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Bond of Love (Letters From Home Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Maryann Jordan

  Mom was bringing a ham and an apple pie and I was providing the side dishes. We had all bought simple gifts this year for us to open. I knew dad would open some wine and we’d listen to Christmas music. We’ll get through the day together…just like we always do.

  I looked at the clock and made a last minute decision. Slipping into my coat and boots, I grabbed my purse and walked down the street to a small neighborhood church. Just as the Christmas Eve service was beginning, I slid into a pew. The candles provided soft illumination as the organist played Silent Night.

  Closing my eyes, I felt peace moving through me. James would no longer be walking beside me, but his spirit would always be at my side. A tear snaked down my cheek and I brushed it away just as the choir began to sing a medley of Christmas hymns.

  An hour later, I stepped out of the church and looked up in surprise as a light snow began to fall, creating a magical snow-globe view of my world. My heart lighter, I hurried home to finish the preparations for mom and dad’s visit tomorrow.

  I laughed at the expression on dad’s face when he opened one of his gifts from his eccentric sister—a gift certificate to a local spa.

  “What the hell am I going to do with this?” he chuckled.

  “Oh Lordy, George,” mom exclaimed, “I think she got our gifts mixed up.” Mom held up a Craftsman tool set. “This is what she gave me!”

  Mom and dad sat on the sofa next to each other and I had to admit they had done very well, although mom teared up when she saw my tree with the childhood decorations. But over coffee and monkey-bread we talked about James and Christmases past. Opening presents to the sounds of Christmas music on the TV made for a relaxing morning.

  Later, dad piled up on the sofa with Tiger in his lap while mom and I retreated to my small kitchen to heat lunch. I stirred the yams while mom pulled the ham from the oven. I watched as mom took a beer to dad and his eyes left the TV, his face breaking into a soft smile as she approached. Patting his lap, she sat down and he wrapped his arms around her, tucking her in tightly.

  I blinked rapidly as I observed their love. It lasted through what no parents should have to do…bury a child. I gripped the counter unable to take my eyes off them as dad wiped the few tears from my mom’s cheeks before she leaned in to kiss him. Sharing a small smile, mom stood up squeezing his hand before walking away.

  Swallowing deeply, I turned quickly and continued to place dishes on the counter. Mom walked in behind and wrapped her arms around me. “Love you, baby girl,” she whispered.

  Twisting around, I hugged her tightly. “Love you too, mom.”

  Letting me go, we went back to work, emotions high but with the knowledge that our family was survivors…and with the knowledge that James would have wanted us to survive.

  The meal was soon ready and the table set for three, when there was a knock on my door. Glancing toward my parents, I shrugged before walking over to open it. Then I screamed as I stood in the doorway of my home, my mind not accepting what my eyes were seeing.

  “Hi Alicia,” Ben said, his smile beaming at me.

  “OH, MY GOD!” I screamed again, as my body reacted instinctively and I immediately leaped toward him.

  Ben’s hands were full of flowers, but he dropped them just in time to catch me in his arms. I slammed into his chest and he picked me up easily. My heart pounded against his chest as his arms encircled me. He lifted his head and looked over my shoulder as I squeezed him tightly.

  Ben saw an older couple standing inside the house staring out at the commotion. Still carrying me, he stepped inside, out of the cold, and set me gently down on the floor while keeping his arms around me.

  “Alicia,” he said, as he peered down at my face, “are you okay?”

  “How? How are you here?” I cried, my hands shaking.

  Before answering, he stepped over to shake dad’s hand. “Sir, I’m Benjamin Fowler. I was good friends with your son, James.”

  Dad grabbed Ben’s hand, clasping it tightly and shaking it firmly. “Oh, son, welcome home. Welcome home. I’m George, and this is my lovely wife, Arlene, James’ mom.”

  Ben reached his hand out to mom but she drew him into a hug, pulling him in close. She looked up and said, “Oh, Ben, we are so glad to meet you!”

