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The New Breed

Page 11

by Jaden Sinclair

  “I’ve had a taste of you. You are in my system for life. Nothing else will do but you.”

  “The only thing that I understand is that you hurt me,” she told him through her teeth, thrusting her chin up at him. “And no matter what you say or try to do it will never go away. You took something from me that you had no right to do. You were told to keep an eye on me, not rape me!” she yelled in his face.

  Kane’s face paled. He released her slowly, but his eyes never left hers. “I didn’t rape you.” His voice shook when he spoke and she saw a flash of pain in his blue eyes causing her to flinch. He reached out to touch her face and Jada couldn’t stop herself from flinching away once more, as if he was going to hurt her again. “I would rather die, than hurt you. If I could do this all over again I would.” She stayed still as a statue when he bent over and kissed her forehead. It was something tender that she didn’t expect from him. “I’m sorry, I really am, but I’m not going to keep fighting a losing battle within myself.”

  He turned and walked out of the room, closing the door softly.

  Jada exhaled the breath she didn’t know she was holding and slumped back down to the floor. Her whole body started to shake uncontrollably.

  “What the hell just happened?” Drake slammed the door open, making her jump up quickly from the floor to stumble back against the bed. She didn’t look at him, but lowered her face to her hands, elbows resting on the knees. “What the fuck did you do to him?”

  “What did I do?” Jada looked up at him in disbelief. “What about what the hell he did to me?”

  “I thought you knew something about what we’re like.” Drake put his hands on his hips, glaring down at her. “We have no control, Jada, when our mate is around. You can’t blame him because of what his nature forced him to do. I was under the impression that Chase explained things to you.”

  “Oh, that’s just perfect,” she spat as she rose to her feet, slapping her legs, fresh tears falling down her face. “Let’s pity Kane, because he just did what nature told him to do. Fuck you, Drake!” she yelled.

  “He hurt me beyond anything I’ve ever been hurt before in my life.

  So don’t you stand there acting like I did something major to him.”

  “You did do something major,” Drake told her through his teeth.

  “It was written all over his face when he walked out of this house.

  What the hell do you think is going to happen now in a couple of days?” He cocked his head to the side at her, but she didn’t understand the question.

  “What are you talking about?” she sighed.

  “Full moon, Jada,” Drake raised his arms up in the air, bringing his hands down to slap on the sides of his legs. “I know you have some idea what happens then.”

  “It has nothing to do with me.” She turned her back on him, but Drake wasn’t going to let her do that.

  He grabbed her arm, forcing her around to face him. “It has a lot to do with you now. You’re mated to him. He will go into heat and hunt for you to claim you completely. Just so you understand what I’m talking about, I’m going to be very blunt here. He is going to take you until the need he feels for you has calmed down in his veins.”

  “News flash, Drake.” She jerked her arm free, glaring up at him.

  “He already has.”

  “I’m not talking about that, damn it,” he sighed, rubbing his face.

  “Full moon night is going to be worse.”

  “Well, he can just do like he has in the past.”

  Drake groaned. “You’re not getting it.”

  “Oh, I understand perfectly.” Jada was gritting her teeth so tightly her jaw started to ache. She turned around, eyes narrowing. “You want me to lie down and be his whore.”

  Drake narrowed his eyes on her, “Are you really that stubborn?

  You really think that’s all it is? That it’s just about the sex?”

  “Isn’t it?” she gasped.

  Drake opened his mouth to answer but stopped when they heard a loud yell like growl. Jada went over to the window, but didn’t see anything. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that it was Kane out there yelling like an animal.

  “That’s why,” Drake said. “He’s a mated man. Nothing will keep him away from you and I mean nothing now. You might have gotten away with him walking out of this room alone, but don’t hold your breath that it’s going to stay like that. Full moon is a couple days off so brace yourself. Kane will be back—for you.”

  * * * *

  Kane howled at the top of his lungs because of the grief he felt deep inside. You were told to keep an eye on me, not rape me! He kept hearing those words in his head, words that were true but he didn’t want to face them.

