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Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1)

Page 7

by Becky McGraw

  “As in horses?” she replied and her eyes shot to Blaze.

  “Unless you want me to saddle up a chicken for you?” he teased and Tina’s eyes widened. “That could definitely be arranged.” Dean winked at her then threw his head back and laughed like he hadn’t laughed in three years now.

  It felt damned good.

  Still smiling, because he couldn’t seem to flatten out the curve, he said, “Jeremy you and Laney go up to the house and hang out with Grandma until we get back. I think she made brownies.” Jeremy looked a little surprised, but then whooped and grabbed Laney’s hand to drag her toward the barn door.


  Tina watched as Dean positioned the huge black horse at the rail and fear squeezed her heart. Large animals weren’t her thing. She was so small they scared the crap out of her.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea,” she said, taking a step back, then another. “We, ah, need to get some work done.” Tina took another step back, then improvised, “It’s supposed to rain tomorrow, so we need to get what we can done today.”

  The weather had been good, would probably be good tomorrow too. She had no idea if it would rain or not, but it seemed as good an excuse as any. It was the best she could come up with on the spot to get out of riding, without admitting her fear to this cowboy who had probably ridden since he could walk.

  Dean turned toward her. “Have you found a place where you want to take photos?”

  Tina huffed out a breath. She and Hope had only been out as far as they could walk. Tina didn’t ride, and Hope couldn’t because she was pregnant. The golf cart would’ve been much too bumpy for Hope too, according to her overprotective husband. Tina found some places on the ranch that might work, but none that excited her. “Not really. We couldn’t get everywhere. I thought we’d do some test shots and see what we get.”

  “Well, we’ll be working then. Tell your crew we’re going to scout locations. I know the perfect place,” Dean told her with excitement in his tone, as he gave her the second smile she’d seen on his face since she met him. It was fleeting and disappeared, but she had seen it. And liked it. When he smiled, Dean Dixon looked younger, softer around the mouth. And a helluva lot more handsome, if that was possible.

  He and his famous brother weren’t so different after all. The panties of the women who saw the Texas Tomcat catalog would melt just as fast as they had with the Laramie Jeans publication featuring his brother. Faster probably, considering Dean Dixon’s dark edge. Women loved edgy men. Those who were a little less than friendly and approachable. Dark and brooding types were a challenge, and Dean was definitely that.

  There was nothing Tina loved more than a challenge.

  Another kiss from those hot lips of his was the prize for overcoming that challenge. That unexpected, magical kiss evidently had powers other than making her want more from him. His attitude toward her had obviously changed too. If it took kissing Dean Dixon between frames to drag out that smile, get him to relax for the photos, it certainly wouldn’t be a hardship for her. It would be an excuse to get more of those magical kisses and see where that might lead.

  I think you need to get laid. The same could be said of her. It had been a long damned time since Tina had sex, and the last time hadn’t even been good. Her eyes traveled over Dean Dixon’s muscular thighs, and delicious ass as he bent over to fiddle underneath his horse.

  She had a feeling with him she wouldn’t worry about him being good, she’d have to worry about keeping up with him. As stoic and surly as he usually was, there was some serious heat inside that man. If that heat was captured in the photos for Texas Tomcat, the pages of the magazine would probably spontaneously combust. The women who saw the photos would for sure. She knew she almost had. A lovely tingle flitted through her to settle between her legs.

  Texas Tomcat jeans would fly off the shelves. Tina would get her promotion, and probably a huge bonus at the end of the year to use for the down payment on the house she wanted for herself and Laney. Her sister could live there too, if she got her act together. Maybe she’d use part of her bonus to see about getting custody of Laney. Becoming the real mother to Laney that her sister wasn’t. Maybe just the threat of that would be enough to motivate her sister to get her head out of her ass.

  “Daylight’s wastin’, buttercup. You want to go or not?” Dean asked, and Tina realized she had drifted off into dreamland and he was standing there waiting for an answer from her.