  He smiled at both of them before looking back to me, his gaze focusing on my still-shocked face. “I got out a few weeks early,” he said with a shrug.

  Closing the distance between us, I smiled up at him. “That much I figured out!”

  Chuckling, he added, “For those of us who were scheduled to return in early January, the order came down that we were going to be allowed to travel before Christmas.” He sent a nervous glance toward mom and dad, his voice hesitant. “I…um…well, I don’t have any family and,” looking down at my face, “I didn’t want to waste any time meeting you. So, I just came straight here. I just dropped by but will be heading out so you can get back to your celebra—”

  The three of us immediately interrupted him, protesting that he must stay, which he agreed to easily with a grin.

  “Oh, I had some things for you,” he said, looking around before realizing he left them outside. Hustling back to the door, he picked up the flowers he had dropped, handing them to mom. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but they ended up on the floor when Alicia opened the door.”

  Laughing, mom said, “You mean when my daughter screamed and jumped into your arms! And please, call me Arlene.”

  Bending again, he picked up a couple of plastic grocery sacks and stepped back inside. He’d brought a bottle of wine, as well as a six-pack of beer. Handing them to dad, he said, “I didn’t know which you preferred, sir.”

  “It’s George and,” taking the alcohol from him, he said, “the wine will make the women happy and this beer will suit me just fine!”

  Breathing a sigh of relief that he had chosen well, he spared a glance at me, finding me still staring at him, a smile etched on my face. Walking over, he touched my cheek with his finger. Leaning down, he whispered, “I brought you something also, but I’ll give it to you later.”

  Mom hurried back into the kitchen and poured two glasses of wine and offered beer glasses to dad.

  “Please take your coat off and have a seat. We were just ready to sit down,” I said, suddenly unsure of what to say as I ushered him to a seat.

  Soon the nervousness abated as we talked, shared, and laughed. Ben moaned as he ate, saying the taste of homemade cooking was better than he could have imagined. I piled more on his plate, telling him that he needed to make up for missing mom’s Thanksgiving meal.

  After lunch, Ben pulled out the pictures he brought with him that had James in them. Mom and dad exclaimed over the photographs and listened carefully as he explained where they were taken and what they were doing. They had questions and Ben answered thoroughly, understanding their need to hear of their fallen son.

  I sat cross-legged on the floor, looking at the pictures scattered across the coffee table, my gaze constantly drifting over to my Christmas surprise. He was more handsome in person and I drank him in. Brown hair, still cut short. Wide shoulders and muscular chest, showcased in a light-weight, navy sweater. His jeans molded perfectly over his thick thighs. And right down to his cowboy boots, I took it all in.

  Mom wiped a few tears along the way as dad’s arm stayed wrapped around his wife’s shoulders, but they soon passed. After a few hours, they stood to take their leave. Hugging me, mom and dad whispered their love into my ear as they kissed me goodbye. Dad shook Ben’s hand and invited him to their house as soon as he could come. Mom threw her arms around him again then had him bend down so she could kiss his cheek.

  Chapter 11


  The door closed behind Arlene and George, and I turned back to Alicia, my stomach clenching with nerves. I stared at the beautiful woman in front of me, unable to take my eyes off her. Her long brown hair hung in waves down her back. She was a head shorter than me and when I had hugged her earlie
r, I noticed that her head tucked perfectly underneath my chin. Dressed in a holiday-red sweater and blue jeans, both showcasing her curves, my heart began to pound, realizing we were alone for the first time. My cock jumped at the thought, but I willed it to behave, not wanting to scare her off.

  Trying to think of something to say, I just continued to stare until she grinned and I saw her slightly crooked smile. And that expression melted my unease.

  Lifting my hand, I reached for her and she hurried to my side. Looking up, she said, “Will you stay for a while?”

