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Gifted Curse (Curse Trilogy)

Page 30

by C. M. Owens

  He smirks before glancing in his rearview mirror, and then I feel the car cutting sharply to the left to veer from our path.

  “Where are we going?” I murmur while sliding my pants to the floorboard, and my devious grin only spreads.

  “Somewhere I can fuck you without an audience,” he sizzles out, and I start throbbing the moment his crude promise leaves his lips.

  “I don’t care if someone sees.”

  He grins bigger, and suddenly the car is sliding in a circle before facing the direction we were just coming as it slingshots into a halt. He jerks me to him by my waist, and I laugh a little at his caveman demeanor when he throws me over his shoulder. I stop laughing when he drops me on the hood of the car, and it dents beneath the impact of my body.

  His dark grin sends the most salacious chills through my body, and I shiver as his eyes burn into mine. He jerks me to where my center thuds against his, and I hear the jingling of his belt being removed after I jolt up to envelope him in a needy kiss.

  My underwear slides down my legs, and I feel the head of his erection searching for my entry before he slams into me with a violent force. I moan out my instant arousal, and his lips cover mine as he gives my body a second to acclimate to his wonderfully filling sensation before he pulls back and slams into me more forcefully.

  I cry out as he repeats the motion over and over and the incredible sensations explode inside me as his lips close over my nipple. Each pounding thrust makes me gasp out an involuntary girly cry. He thrashes against me as his punishing motion quickens and deepens. His brutal force is painfully exquisite as he slams into me over and over, and I feel my legs starting to shiver in delight as the car rattles beneath our force.

  His sculpted body towers over me as he stands straight up. He grips my hips while his head pops back to stare into the dark, starry sky. The stars turn their eyes while hiding their blushing hues as the savagery continues. The metal wants to give way, and the ground rattles beneath us as my gift seeps out.

  “Easy,” Hale cautions - a smug smirk rising to his face.

  He leans back down, and I grip his shoulders to give him more stability for his hellacious thrusts. His left hand grabs me at my waist as his right one wraps around my throat. My eyes roll back in my head as the erotic choking begins. The air is just hard enough to grab that it sends the explosive ripples of ecstasy throughout me. The fire in my veins courses as his panting breaths heat my bare skin, and his teeth almost break the skin on my shoulder as I find my release. I almost convulse as he continues his pace, and he grunts loudly between his gritted teeth as his warmth spreads inside me.

  His rhythm slows as he pulls me up from the hood, and his lips envelope mine while he holds me to his body. I smile into the kiss, and he starts shaking his head when he feels my grinning lips.

  “You’re so damn irresistible. I swear I can’t think worth a damn around you,” he murmurs into my mouth.

  I laugh lightly while he hands me my underwear, and I take a leisurely stroll in the lacy apparel to return to the car while he raises the hood to pop the dent out. I giggle more when there is still some indented evidence left behind, and he rolls his eyes while letting a smile free.

  “You might want to change before we get to Seminole,” he says with a strained tone while staring at my body still only covered by my underwear.

  He cranks the car, and I stretch out in the passenger seat as we drive back to the path.

  “I think I’ll ride back like this. It’s a very long drive, and I happen to be rather comfortable.”

  He stifles a grin, and then hands me my bag from the back seat while keeping one hand on the wheel.

  “We’ll never get there if you keep looking like that,” he grumbles, and his hand grips my leg like he wants to pull me back into his lap.

  “We’re not on a time frame anymore,” I seduce, and my lips trail up and down his perfect shoulder to his sculpted arm.

  He pulls my lips to meet his, and I feel the swerving motion of the car when he momentarily closes his eyes. His perfectly lush lips stroke mine softer, and then he pushes me back while grumbling under his breath.

  “I believe you were the one who said we fuck more than talk, and here I am trying to talk. Who’s trying to fuck?” he teases, and I roll my eyes while pulling out a skirt.

