Stay For Me

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Stay For Me Page 5

by Megan Smith

“And you’re taking care of her, too, I see.”

  I lean back in my chair and look up to the ceiling. What did I do to piss someone off up there today? “It’s not like that, dude.” Normally I would mess around with him just because I like getting a rise out of him but not today. Not after what I just told him.

  “I know I’m being an asshole. How is she doing really?”

  Maybe he didn’t but he’ll know now. I can’t exactly answer him now. “Pretty well.”

  “That’s good.”


  I glance over to Jaylinn and she’s messing with her phone. Her cheeks are a little flush which either means she’s embarrassed that I’m talking about her right in front of her or something on her phone is causing that look. I’m hoping it’s the first one. “Well, I’ll let you go. I’ll call tomorrow before my late morning practice.”

  Jaylinn catches me staring at her with a serious expression on my face and she laughs. Not something I was expecting her to do.

  I clear my throat hoping Cooper doesn’t ask me what’s so funny. “Sounds good, man.”


  And before I can even say later he’s hung up. I shake my head and crack a smile. “You’re trying to get me in trouble aren’t you?”

  Jaylinn smirks. “Well, you are the flirt.”

  She’s got me there. “Fair enough, so what’s up?”

  She drums her fingers on her legs. “Does Cooper know I brought Ryan here?”

  “So that’s his name?”


  I nod. “Yeah, he does. I can’t keep shit like that from him, Jay. It’s not right and I can’t have problems between me and Cooper. It’s bad for business.”

  The corner of her lips curls up. “Good.”


  She shrugs. “Just another curveball.”

  Now I’m smiling. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

  “Of course, I knew you would tell him.”

  She’s out of her mind and I love it. “Smart girl.”

  “I learn from the best.”

  I chuckle. “That you do.”

  Jaylinn stands. “I brought pizza with me along with your employee.”

  “But she doesn’t have to be here for another two hours.”

  She walks towards the door. “I know but I’ve got to run over to Hailey’s and she didn’t have a ride.” She walks out mumbling something about a boyfriend but I can’t be too sure that’s what she said.

  My stomach growls and I quickly follow behind her. I probably should have stopped to get something before coming here but honestly I didn’t even think about it. Jaylinn and Layla are standing at the bar with the pizza. Layla reaches for a piece like she hasn’t eaten in days. Half the piece is gone before I make it to the bar which is only a few steps away. She looks like she is losing weight which she can’t afford now as it is. I wonder when was the last time she ate? I really hope she’s not one of those who think she’s fat when she’s the opposite.

  Jaylinn is staring at her as I reach in the box for a piece. “Hungry?”

  Layla sets the slice down and wipes her face with a napkin. “Yeah, I haven’t eaten all day.”

  Jaylinn’s brows furrow. “I asked if you wanted something earlier when we stopped for coffee.”

  Layla looks away. “I know and I wasn’t hungry at the time.”

  Jaylinn shakes her head at her friend. “Well, I’ve got to get going. You have a ride home right?”

  Layla shrugs a shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll catch a cab or something.”

  “Brian’s not picking you up?”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t know. He said he would but, let’s face it, he says a lot of things and doesn’t do them.”

  Jaylinn laughs bitterly. “Yeah, well, I still can’t figure out why you’re with him.” She gets a twinkle in her eye suddenly and glances over towards me. “I’m sure Eli here would give you a ride, right?”

  Inwardly groaning at her, all I can do is nod my head. She thinks she’s funny with that double meaning but I don’t mess with girls who are taken and she knows that first hand.

  Layla shakes her head. “Oh no, I’ll catch a cab, really it’s not a problem.”

  I place a hand over my heart acting like she’s wounded me. “Ouch.”

  Jaylinn snickers as she walks backwards towards the door. “Play nice.” She winks at me. “I’ll call you later.”

  “Don’t threaten me.” I mumble.

  “What was that?”

  Smiling, I turn and yell, “Yes, pretty girl.”

