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Hawk_Devil's Fury Book 3

Page 7

by Torrie Robles

  “Tessa.” He rubs his thumb over my irregular pulse. “I know you said no to dinner.”

  “I said no—period. I’m not interested.” I tug my hand from his grip, but he only tightens his hold. I can feel my heart rate spike. “Phil–”

  “I suggest you drop my girl’s hand before I rip every single one of your fingers off and shove them up your ass.”

  Hawk grabs Phil’s shoulder, spinning him around to face him. I pull my hand back, rubbing where Phil’s fingers were digging into my skin. Phil pushes off his chair, standing up, not backing down from Hawk.

  “Not sure who you think you are, biker boy.” Phil lifts his hand and flicks the leather covering Hawk’s chest. Phil has a severe case of liquid courage.

  Everything happens so fast.

  Hawk’s hand shoots up, gripping Phil by his hand before pulling it down. He takes a step towards him, kicking his out foot, making Phil spin around. Hawk has his arms pinned behind his back, lifting them up towards his shoulder blades. Phil squeezes his eyes closed, apparently in pain.

  “Hawk,” I call in warning when I see people separating and tall blonde head walking swiftly toward us. When Croy gets closer, I can tell he’s pissed.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” He reaches up, ripping Phil from Hawk’s grip, and Phil stumbles forward, grabbing onto his shoulder. Phil is huffing, apparently pissed off.

  “This dumb fuck came out of nowhere and put his fucking hands on me.”

  “He was touching Tessa.”

  “Who gives a fuck?” Phil spits back. “I know her.”

  “I don’t give a shit if you know her. You were touching her. You don’t fucking touch her.”

  “Look, man, you can’t come in here, putting your hands-on people,” Croy says to Hawk.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? He’s been sitting here all night like a fucking creeper watching her.”

  Croy turns towards me. “Tessa?”

  I close my eyes, giving a slight nod, confirming what Hawk has said.

  “Get the fuck outta my bar.” He pushes Phil’s shoulder.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Phil doesn’t move, so Croy gives him another shove.

  “Yeah. You don’t touch women without permission, and you definitely don’t touch my staff. I don’t want to see you here again.”

  “This is fucking ridiculous,” Phil grumbles before turning to me. “I’ll be seeing you, Tessa.” He smirks before he stalks off towards the front door with Croy on his tail.

  The feel of someone touching my wrist makes me jump. Hawk rubs the tender spot of my skin before bringing it to his mouth, kissing it lightly. “You okay?”

  “How did you know he was watching me?”

  The corner of his mouth draws up. “Let’s just say he’s not the only one who’s been watching you.” When he feels me pull my hand away, he lets go. “Go back to work, Tessa. I’ll be right here.” He pats the bar.

  “You don’t have to stay here.”

  “You’re not getting rid of me, Tessa. My mind is made up, and there’s no changing it,” he deadpans, and I know there’s no use arguing with him.

  I take a deep breath, giving me a second to come to terms that I’m not getting rid of him. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “Just water.” He gives me a wink and the old Hawk that I knew all those years ago is back.

  The bar is finally quiet. I’ve done the standard run through, making sure there aren’t any stragglers. Making sure to look in the storage closet.

  “Hey, Tessa?” Croy calls for me as I pass by his office making me stop in my tracks. “You got a minute?”

  “What’s up?” I ask as I enter the office.

  “Take a seat.” He points to the seat directly in front of the desk that he and Shae share.

  I slowly lower myself into the chair. He sounds extremely professional right now, and that’s not how our relationship is. We’re friends. He’s basically the only ‘family’ I have anymore.

  “What’s going on Croy?” Several different scenarios swirl in my mind. Tonight, how Hawk behaved, how Croy had to escort Phil out of the bar. Am I too much of an issue to keep on staff? I haven’t had any other problems in the past. I make sure of it.

  “Is everything all right with you, Tessa?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Pam told me how you freaked behind the bar earlier…”

  “I’m not sure I’d call it freaking, I mean, we’re all entitled to have an off night, aren’t we?”

