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Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Lynn Stark

  “You don’t have to move out. I’m having an alarm system installed tonight. Give it a few days and think it over.”

  A sad smile pulled at her lips. “It’s a lovely house, but I don’t think I’ll get over someone being in there, going through all my things, and…and…” She waved a hand helplessly toward the house. “No, I think it’ll be better if I stay at the hotel. The silly monkeys and I won’t bother anyone there.”

  They argued with her, but Piper stood her ground. She had been tempted to move back in with Colt, but she didn’t want to cramp his style. Having seen him having lunch just that week with Clarissa and Bliss, she didn’t want to be in the way. There was also the freedom factor. She was relishing being on her own, setting her own schedule, doing her own thing. There was nothing like it.

  Chapter Nine

  The moment the man at the desk told her Colt had called and instructed that she was to be given the suite, Piper was once again grateful for having such a wonderful friend.

  A soak in the luxurious tub, large enough for five or six people to fit in, helped ease the tension from her muscles. She washed herself with a flowery-scented soap she found in the cupboard. She had added unscented bath oil and she sighed as she felt how silky her skin was as she rinsed.

  Getting out was something she didn’t want to do, but Piper didn’t have much time left before she had to dress and go downstairs to the restaurant. It was only as she was leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel that she remembered she didn’t have anything to wear. She had left everything behind in her borrowed house. What had she been thinking?

  Shuddering with revulsion Piper went to the phone and called her new friend Marley Evans. She was married to Grayson, the sheriff, and Roarke O’Malley, the owner of a children’s toy store. They had two babies. The twins were only a few months old and as cute as any two babies could be. Piper had admired them from a safe distance on several occasions. She hadn’t gotten the nerve up yet to hold them, but she was working on it, much to her friend’s amusement.

  When Marley answered Piper asked if she could borrow a dress to wear. She didn’t give an explanation. She was certain Grayson had already told his wife and partner about the breakin. Marley promised to be right over with a dress and shoes. Piper thanked her then returned to the bathroom to brush out her hair and dry it.

  When the bell rang she hurried out wearing a robe she had found in the closet. It dragged on the floor behind her. Marley stood on the other side of the door with a big grin on her beautiful face and holding a garment bag in one hand and a smaller bag in another. She hurried in.

  “Not much time. I’ll help you. I brought some makeup and some other things to glam you up on your big night!”

  Marley was like a whirlwind as she took out the dress. She held up the stretchy knit dress for Piper’s approval. It was a bright blue with long sleeves and a scoop neckline.

  “It’s my smallest dress, but it’ll be perfect on you, since it’s so clingy.” She grinned naughtily and wiggled her eyebrows. “It fits me like a really tight glove. Just seeing me in it drives the guys wild with lust.”

  Blushing, Piper stared at her friend. It had been ages since she had engaged in girl talk. It was all new to her. Marley had two husbands and she was very open about her ménage lifestyle. She knew Marley would be a good person to talk to about her doubts concerning Merck and Jace. Now if she could just get herself to do it.

  “You have two very hot guys,” Marley said, unknowingly broaching the subject in Piper’s mind. She began pulling things out of the second bag. A pair of black stilettos came out, as did makeup and a little jewelry box. “Oh, drat, I forgot to bring underwear. You will just have to go commando.”

  Half of Piper was shocked at the notion of going without underwear. The other half, mainly her lower half, began quivering and throbbing. She stared at Marley. Marley stared back.

  “Won’t they be able to tell?”

  “Well, yeah. But that’s the point, right? Drive your men nuts. Make their brains turn to mush.”

  “I don’t know if I want to do that. I’m not very certain about what’s supposed to be happening between us. Colt says they’re my men. They say I’m their woman. No one seems to care what I want.”

  Marley dropped everything, hurrying around the huge bed to hug her. “Oh, sweetie, it’ll be okay. I’m sure they love you. Grayson says they look at you like you’re the only woman on the planet.”

