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Hawk_Devil's Fury Book 3

Page 18

by Torrie Robles

  As soon as my fingers feel the silken fabric between her legs, I moan. It’s so fucking warm, and I know I’m going to find the proof that she’s just as turned on as I am. I’m fucking thankful I’m not wearing a belt because there’s no way I’m going to be able to wait for another second to feel her wrapped around me, where she belongs.

  After a quick tug on my jeans, I have them undone and pulled down while I tug the fabric of her underwear to the side. As soon as the tip of my dick hits her opening, I can feel how wet she is for me. With a hard thrust, I feel her velvety smooth pussy grasp hold of me. My head falls back as I push through, “Fucking hell, Tessa,” I hiss through clenched teeth.

  “Hawk,” she moans as she hikes a leg around my waist.

  Without any effort, I take her other leg in my hand, lifting her up, so her legs wrap around my waist. “I can’t get enough of you,” I tell her as I pull out and push back in. I try my hardest to push deeper, needing to make it so I don’t know where she ends and I begin.

  “I’ve missed you,” she moans out her confession.

  Her skirt is pushed around her waist as I continue to drive in her. I know I’m not going to last much longer, but I’ll be damned if I get off before she does. I take a few steps forward until her back hits the coolness of the bar. I hike her up which makes her slide up on my dick then back down with more force than I had anticipated. With some tricky maneuvering, I sit her ass on the barstool and wrap an arm around her, while my other hand finds her clit. As soon as I give her nub the right amount of pressure I feel her pussy clench. That’s it, baby.

  “Tessa, I’m not going to hold on much longer,” I tell her as I continue to thrust in and out of her body. “I need you to come around my cock. Let me feel what the fuck I’ve been missing.”

  Her head falls to the side, giving me access to her neck. I bite down and suck on the smooth skin, making sure to mark her. Fuck, I’d leave my mark all over her body if she’d let me. With a few more circles on her clit and my dick driving into her with as much force as I can muster she falls over the edge as her orgasm rips through her body, milking me until I’m following her right over that same edge.

  Never, in all my life, have I felt a pussy as fine as Tessa Reese’s, and there’s no way in hell that I’m ever giving it up.


  I’m wrapping the tie of my robe around my waist when I hear a knocking at the front door. It’s too early for a visitor. Hawk only left my house three hours ago. I didn’t want him to go, but he said he needed to check in with the local chapter.

  I find the red glow of my alarm clock and see that it’s only 6:45. My eyes sting from lack of sleep, and my body aches in places that it’s never hurt before. Once the robe is securely fastened, I stretch out my back, hoping to loosen up my sore muscles. The fatigue of my body isn’t one hundred percent due to the physical activity I participated in last night. It’s merely the fact that burning the candle at both ends is slowly starting to catch up with me and I’m not even in my thirties yet. The nights that I close and then have an early shift at home are not my favorite. I can barely function by the time the end of my shift rolls around.

  I pull my hair into a messy knot on the top of my head as I drag my slipper covered feet along the wooden floors to make my way towards the knocking. Rising to the peephole, I see Hawk staring back and me. I pull open the door. “How long have you been staring into the peephole like that?”

  He pulls me into his body and buries his nose in my neck. “Long enough I was starting to get a complex.”

  I push my body away from his and look him in the eye. “Why? Did you think I wouldn’t answer my door?”

  “The thought did cross my mind.” He smacks his hand against my ass and walks into my apartment.

  I close my door behind him and lean against the wood. “Maybe you should’ve thought about that when you left me here only a few hours ago.”

  He turns around and crosses his arms over his chest. He’s in his typical uniform: a white T-shirt and leather cut. He legs are covered in worn denim, but instead of black boots, he’s wearing black and white chucks. “I had things to do. Do you want to hear about club business?” He cocks his brow, and I know he knows he’s got me. I do not want to hear about club business.

  “No, no, I don’t.”

  “I didn’t think so.” He gives me a wink and smiles.