  Resting his elbows on the arms of the chair, he brings his fingers into a teepee as he rests them on his lips. The intense glare he’s got going on right now is making me uncomfortable. “I worry about you, T. It’s not just tonight. I’ve seen it before. I think you’re getting burned out. You’re burning the candle at both ends, and it’s not doing you any good.”

  “It’s my life, Croy. You know this. Just about better than anyone.”

  “And you know that if you need anything for whatever reason you’re supposed to ask me.” I fall back into my chair, not answering him. “What was going on with that guy tonight? Why did I have to escort a customer out?”

  “I really don’t know what to say to that. Phil lost his father a couple of years back. I guess I consoled him—I’m not sure since I don’t remember much. But I ran into him the other day when Sam and I were out, and the entire situation was strange. I don’t think he’s been around since that night his dad passed, but I can’t be certain. Then he showed up tonight, and if I'm honest with you, he puts off a vibe I want no part of.”

  “And the other guy?”

  I adjust myself in the chair, trying to get comfortable. “He’s from New Mexico.” I don’t go any further. That’s all he needs to know.

  “We’re friends, right, T?”

  “I’d like to think we were more than that, Croy. Besides Martha, you’re the only one that I can consider family.”

  “If that’s true, then why the secrets? After all these years, why won’t you let me in?”

  I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear before I answer. “You are in, Croy.”

  “Where’s Sam’s father? Is it him?”

  “Who, Hawk, no. He’s just from my past.”

  “Who seems to now be part of your present?”

  “Yeah, well, not really. He’s taking care of family stuff, and we happened to run into each other. That’s where he and I start and end. There’s nothing more to it.”

  He takes a deep breath and nods. “All right. Get out of here and get home to Sam.”

  Before I leave the office, I turn back around. “Are you still okay with taking Sam in the morning? Sarah has a paper due, and I really need to get some errands done since it’s my only day off. I shouldn’t be too long.”

  “I already told you that I’m good with it.”

  Making my way to the front of the bar, I see Hawk is still at the bar. The lights are up, making the room seem so much different. It really is a beautiful place. When my boots hit the wood of the dance floor Hawk turns around.

  “You ready to head out?” he asks as he stands.

  “What?” I duck under the bar and walk to where I keep my purse. Pulling it from the cabinet, I stand back up and throw the strap over

  “I asked if you’re ready to head out.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t need to keep watch over me, Hawk. I have my car outside, and I’m not far from here.”

  “It’s not up for discussion, Tessa. Let's go.”

  I concede, knowing that I’m not going to win this argument, and leave the bar. “I’m leaving, Croy,” I yell towards the back.

  “I’ll see you in the morning. Careful going home,” he calls back.

  My shoulders tense as soon as I feel Hawk’s hand touch my lower back. “It’s me, Tessa. I’ve touched you a hundred times.” His voice is quiet. He’s right, he has, but I’m not the same person as I was before.

  I pick up my steps, making it to my
car. “Here I am.” I open the door and slide in behind the wheel. Pulling the door closed, I’m stopped by Hawk’s hand.

  “Look at me.” The command in his voice should scare me, but it doesn’t, it makes me feel the opposite.


  Defeated, I drop my head to the headrest. I’m suddenly so tired. “It’s late, Hawk.”

  “Yeah, it is, and as soon as you look at me the sooner, you’ll be able to get home and rest.”

  Finally relenting, I turn my head to the side and see that he's now squatting inside my door.

  “Good girl. I’m going to follow you and make sure you get to where you’re going safely. Tomorrow you and I need to have a little talk. Things need to be said before I head back home.”

  I sit up. “You’re leaving?”

  “I’ve got responsibilities with the club, and I’m not turning my back on the one thing that never turned its back on me. They’re my family.”

  “What about Rose?”

  “I have you to relay her progress to me.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t. I can’t do that. There are laws, and I could lose my job. I shouldn’t have called Bianca in the first place.”