  He was supposed to watch her, not touch her, not tie her up, and have his way with her. He sure as hell wasn’t supposed to hurt her as he had. Now Kane was in a bind, because he didn’t know what the hell he had to do to make it right. Then to add more trouble he had to look forward to the full moon in a couple of days and had no clue on what he was going to do.

  “You didn’t rape her.” Kane stopped his walking when he heard Sasha’s soft voice. He turned around and there she stood, hugging herself with her thick coat on. “You didn’t.”

  “What are you doing out here?” he asked.

  “You didn’t rape her,” she said again.

  “I hurt her,” Kane breathed out. “So it might as well be called rape.”

  Sasha smiled, rushed up, and hugged him around the waist. Her touch brought him down to his knees and Kane didn’t hold back his pain. With his sister holding him, he cried.

  He didn’t know how long he stayed on the ground, holding onto her, but he stayed like that until there were no more tears left to fall.

  Once finished, Kane stood up and with Sasha by his side headed for his little cabin.

  The temperature was dropping, the smell of snow was in the air, but the guilt on his shoulders blocked it all out. Once inside the cabin, Kane sat down on the large sofa, staring at the cold fireplace. Sasha had a fire built quickly and was fixing some hot cocoa for them both.

  When she handed him a mug, she sat down next to him with her legs tucked underneath her saying nothing.

  Carrick explained to him once that every girl remembers her first time, so if he was lucky enough to have a mate that was still innocent he should take it slow and easy with her. Guess he fucked that one up.

  “You’re being too hard on yourself,” she said. “I’m sure once she’s calmed down she will forgive you.” Kane turned his head toward Sasha who giggled, “Eventually.”

  Kane sighed. “You’ve been in my head again.”

  She shrugged. “Can’t help it. Old habits die hard you know.”

  “So you know what I’ve done then?” She nodded. “Shit,” Kane groaned, tossing his head back on the sofa.

  “Kane, you didn’t rape her, even though she said you did. I looked it up.” Sasha had a proud excited look on her face when he glanced at her again. “Nothing pleasurable comes out of rape, and from what I saw, she was enjoying the things you were doing.”

  “Sasha, I don’t want to have this conversation with you.” He sat his cup down on the floor and stood up. Kane walked into the bedroom and his eyes went right to the bed and the bloodstain in the middle. Quickly he went to work at stripping the bed before Sasha saw it.

  “Okay, but if you change your mind you know how to find me.”

  Sasha took her cup over to the small table slipped back into her coat and smiled at him. Kane stopped what he was doing when she came into the room, pulled him down to her level, and kissed him on the cheek. “And stop beating yourself up. Everything will work out. Trust me.” She’d shocked him again.

  Staying in the cabin alone didn’t seem to sit well with him like it once had. Night came with an overcast sky, some snowflakes, and the reminder of a full moon that was too close for his comfort.

  Nevertheless, he did stay put, watc
hing the snow come down, feeling the burn start in his veins, and plunged into his guilt.

  The entire next day, Kane thought about what he had done, what he wanted to do, and what needed to be done. Okay, so bringing her to the cabin, tying her up, and stripping her was a mistake. He’d admit that one. As for the sex part, well that was something different. He didn’t feel ashamed of it, only bad for how rough he was since it was her first time. He should have stayed away from her after he kissed her, but he just couldn’t do it. After what he felt once he saw her swimming, that definitely should have been a big sign to stay away from her. But did he listen? Fuck no!

  It was just like now. Kane couldn’t calm his body down, release the tension that was present in his body, or stop it from traveling down to one hell of a raging cock, which seemed to get worse the more he thought about it. It was only twenty-four hours until the full moon, and the plan was to stay away from Jada, to give her time to calm down, but it didn’t feel like it was going to happen like that.

  Nope, not at all.

