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Hawk_Devil's Fury Book 3

Page 20

by Torrie Robles


  I feel my pussy tighten around his fingers as I come. I need to feel him inside of me. I need to feel his cock before he goes. I need more. With shaky hands, I reach for his jeans and start to undo his button. I rip at the material, trying to release him.

  He laughs and stops my movement. “Do you want something?”

  I nod.

  “Is there something you need?” He tilts his head to the side and tightens his grip around my wrists. When he pushes his jeans down with the help of my hand, I swallow. “There is, right? The something you need? You need this?”

  “I need you.”

  This is the first time I’ve admitted my need for him. It’s no longer want, a desire, or a yearning. It’s more than that.

  I need this man.

  I need him in my life, next to me. I need him here when I come home from work. I need him teaching my son how to be a man. But the reality is, the club needs him too. They call, and he goes. It’s as simple as that. He’s torn in two, with one foot in the sands of California and one in the soil of New Mexico. I know when he makes that final decision he’ll leave us. I know he will, it’s going to feel like salt in a wound, one that happens to be in my heart.

  My love for him will never be able to compete with the respect he has for his club.


  My eyes burn in the early morning sun, but I wouldn’t be anywhere else but here. The moment Sin asked me to do this errand with him, I knew there was no way I was going to say no. Not when I wasn’t here three months ago when he could have lost Savannah.

  I watch through the windshield as Sin approaches Meredith, Redding’s mom, from behind. She stumbles in surprise when Sin calls her name, and I laugh. That woman is nothing more than riddled nerves now that Lick had his way with her all those months ago. I’m surprised she’s still around here and not someplace else hiding and licking her wounds. She turns towards him, and her hand flies over her heart. He approaches her with caution. His hands fly through the air as he talks. I don’t know what he wants from Meredith. Her son is dead, by Sin’s hand. The only thing still up in the air is her ability to fight for visitation of Grace, and maybe that’s what this is about. Making sure she doesn’t come after what Sin has declared his.

  She nods her head one last time before she turns on her heel and leaves Sin standing there. He seems taller, more confident when he turns and heads my way. There aren’t the shadows that I’m used to seeing marring his eyes. For the first time in years, there’s something different. There’s hope.

  He drops his ass into the seat of the old charger that belonged to my father. “Where to now?” I ask him.

  He turns his head, his lips tug at the corners revealing an honest smile. “Now, I finally get my girls.”


  Change is inevitable.

  Today marks a new beginning for my best friend. His daughter, born prematurely, is coming home, and we have the entire club, both new and old, here to celebrate.

  Damn, I wish Tessa was here with me.

  “I wish you guys would just fuck already,” I yell towards Lick and Jenni as I walk by to grab a beer from the cooler.

  “I thought I was saving myself for you?” Jenni bites back which makes me stop. She’s a feisty bitch, and I love messing with her as much as I like messing with Lick. But most of the time he fucking deserves it.

  I drag my gaze along her body, just to screw with Lick. Jenni is grade A prime beef. She’s gorgeous, inside and out, and any man with half a cent would think so. She doesn’t only have a bangn’ bod on her, but she has a genuine heart. But that doesn’t mean shit to me, because the moment that woman took her first step on Fury ground Lick claimed her, even though he hasn’t realized it, yet. I'll be damned if I fuck with another man’s woman, but still, I’ve gotta mess with the big lug.

  “Hell, baby, all you gotta do is say the word, and we’ll ditch this party and make one of our own.”

  “Step the fuck off, Hawk.”

  Bingo. Lick’s reaction is fucking priceless. “Touchy, touchy. No need to get your panties in a twist, man. I’m only messing with ya.” I give Jenni a wink that makes her laugh. “Here.” I toss a beer towards Cut who’s manning the grill. He’s standing with Tiny and Cruise. “How do you feel becoming an uncle?” I ask as I pop open the can.