  I push off the door and head towards the kitchen because I need coffee. “What are you doing here so early?”

  He leans up against the counter and watches me pull the mugs and creamer out. Once I pour two cups, I hand him one and then lean against the counter myself and bring the cup up to my lips.

  “I wanted to take you and Sam to the beach. I didn’t get a chance before I had to go back home last time.”

  “We can’t. Sam has school, and I have work.”

  “Why not ditch?”

  I blink a few times before I answer. “Well, because I can’t miss work, and I shouldn’t show Sam that type of dishonesty.”

  He shakes his head. “You know damn well that we both ditched plenty in school.”

  “Not in elementary.”

  “Come on, Tessa. It won’t be an all the time thing. Sam would be stoked he gets to skip school to spend the day at the beach jumping into the waves.” He brings the dark blue ceramic to his lips, taking a long drag of his coffee.

  “I can’t afford to miss work, Hawk. I have bills, bills that I can barely afford when I work all my scheduled days let alone when I miss because someone wants to go to the beach.”

  He puts his mug down and takes a step towards me. He pulls the cup from my grip and sets it next to his. As soon as his hands land on my hips, he’s dragging my body to his, and he doesn’t stop until my chest is flush with his. His fingers bite into the flesh of my hips, and it hurts so good.

  “Tessa,” his tone is like a warning, “it’s not a big deal, and I’m not just anyone.” He searches my face. “I want to spend the day with my woman and her son. What’s the harm in that?”

  His woman…

  I relent, and when my body relaxes I know, he knows that he’s won. “Fine. I’ll call Martha.”

  His face breaks out into a huge smile. “Good, you do that, and I’ll go wake Sam up.” He taps my ass and heads out to wake up my son.


  We spend all day at the beach, playing in the water and tossing a football around. Sam has a nice arm. Something that I might want to discuss with Tessa. I’m sure there’s a club or team or something that Sam can join at his age.

  Tessa still doesn’t know how to navigate around our relationship when it comes to Sam. I’m at their house as much as I can be, but I understand where she’s coming from. Her first priority is to protect Sam. She doesn’t want to send him mixed signals. But to me, there’s not mixing anything. She’s mine. I told her that this morning, and there’s no discussing it any further. She didn’t disagree, so as far as I’m concerned, the issue is closed.

  I’ve had enough of the whole hands-off rule and break it with one swift grab of her body and a deep kiss on her lips. Sam laughs when I finally release Tessa. She stands there with her eyes as wide as saucers and her mouth opening and closing like she’s trying to catch flies.

  “Did you know that the Santa Monica Pier was created to help get rid of poop?” Sam states as he licks his ice cream cone.

  “You’re joking,” I tell him as Tessa and I walk hand in hand next to him.

  “Nope.” He shakes his head from side to side making his brown hair swish around.

  I’m not gonna lie and tell you that how he came to be doesn’t filter through my mind at least once a day, but it’s a fact. I only hope that he never finds out the truth. There’s no reason why this little boy needs to suffer any more on top of what life is gonna throw at him.

  “It’s true. Look it up,” he says right before he takes a bite out of his cone. “Mom,” he calls for Tessa with a full mouth. “I’m done.”

/>   We stop walking. “All right, go throw it away and come right back here.”

  He nods before he takes off through the small crowd of people, towards the metal barrel that’s lined with a clear plastic bag. A loud bark of laughter pulls my eyes from Sam over to a group of five guys who are leaning over the wooden side of the pier. All five of them are decked out in leather cuts. The emblem on the back isn’t one that I’ve seen before, but that doesn’t mean anything since I’m not in New Mexico. They whistle and catcall at whoever is down below on the sand. I move so that I’m in between her and them. I know she’s been too afraid to venture out in a large populated area with Sam, and I know that she keeps to herself and the small part of town that she and Sam live in. This is a massive step for her. She’s facing the demons of her past without her even knowing.

