore a string tie with a hawk on the clip, and had a white Stetson on his head, his hair was in a long braid tide with a thin strip of leather. There was a knife in each of his boots and a 45 semi-automatic tucked into the back of his pants. Deavers wore and Armani suite in black with a navy shirt and a stripped tie which had a small gold tie clip which was actually a high tech listening device with Rundleman at the other end. He was armed much the same as Gavin was but he had also hidden weapons in the house. Rundleman would be waiting outside until Deavers sent him a sign and shut down the security, then all hell would break loose.
They pulled up to the front door and left the car which would be taken and parked by an attendant. There were two men at the door who let them inside where they were led to the library to meet Liam Garrett. As they entered the room Liam stood from his seat to great them.
“Gentlemen, come in, come in” he clapped Deavers on the back in welcome, “Merry Christmas to you Holt” he said jovially as he eyed Gavin, “This must be the infamous Mr. Blackhawk I’ve heard so much about” he extended his hand to Gavin.
Inwardly Gavin cringed at having to shake hands with the man, but nothing showed on the outside but a smile, “Pleased to meet you Mr. Garrett and thank you for allowing me to join you in your festivities on such short notice, and please call me Gavin” Gavin spoke with a heavy Texas drawl.
“And you must call me Liam; tell me how are you enjoying our fair city?”
Gavin grinned, “It ain’t Texas” and the other men in the room laughed
Liam was watching him carefully, “Never been to Texas myself” he said, “What part of Texas are you from lad?”
“Currently Amarillo, but I was born in Brownsville and have Ahhh interests in Galveston, Fort Worth, and Dallas.” Gavin answered without offering to much information, “I hear you’re from Ireland”
Liam chuckled, “That I am lad, born and raised but my home has been here now for nearly thirty years now. Have you ever been there?”
“Yeah a few years back, to Dublin, my mother’s people are from there”
“No you don’t say” Liam exclaimed, “Why you’re half Irish then” he clapped Gavin on the back and gave one of the men a discrete nod. The man approached Gavin to pat him down and Gavin reached behind him and pulled out his 45 to hand to him, the man snatched it and in the wink of an eye Gavin had the gun back in his hand and pointed at his forehead.
A hush fell over the room, “Now I don’t know about New York son but where I come from that’s just plain rude, didn’t your mama teach you any manners” and before any body could move Gavin had lowered the gun, removed the clip, and ejected the loaded round and held it out to the man. “There you go, and next time remember I don’t cotton to rudeness in a man”
The man stood with his mouth hanging open and fear in his eyes for a moment before easing the gun from Gavin’s hand.
Liam Garrett burst out laughing in loud guffaws, “I like your friend Holt, I do indeed” he said and looked at Gavin, “It’s just a precaution you understand”
Gavin nodded and watched as Holt handed over his weapon then they were led by their host down a flight of stairs to what most people would call a basement, but this bore no resemblance to any ordinary basement it was much to elaborate, the floor was richly carpeted in burgundy and the walls were painted in the color of heavily creamed coffee. There was a chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling with smaller lights placed discretely all around it. There were six doors on the three walls in the room other than the ones where the stairs led down, and in the center of the room surrounded on all sides by chairs was a boxing ring.
Garrett spoke to many others on the way down but once at the bottom of the stairs he turned to speak to Gavin and Holt.
“We’ll have some entertainment before we have our entertainment if you know what I mean” He found himself amusing and laughed, “Are you a betting man Gavin Blackhawk?”
Gavin grinned as he took in all of the faces around him before settling his gaze on Garrett, “I’ve been known to place a wager or two in my time”
“Good, good” He rubbed his hands together eagerly, “Then I won’t mind taking your money”
Gavin looked at the man and said with certainty, “Didn’t Holt tell you, I don’t loose”
“Yes” He said and his eyes flashed briefly, “I’ve heard that from more than our friend Holt here, that makes us much the same then lad”
Gavin made a noise deep in his throat; “Time will tell Mr. Garrett, time will tell” He said and knew that Garrett knew he was referring to the later entertainment.
“Call me Liam lad” Garrett insisted with another clap on the back
“Of course” Gavin rejoined, “Tell me Liam what have you got going here” and Gavin gestured to the boxing ring.
“Holt will explain if you’ll excuse me for a moment, oh and if you’ll tell me what you’ll be drinking I’ll have it sent over”
Holt spoke first, “A draft for me Liam”
“Jack, black, straight” Gavin told him
Liam’s eyes flashed approval and he walked off.
“So far so good” Holt said quietly to Gavin, “He likes you, probably in more ways than one” he elbowed Gavin lightly in the ribs
“God forbid” Gavin muttered darkly, “I thought you said he likes boys”
“He likes girls, he likes boys better, and he likes macho men even better still!” Holt explained with a grin, “But don’t worry he knows what your likes are and he’ll be watching your reaction towards Eddy in the ring so be careful what you let him see”
A young blonde woman wearing only a red thong decorated at the crotch with white fur like St. Nick sauntered over on impossibly high heels and delivered their drinks to them, eyeing both of them and running her tongue wantonly over full red lips and rubbing her turgid nipples over each of their arms as she handed the drinks to them before sauntering off with a smile.
Holt grinned and watched her delectable bottom as she moved away, but Gavin lifted one dark brow and frowned. It was this frown that Liam remarked on as he re-joined them.
“What is it Gavin, you don’t appreciate Elise’s …attributes” He chuckled, “What is it, to tall, to thin, to busty, to blonde?”
“To willing” Gavin remarked flatly
“I understand lad, now come and have a seat the fun is about to begin” he stated as he led them to some seats
Two women were brought out, each from a different door on opposite sides of the ring; they each wore sheer white sleeveless cotton tops without bras and tight fitting knit shorts, one in red, and the other in green. One of the women was a bit taller than the other with dusky skin and dark hair where the other was fair and freckled with red hair.
“Now you see” Liam explained, “I have eight girls so there’ll be 7 matches each lasting no longer than 15 minutes, the winners of the first 4 matches will be
paired up again for the next two and then the final match. If neither girl in a match gets knocked out in the 15 minutes allotted then we the audience will choose the winner” He looked at each of the men,” Now if you lads would like to place a friendly wager now would be the time”
Gavin and Holt placed their wagers on the first three matches, none of which had involved Eddy, Gavin won all three, and Holt won only one. Liam like Gavin had won all three bets but Gavin figured he had an inside line knowing all the participants. He was beginning to worry whether Eddy would be in the last match; it was taking much longer between the matches this time than it had before. A tall blonde man came from a room and motioned for Liam who went and spoke to him and came and sat back down.
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