  Wherever he must be wanting to take her must be special to him for some reason. She suddenly also realized he was about to go riding in her custom-made Texas Tomcat jeans and shirt. “I’ll go tell them, but you have to change out of those clothes. Those are the only samples I have.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I have a change of clothes in the tack room,” he drawled, giving her a broad smile that did funny things to her insides. “I’d be more than happy to take these clothes off.”

  His fingers went to the button of the jeans, and Tina spun around. “Um, make sure you’re dressed and the chickens are in the coop when I get back,” she said as she walked quickly toward the barn door. She heard the uncommon sound of his hearty laughter follow her out into the yard and smiled herself.

  “I’ll pick you up at the bunkhouse!” Dean yelled.

  Pick her up? On that huge horse of his. Fear shot through her, and Tina stumbled before getting her balance to make her way up the steps to the front porch. Her hand landed on the doorknob, but the door flew inward. Paulo, Belinda and Cord stood there in the doorway. Hope stood behind Cord fiddling with her camera. “Did you talk some sense into him?” Belinda asked with agitation. “Was it the belt?” she asked with a puff of breath.

  “Belt?” Tina asked pushing between them to get inside.

  “I forgot to bring the right belt, and made him wear one that one of the models left behind on Saturday. It was a little girly, and macho man had a problem with that.”

  Tina laughed. She hadn’t even noticed the belt. She was too busy looking at other things. Like that man’s spectacular ass in those jeans. “No, it wasn’t the belt. He thought the jeans were, um, too tight, and felt uncomfortable. It’s all good now. But we’re delaying the shoot until tomorrow, because he wants to show me a location.”

  “Really?” Cord and Hope said, looking at each other with disbelief.

  “Yeah, he said he knew of a perfect place to shoot, and he’s going to show it to me.”

  Cord guffawed, and a small smile eased up the corner of Hope’s mouth. “I’ll bet he has a lot to show you,” Cord said sarcastically. “I’d be careful going out with my brother alone. We might find you tied to a tree.”

  The thought of being tied up by Dean Dixon did have its appeal. It sent all the moisture in her body flooding south. “He’s good now. I promise.” More than good. Spectacular. Delicious. And a damned good kisser. Another feather of desire floated through her tickling all the way down. “We had a meeting of the minds, and he’s going to cooperate.”

  “That must’ve been a helluva meeting,” Cord said with a shake of his head.

  “She kissed him,” Laney tattled around the huge bite of brownie in her mouth. Heat rushed up to Tina’s face and she shot a glare at her niece, who she hadn’t even seen come inside.

  “Yeah,” Jeremy confirmed, with a smile that showed the brownie stuck in his teeth. He shoved another bite in his mouth, then added, “And he was choking chickens. I told Grandma and she was mad. He’s in big trouble.”

  Right that minute, Tina wanted to wring both kids’ necks like that chicken.

  Tina groaned and her face felt like it was on fire. Dean was going to be mortified. And Jeremy was the one who was going to be in big trouble, if she didn’t get him out of there. “I thought your daddy told you to stay up at the house with your Grandma?”

  “Paulo is gonna cut my hair like daddy’s,” Jeremy said, glancing at her hairdresser.

  Dean walked through the doorway just then and all eyes swung in his
direction. Jaws dropped as they studied him, and Dean just scanned the group curiously. Tina couldn’t even take time to appreciate how delicious he looked in his black cowboy hat, faded Wranglers and tight white t-shirt. She knew if she didn’t do something fast, disaster was about to land right on her head. Even riding with him on that big black beast didn’t seem so bad right then.

  “Um, you ready to go?” she said walking over to grab his arm. Dean looked down at her and his lips curved just a bit. Tina yanked on his arm and turned him toward the door. “We need to get going.” Tina pulled him onto the porch, hoping she could get him out of there before someone made a comment.

  Her heart skidded to a stop in her chest, as she stopped beside the horse and looked up, way up, to the seat of the saddle. Swallowing her fear she asked, “Okay, how do I do this?’

  The bags behind the saddle were stuffed so full they bled over into the seat of the saddle. It made the seat look even smaller. Tina wondered how they would both fit in it.

  Dean Dixon was not a small man.

