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Scrapper Page 13

by Privette, Valerie

  “Sorry for the delay lads, it seems one of the girls refuses to wear the gloves” He threw up his arms and shrugged, “I suppose it may make things more interesting, this will be a bare knuckles match”

  In any other circumstance this would not have bothered Gavin, but given what he’d been told about her health and state of mind he wasn’t at all sure how this would turn out. There was also the fact that he was sitting ring side next to her uncle, he had had no way of alerting her as to his presence, and he prayed she would not blow his cover.

  Trying to play it cool he lit a cigarette and glanced at Liam, “I don’t mind a few scrapes and bruises, and like a woman who can take a little pain, as well as dish it out, it makes things more…fun”

  The tall blonde brought around more drinks just as the doors opened and the women were brought out, he saw Eddy right away but made a show of checking out the other woman first. She was dark haired and dark skinned, taller and bigger than Eddy, she wore yellow shorts and Gavin knew that Liam had set Eddy up to loose. He looked at Eddy, she looked pale and had dark circles under her eyes, eyes that had a hollow look to them, she seemed completely unaware of her surroundings and that scared him.

  “Place your bets lads the fight is about to begin” Liam said as he leered at Eddy as though he wanted her and despised her at the same time.

  The blonde man who had spoken to Liam had been in one corner or another for each of the matches and was with Eddy now. He acted different with her than he had with the others, almost as if he cared for her. He was speaking to her, standing close, whispering in her ear, and when the bell was rung he gave her a little shove and stepped down from the ring.

  Eddy stood with her arms up but the larger women walked straight up to her and punched the left side of her jaw, her head snapped to the side but she didn’t fall and the woman slapped her hard leaving angry red welts across her face.

  “I thought I may have seen something in that little gal but I may be breaking my winning streak on this one” Gavin frowned at Liam and Holt

  But as they watched Eddy shook her head and wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth, she still was expressionless but when the woman tried to hit her again she ducked and punched the woman so hard that she knocked her down. She stayed down for a minute and got back to her feet going after Eddy again, but Eddy hit her so hard and so fast with a series of punches that the woman could not defend and in just moments fell to the mat knocked out cold.

  “Well, well, well” Gavin grinned and looked over at Liam, “that’s quite the little firecracker you’ve got there”

  “You liked that did you?” he laughed, “Do you think you might be interested in that one then?”

  Gavin wanted to shout ‘hell yeah’ but instead he lit another cigarette and looked thoughtfully at the girls as they were led from the ring, “I think I’ll reserve judgment at least until after her next match, I like for a woman to have endurance as well as a high threshold for pain”

  “Ha ha ha” Liam laughed loudly and pounded Gavin’s back gleefully, “I know what you mean lad I’m just the same”

  Holt wondered around talking to different people while Gavin remained seated next to Liam as the next girls were brought out. He placed his wager and again won, and then it was time for Eddy again. She wore the same blue shorts but had a clean top on he guessed because the other had had blood on it. This time she fought from the time the bell was rung and had defeated the other girl in under two minutes.

  “Now what do you think Gavin” Liam asked

  Gavin smiled at the man broadly, “I think that the two of us could have a real good time together”

  “Then you shall have her lad, and after the weekend and the partying are over you and I can get down to some serious business” Liam said with greed shining in his eyes.

  Gavin raised his glass to Liam, “That sounds like a damned fine plan”


  Before the final match was to begin Liam excused himself and Holt sat down in his place, “How are you holding up partner?” he asked Gavin with concern

  “Wonderful, I’m just fucking wonderful” he said facetiously, “And joy of joys I only have to do this for three more days”

  Holt watched Gavin’s face as he spoke and was amazed at the man’s control, his expression never altered from that of a man relaxed and enjoying himself.

  “Maybe not my friend, I made a call while I was away and spoke to our friend and everything is set to go if we can get things set up in here” he glanced around to be sure no one was close by, “Take this” he passed a gun to Gavin very discretely, “And this one to” he gave him another, “We’ll wait until this next match is over, I heard Liam talking to Owen Jenkins, he’s the short, fat, little man over there in the corner. The man wants Eddy but Liam has already told him that she is for you. It won’t be long after the match that he offers up the women and he expects you to have one, you’ll stand firm and hold out for Eddy so maybe he’ll be persuaded to bring her out early”

  The two of them discussed a few more details before Liam returned and then sat with fresh drinks to watch the match. When Eddy was brought back out she looked no worse than she had after the first fight, there was some slight bruising where she had been punched that first time but it was minimal.

  The opponent for this match was much taller than Eddy, a blonde with long shapely legs and a large bust. She had beaten her previous opponents with little trouble having fought like a seasoned fighter. Gavin knew Eddy was tuff but so was this woman and he was nervous about the end result fearing that Liam would expect him to change his mind about Eddy if she did not win.