  He was hard, tension quickly rising in his body, fire burning inside. Kane paced his tiny home, his one and only thought was to touch her, go to her, claim her and still this blaze inside of him. He wanted nothing more than to feel the heat of her body and the silkiness of her skin against his own. The more he thought about it the more he didn’t give a damn if she was pissed. He just needed to satisfy this ache for her that he had.

  One taste of that body and Kane was lost the second it happened, he just didn’t know it then. He smiled at that thought though. She was his natural drug and boy did he hunger for a fix. She stood her ground with him, not knowing that the simple act itself was enough to have his animal side raging with the need to take, claim, possess, and dominate. Kane explained that to her several times but she seemed to ignore it, and it was fine with him. He never thought he could or would enjoy someone challenging him the way his little Jada did.

  “Fuck it.” Kane growled, having enough of this alone shit. “I’m taking what belongs to me.”

  He rushed out the front door, jerking his coat onto his thick shoulders. He thought for a second that he might be making a mistake by going up to the house in the condition he was in, but there was no damn way he could stay in his cabin for one moment longer alone.

  Jada might be pissed at him, even hate him for how he fucked her against the wall her first time, but she also needed to understand that he couldn’t be alone. Not with his heat right around the corner.

  Snow was falling thick now and the wind was blistering cold when he stepped outside to go over to Drake’s. Kane could barely see where he was going and it was only four in the afternoon, which meant that the storm was going to be even worse than what any of them had thought. He knew that they were going to be in for a big snowstorm by tonight, because this stuff was coming in thick and acting crazy.

  The walk took him longer than it would normally. When Kane walked into the house, he was surprised that it was quiet when he stepped inside. He rather expected everyone to be in the front room sitting in front of the fire that burned, giving off a low glow of light in the dark room. The smells and noise that was coming from the kitchen told him that baking was going on.

  “I was starting to wonder how much longer you were going to hold out.” Cole came out from the kitchen alone, smiling at Kane, with a cookie in his hand. “I told Drake that you would be here before night and here you are.”

  Kane shrugged out of his coat, hanging it up before he went to the fire to warm his hands. He decided to play it cool and not let on why he was here. “Thought I would come and check on Sasha.”

  “Bullshit,” Cole snorted. “You came to irritate Jada again.”

  “I don’t irritate.” Kane frowned, keeping his eyes on the fire. He worked extra hard at keeping all emotions from showing. Kane didn’t need Cole giving him shit, not now when he felt like he was about to explode any second. “I thought you were leaving for the weekend?”

  “I was, but we’re in for a bad snow storm, so I have to endure the heat alone this month. She’s upstairs, taking a shower.” Cole indicated with a nod. He walked up to Kane, standing next to him, rubbing his own hands for warmth. “Carrick got her to come down for dinner, but she went right back up when Drake started in on her about the full moon. She’s pretty close minded right now.”

  Kane fought with his legs to stay put. He didn’t want to appear too eager to go up and see her. When he felt Cole’s eyes on him Kane turned, looking him right in the eye. “Say it.”

  Cole turned also, looking Kane head on. “We all know she’s yours, and that she needs the time to come to terms with it. Go upstairs and talk, because the two of you really do need to talk before tomorrow night. You get one true mate, Kane, don’t fuck it up.”

  Kane watched him turn away and start to walk back into the kitchen. “Cole.” He stopped walking, turning back around. “How did you know?”

  Kane watched Cole closely. This whole mating thing was so hard to understand. He didn’t know if he could be a man and not the animal Jason almost turned him into. Now that a mate had been tossed into his life, Kane still didn’t know what was wrong or right. What he felt at the time was right when he took her to the cabin. Being inside her felt right. What had him thinking it wrong was what if it was Sasha and not Jada? What would he do if someone treated his sister as he treated Jada?

  “Sometimes we just know.” Cole sighed deeply.

  Kane opened his mouth to ask more, but Cole stopped him with his hand held up. “Go up there and do what it is you have to do. Make it right with Jada. Lord knows she’ll be a pain to live with if you don’t.”