  She shakes her head and leaves.

  An awkward silence falls over Layla and myself again like the other night when I took her home. Now I understand why it was like that. Something was holding me back from flirting with her, from being my normal self.

  “So was your boyfriend the one who was supposed to pick you up the other night?” I ask keeping my voice nice and calm when really what I want to do is rip that fucking asshole’s throat out.

  “Yeah,” she says quietly. “Got held up he said.”

  “In the middle of the night?” I shouldn’t pry but that’s a douchebag move.

  “Yeah,” is all she says. I guess it’s better than sticking up for him like some girls I know.

  “That’s not happening again.” I state. She’ll never wait for him again, not when I can help it.

  Her brows draw together in confusion. “What’s not happening?”

  She can’t be serious. “You waiting for him.”

  “You can’t tell me what to do.” She adds with a slight smile of defiance.

  Ignoring her, I walk around the bar and pull out two shot glasses and fill them with tequila. I slide one to her and raise my shot to her. Layla glances between the shot and me, contemplating her decision. She knows the rules, no drinking on the job.

  “If you don’t take the shot you’re fired.” I say smugly.

  Layla narrows her eyes and picks up the shot. “I need a lime.”

  “Pussy,” I retort.

  She rolls her eyes as I reach with my empty hand and fish out a lime placing it on a napkin for her.

  I raise my shot to her. “To not relying on douchebags.”

  She’s fighting back a smile but regresses and clinks her glass with mine. The tequila burns on its way down spreading warmth over my body. This may be the only thing that gets me through the night.

  Layla brings the lime to her mouth; her teeth sink down into the lime, her lips covering it as she sucks on the tangy lime to help with the burning. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she shakes her head back and forth.

  When she can’t get any more from the lime she takes it from her mouth and puts it in the empty glass. “Whew.”

  “Not a tequila drinker?”

  Her body shakes, “Um, no,” she laughs. “Not really a drinker at all.”

  I screw the cap back on the bottle and place our glasses in the sink behind me. Layla takes out a slice of pizza and places it on a napkin before sliding it to me. “It’s getting cold.”

  She takes her half eaten slice and takes another bite so I follow her lead. I chew the food in my mouth before talking again. “So I’ll give you a ride home tonight.”

  She immediately shakes her head. “No, no, the cab is fine.”

  “Layla,” I say sternly. “It wasn’t a question.”

  She swallows hard and cast her eyes down. I feel bad that I’m pushing this on her but I hate that she has to waste money on a cab when I can just take her home. Plus, with all these crazy people running around I’d hate for her to run across trouble being out so late.

  “Eli, you can’t take me home every night.”

  I take a bite of pizza ignoring her. I can and I will but I’m not about to start an argument with her about it. If she doesn’t have a ride home at the end of the night I’ll take her, it’s that easy.

  “So tell me something about yourself.” I say wanting to steer the conversation away from
who takes her home at night.

  She takes the last bite of pizza and then wipes her mouth. “What do you want to know?”

  I shrug. “Whatever you want to tell me.” I shouldn’t want to know anything about her because of her boyfriend but I can’t help being intrigued.

  “Well,” she taps her pointer finger on her leg. It’s a sign that she’s nervous. “I hate cheese.” I glance towards the pizza. “American Cheese.”

  I chuckle. “That’s…odd.”

  She picks up her napkin and throws it at me. “Tell me something about you.”

  I think about that for a second. “I like to sing.”

  Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” I nod. Only three people know that: Erin, Sophia and my mom.

  I know what’s going to come out of her mouth before she even says it. “Sing for me.”

  I shake my head. “Not happening.”

  “I’ll make you a deal.” She grins. “I’ll let you take me home…only if you promise to sing to me.”

  I throw my head back and laugh.

  “Hey, take it or leave it.” She says with some sass.

  I think about it for just a second. “Deal.”