  “I see you’re sizing up the competition Gavin” Liam patted him on the back, “Perhaps you’d like to wager differently this time around lad”

  Gavin glanced at the man with a dark frown and then looked back at the ring and lit a cigarette, “I’ll stick to my guns thanks”

  Liam grinned thoughtfully, “So you really are taken with the scrapper then, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t inform you that I have many other fine fillies in my stables and you could have your choice”

  Liam was Giving Gavin the kid glove treatment out of pure greed; Gavin’s cover portrayed him as a big time player from Texas who had stables of his own as well as having his fingers in several other pies including arms dealing, and drug running with strong ties to the Columbian Cartel as well as politicians and other political officials at local, state and federal levels. In Liam Garrett’s eyes Gavin Blackhawk had and was everything that Liam wanted and had not been able to obtain, and Gavin would be his door opener, his stepping stone to all he wished to be.

  Gavin gave Liam a sideways glance, “When you know me better you’ll learn that I rarely change my mind once I’ve made a decision , I am a man of varied but distinct tastes and those who try and sway me or interfere do not end up liking the results”

  Liam’s eyes widened in surprise at the subtle threat, “For a man who is alone and unarmed in my home you speak boldly Mr. Blackhawk”

  Gavin turned sideways in his chair and looked Liam in the eyes, Gavin’s were cold and hard and his expression held a ruthless that made the other man flinch, “Mr. Garrett” he drew on his cigarette, “I have neither the time or inclination for your veiled threats, and believe me when I say that the lack of a weapon has never stopped me from doing what needed to be done, I’m a bad mother fucker as you should know from your investigations into my past and you would be a fool to believe that I would travel anywhere alone” he stopped and again drew on his cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray, “I did not perceive you as such and can see that allowing myself to be talked into coming here was a mistake, one that Mr. Deavers will pay for dearly” his words were short and clipped and he stood suddenly, “I think it’s time for me to go”

  Liam stood so quickly that he nearly turned over his chair, “No, no, Mr. Blackhawk, Gavin, please sit down, I apologize for my rudeness, I didn’t mean anything
, there is no need for you to go” He looked up at Gavin, “We could do much business together you and I but for tonight let’s put all of this aside and enjoy ourselves”

  Holt was giving Gavin a look over Liam’s shoulder that said ‘what the hell’ but he kept his expression bland, “Gavin don’t be so temperamental old friend, this relationship could be beneficial to us all, there’s no sense in being angry because you must wait!”

  “Wait?” Liam looked curiously from one man to the other, “Wait for what?”

  Holt frowned and explained to Liam, “When you stepped away I was explaining to Gavin about the variety of your, um, ladies that you would be presenting soon after this match” he motioned towards the ring, “The only one he seems to have an interest in is the little scrapper there” he pointed out Eddy, “I told him that you would not be bringing her out until Friday or Saturday, but our friend Gavin made up his mind and doesn’t like to be kept waiting”

  Gavin had turned back to the ring as though ignoring the others until Liam clapped him on the back, “So that’s where this sudden black mood has come from lad!” He laughed in understanding, “Have no worries, if you want the lass you shall have her” he said in appeasement, “Tonight!”

  Gavin merely nodded and kept his eyes on Eddy. Holt watched Liam grinning as he watched Gavin watch Eddy, Holt knew that look, Liam figured that if he appeased Gavin with the girl then he would be able to keep Gavin around and work out a business arrangement with him. Liam was pleased with Gavin but he also feared him, with the girl he felt he could control Gavin.

  The bell rang and the match began, Eddy’s opponent had an advantage being taller as well as having a longer reach. Eddy made up for it with body shots and even one good punch to the jaw that knocked the woman down, which infuriated her and when she got back up she tackled Eddy and they both went down. Eddy on hands and knees tried to stand but the woman grabbed her hair and punched her in the mouth. Blood spewed from her mouth and nose as she rolled away and kicked the woman in the stomach in the process. She stayed down and Eddy kicked her in the ribs several times and then sat on her chest with her knees pinning down the woman’s arms, then she punched the woman in the face over, and over, and over until the tall blonde man pulled her off. There was cheering all around the room from the spectators as the blonde man held up her arm in victory, but Eddy’s face was a blank mask.

  Liam stood up and walked to the ring with pride as he officially declared Eddy the overall winner and encouraged everyone to head upstairs to mingle and settle up on bets while things were set up for the auction.

  Gavin followed Holt and once upstairs found a secluded corner to discuss their next move. “There is a set of stairs behind a narrow door at the end of the hall upstairs, it leads down to the kitchen and you can use the back exit to get Eddy out” Holt told Gavin, “Once you do that we’ll provide what cover we can while Rundleman’s team rounds everyone up. Most likely you’ll be shown to the blue room which is where she’s being kept, that room is at the far end of the hall by the stairs which should make things a little easier as long as you’re not seen” Holt glanced around making sure no one would over hear him, “I’ll send you a message on your phone when I take out the security, open the gates, and signal Rundleman with the go ahead”

  “It can’t happen to soon for me” Gavin replied and sipped his drink.

  Holt eyed him keenly, “You get her out, don’t worry about Liam, we’ll handle him, you get her out and safe.