  “Tessa.” He places his hand on my arm. “Relax, sweetheart. No one said anything about breaking any laws. I only want to know when she wakes up and is coherent. I’ll come back then. Let’s get you home.” He squeezes my arm.

  By the time we reach my apartment, I’m exhausted. Tonight’s events have really had an effect on me. I’m physically drained and in desperate need of a shower. Grabbing my purse from the seat next to me, I pull the handle of my door and open it. Hawk is there, stretching out his hand to help me out. I hesitate, not sure if I can initiate the touch, but when he wiggles his fingers my apprehensive ease.

  “Which apartment is yours?” With my hand still in his, he looks to the row of doors past the small patch of grass.

  “3B,” I tell him. “The third one from the right.”

  “What’s your schedule for tomorrow?” We’re standing close, maybe too close. I can smell the hint of mint on his breath.

  “I’m off.”

  “I’m heading back Saturday. I’d like to spend some time with you tomorrow night.” I don’t work Fridays because I don’t have a babysitter. Friday nights are for Sarah, and I won’t ask her to watch Sam again.

  “I can’t do that, Hawk.”

  “Yes, you can.” He leans down ever so slightly and brushes his lips across my cheek, making my eyes close. “Listen to me,” he says as he takes my other hand in his. “Hear my voice. Who’s talking?”

  “You are,” I say breathlessly.

  He quietly laughs. “What’s my name, Tessa?” he asks as his hand moves up my arms, sending chills throughout my entire body.

  “Hawk,” I barely make his name out before I feel his hands come up, cupping my face on either side.

  “That’s right.” His breath dances over my lips. “It’s me, Hawk. Am I going to see you tomorrow, Tessa?” His voice sets me in a trance. I can feel my body lean into him as I relax under his touch.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Good, girl.” His lips ghost over mine. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Blinking my eyes open, I flinch at his closeness and take a step back but he stops me. “Don’t.” The lines of his eyes deepen. I can tell he’s worried so I comply and don’t pull back. He gives me a smile, finally dropping his hands from my face.

  “I’ll wait until you get inside. Then I’ll get going.”

  I bite my lip and give him a nod before stepping away. As I make my way to the front door my heart races. Alarm bells are going off in my mind, telling me to stop while I’m ahead and blaring that allowing Hawk into my world means that I’ll be a part of his, and that’s something that I can’t afford to do.

  The dangers of the MC world are real. They hurt, they maim, and they kill.


  I throw my head up in a messy bun and squirt a small amount of perfume. It’s incredible how exciting adult errands are. No work, no Sam. Just me paying some bills, and picking up a few odds and ends I couldn’t afford Sunday when we did our weekly shopping.

  “Sam, honey, make sure your backpack is ready,” I call out.

  He comes running in, fully dressed in jeans and his Harley T-shirt. “It is, Mom. Sarah and I made sure last night.” He gives me another smile before bouncing his way from my room. I’m not sure what I would do if Sarah ever left the area, or decided that watching a kid full-time was cramping her twenty-year-old lifestyle. She’s a Godsend.

  Making my way to the kitchen, I pour my second cup of coffee, then grab the creamer from the counter, I make sure it’s the perfect shade of tan. The warmth of the mug beneath my hands brings a smile to my face. I close my eyes, relishing at the moment. A knock on my door has my eyes snapping open. I set the mug down and glance at the clock. Croy is twenty minutes early. That’s not his usual. I love the guy, but being on time or even early isn’t one of his strong suits. I flick the deadbolt open and pull on the handle. My stomach drops.

  “Hey.” I take a step to the left as I close the door slightly.

  “Morning,” Hawk says as he hands me a white bag. From the grease spot forming in the corner, I already know what they are.

  “You remembered?”

  “It’s kinda hard to forget when you had to have a donut before school every single morning.” His mouth lifts slightly, making him look younger than what he is. His boyish features seem to be more prominent this morning.