  And so the next hour Layla and I sit and eat the whole pizza together getting to know each other a little better. She’s funny, smart, sarcastic, independent and sassy, and I’m finding myself wanting to get to learn a lot more about her which is a horrible idea. When the club opens, we’re busy, slammed really for a Friday night, but every time I glance towards Layla I can’t help but smile at her.


  Another Friday night comes along in early March. Brian and I have been getting along, surprisingly, and mom’s been home more than not. It’s a good thing but in a way I’m a little nervous because he’s not so over the top with me lately. He’s actually been a little nicer. I think it’s the new job or something. He’s bought me flowers, took me out for dinner, filled our fridge and bought Fallon a new book bag when her strap broke on hers. I hate that he is still buying our food but it’s better than him paying our rent, I guess. Mom seems to be taking a bit of a break from drinking and dating, too. She’s been quiet mostly, stays in her room unless Fallon is home. I know it won’t last much longer, it never does.

  With Brian seeming preoccupied, he hasn’t mentioned anything at all about the way I’ve been getting home every night since our fight about him not picking me up and I’m not about to bring it up to him either. Hell no, he’d flip his fucking lid.

  Earlier this afternoon Jaylinn and I ran into Brian between classes. It was a brief ‘hello, what are you doing tonight, I’m going to stop by and say hi’ conversation before he was off again on his way to work. He told me he got a promotion which allowed him to pick up more hours. It’s weird because it’s not like he needs the money but I don’t question him. The less I see of him the better.

  As soon as Brian was out of earshot I told Jaylinn she was hanging at the bar tonight and it wasn’t up for discussion. I need her there, she’s more of a source of comfort even though she has no idea that she is. Every time I’ve ever needed her she’s always been there for me.

  “Will Cooper be there?” Jaylinn asks nervously.

  “Nope, he’s out of town still.” I beam.

  She nods. “Alright, I’ll swing by.”

  She strolls in around ten and heads directly to my bar. There just so happens to be an empty stool beside Eli. I instantly feel better the second she sits down. Now I won’t have to explain to Brian why Eli was sitting right where I’m bartending talking to me. I love our conversations and I get a little more insight on Eli but it just means more problems for me. It’s his bar and he can do what he wants but I’d rather not have that argument with Brian since everything is going so well at the moment.

  As Jaylinn sits down, I catch Eli lean over and kiss her on the cheek and a little pang of jealousy hits me. It shouldn’t, but it does.

  I’m tending to a few customers and filling pitchers of beers for the waitresses. Every once in a while I glance over towards Jaylinn and Eli. They’re looking around the club probably talking about business but then suddenly I watch Jaylinn’s face redden and she glares down at her hands. Eli is still talking and I catch the word Cooper coming from his lips. That explains her mood change.

  “That’ll be twenty-three dollars.” I tell the guy with the greasy hair who seems to becoming a regular.

  He pulls out his wallet as I fill the girl’s glass who is sitting next to him. He puts a twenty and a five on the bar and slides it over to me. He winks. “Thanks and keep the change.”

  I smile back even though I really just want to gag.

  Finally, having a free second I make Jaylinn a lemon drop knowing she needs it. I sit it down in front of her and then I’m off filling the next order. I love that we are busy on Fridays. It makes me more money and the time seems to go by quickly.

  Eli nudges Jaylinn’s shoulder and she sways to the side. Clearly they have a good friendship. They’re always joking around and flirting with each other. Eli’s head falls back and he barks out a laugh at something she says. Jaylinn narrows her eyes at him, then turns her stool to face him and his eyes sparkle. I hate her. No, I don’t really hate her but I want those eyes on me. I want the attention even though I shouldn’t. I’ve got enough shit on my plate to last a lifetime and worrying about the attention from another boy isn’t smart.

  Hours have passed. Jaylinn and Eli are still laughing and carrying on. Things are starting to slow down just as Brian makes an appearance with two of his friends, the Campo brothers. Their bad news, everyone who lives in Brick knows this. If someone gets beat up, it’s one of the Campo boys who did it. If a store was broken into, it was one of the Campo boys. Everything bad that happens in that town has their names written all over it.