  Well, she had seen some hot looks from both men, but she didn’t think she would call it love. Lust maybe, but not love. She knew she was pretty. And she still had a good figure. Yes, she had what it took to physically attract men. But emotionally?

  “I don’t know anything about men. I haven’t even been on a date in years. Being Douglas Barrows’ daughter really puts a crimp in the dating department.” She shrugged out of the robe then reached for the dress. It did fit like a glove, stretching out over her slight curves, hugging them lovingly. Her small breasts jutted out, her nipples poking against the silky knit. Her face flamed and she swallowed hard. “What am I going to do with Jace and Merck? I really don’t think they’re going away. They want things I don’t know if I have in me to give.”

  “I think you’re worrying too much. I know you’re just starting to find yourself since you came to Silver. But could falling in love with those two guys really be a bad thing? When I first met Grayson and Roarke, I was as wary as you are. It was more than a little overwhelming. I was going through a lot, dealing with my sister’s death and moving to a new place. I wanted to live out our shared dream here. When I met them it seemed like it was way too soon. How could I fall in love so fast? It was scary.”

  “Grayson and Roarke were together a long time before you met them. Didn’t that scare you? Make you wonder where you would fit in?”

  Marley nodded, her long, dark hair swirling around her shoulders. “They were together ten years. That is a long time. I did wonder if there was a place for me with them.” She smiled. “But once I decided I wanted to try, it all fell into place. They’re two very easy men to love.” She reached out to squeeze Piper’s arm. “I believe you’ll find that with Merck and Jace, too. I don’t know Jace, but Merck is a great guy.”

  A knock on the door interrupted their talk. Piper could have sworn. She wanted to know more and saw Marley as a great source. The topic had come up naturally. Would it be easy to bring it up again another time?

  Marley rushed off to answer the door while Piper fussed over the dress. She really didn’t want to go without underwear. Her nipples were all but poking through the silky knit. She was grateful they weren’t larger. The fabric slid over her body when she moved. She liked the feel. It was quite sensuous against her skin.

  Though the dress clung to her in some places, Marley was about two sizes larger than she was. The scoop neckline was drooping and she doubted it was in a flattering manner.

  “Leave it to Colt!” Marley exclaimed, coming back in with an armful of bags and boxes and looking thoroughly pleased. “Now you won’t have to go to your own party in borrowed clothes.”

  “Your dress is lovely,” Piper protested.

  “Your boobs aren’t nearly big enough,” Marley said with a kind laugh. “But I have a feeling Colt sent over something that will fit you perfectly.” She unzipped the garment bag and out came a sparkling red dress that made both women catch their breath. “Oh, it’s just gorgeous! You’ll look fantastic in this. And if you don’t get laid tonight, those men will need their heads examined.”

  Piper blushed as bright a red as the dress. “I don’t want to get laid tonight. I don’t even want to get laid tomorrow night. I need to get to know them first.”

  “What about some heavy petting? Have you ever given a blow job before? Encouraging one or both of them to go down on you would be a great ice breaker.”

  Even though Piper’s pussy was quivering at the words, and beginning to produce creamy juices, she didn’t even want to think about such i
ntimacy. Her brain froze, which Marley must have realized.

  “Hello? Are you in there?” Marley giggled as Piper blinked. “I swear I’ve never seen anyone turn that shade of red before. I take it you’ve never been very intimate with a man.”

  She shook her head, sending silvery-blonde curls bouncing. “No. Not that intimate. I’ve had sex. It was fun, but I wouldn’t say earth-shattering.”

  “Oh, have you got a lot to learn!” Marley stepped close and grabbed her dress, starting to pull it up. “Since you’ve been playing hard to get, you might want to start giving them a little encouragement. Give them some hope.”

  Squirming out of the dress, Piper stood there feeling very exposed. She wasn’t used to having anyone around when she was naked, but it didn’t seem to bother Marley in the least. The other woman rummaged enthusiastically through the shiny gold bags with the Kimura Brothers name on it. Marley squealed with pleasure and pulled a white demi bra and tiny, matching thong out of it, as well as stockings and a garter belt. The bra and thong were made of lace and were probably illegal somewhere.