  “Doesn’t feel any different. Just another person to be responsible for.” He tips back his beer.

  “Sin has that covered, man.”

  “Whoever is attached to Fury is my responsibility, all of our responsibility. The club’s responsibility.” Cut eyes me like he’s trying to tell me something, and it makes me wonder if Dyke has mentioned shit to him.

  “Now that’s something I’d like to protect.” Cruise nods towards Jenni who is stomping out of the kitchen door, heading towards Lick.

  “You better not fuck with that, man,” Cut tells him. “You don’t want to be on the wrong side of Lick. I’ve seen the shit that he’s done to people who’ve wronged him, and you don’t want no part of that.”

  “Well, if he’s not going to claim that ass, there’s no reason why I can’t.”

  We all watch as Lick pulls Jenni into his arms. There’s so much fucking chemistry between those two it’s no wonder the lot of us aren’t coming in our fucking boxers just watching them. He kisses her fucking neck, and I can see her eyes roll into the back of her head from here. I’d pay good money to bet that he’s forgotten where the fuck he is and how many eyes are on him right now.

  Breaking the tension and all the fucking staring, I open my mouth, “What’d I say earlier? Get a room already!”

  My outburst has Cut laughing, and Lick pulled from the siren’s trance. He pushes Jenni away and stalks towards the house. Her shoulders drop, and I know she’s kicking herself for being pulled into Lick’s game again. That girl deserves the best, and I know the best for her is Lick. He just needs to see it before it’s too late.

  “Piece of shit doesn’t see what he has right in his hands,” Cruise says from beside me.

  “That piece of shit knows, but he’s fighting with his own fucked-up-ness,” Cut says.

  “Aren’t we all?” I look at Cruise, but he only eyes me before taking a pull from his bottle and walking over to Tiny and Brass.

  Cut is right. We’re all dealing with some shit in our lives. No excuse for not grabbing what’s rightfully ours.


  It’s been raining for three days now. That’s like a world record in Southern California. The facility is always a little hectic when it rains. The patients are stuck in their rooms or the common areas, and they tend to get a bit stir crazy. I’m wiping down the wall, cleaning pudding on the white paint, the results of a rainy day. Most of the time they don’t care to be out, but it’s the issue of telling them they can’t that becomes a problem.


  I turn my head and see Rose standing there. She’s done a one-eighty from the time she was brought in. So well, in fact, that Martha told me they had a meeting with her caseworker and the administration yesterday and they believe she’s ready to go home.

  I drop the brush into the bucket, wiping my hands on the towel I have attached to my waist. “Hi, Rose, what can I do for you?”

  She runs her hands over her brown hair. Her blue eyes, so much like her son’s, twinkle in delight. “I was wondering if you and I could have a chat.”

  I can see that she’s trying with me. She’s trying to be more than a patient, and I commend her for trying to get her life back on track. I check my watch and see that it’s close to my break, so I could go to the cafeteria and sit down with her.

  “Sure, why don’t I meet you in the lunchroom?”

  “Sounds good, dear.” She places her hand on my shoulder and gives me a squeeze before making her way towards the cafeteria.

  I finish cleaning the wall and push my cart towards the maintenance closet. Once everything is locked away, I head towards the lunchroom. When I
enter the room, I see that Rose is already at a table in the corner. She sees me, and gives me a little wave, so I head in her direction.

  “I ordered you the same as me, I hope that’s all right.”

  “Thank you.” I take the napkin from the tray and place it on my lap. “What can I do for you?”

  “I was hoping that we could talk about my son.”

  I blink a few times before answering because I’m not sure how to proceed with this. “Okay…”

  She laughs to herself. “I’m sorry, I don’t know where to begin.”

  “Why don’t you start with what’s on your mind?”

  “I know my son has feelings for you. I know that I’m not the only reason why he’s come here to Los Angeles or stayed for that matter. I see the way he looks at you. I know that you’re the one who called him when I showed up. I remember you, Tessa. From New Mexico, from when you were younger, and even back then you looked at my boy like he’d be the one to solve all your problems, and even today I can see it.”