  “Nowhere else I’d rather be,” I said honestly, allowing her to lead me to the sofa. This time, we sat next to each other, our legs touching. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out a small, wrapped box. “This is for you,” I said, handing it to her, smiling as I watched her wide-eyed surprise.

  Alicia gasped before beaming, taking the gift. Unwrapping it quickly, she opened the lid of the box and revealed a pair of delicate silver earrings. “Oh, my goodness,” she exclaimed. “They’re exquisite!”

  “I got them on base by a local Afghan who made them. I used to watch him work and, well until you, I never had a reason to shop. But as soon as they told me I was shipping back, I had him design these just for you.”

  Taking out her studs, she slipped the earrings into place and gave her head a little shake. Her smile dropped as she moaned, “But I didn’t get you anything.”

  “But you did!” Seeing her puzzled look, I pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to her. “I’ve been going through the lists of possible mechanic’s jobs in the area and have narrowed it down to some of these. I’ll start interviewing in a few weeks once my discharge is complete.”

  Her eyes grew wide as my words hit her. “You’re going to move here?”

  Licking my lips nervously, I held her gaze, searching for an indication of her true feelings. I hope I haven’t read her wrong. “Alicia,” I began, taking her hands in mine, “you’ve become the most important person to me and even if we’re just friends, I’d like to be near you as long as you’re okay with that.”

  She jerked her hands out of mine, startling me until she threw them around my neck. “Yes, yes!” she cried. “I feel the same about you.”

  Settling on the sofa, now curled up together, we talked and shared for hours with Christmas music playing in the background. I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend the day.

  As the moon rose in the sky, I knew it was getting late and needed to leave, but hated the idea of not having her soft body tucked in close to me. Sighing, I said, “I need to go. I saw a hotel not too far from here. And then I thought I could take you to dinner tomorrow night.” Standing, I held my hand out to her.

  “What are you doing during the day tomorrow?” she asked, beaming up at me.

  Shrugging, I replied, “Nothing.”

  “Then let’s spend the day together. I owe you a trip to Walmart!” She stood too and held on to my hand as she nervously held my gaze. “And, you can stay here. I have a spare room. Um…it only has a twin bed but—”

  “Are you sure?” I asked, my heart pounding once more.

  Giggling, she nodded. “Yes, I’m sure. There’s no reason for you to spend money on a hotel when I’ve got a bed and separate bathroom here. And,” she cocked her hip and joked, “I think I can trust you.”

  Stepping up so close that my boots were in front of her pink-painted toenails, I looked down and cupped her cheeks with my hands. “You can trust me with your life,” I promised.

  Looking up, she leaned toward me, but determined to be a gentleman, I bent forward and my lips touched her forehead. And she melted into my embrace.

  That night, tucked into her guest room bed, the moonlight peeking through the slats in the blinds, I slept better than I had in years.

  The next morning in Walmart, I grinned continuously even though I felt overwhelmed with the choices. I pushed the cart alongside Alicia, feeling domestically contented, as she pointed out everything she thought I might need. Afterward, she drove us to McDonald’s where we indulged in Big Macs and fries, along with chocolate milkshakes.

  Later, we drove to her parents’ house and spent a few hours enjoying their company as well. George and I talked about mechanic garages.

  “Son, my brother-in-law is a mechanic—taught James all about cars from the time he could stand. He owns a large garage in Virginia Beach and he’d love to talk to you. Even if you don’t work for him, he’d be a great person to help you figure out what to do.”

  Heaving a sigh of relief, I thanked George profusely and then watched as George called his brother and set up a time for us to talk. Looking over at Alicia, her smile warmed my heart.

  That night, taking her out for our first date, I sat across from her at a little Italian restaurant. Sharing a corner booth, we sat with our legs touching and my arm over her shoulder as we waited for our food. No longer shy, we talked incessantly, and when the waitress brought our meal, we separated reluctantly.

  “So, which do you like better? The Big Mac or this lasagna?” she asked, mozzarella cheese stringing from her mouth to her fork.