  “You should consider getting that waxed.” Marley’s gaze dropped to her lower half.

  Blushing again, she stared at the woman. Was nothing sacred?

  “I’ll think about it,” she choked, grabbing the thong and pulling it on. Marley just grinned and winked. Actually the curls covering her sex were neatly trimmed, the curls close. It wasn’t like there was an overgrown lawn down there. She reached for the bra next before her friend made some comment about her small breasts. “I’ve never worn a garter belt before,” she said, picking it up and examining it as it dangled between her hands.

  “They can be a pain in the ass to attach to the stockings, but well worth it. Most men start drooling over stuff like this. You’ll find out soon enough if your men like it. Then you’ll spend a fortune buying things to tease them with.”

  That was another thing she wouldn’t know the first thing about doing. Teasing men in a sexual manner was a complete mystery to her. She couldn’t remember doing much flirting. Not since college, anyway. She hadn’t met anyone she had wanted to flirt with in years, but that was mainly due to her father never letting her leave the property without a scary escort to shadow her.

  The only two men to interest her now were Merck and Jace, which she guessed worked out well enough, since they wanted her to be theirs. So what now? Wear the sexy underwear and sizzling hot dress and see how it goes?

  Piper was certainly out of her depth and she felt the need to have a panic attack.

  “Let’s go do your makeup and hair.” Marley grabbed her by the hand and dragged her into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later Piper was staring at a stranger. Another thing she didn’t do often was wear makeup. Big, glamorous, smoky eyes stared back at her as she examined herself. “Wow, you are so hot! You have great eyes. Well, actually you have great everything. Your men won’t be able to concentrate on eating with you there. Okay, now your hair.” She took a brush and swept it up, pushing it this way and that, pulling at curls until she decided which way it would look best. She pinned it up and fluffed before stepping back to look it over. She shook her head, grimacing. “No, that just made you look like a bad glam photo. I think you should leave it down.”

  By the time Marley was finished with her, and she was in the red dress and matching heels, Piper was exhausted. At five minutes until seven the bell rang. Marley let Colt in. His eyes widened as he looked her over.

  “You’re perfect, darling. I knew the dress would suit you. Ready? There are a couple of guys down there who can’t wait to see you again.”

  “They just saw me an hour ago.”

  Colt and Marley laughed together, puzzling her. “You have much to learn,” he told her smoothly, mysteriously, a truly wicked glint in his eyes.

  Everyone seemed to speak in a language Piper didn’t understand. But the way she was feeling at that moment, as sexy as any woman had in the history of sexiness, was giving her a newfound confidence and an eagerness to explore these new feelings and everything that went along with them.

  Colt accompanied her down the grand staircase with its marble and luxurious carpet, the chandelier overhead, gilt and polished wood gleaming. The tiny red beads dangling from the hem of her dress teased her thighs. It was a naughty dress with a neckline that accentuated the way the bra plumped her small breasts. The fabric was molded to her petite frame. She felt so incredibly sexy in high heels, maneuvering with more confidence than she felt as she descended the stairs.

  As Piper clung to Colt’s strong arm, she could feel the corded muscles beneath the expensive black suit. Would her men be as fit as her friend? What would it be like to have one or both of them hold her close against them? Colt had played around, held her close, kissed her to get a rise out of her men, his friends. Would it feel like that? Or would it feel even better?

  Piper was so much smaller than they were. They were the size of football players. Both men had muscles popping out all over the place. Was she going to get lost between them?

  Trembling with anticipation and more than a little hot excitement, Piper caught her breath when her men appeared in the open doorway into one of the private dining rooms. They both looked mouthwateringly handsome in their dark suits, crisp white shirts, and polished shoes. She had an idea Colt had helped them choose their attire. They were like mini Colts, only better because they were hers.

