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Page 16

by Privette, Valerie

  He stood close, “I wanted to have a look at something that I thought I saw when you were bent over the bar flirting with your boyfriend” he growled and lifted the skirt of her dress high enough to see the tops of her stockings and her garters, “Jesus” was all he said as his mouth slammed down on hers, mauling and devouring his tongue sliding between her lips and mating with hers. He unfastened her belt and found the single snap at her side that held her dress closed and he pushed it aside and stepped back to look at her.

  “My God look at you” he said as his hands roamed over her body making her whimper, “I’ll have you begging for me” he muttered as one hand found a breast and the other her very core, clever fingers sought and found entrance and she cried out even as his mouth tried to suck the very breath from her body, “Beg me Eddy, beg me for what you want, for what you need”

  “Nay Gavin nay” she cried out, and his mouth clamped down on one hard pink nipple and he put another finger deep inside of her and she moaned with need. “Beg me Eddy”

  “Nay Gavin” she said as her body quivered and he lifted her onto the edge of the counter and dropped to his knees and replaced his hand with his mouth.

  “Ohhh” she cried as he worked his mouth and tongue over her, “Beg me Eddy and I’ll give it to you” he said against he hot wet crevice while his fingers plucked at her nipples, “Aye Gavin please, please” she begged finally and he stood and unzipped his pants and thrust into her lifting her off of the counter as he did and she convulsed around him as she came hard and fast. He took her mouth again and continued thrusting harder and faster until she came again and he emptied himself inside of her as she screamed his name.

  Eddy clutched her dress around herself and averted her eyes as Gavin cleaned himself and righted his clothes. When he was through he gripped her jaw and turned her head to him and kissed her lips, “Thanks babe you were great, Merry Christmas and have fun in Hawaii” he said smarty and left the room.

  Eddy eased herself to the floor and locked the door and began to clean herself up, she struggled not to cry, as she did so and was doing alright until she opened her evening bag to get her lipstick out and came across the small gift box inside. She took the box out and looked at it through a sheen of tears and dropped it into the trash can, and then she blotted her eyes thinking that she was glad that she had paid extra for the waterproof mascara, she put on fresh lipstick and walked back downstairs.

  Jared met her on the stairs, “I was getting worried you’d been gone so long”

  “Sorry” she said evasively, “Seems you were right about the tequila, I had ta sit down fer a bit”

  He grinned knowingly, “It was bound to happen, anyway while you were gone our love birds seem to be having a bit of a row” He nodded to the far corner where Gavin stood with Vaughna and it did look as though they were arguing

  “Good for them” she said sincerely and rubbed her head where a headache was beginning to form, “Do ya still want that dance Jared?”

  “Sure” he smiled and led her out onto the floor

  Meanwhile Charley made her way to the bathroom, as she washed her hands she noticed a small gift box on the floor next to the trash can, “Someone must have dropped this” and without looking at it she went back downstairs and placed it under the tree. She watched Eddy who seemed to have withdrawn in the past hour and was worried about her, their plan didn’t seem to be working out so well. She looked at Gavin who now seemed to be ignoring Eddy and wondered what had happened. As she watched Vaughna walked over to Eddy and tapped her on the shoulder, this could not be good Charley thought and headed that way.

  Eddy turned as some one tapped her shoulder, it was Vaughna who looked pouty and out of sorts, “I remember you now” she stated snippily “You are the girl who showed up at Gavin’s house while I was there and had a fit breaking all of his dishes” she accused

  Eddy lifted a delicate brow, “That is not the way I remember it but aye it was me”

  “You are wearing red lipstick” Vaughna pointed at her

  Eddy frowned in confusion, “Aye right again”

  Vaughna tugged at the open collar of Gavin’s shirt exposing the red stain upon it, “How did your lipstick get on his collar”

  “I dunno maybe it was a wee fairy up to some mischief” Eddy said earnestly

  Jared chuckled behind her as did others who’d gathered around.

  “Oh!” Vaughna stomped a foot angrily, “You English think you’re so smart”

  Eddy got angry all of a sudden, this was all just to much, “I am from Ireland ya stupid cow, it’s an entirely different country ya great eejit” and then she looked at Gavin, “Have ya no self respect at all, is this really the best ya can do” she said gesturing to the other woman.

  “Oh I don’t know Eddy, I fucked you in the bathroom less than an hour ago after I made you beg me for it, you can’t get much lower than that” he said with a smile

  All of the color left Eddy’s face and she swayed slightly, “Aye Gavin” her voice cracked, “I can na get any lower” and she turned to Jared “I’d like to go now please”

  “What’s the matter Eddy not having fun anymore” Gavin taunted

  “Gavin you’ve said enough” Charley stepped forward

  “You’re wrong Charley I haven’t said nearly enough, for example have I said anything about how amazingly fast she has gotten over supposedly being raped and having a miscarriage, no I haven’t, have a said how fast she got over her supposed great love for me, nope not that one, have I mentioned the fact that she came here tonight dressed like a whore letting Romeo there put his hands all over her, no, well I guess I missed that one to, and might I add that it took me less than a two minutes to get her undressed and begging to be fucked in your bathroom, whoops I may have already mentioned that one”