  “Okay, I’m not sure where this is coming from. Hawk and I have always been friends.”

  “Is he planning on staying here, with you?”

  “I can’t answer that because we haven’t discussed that.”

  “Isn’t he happier here with you and me than he is back home?”

  “I don’t know, Rose. He and I don’t discuss New Mexico very much.”

  “Well, why not? You have to know what he’s thinking. You have to know if he’s planning on staying or leaving.” Her bottom lip trembles. “I need to know if he’s going to stay or if I’m going to lose him again.”

  This poor woman.

  “You won’t lose him again, Rose. I know what kind of man Hawk is, and there’s no way that he’s going to abandon his family.” She takes a deep breath, maybe one of relief. “But you have to realize that his family is also in New Mexico. You remember the loyalty and the brotherhood of the MC. You have to know that Hawk isn’t the type of man to turn his back on those who have never turned their back on him.”

  “Then I guess I’m out of luck.” She’s beating herself up over how she left him when he was younger.

  “I wouldn’t count yourself out, just yet. Your son might surprise you.” I know Hawk, and I can see that he’s forgiven her for leaving. She needs to forgive herself.

  I sure as hell hope he surprises both of us.


  It’s moving day.

  Rose has been medically cleared and is moving into a halfway house. Pulling up to the facility, Rhea is waiting for me outside. She’s looking better every time I see her.

  “Hey.” She takes a timid step in my direction, and when she wraps her arms around my body, I feel an instant familiarity. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m not going to question it. The closest thing I had to a sister growing up was Sienna.

  I pull my body from hers. I’ve learned that I need to watch Rhea’s eyes when she talks because I can usually tell when she’s feeding me a line of shit. Not that she intentionally lies to me, I’ve never gotten that vibe from her, but I know although this relationship is new, she doesn’t want to disappoint.

  “Everything all right?”

  “Loa and my dad are inside.”

  I can feel my jaw clench. The high I was feeling knowing that my mother is one step

  closer to living a life I want her to live is gone. I was hoping this would be a good transition

  today. Something that my mother would see as positive. A fresh start, but now I’m not sure

  that’s gonna happen. Not when two of her triggers are in with her.

  I give Rhea’s shoulders a squeeze and walk past her. As soon as I enter the facility my eyes land on Tessa. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head. She’s wearing her uniform of white scrubs. Her eyes are twinkling as she smiles at Martha. When she finally sees me, she gives me a weary smile. She stands at her full height and takes me in as I make my way towards her. I know today is about my mother, but there’s nothing that can stop me from landing my lips on hers. My lips come down, and I know for a fact the kiss isn’t gentle. Even the feel of her lips on mine can’t erase the uneasy feeling I’ve got churning in my gut. She pulls away, clearing her throat as her eyes dance around the area.

  “Hey.” She reaches up, touching my lips with her fingers. I’m sure she’s trying to wipe the lipstick from my lips, so I pull my head away. I don’t give a shit.

  “Hey.” My tone is flat, and by the look on her face, I’m sure she caught it too.

  She shrugs her head towards my sister. “Did Rhea tell you?”


  “There ain’t no need for any shit, now. You hear me?” Martha comes up next to me. “I have to admit, I don’t like either of those two, but they are family, and sometimes, that can’t be helped. The only thing you can control is the way you act towards them.” She wraps her arms around mine and escorts me towards my mother’s room. I can hear the squeak of not one, but two sets of shoes behind me.

  “I don’t like my things folded that way,” I hear Rose’s plea as soon as we reach her room. She’s standing off to the side while Loa is throwing her clothes into duffle bags. “Please, sweetie, let me fold them, so they don’t get wrinkled.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Mother. You’re going to be sitting around in your room at the other place just like you’ve been doing here, so what’s the point.” Loa continues to grab pieces of clothing that are lying next to the bag and forcefully tossing them in. I clear my throat, making Loa’s head snap in my direction. Her eyes widen in surprise.