  “Fine then. I’ll put on some fresh clothes that don’t turn you on.”

  “That’s not going to happen, but it would help to keep me from jerking the car over again,” he snickers out. “You need to put on something a little bit dressy though.”

  I look at him curiously for his odd request, and he keeps a playful grin lingering on his lips. I pull out a dress that I had packed, and I’m thankful for the wrinkle resistant fabric.

  “Why?” I slowly release.

  “It’s customary to throw a party at Seminole if I’ve been gone for a while.”

  “You leave often?” I muse while sliding the sleek fabric over my body.

  His eyes stare straight ahead to keep from being derailed once more, and I huff lightly at my second failed attempt to seduce him farther.

  “Not often, but on occasion. I’ve had a few tasks that might have led to some excursions outside the walls.”

  “Would you care to elaborate?” I murmur while sliding my dress into place a little better.

  “I might have been a little stalkerish. I went to Javeline several times, but Clay wouldn’t ever let me in. I’m sure it’s because of your issued request, and because of the fact you had a new fiancé I was unaware of. He would come outside and meet me, and he’d talk to me for a while. I’d sit out there just hoping you’d look over the walls for some reason. I thought if you saw me, you’d come to me.”

  “I would have,” I confess gingerly while removing my bra out from underneath my dress, and his eyes almost pop out of his head when he finally sees my new attire.

  The plum dress has a bunched but plummeting neckline that drapes down at least five inches below my chest, and it shows the inner sides of my breasts almost to the point of revealing too much. The short style barely covers my rear, and the thin straps offer an even more teasing appeal.

  I smirk as I pull out my makeup bag, and Hale coughs a little when the inside of the neckline dips enough to show him the rest of the show.

  “I changed my mind. You can just wear your skirt and a shirt. You can even wear the underwear. Just take that shit off before I wreck the damn car.”

  I laugh lightly while applying my lip gloss, and then I feel his hand sliding up my leg to find the lacy underwear is missing.

  “What are you trying to do to me?” he grumbles, and his hand grips the inside of my leg before he slams on the brakes.

  He jerks me to be on top of him, and my ass pops the horn as his vigorous sexual attack goes savagely wild. I breathe him in as he slides into me again, and I smirk as I feel his desire filling me.

  His lips devour mine, and I taste the drips of pure bliss as they flow rapidly into my mouth. His grip tightens on my ass as he jerks me against him, and I smile against his lips for having finally been successful in my seduction.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” he murmurs against my lips.


  His need for me is almost overwhelming, and I do want to marry him. I want to spend my life in his arms, and I want to feel him inside me everyday. I’ll say yes if he asks again. I don’t give a fuck about a proposal anymore. I just want him.

  We pull up to Seminole late into the night, and I laugh a little as Hale straightens his tie that has been ripped off numerous times at this point. He laughs a little while looking at the unraveling threads that weren’t there before, and he kisses me lightly before we walk into the building together.

  It’s dark, quiet, and a little spooky. I giggle a little like a foolish schoolgirl as I clutch his hand in the pitch black air I can’t see in. His lips brush the back of my hand, and I lean against him in the eerie hallway. The only sounds I can hear are
the echo of our footsteps dancing with hollow taps.

  “Perhaps they got tired of waiting on you,” I joke.

  His hand rolls down my very exposed back where the dip goes so much lower, and I can hear his grimace rather than see it.

  “You’re never allowed to wear that dress again… for the record.”

  I laugh lightly before saying, “I bought it here before we left. I thought you might appreciate it.”

  “I’m not appreciating it at all, babe. I’m fucking dying over here,” he growls, and his lips consume mine once more as we back into a room.

  I have no idea where we’re at, but I can’t wait to get fucked in here. I smile against his kiss, and then his grip loosens as he backs away. I start to speak, but the lights pop on as a crowd of smiling faces throw glittery confetti into the air.