  “Up you go,” Dean said as he clamped his hands at her waist. Before she knew what he was doing, she was flying through the air like she weighed nothing. Tina’s butt hit the leather with a jarring impact, the horse shifted his weight, and Tina felt herself sliding off the other side of the saddle. She yelped and her heart shot to her throat, but Dean’s fingers dug into her thigh and he caught her.

  “Whoa, buttercup,” he said with a laugh, pulling her upright again. “No riding side saddle.” He reached over her to grab the saddle horn, put his foot in the stirrup and in one fluid motion swung into the saddle behind her. His hips rocked forward against her, and Tina fought the urge to push back. “Scoot up, you’re crowding me.”

  Crowding hell. There wasn’t an inch of spare room between them, and she didn’t really have anywhere to go. Tina scooted a few inches forward, the horse took one step and she felt herself sliding sideways again. Dean’s hands gripped her hips, and the heat of his fingers seemed to burn through her jeans.

  “You’re gonna have to hold on better than that, or this is going to be a long ride. Hold onto the horn,” Dean suggested. He covered her hand with his, and put it on the horn, then patted it. He grabbed the reins, clicked to the horse and she felt his thighs flex under her legs. The horse started moving forward and she gasped, as her body rocked from side to side and she felt as if she was falling again. Tina’s other hand found the horn, and she held on for dear life, praying where he was taking her wasn’t too far.

  The sooner this ride was over, the better, in her opinion. She was not, and probably never would be, a country girl. She might work for a western wear company, have on brand spanking new jeans, boots, and a cute western shirt, but that did not make her a cowgirl. Just like her samples for the Texas Tomcat apparel hadn’t made Dean Dixon a model. He was a cowboy, a country man. That had never been her type of man before, cowboys were her sister’s flavor. But damned if it didn’t seem to be hers with him.

  The horse took a stutter-step and Tina wobbled, even though she was holding on. Dean’s left arm wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her back against him. She wiggled trying to get comfortable, and he leaned near her ear and growled, “Sit still.”

  “How the hell do you figure I’m going to do that on a moving mountain of a horse?” she asked with a huff.

  “Moving?” Dean laughed. “This ain’t moving, sweetheart.” Dean walked the horse to the gate behind the barn, then dismounted and opened it to lead the horse through into the pasture. He shut it, then got back on the horse. “Hold onto your bloomers, Priscilla, it’s about to get bumpy. I don’t want this to take all night.”

  Neither did Tina, but they were going fast enough for her. Dean’s arm clamped around her waist, he leaned over her back pushing her forward, and his legs flexed. The horse shot forward and she squealed, almost tempted to throw her arms around the horse’s neck. She gritted her teeth against the jarring, as she was bounced willy-nilly in the saddle and against Dean Dixon. Dean groaned, then pulled the horse to a stop suddenly. Tina grabbed the horn to keep from pitching over the horse’s head.

  “Okay this isn’t going to work,” he said gruffly near her ear. His hot breath tickled her there, sending chills snaking down her spine. “You’re going to have to move with me and the horse, or we’re both gonna wind up on our asses.”

  “I’m doing the best I can,” Tina said with frustration.

  “First thing you need to do is relax,” he instructed. Tina nodded and tried to force some elasticity into her body. “That’s better. Now feel how the horse moves under you and roll your body with him…with me.” Dean clicked his tongue, flexed his legs and the horse started walking. Tina focused on the roll in the horse’s movement and tried to match her body movements with his. Dean’s hips rolled behind hers and they seemed to be in perfect rhythm after a while.

  The fact that the slow gentle roll was very akin to the slow gentle roll of making love was not missed by her body. With each forward motion, the seam on her too tight jeans pressed against the bundle of nerves at the top of her thighs, and sent delicious tingles floating through her body. Tina bit her lip to stifle a moan and took short even breaths. She tried to shift her position a little, but that made things worse.

  She decided the best thing she could do was be still and focus on keeping the rhythm. If she came on the back of this horse with Dean Dixon behind her, so be it. Tension inched up inside of her, her heart fluttered in her chest. Her breath got shorter, and she leaned back against Dean’s solid chest trying to ease the pressure. His arm tightened around her under her breasts.