  The wind kicks up and makes Tessa’s brown locks dance around her head. She laughs as she tries to tame the curly mess that frames her face. “Thank you for today, Hawk.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I’m proud of you, you know that?”

  Her eyebrows draw together in confusion. “Why are you proud of me?”

  I take a step closer to her and brush my thumb over the apple of her cheek. “I know spending the day on the beach is out of your comfort zone. I’m honored that you trust me enough.”

  She brings her hand up and grasps my arm. “I’ve always trusted you, that’s never been an issue. Even after everything.”

  She doesn’t allow herself to finish, but she doesn’t need to. I know what she’s thinking. “Well, I know it’s hard on you. I know you’ve kept him close for a reason and I’m glad that I was here when he got to experience everything for the first time.”

  She smiles as she brushes the hair out of her face and looks over my shoulder in the direction where Sam went. Her face drains of all color, “Where’s Sam?”

  I look over my shoulder, but I don’t see him. “Sam,” I call out. I raise my voice a little higher, “Sam!” Tessa’s nails dig into my arm, but she’s frozen in one spot. “Hey,” I pull my attention back to her. I rub my hand over her head. “It’s gonna be okay.” Her eyes are frantic. “Tessa,” I say her name, so she’ll bring her eyes back to mine, but it doesn’t work. She’s zoning out. “Fuck,” I grunt.

  I turn towards the crowd and scan the area. People are laughing and jumping around–they don’t notice my panic. The whoosh of the blood in my ears drowns out the carnival music. I feel light headed like I’m standing outside of my body watching this unfold. I don’t see him. I don’t fucking see him. I take steps towards the barrel, pushing people out of my way.

  “Sam!” I call out again. “Samuel!” I use his full name hoping that he’ll know to answer. As soon as I hit the barrel and turn back around and look from where I just came from. Tessa is standing there, tears rolling down her cheeks as she slowly shakes her head.

  I spin around again, and that’s when I hear it. My name being called. “Hawk!” When I look towards my left, I see Sam, squatting down next to a gentleman who has a puppy on a leash. The tan fluff ball jumps up, licking Sam’s face as Sam laughs.

  “Isn’t he cute?” he shouts again, as he rubs the puppy’s head. The excitement in his voice does nothing to set my nerves back.

  “Samuel!” Tessa rushes past me towards her son. The look of shock on Sam’s face at her tone tells me that he didn’t know he did anything wrong. “Why did you take off like that?” She falls to the ground. Her knees hit the stained rotting wood of the pier and pulls Sam into an embrace. “I–I couldn’t find you.”

  “It’s my fault,” the gentleman says. “I shouldn’t have encouraged your boy here to pet Toby.”

  “Mom.” Sam squirms from Tessa’s hold. “I’m sorry.”

  She pushes Sam away from her body, and she inspects him. Sniffing, she wipes the dampness from her face. “Don’t you ever do that to me again! I can’t–I can’t even think about what would happen to me if something happens to you.”

  “I know, Momma, I’m sorry.” He drops his head to her chest.

  “I didn’t mean to upset your wife,” the guy says as she bends over and scoops up the wriggling dog. “I should have never volunteered to watch the little bugger while my daughter took her kids over to kiddie land.” He points to the woman and her three kids coming this way. “I tried to tell my grandbaby that the puppy needed to be left at home, but you can’t argue with a two-year-old.”

  Just then a little raven-haired girl flings her body against the man’s legs. “Kinda hard to say no to that.” He looks down at the little girl.

  “Everything all right here?” The woman comes up and stands next to her father.

  “Everything’s fine, dear. The little boy was so taken with Toby that he didn’t hear his dad calling him.” My gaze drops to Sam’s, but he doesn’t give a reaction.

  I swallow down my emotions because this could have turned out to be much different. He could have ended up being a sick fuck who preys on young kids, luring them away with a fucking puppy. Tessa could have lost him. I could have lost him.

  “No harm, no foul,” I tell him.