  Gavin looked at him darkly, “That’s the only reason I’m hear”

  The two of them circulated around the large room and spoke to several other guests, Liam finally showed back up and after slapping a few backs and shaking some hands he found Gavin and Holt.

  “Here you go lad” he said as he handed Gavin a huge wad of cash, “My man told me you hadn’t collected your winnings so I thought I would deliver them personally”

  Gavin gave a careless shrug of indifference, “Didn’t figure it was going anywhere, why rush”

  Liam laughed heartily, “Oh I don’t know about that lad, you took me to the cleaners with your 10 to 1 odds, it seemed you were one of few that bet on my scrapper”

  “I did tell you I liked the look of her” Gavin said levelly and grinned

  “That you did lad, that you did” He agreed, “The ladies will be ready in about 10 more minutes and I’ve got us each a front row seat, if you’ll excuse me I’ll see to my other guests and meet you then”

  Gavin and Holt raised their glasses to the man as he turned away and Holt told Gavin, “When you go downstairs I’ll stay up here for a bit before I join you so if Liam asks any questions I’m making some calls for you”

  It wasn’t long before word spread that it was time and everyone headed back downstairs where Gavin joined Liam at their seats. Things were beginning to get underway when as predicted Liam asked about Holts absence.

  “He’ll be along shortly” Gavin said looking at his watch, “I have him placing a few calls that needed taken care of by 10pm” and when Liam frowned and checked his own watch Gavin amended, “Texas time”

  “Ahh” Liam said and nodded his understanding, “We are ready to start now so if you see anything you like just give me a nod”

  The women were brought out in pairs; they were all made up and wore diaphanous gowns in different shimmering colors that barely reached mid thigh. They all wore the same high heeled silver slippers and they walked slowly down the center of the room before tuning and walking back, the only information given about them was a first name. There where two poles at each end of the center of the room and one of the next two girls brought out had her hand bound with silk cords and was led to the far pole, her arms were raised and her bindings were placed over a hook and she was left to stand there. The next to come out were young boys in their mid to late teens who were forced to walk naked up and down the room, then a boy was hooked to a pole and left while the other woman was removed and another put on that pole. The parade of bodies went on until they had seen at least twenty women, young girls, and young boys. Gavin was sickened by the display but sat in silence and watched, and finally Eddy was brought out. Unlike the others she was pulled like a dog on a leash up and back twice before she was hung on the pole closest the door she had come out of and left. She had on a gown like all the rest, hers in a dark amber color that barely covered the V at the juncture of her thighs once her arms were raised over her head. Her head hung down and her chin rested on her chest with her hair obscuring her face, the small glimpse that Gavin had gotten of her eyes showed nothing. Eddy was left were she was for the duration of the parade of flesh before she was taken down, the whole point Gavin knew was to cause further humiliation and he seethed inwardly wanting nothing more than to get his bare hands around Liam Garrett’s neck.

  Once all of those offered has been viewed the bidding began. When the name Eudora was called Gavin did nothing more than glance at Liam and received a nod from him guaranteeing that the she would be his. Some of the men were led off to go to different assigned bedrooms and others collected their prizes and got them drinks, treating them like dates, chatting them up, wooing them.

  Then there were the others who took them into other public rooms and began fornicating in full view of anyone who wished to see, enjoying being watched by others as they themselves watched in turn. Gavin was led through the house, through the mass of writhing bodies and though his mind rebelled his body responded and became excited by the orgies going on around him, he was at the same time disgusted and in those moments hated himself.

  The tall man who he now knew as Sven was leading him up the stairs where even there they made their way around copulating bodies until they came to the second floor landing. Sven led him to a door that was hung with a brass plaque identifying it as ‘The blue Room’ where he stopped outside the door and turned to Gavin.

  He took a large breath and said, “Please don’t hurt her, I could be shot for even speaking to you if Lia
m were to find out but I don’t care. She’s delicate, more delicate than she appears”

  “What’s wrong with her” Gavin demanded blackly, but then added, “Have I been given defective merchandise?”

  Sven looked startled and frightened, “No, no sir, I mean it’s just that she’s new and sometimes Liam gets carried away when sampling the goods and she was supposed to have more time to recover and she’d had some bleeding and…”

  Under Gavin’s intense scrutiny Sven’s voice trailed off and Gavin smiled, “Hell son why play in the mud if you don’t want to get your hands dirty?” and he looked Sven over, playing his part well as he ran his heated gaze up and down the Swedes body, “So this girl is special to you huh” Gavin stepped close to the man, “Maybe you want to take her place?”

  Sven nearly swooned at Gavin’s hot look, “Um yeah, I mean yes I could do that” he practically panted

  Gavin ran a finger down Sven’s smooth cheek and placed his lips a hairs breath away from the other mans, “Would you” and then Gavin gripped Sven’s hand, “Maybe later cupcake” he carried the hand and placed it over his erection, “This is for her” and then Gavin turned the doorknob and entered the room closing and locking the door with a click.


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