  “Gavin that is enough!” Kevin who never raised his voice shouted, “You are drunk and you’re saying things that you’ll regret tomorrow”

  “Nay let him speak Kevin, a drunk man tells no lies” Eddy cried, “What is it that ya want ta know Gavin do ya want to know how he drugged me and did vile and disgusting things to me body while a half a dozen others stood by and watched, do ya want to know how he jammed things inside of me and laughed when I screamed at the pain, or maybe how he put some stuff up in me that made my insides feel like they were on fire and then shoved that, that thing into me over and over until I came again and again until I passed out, he may as well have ripped our child from me with his bare hands and I enjoyed it, I came for him over and over and I hate myself for it but I got through it all because of you, because I shut it all out and thought of you, and here”, she pounded on here chest, over her heart,” Here the only thing that ever touched me was you because he could na take that away” she stopped and took a deep breath, “The only one that could do that was you, and now ya have” She backed away, “You are a coward Gavin Blackhawk and a mean bastard as well and now you’ve got what ya wanted because I hate ya, I hate ya with all that I’ve left in me, and I hope ya rot in hell” She turned and left with Jared and did not look back.

  Gavin stood rooted to the floor as people moved away from him in disgust, Charley stood in front of him and looked at him with pity, “She’s gone now Gavin and there’s no one to blame but yourself” and Charley who never issued a profanity said, “You are fucked up Gavin, you have some serious fucking issues and you need help, I got her here tonight to try and help you, and to help her, and she came because she still had hope, because she still loved you, but she won’t be back anymore you made damned sure of that” She stood for a moment, “I think you should go now, I’ll put your things in a bag for you and Kevin will drive you home”

  Christmas day Gavin sat at the table with his two friends and pushed the food around on his plate, he had little appetite and no Christmas cheer. Last night kept spinning round and round in his head until it made him dizzy and he still didn’t understand why he had acted the way that he did.

arley who is Jared” he asked softly

  Charley sighed, “He’s a new guy that works at the bar”

  “How did Eddy meet him?”

  “Here last night, I invited him as her date to try and make you jealous so that you would see how much you love her, how much you need her, but I shouldn’t have interfered and I’m sorry” she shrugged

  “Come on” Kevin said as he stood, “Let’s open our gifts”

  They opened their presents and thanked one and other for what they’d gotten and Charley handed Gavin one more small box that had nothing on it but his name. “Who’s this from” he asked

  “I don’t know, actually I found it on the floor in the bathroom last night next to the trash can and tossed it under the tree” Charley said

  They all three looked at each other at the same time knowing who the gift was from. Gavin sat with it in his hand and stared at it for a long time before he opened it, inside was a velvet box from a jewelers and he snapped open the lid and lifted out a gold rope chain that held a gold heart with a cross on it about the size of the end of his thumb. He looked at it frowning and turned it over in his hand and on the back was a tiny inscription, it said;




  Gavin held it in his hands for a moment before he asked Charley to help him put it on, then he asked, “Where is she Charley?”

  “I don’t know Gavin, she’s gone, I called the hotel where she was staying this morning but they said she checked out last night, I’m sorry Gavin” she said

  Kevin spoke up then, “I don’t think it matters right now where she is Gavin old friend, until you do something about what’s eating you up inside you are no good to her, you’re no good to anybody”

  “Then it looks like I’d better start doing something” he said as he stood, “Thank you both for everything, there are some things that I need to do so I may be gone for awhile, but I’ll call when I can.

  Charley and Kevin stood as well, Charley packing up Gavin’s things for him as Kevin hugged him, and then Charley hugged him to, “We love you Gavin and we’ll always be here for you, you remember that”

  “I will and I love you guys to, and if you hear from her tell her I love her and that when I can I’m going to come to her” and he left then and they watched him go with mixed feelings and hope for their friend.


  The cab ride from the airport seemed to take forever, and Eddy was ready to sit back and relax with her old friends and catch up in person instead of over the telephone. She instructed the driver to pull all the way up the drive so she didn’t have to lug her things so far. This would be home for the next four weeks when Eddy would have to go back home to begin her new job as an intern for the law firm of Malcolm, Davies, and Malcolm. Getting her GED had taken her no time once she learned the language and now she went to college to be a paralegal, and the job at the firm would be her first real job. Thanks to her good friend Jared who she would be seeing later today she was doing very well financially because as it turned out Jared’s same sex partner Paul was something of a financial genius and had helped her to make some very good investments. Finally as she approached the ripe old age of 25 she felt good about her life and looked forward to the future.

  Eddy got out of the cab and began setting her bags on the pavement when Charley sprinted out of the house and came barreling towards her with Kevin walking with a smile behind her.

  “Eddy” she exclaimed and hugged her friend close, “Now where is he, I’ve waited for nearly 18 whole months for this day and I refuse to wait any longer”

  “Well then why don’t you fetch him from the cab while I get the rest of me things ya goose” Eddy teased

  Charley was beside her self as she lifted nine month old Hawk from his car seat, “Oh my you look just like your father” and she hugged the baby until he squealed.