  I gasp and cover my mouth as I see all the birthday banners streaming across the room. Large vases full of roses and various other flowers decorate the lavish surroundings of soft fabrics layered to design the elegant scene. The draping red sashes dangle from the ceiling to allow the more acrobatic hybrids to slide down and reveal the artistry in dance from the air.

  A beautiful cake in the design of a blooming rose sets prominently on the center table that has champagne glasses fizzing with their bubbly whispers, begging to be drank. Each smiling face cheers for the complete shock they inflicted me with, and I turn to stare into the incredible eyes offering me the love I once never believed in.

  “What the hell?” I chuckle out.

  “It’s your birthday. I wanted to enjoy the party this time.”

  His smooth voice and sincere offering is enough to make the tears finally fall. They generously trickle down my cheeks to show him the gratitude I can’t explain.

  “Thank you,” I choke out through the tears, and my lips cover his before he has time to say anything else.

  He smiles behind the kiss as he pulls me close to his body, and then I hear music playing softly. We begin swaying while our lips continue to softly embrace each other, and the heat of his hands on my bare back electrifies me.

  “I have something I want to ask you, Araya,” he says somewhat nervously as a boyish grin spreads across his face.

  My stomach flip flops over and over, but his phone buzzes loudly from his pocket to interrupt his moment.

  “Let me… shut that off first,” he stammers, and now I know for sure he’s about to propose.

  He could only be this nervous if he’s proposing.

  His eyes widen when he glances at the number on his phone, and then he puts it back in his pocket without turning it off like he had intended to do. I tilt my head curiously. His whole demeanor has changed now. His eyes aren’t excitedly nervous anymore. Now they’re plotting deceit. I start swallowing against the knot I’ve already tasted the sourness from once.

  “What’s wrong?” I hoarsely ask, knowing he’s not going to answer me.

  “It’s probably nothing. I’ll be right back,” he lies, and then he kisses me lightly before swishing out of the room.

  I stare at his back as he disappears, and I notice Clay following him. What the fuck?

  “Holy shit. I really wish you had bought a dress like that when you and I were together,” Brazen sizzles out as his hands pull me to his body for a dance.

  I half smile while my distracted mind follows Hale and his secrets.

  “You always seemed more of the conservative type, considering your prominent full blood upbringing. I just assumed something this would seem a little tacky to you. I dressed the way I thought you wanted me to.”

  “Do you really think I’d prefer seeing you in long skirts versus this goddess like attire?” he scoffs.

  I laugh as I finally turn to stare him in the pale eyes, suddenly wishing my gaze had never connected. He looks incredible. I squirm uncomfortably, and he smirks when he sees notices.

  “Where did Hale go?”

  “I’m not sure. He apparently had an important call,” I grumble while looking away.

  “Well,” he murmurs while turning my face back to meet his, “Then I get to dance with the birthday girl.”

  I smile lightly, and he pulls me even closer while his deliciously cold hands stroll down my heated back. His lips threaten mine, and I roll my eyes while backing away.

  “I’m with Hale,” I caution.

  “I already told you, I don’t care,” he smolders, but right now my mind is desperate to find out what that phone call was all about.

  Why did he freak out?

  “I need to go grab something from the apartment. I’ll see you later?” I ask softly, and he smirks.

  “You know you will.”

  I force a smile before dashing out, and I feel the knotted nerves gathering in the pit of my stomach as my hand hesitantly hovers over the door knob. I finally take a deep breath before walking in, and I’m not as surprised as I should be when I see him packing.

  “Where are you going?” my shaky voice inquires.

  “Hey,” he says with a bit of a startle. “I’m going north for a lead on an old case.”

  “Right now?”

  “Yeah. It’s sort of urgent,” he murmurs vaguely.

  “Then I suppose I should pack as well. Right?” I ask very leadingly.

  “Not for this. I shouldn’t be gone long, and I’ll see you when I get back,” he says very dismissively, refusing to make eye contact.

  “You can’t be doing this again. Not now. Not tonight,” I wail as tears start to form fiercely.