  “Oh, Hawking.” The relief in my mother’s voice is evident.

  “What are you are doing here?” Loa hisses. “You did this, didn’t you?” She turns toward Rhea.

  “Yes, I did. He’s our brother.”

  “He’s not!” Loa stomps her foot like a child.

  The man, I’m guessing is their father, clears his throat. “So, you must be Hawking. I’m James.” He has both arms crossed over his large belly. His look is one of disgust as he takes in my white T-shirt and worn out grease-stained jeans. “It seems my daughter was spot on when she was describing you.”

  “Oh yeah, and how was that?”

  “That you’re nothing more than street scum. Biker trash.”

  I hear the gasp that comes from my mother. Typically, I’d play this one of two ways. I’d either beat the ever-loving shit out of the guy, or I’d make a joke about it. I’d give nothing more than to wipe that smug look off his face and spill some blood down the front of his Armani looking dress shirt. But I’m not going to do that. There’s no way in hell that I’m going to cause any more stress for my mother by going after him. Besides, he seems like the type of dick-head who would press charges on me.

  I sigh, knowing that I don’t want to give him or his snot-nosed daughter any more of my time. “I’ve been called worse. Kinda goes with the territory when you’ve been riding bikes longer than you’ve been walking. But today isn’t about me. It’s about my mother, and the fact that today is the first day of the rest of her life.”

  He drops his hands and shoves them into the pockets of his slacks. “Listen, kid, this is a family affair and my wife doesn’t need any more help. Loa and I are taking care of everything just fine.”

  I ignore him. “Mom, I believe you want your clothes folded before they’re packed away. Let’s get that taken care of, shall we?” I walk over to the bed where Loa is standing with her hands clutched around a robe. I pull the bag towards me and turn it upside down, dumping the contents onto the bed. Rhea laughs, and I use all my willpower not to follow along, but I’m trying to act like the adult here.

  “How dare you,” Loa growls next to me.

  “Mom?” I turn my back on Loa, making sure that my mom can’t see her. I can tell she’s intimidated by the tension in the room, but it’s all bullshit, and I refuse to allow my mother to cower to her daughter. Alcoholic or not, she gave Loa life, and that’s
never something a child should forget.

  “Listen, kid.”

  “No,” I say over my shoulder, eyeing him. “There’s no listen, kid. This isn’t your place–”

  “You’re fucking lucky I don’t have your ass hauled out of here or this place sued for allowing you any access to my wife.”

  “Mr. Calhoon–”

  “No, Martha, I got this.” I turn towards the bastard and give him my full attention. Crossing my arms over my chest, I purposely flex my biceps. Rhea comes towards me and helps my mother fold her clothes. “I’m not going to get into the logistics of things, I’m sure that can be saved for another day, but seeing as my father is no longer living, and since I’m the first born, I have every right to be here. Some might say that the last person to have any rights is you.” I nod in his direction.

  “You don’t know shit.”

  I take a step towards him, and immediately feel Tessa’s fingers grip my elbow. My body is vibrating with the need to knock this guy out, but I’m going to use my words and not my fists. “I know that when Rose Gentry left New Mexico, she did it married. I know by Loa’s age that there a good chance she was still married when she gave birth to her, not to mention there’s an even better chance that when you two took your vows, they didn’t mean shit because she was still legally married to my father.”

  His eyes widen at my confession. He takes a step to the side, but I stop him. There’s no way he’s going to go after Rose. I’m not one hundred percent sure that what I told him is true, but I’ll have Dyke look into it tonight to make sure.

  “Daddy?” When my gaze falls on Loa, she seems confused.

  “Mom never mentioned anything about being married before,” Rhea confesses. “Just that she once had a son.”


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