  I hate that Brian hangs with them but at least they keep him out of my hair.

  “Hey, babe,” Brian says as he takes a seat at the other end of the bar from Eli and Jaylinn.

  “Hey,” I glance towards the brothers. “Hey, guys.”

  They mumble their hellos looking like they want to be here as much as I want them here.

  “Jack and Coke?” I ask Brian.


  “You guys drinking?”

  Johnny, the taller one, answers, “Yeah same as he’s having.” Jack, the shorter one, just shakes his head.

  I make their drinks and then Brian tries to pay for them but I shake my head and he puts his money back in his pocket. If I allowed him to pay it’s one more thing he’ll have to hang over my head. I’ll take some money from my tips to make up for it. It’s easier this way.

  I fill a few more orders and look over to Brian to make sure he doesn’t need another. He’s glaring hard in Eli’s direction. I do my best to ignore them and find things to keep myself busy as last call is made.

  Most of the customers have left except Brian, his friends, and one other couple who are cuddled up in a corner. Eli makes his way over to them and then is ushering them out shortly after.

  He looks to me after shutting the door. I give him a tight-lipped smile as he comes over to where Brian is. I hear one of the guys clear their throat as he approaches.

  “Brian,” Eli says confidently. Jaylinn must have told him who he is because I’ve never mentioned his name.

  Brian greets him with a head nod. This is so uncomfortable and I just want the floor to fall out from underneath me. Brian hates Eli because he shows interest an interest in me. It’s stupid and I feel like I’m about to be pissed on just so the territory lines are crystal fucking clear.

  “Layla,” Jaylinn calls thankfully pulling me away from them before I hear any more of their conversation.

  “I could kiss you right now.” I tell her when I lean up against the bar as far as I can.

  She giggles. “I felt that awkwardness too and I’m all the way over here so I can only imagine how you felt.” She takes a sip of
her water that I got her a little while ago. “You know he’s got it bad for you.”

  I shake my head. “I would hope so, Jay, he’s my boyfriend.”

  Jaylinn rolls her eyes. “Don’t play stupid with me, Layla.”

  “What are you talking about?” I’ve got no idea.

  She takes another sip before trying to stand. “You must live under a rock.”

  I scuff. “Like you?” It was harsh but she’s been living under one, too. Her and Cooper aren’t together anymore and she claims she’s fine with it but yet she gains all this attention from other guys at school and ignores it. She totally plays it off but she has to know that guys notice her.

  She glares at me. “Just like me. The ones we want and should be with for some reason aren’t the ones we’re with.”

  I shake my head. “What?” I feel like I missed an entire piece of the conversation.

  Jaylinn, unsteady on her feet, squints her eyes at me. “I should be with Cooper but I’m not. You should be with Eli but you’re not.”

  She’s drunk. She would never talk about this otherwise. I’m not even about to get into this conversation with her while both Eli and Brian are only a few feet away. “How are you getting home?”

  Eli comes up behind me startling me. “I’m taking her.”

  I turn just enough so I can see him. “You sure? I can drive her car home and Brian can follow me.”

  “I’ve got her.” Eli glances over his shoulder towards Brian. “I’ve got it covered tonight so you don’t need to stay late. Let’s figure out the tips and you can get out of here.”

  “Eli, I can stay.” I throw a smile towards Brian who’s staring at Eli hard. “He’ll just have to wait, it’s no big deal.” I don’t want to give Eli any reason at all to fire me. I need this job.

  Smiling that perfect smile, he says, “I’ve got it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  And that is that. The tips are figured out quickly between me and the other bartenders. Before I know it I’m giving Jaylinn a hug goodbye and I promise to call tomorrow before work.

  Brian throws his heavy arm over my shoulder and gives a curt nod to Eli.

  “Goodnight, Eli. See you tomorrow.” I say on my way out.


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