  With her pussy gushing and her thighs aching, Piper decided it was time to take the next step. Why should she keep torturing herself? She had thought about both men for months. She had dreamed about them. And recently those dreams had been so hot, so graphic, she would wake panting and moaning. Once she had even discovered her hand between her thighs, gripping her pussy.

  Yes, it was time to be theirs in the fullest sense of the word. Theirs. And they would be hers. Forever. It was a very long time. Swallowing hard, she forced a smile to her red, red lips and saw their gazes move to them. The tip of her tongue poked out to wet the coating Marley guaranteed wouldn’t rub off, smudge, or smear, no matter what she did with her lips.

  “Piper, you look spectacular,” Merck told her as she and Colt stopped in front of them. Colt faded away, leaving her alone with her men. “But you’re always beautiful.”

  “Thank you, Merck. You’re looking very nice tonight, too.” Her gaze shifted to Jace, who was standing a step behind, close to Merck’s shoulder. The fabric was cut to perfection. Both had obviously been tailored by a very skilled hand. “And you, Jace. You look very good, too. I like the suits.” She had never seen him in anything but black or khaki pants and a black T-shirt. Obviously it had been his “uniform” as her bodyguard. She had liked peeking at him when he wasn’t looking, examining all the muscles pushing at his shirt. Something tantalized her nostrils as they moved closer, all but surrounding her with their hugeness. She inhaled and closed her eyes. “You both smell good, too.”

  Both men chuckled softly. Piper thought it was a very sexy sound. Her nipples perked back up after a two-minute lull. “We do, huh? You’ve never been so personal before, Piper,” Merck observed. “Are you being a tease?”

  “No, just being honest.” She looked up at them through lashes which were unusually thick and long. It was just a little bit weird. “You want me to be honest, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Both men answered at the same time. She could see Merck. He was in front of her. Jace, however, was behind her, big hands on her waist. She was cocooned in the heat from their bodies. “We want you to be honest with us at all times,” Merck told her softly, his gaze moving over her face. It was warm and filled with all kinds of things she had missed out on. But the most important was a promise. “Mind if I kiss you? I’ve been thinking about it a lot.”

  This was it. Piper’s heart rate shot through the roof as Merck slid his hands down her bare arms, stopping just above her elbows. Then he was bending and she was grateful she was wearing the heels, otherwise he would have had to eith
er pick her up or bend nearly in half to kiss her. She definitely enjoyed the extra inches. She figured if he was comfortable he would be able to kiss her without hurting himself, which would mean more kisses.

  When his firm, warm mouth slid over hers, Piper welcomed him eagerly. Having Colt kiss her had been good practice. She knew what to expect and opened her mouth, bypassing any awkwardness. If she thought her friend was a good kisser, Merck had magic lips and tongue. It sizzled right down to her toes, not missing a thing in between. Her nipples throbbed, as did her pussy, and the insides of her thighs right down to her knees. Moaning, she stroked his tongue with hers, pleased when she heard his appreciative grunt.

  While her mind was spinning, whirling with bright colors, Piper was vaguely aware of Jace pressing against her from behind, his hands sliding around to cover her stomach.

  It was real bummer when she heard a familiar voice say in cold, formal tones, “You will release my daughter at once and refrain from treating her as if she were a common…”

  “A common what, Daddy?” Piper asked when Merck jerked upright, releasing lips and arms as if she suddenly had electricity running through her. She turned to look at her father. Never in all her years had she addressed Douglas Barrows as “Daddy.” She could see the shock on his face. It eradicated his anger, leaving him momentarily speechless. Her gaze went to her mother. “Hello, Mommy.” Her father’s face had already turned beet red. Now her mother blushed, but she thought she might have seen something akin to pleasure in the older woman’s eyes. Odd. “You’ve arrived in time for the supper my friends are giving in my honor.”

  Seeing her parents was bad enough. She loved them, but she didn’t like them. Spending the evening, which Colt had arranged to be a fun-filled celebration with her friends, would be something far different if her parents attended. There would be no possibility of her relaxing enough to enjoy the evening, knowing they were watching her the entire time. And they would. They always did.


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