  Kane placed his hands on his hips, watching Cole disappear into the kitchen. He thought maybe he should go in there and say hi to Sasha, but he couldn’t move. His hearing picked up the faint sound of water running. Jada was taking a shower. That image alone gave new life to his cock, causing the unwilling member to thicken, harden, and press tightly against the zipper of his jeans. Out in the cold snow he was able to cool off, but now, with the image of her wet body, he was once again on fire.

  God, he wanted her! Kane couldn’t suppress the need that raced in his system like hot lava. That time in his cabin started something he couldn’t fight, and when she came, charging after him pissed and ready to kill, it only caused Kane to want more. He felt as if he needed to feel her sweet cunt fist over his cock like he needed to breathe. Had to have it stretched around him in an almost brutal, painful pleasure while he pumped hard inside her.

  “Shit, I’m fucked,” he whispered to himself, looking into the fire one more time, debating what he should and shouldn’t do.

  Rubbing his face, Kane made up his mind. He was going upstairs to see Jada. What he was going to do once he got there, he had no idea. He just knew that he couldn’t stand not being around her.

  Kane took the steps two at a time. His heart pounded in his chest with each step he took, reminding him once again of the need that raced in him. Hell, his hands were shaking with the desire to touch her. For Kane, this was not normal, not by a long shot. He never, ever was this way when a woman was involved, but then again he hadn’t been around one who turned out to be his mate.

  He stopped at the door to the bathroom. Steam came from the top and bottom of the door as well as the sweet scent of Jada. He closed his eyes, inhaling the sweet scent, hungering for more, welcoming the burn of the upcoming heat.

  He had to force himself to move again. Kane wanted to stand there, taking her scent in, letting it wash over him for the longest time but that wouldn’t fix the problem or ease his pain. He was tired of standing in the shadows. Tired of getting bits and pieces of a scent without touching the owner. He had to touch her, had to ease what was burning within him, even if that meant she was going to hate him for the rest of his life.

  Kane forced himself to walk away from the bathroom and go to her room. It was dark inside with a slight chill in the air. He looked around. The b
ed was a mess, which meant that she was still not sleeping. The dresser was open with clothes hanging off the side, and a few on the floor.

  He touched nothing, didn’t even turn the light on. Kane closed the door silently before walking to the far corner to the right where it was the darkest. Bending over, he unlaced his boots, slipping his feet out of them and then his socks. Tension gripped him as he worked at stripping his clothing. He didn’t plan on what he was doing, but from the look of the bed, Jada needed some rest just as he did. A full night without sleep was unbearable and he didn’t want to do another night without it. Therefore, his plan was to climb in that bed, wrap her into his arms, and get the needed sleep they both required. He also knew that she would fight him on it every step of the way, which would more than likely take things to the one place that would surely get him into trouble all over again.

  Once he was down to his tight boxer briefs Kane waited. He stood as still as a statue listening for her steps. Each and every one of his nerves were on high alert as well as his cock straining against the thin cotton, demanding to be set free. Not even the chill in the room could calm the raging need his cock now carried.

  The air shifted and Kane tensed more. Jada was coming down the hall towards her room; he could smell the difference in the air. He fisted his hands waiting, preparing himself for that fight that was sure to come. One way or another Kane was going to make her understand that she belonged to him!

  The door opened and Kane pressed farther into the dark shadows.

  He was surprised that she didn’t turn the light on or sense that he was in her room, but glad all the same. It gave him the better opportunity to watch her as she moved.

  She was wrapped up in a towel with another on her head. Kane forced himself to keep his control and not go to her. He fought with his beast to stay put and let her do what she needed to do. The time would come soon enough when he was able to touch her, sooner than either of them knew.

  She rubbed her hair viciously before dropping the towel into a small pile of clothes on the floor. Her back stayed to him, even when she went to the dresser and began to brush her hair. Kane noticed how she looked out the window while she brushed her hair and he started to wonder if she was watching for him.


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