  “I’m sorry, but I have to,” he says almost coldly, his eyes still refusing to meet mine.

  “Have to? You don’t have to do shit. You’re shutting me out again.”

  “I’m not shutting you out, Araya. I’ve got shit to do. Deal with it,” he almost snaps.

  And there he is - that’s the Hale I remember. He’s cold, distant, distracted, and he doesn’t give a fuck about the way he’s hurting me right now.

  “You haven’t changed a bit. I’m so fucking stupid for believing you. Either you tell me the truth, or I’m done with you,” I strain through the emotional rush I’m shaking from.

  “Then I guess you’re done because I’ve got nothing left to say,” he rattles out with his icy tone.

  He grabs his bag, and walks past me while leaving the most sickening chills on my body. Brazen is the cold blooded full blood, but Hale’s frigid trail ices me over. I suck back the tears I refuse to keep crying, and the windows blow free from their placement when I need a new outlet.

  The whole apartment becomes one big punching bag as my gift seeps out too much, and I walk through the shattering debris littering the air to pull out two vials of olophine. The crashing violently continues as everything slams into the ground, and I inject myself with both bottles before I turn the compound inside out.

  I stare out the gaping hole where a window once stood, and I watch the taillights disappearing into the night with the pain and secrets dangling behind him. I numbly make my way back to the door, and I see the picture of me still intact. I pick it up, tears filling my eyes all the more, and then I shatter the frame to pull the picture free.

  I rip it to shreds, and I neatly lay the confetti on the table before turning off the light to the destroyed room. Devastation hovers over me like a relentless storm cloud - the savage inside me waiting to rock free. I feel the knot in my throat gaining size when it becomes harder to swallow. I feel dizzy almost, but I shake it off. I want to rip something in half. I need to get out of this place as soon as possible.

  “Araya Crush?” a man from behind me asks, and I almost jump out of my skin when I hear the unfamiliar voice coming out of nowhere.

  “Yes,” I gasp breathlessly.

  I turn to see his light hair sweeping militantly into place, and his strong body dressed pristinely without so much as one wrinkle disturbing his official attire. The jet black ensemble is decorated with several red patches and the captain’s str
ipes prominently stand out beside his badge.

  “Sorry,” he chuckles out. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I came to speak with Commander Jude about something, and I thought I’d take the opportunity to tell you how gravely sorry I am. I didn’t find your résumé until this morning.”

  “Résumé?” I ask bemused.

  “Yes. I’m Captain Hawkins… from the Hershian Compound. I was hoping to give you the lead interrogation job if you were still interested, but Commander Jude informed me you were offered the position here. I hate that I missed out on such an opportunity.”

  I feel air finding my lungs once more, and then I shake my head.

  “I’m not taking the job here. I’d still like to come to Hershian if that’s okay.”

  He looks startled now, and his lips move while words evade him momentarily.

  “Are… are you sure? Hershian is a very small place with a far less glamorous appeal than the Seminole.”

  I stare at the picture of Hale hanging on the wall behind him. This damn compound is obsessed with Hale. There are pictures of him all over this fucking place. I’d never be able to get him out of my head.

  I clear my throat before straining out, “The glamour can be blinding, but this place is too cold. I’d love to come to Hershian.”

  “That sounds great. Just come as soon as you like,” he says excitedly, and I stare into his pale eyes.

  “You know I’m hybrid,” I quickly insert.

  “I know. That’s one of the reasons you’re so damn good at interrogation. I’ve studied up on your tactics in the past to use as training for my cadets. Having you would be a huge deal to our smaller compound.”

  I’m shocked by how completely unaffected he is by my hybrid status when it’s very clear he’s a full blood. He even praised me and my talent.

  “When are you going back?” I ask curiously.

  “I’m going back tonight after I speak with a few others about some changes I plan on making to the compound. It’s necessary to get approval from the United heads before making some adjustments. Why?”


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