  “Thanks.” I drop the bag to my side. “What are you doing here?” Just as the words leave my mouth, a little hand digs its way between my leg and the door, trying to pull it open.

  “What’s going on in there?” Hawk cocks his brow, and he tries to look around my body.

  “Who is that, Mom?” Sam grunts next to me.

  Hawk stops moving, a flash of surprise crosses his face. Losing yet another battle, I drop my hand from the door as Sam tugs on it again. I feel him start to stumble backward, but I grab him before his bottom hits the carpet.

  When the door opens, Sam appears. He’s not shy by any means. He’s a confident little boy and the fact that he’s standing not next to me but in front of me with his small chest puffed speaks volumes.

  “Who are you?” he asks Hawk.

  Hawk doesn’t hide his smile. “I’m a friend of your moms. The name’s Hawk.”

  Sam juts out his hand, waiting for Hawk to shake it. “Well, aren’t you going to shake my hand? My mom says real men shake hands.”

  Hawk takes Sam’s hand and gives it a couple shakes before dropping it. “Your mom’s a smart lady.”

  “Yeah, that’s what people keep telling me.”

  “Hey—” Hawk starts but stops when Sam darts past him.


  My son jumps up just as Croy leans over and picks him up, growling as he swings him from side to side. “Hey, little dude. Are you ready to kick some serious ass in school today?”

  “Croy, the language,” I scold him.

  He walks up, crossing the grass with one arm folded towards his head and Sam hanging from it. He barely gives Hawk a glance before he addresses me. “It’s not like he doesn’t hear it at school, T. Kids aren’t anything but little fuckers nowadays.” Sam giggles as he still hangs from Croy’s arm.

  “Honey, go grab your stuff.” Sam drops from Croy’s arm and takes off in a sprint into the apartment.

  As soon as Sam’s out of earshot, Croy points between Hawk and me. “Everything okay here?” he asks.

  “Yeah, we’re good,” I tell him.

  “You’ve popped up twice in the last ten hours,” he tells Hawk.


  “No, don’t even start. I don’t need a testosterone filled pissing match at 7:30 in the morning. Hawk, this is Croy, my friend, and boss. Croy, this is Hawk, a childhood friend.” Neither of them makes an attempt to shakes hands, and I’m not going to try to
rectify that situation.

  “I’m ready,” Sam yells from the house, and he comes barreling towards Croy again. Without any effort, Croy sweeps him up and deposits him on his back.

  “Kiss your mother goodbye,” Croy reminds Sam as he leans over so I can plant one on my son.

  “I’ll see you, Mommy.” He waves as Croy turns and takes my son to school.

  As soon as they’re out of earshot, Hawk speaks up. “You have a son? How is that possible? How old is he?”

  I can feel my jaw tighten as he continues to fire questions at me. “You need to stop.”

  “Is Croy his father?”

  “I don’t have time for this.” I turn to head back into the house to grab the stuff.

  “You need to answer my questions, Tessa,” he growls from behind me.

  I spin around. “I don’t need to do anything, Hawking. Nothing but take care of my son.”

  I storm over to the couch where I keep my purse and snatch it up. Maintaining the same momentum, I storm out of my apartment, jamming the key into the lock, locking the door, and shouldering past Hawk.

  “Tessa,” he calls after me, but I don’t stop. “This isn’t over, Tessa Reese.” His voice gets louder, but I keep on going.

  He’s right, it’s not over. I just hope he doesn’t look at me any differently when he finally gets his answers.


  There’s no way I’m going home tonight. The thought of me having to explain things to Hawk is the last thing that I want to do. That’s why we’re hanging out with Martha.

  “Hiding isn’t the answer, baby.” Martha takes a sip of her tea.

  My eyes go past Martha to see Sam playing trucks with one of her grandsons. “I’m not hiding. Sam wanted to play.”

  “Hmm. Is that the story? I thought you told him that we were off tonight?” She’s not going to let this go.

  “Mom.” Sam and Alex run up. “When is that Hawk guy coming over again?”

  “He’s got a cool name,” Alex says.


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