  “Do na forget the seat” Eddy said, “I do na want to buy another”

  Charley laughed as she leaned in and grabbed the seat, “Same old Eddy frugal as ever when you’re practically a rich women now”

  “Aye I’ve a coin or two in me pocket but I’ve got me son to raise and put through college once I get through and I’ll not squander a dime”

  Eddy paid the driver and tipped him nicely and between her and Kevin got their things into the house. I didn’t take long to get settled in and within days they all felt like one family. On the fourth day of her visit Charley invited Jared and Paul over and they were having a cookout, they were all in the back yard laughing and watching Hawk who had just learned to walk toddle around on shaky legs. Eddy had her back to the house and was sitting and looked up when everyone else got quiet suddenly, she looked up and turned her head following their gazes. Gavin stepped out of the door and stood staring at her, he looked good as always and her heart pounded hard in her chest at his unexpected arrival. His eyes traveled over her and glittered in the sunlight and she realized that even after everything she’d been through, and all the time that had passed he still made her pulse race with desire. But now things were different, she had a child to consider and she would not allow anything to interfere or harm her or her son.

  “I’m sorry, am I interrupting” he asked looking as surprised as everyone else

  Kevin who was manning the grill was closest spoke first, “Don’t be silly” come here you big ugly brute” and he hugged Gavin and slapped him on the back

  “Come and join us Gavin” Charley invited with a smile, “I think you know everyone, you remember Jared, and Eddy of course, and this is their friend Paul” Charley pointed to Paul who was shorter than Jared and slim built with brown hair and eyes. Both men shook Gavin’s hand and greeted him and then it was Eddy’s turn, she had turned where she sat and she glanced back behind her and she stood and offered her hand to Gavin.

  He looked at her hand and said softly, “I think we can do better than that” and he pulled her close in a tight hug. At first Eddy remained stiff in his arms and then she hugged him hard, clutching onto him like she would never let go.

  Gavin was lost, he had longed for the day when he would see her again and didn’t want to let go of her, she looked beautiful, her hair was longer and her hips maybe a bit filler, and her breasts that were so nicely pressed against his chest somehow felt bigger then he remembered. She was pulling away from him when a high pitched squeal rent the air, followed by a little voice, ‘mamamamama’ it repeated over and over, and Gavin looked down as little hands used Eddy’s leg to pull up on until he was standing. Gavin knew that he was staring and he knew that his mouth gaped open, but he felt frozen, unable to move until the tiny person let loose with another ear piercing squeal. Gavin looked at Eddy who was watching him intently and he backed up a step and then two. Eddy bent and picked up the boy who immediately snuggled into her chest.

  “Oh no, there’ll be non of that boyo, ya have one to many teeth in yer wee mouth fer that” and she turned to Jared, “Will ya fetch him his cup of juice from the table over there” she asked, “And ya will be behaving yerself young man or you’ll find yerself down early for yer nap” She said to her son

  Gavin backed up a few more steps, Eddy had a child, with Jared, they had a baby and he shook his head in denial, “I’m not ready for this” he mumbled in shock, “I can’t deal with this” and he turned to leave

  “Where ya goin Gavin, don’t ya want ta meet me son?” she said in a soft but firm voice.

  Gavin did not turn around but he stopped, “No” he said roughly

  “Yer still a coward I see Gavin Blackhawk” Eddy accused as she sat the baby down at her feet with his cup and crossed her arms over her chest, “Yer a stupid pig headed man and ya still can’t see past the end of yer nose” She pointed a finger at him, “No one here has seen ya in an age so don’t ya be high tailin out the door boyo” she said with a grim look on her face as she brushed past him as she went into the house.

  Gavin found a lawn chair pushed agai
nst the back of his legs and sank into it gratefully, “I feel like I just fell down the rabbit hole” he said to Kevin who sat down beside him.

  “Here” Kevin said and handed him a beer, “Don’t worry old friend you’ll get used to it, the little guy grows on ya”

  “Eddy had a baby” he mumbled to himself still in shock

  “Yep” Kevin said as he went back to the grill

  Gavin kept an eye on the baby as he mover around, sometimes on all fours and sometimes on two feet. He played with toys that were scattered in the grass and made what Gavin assumed were happy sounds. He had the look of his mother Gavin thought as he watched him, his hair was the same color as hers anyway, but he did have blue eyes, or at least Gavin thought he did but he hadn’t really gotten close enough to him to tell. The boy’s skin was dark and that definitely did not come from Eddy, but Jared’s skin was kind of dark, he had chubby little legs, but all babies had those at least Gavin thought so anyway, the boy kept getting closer and Gavin took out a cigarette and lit it as he watched him. Everyone else kept going in and out of the house with dishes and bowls of food, shouldn’t one of them be watching the kid he wondered as he dropped his cigarette but to the ground and stepped on it with his boot. The baby wobbled over to him and grabbed onto the chair, smiling a drooly four toothed smile and began making a noise.


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