  When I look over at Tessa, she’s pulling herself up to stand. “I’m sorry I got so emotional.” She smiles at the man.

  “We’ve all been there, sweetheart. Do you know who many times I lost this one at the supermarket? If they invented tracking devices when she was younger, I would have put one on her.”

  His comments seem to put Tessa at ease because she laughs with the rest of us. “Ah, yes. I’ve thought about chipping Sam here a time or two. If they can do it with the animals…” She trails off, taking Sam’s hand in hers.

  “Thank you for letting me pet your puppy.”

  “Not a problem, young man, but make sure you let your parents always know where you are.” He puts the puppy down and hands the leash over to the little girl. She turns her back and gives us a wave over her shoulder.

  “I think I’ve had enough fun for the day,” Tessa confesses, causing Sam to whine that he’s not ready to leave yet.

  “I agree. How about we grab some pizza on the way home?” I place my hand on the small of Tessa’s back and push her towards the exit of the pier.

  “Did you hear that guy call my mom your wife?” Sam squints as he looks up towards me.

  I look over his head towards Tessa. She’s giving me the side-eye as she bites down on her bottom lip, allowing me to take the lead on this one. “Yeah, I did, bud. It’s natural when people see men and women together.”

  “Yeah, but did you hear him when he called you my dad?”

  I stumble at his words. “Yeah, I heard that too.” I lead them both towards the parking lot when I see my truck a few spots in front of us.

  “That was awesome.” He laughs.


  The skies are cloudy as I walk up to the building to visit my mother. I haven’t seen her over the past few days. Since the incident at the pier, I’ve wanted to focus on Tessa and Sam. I’ve watched Sam while Tessa has worked, needing that one on one time with him. I’m not sure if it was the threat that he could have been taken from us or the fact that he thought it was cool that the guy mistook me for his father. The thought of being that little boy’s father makes my heart swell. I never thought I’d want that connection with a child, that responsibility but Sam makes it so damn easy. His eyes hold so much admiration when he looks at me, and I know without a doubt I would lie my life down for that little guy.

  “Well, hello handsome,” Martha greets me from her station. “I guess I need to thank you.”

  “And why do you need to thank me?” I ask as I lean against the high counter.

  “Our girl has been nothing but smiles since she spent the day with you. She’s floating around here without a care in the world.”

  “She deserves that feeling.”

  She nods. “That she does, young man, that she does. So I take it you’re here to see your mama?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”
r />   “I have to say, Hawk, since you’ve been around it seems that Rose has been making an effort to get her life back on track. She’s improving health-wise, and her mental state is just about back to normal. She’s even talking about the future and what it has in store for her. I think seeing you, and you being here for her, has given her what she’s been missing all these years.” She places her hand on top of the one that’s gripping the counter.

  I’m glad my mother has some sort of drive to improve her life, but I’m not going to always be here. New Mexico and the club are my home. Tessa and Sam are keeping me here, and that’s only because I haven’t been able to convince her that her life would be better for her back home. I understand Tessa’s fears, the fact that she’ll have to face her past, but the truth is that most of the men who attacked her are already dead, and the one who isn’t will be very soon.

  “I’m glad Rose is improving, but I can’t have the weight of her recovery on my shoulders, not when I don’t plan on always being here. My life is back in New Mexico.”

  Martha takes her hand from mine and leans in closer to me. “And where do Tessa and Sam fit into all of that? You can’t pick up and leave, not when that girl has finally come out of her shell. She’s living for the first time since I’ve met her, and if you leave, you’ll be taking her spirit with you.”

  “I plan on her and Sam coming with me. I’ll get her to see that’s where she needs to be.”

  She leans back and shakes her head. “I don’t think that will ever happen, son. Do you know what you’re asking that girl to face by going back there?”

  “I know exactly what I’m asking, Martha. For her to live her life with me and give Sam a family. Things aren’t the same as they were when she was there. Her life wouldn’t be lived in danger, not anymore.”


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