  “You okay?” he asked with concern.

  There was no way she was going to tell him what was going on. It was just too embarrassing. She couldn’t talk anyway, so Tina just shook her head from side to side, and fought the orgasm that was so damned close she could taste it.

  “You still scared?” he guessed, then commented, “Your heart is beating like a time bomb, and you’re not breathing right.”

  His arm was around her, so he would notice that, Tina realized and held her breath.

  “Relax, you were doing fine,” he said and his legs flexed again.

  The horse picked up speed. The seam of the jeans raked her clit harder, and Tina flew apart. Her body vibrated, her inner muscles clenched and she couldn’t hold back the moan that forced past her lips with the unexpected orgasm that racked her body. Delicious waves of pleasure floated through her. She dropped her chin to her chest and sucked in a breath. Letting go of the horn, she gripped Dean’s thigh near his knee and threw her head back. He pulled the reins back, and the horse stopped, slamming her back against him.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” he asked gruffly. “You’re shaking like a leaf!”

  Tina waited until the last tremor ceased, then she sucked in a deep gulping breath and let it out slowly. “I’m sorry.”

  Dean swung down off of the horse, then reached up to grab her. He pulled her down and sat her on her feet in front of him and her legs felt like jelly. Her knees wouldn’t lock so she all but crumpled at his feet. Dean pulled her back up and held her to him.

  “Tina, what’s wrong with you?” he demanded.

  Scorching heat pushed up her throat to her cheeks, and she looked off at the trees in the distance. “I’m fine now,” she replied, hoping he’d just let it drop.

  No such luck. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her face up, so she had no choice but to look at him. “Tell me now, or we’re not getting back on that damned horse. I’ll carry you back to the barn if I have to.”

  Her face had to be glowing it was so hot. “I had an orgasm.”

  Dean’s mouth dropped open and he stepped back. “You what?!?”

  Tina tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. “I had an orgasm from all that rocking and rolling that horse was doing.”

  His face flushed and he shook his head. “You’re shitting me, right?”

fraid not.”

  “Good Lord almighty, and here I was thinking you were terrified of Blaze,” he said incredulously. “I guess I don’t need to be embarrassed about what happened earlier then. This is much better.” Tina Montgomery had an orgasm from riding a horse. It was amazing to him, and the funniest thing he’d heard in forever. Laughter bubbled and built inside his chest. Dean couldn’t help himself, he started laughing. Once he gave it free rein, the laughter was all encompassing. He laughed so hard he had to grab his stomach as cramps started in his muscles there. He laughed so hard his legs went weak, and he had to sit down and hold his stomach. Bent forward, he laughed until he thought he might pass out from it.

  Until a tiny booted foot kicked him in the shin. Hard.

  His eyes flew upward and met angry gray eyes, set in the cutest damned face he’d ever seen. But her cheeks were practically on fire. Dean didn’t know if it was anger or embarrassment making her cheeks so red, but he knew one thing. It made her damned beautiful. His laughter stuttered then stopped when her brow lifted. “You done yet?” she asked shortly.

  Dean chuckled and felt it starting again, but roped the fresh round of laughter that was tickling his insides. “Yeah, I think so, but can’t guarantee it,” he replied weakly.

  Her lips wobbled and tears built in her eyes like thunderclouds building for a storm. Guilt shot through him. He guessed she didn’t like being laughed at any more than he had earlier. If there was one thing he couldn’t take, it was a woman crying. Or making a woman cry. Except for Cindy. That was one woman he’d love to make cry. This woman wasn’t Cindy though.

  “Aww, don’t cry, sweetheart,” he said softly putting his hand on her calf. “I’m sorry.”

  She just nodded then folded her arms under her breasts and dragged her eyes from his. Dean reached up and put his hands on her hips, then pulled her down onto his lap. She struggled, but he held her still.

  “Look at me,” he said seriously. When she refused, he grabbed her chin and turned her face to him. “Look at me, buttercup.” Finally her gray eyes met his, and he saw sadness there. Her lower lip was swollen and red from biting it. Dean ran his thumb over it, then leaned in and kissed her forehead. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.


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