  “God, it all tastes amazing,” I admitted. “Everything just tastes better now.”

  “And Walmart?”

  “Holy shit!” I exclaimed, my eyes wide. “That place was overwhelming after a year of not having any stores to shop in!”

  Laughing, we finished our meal and ended the evening back on Alicia’s sofa again. “Will you stay again?” she asked, her eyes hopeful.

  Cupping her cheek, I replied, “Alicia, the past two days have been the best of my life, but I don’t want to take advantage of you. I never meant to come back and insert myself into your life so quickly.” Seeing her furrowed brow, I rushed on, “I mean, it’s a dream come true for me to be here with you. You and your parents…hell, even James, have shown me more about family than I’ve had in a very long time. And, you gotta know, I’d like to see where you and I can go.” Feeling her relax in his arms encouraged him to continue. “But I need you to be sure and not feel rushed.”

  “I’m sure. I really want you to be here with me also,” she confessed, her face looking up at mine.

  I looked at her cupid’s bow mouth and could not hold back any longer. Kissing her softly, my lips barely moved over hers until she moaned into my mouth. Unable to resist, I slipped my tongue into her warmth, reveling in the taste and feel of her. Learning her mouth, I pulled her close, feeling her curves pressing against mine.

  Bending I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Our lips never separated as I walked back toward her bedroom. Entering, I stopped at her bed. Leaning back to see her face, I said, “Tell me what you want, Alicia.”

  “You…I just want you,” she replied, her eyes filled with lust as her kiss-swollen lips parted.

  I let her body slide down my front, my erection pressing against her stomach. My hand moved to the bottom of her sweater and I slipped it underneath the hem, skimming over her petal soft skin. She mirrored my motions by sliding her hands underneath my shirt, feeling the taut muscles of my back before moving them around to the defined ridges of my abs. Her hand brushed my erection and I gasped.

  “Alicia, baby, it’s been a really long time. There’s no way this first time will last long, but I promise to take care of you first. But,” I warned, “when I get inside, I won’t be able to go slow…not the first time.”

  Licking her lips, she smiled up at me as she stripped her sweater up over her head, dropping it to the floor. My gaze fell to her breasts spilling out of her lacy bra.

  “Fuckin’ hell, you’re gorgeous,” I breathed, my finger trailing over her luscious mounds.

  Her hands went to her jeans and as she shucked them down her legs, she teased, “You’re overdressed.”

  When her jeans hit the floor, I pulled my sweater over my head and her breath came out in a whoosh as she gazed at my physique. My jeans were next and I jerked my boxers down at the same time, freeing
my aching erection.

  Deftly unhooking her bra, her rosy-tipped breasts were now exposed to my admiration. Bending, I scooped her up in my arms and deposited her gently on her bed. Standing over her, I knelt on the floor, reaching up to snag her panties in my hands. Pulling them slowly down her legs, I exposed her glistening folds to my view. The scent of her arousal hit me and I nearly wept with need. Determined to pleasure her first, I tossed her panties to the floor and moved her thighs apart with my broad shoulders.

  Diving in, I latched onto her clit with my mouth, causing her hips to lift off the bed as she fisted the sheets. Like a feast to a starving man, I licked, sucked, and devoured her sex as my tongue ravaged her.


  Lifting my head to peek at the handsome man between my legs, I moaned as my body coiled tighter. With one last nip on my clit, my orgasm flowed over me, the electricity from my core jolting out in all directions. His name wrenched from my lips, I threw my head back onto the mattress, my body slowly coming down from heaven.

  Grabbing a condom from his wallet, Ben slid it on his engorged cock. Crawling over my body, he looked down at my relaxed face. “Baby, I’ll try to take it slow—”

  I stopped him by grabbing his head and pulling him down for a kiss. Tongues tangling, I moaned, “Not slow!”

  Placing his cock at my entrance, he plunged deep inside, moaning, “You’re so tight. Hang on, baby…I’m trying to make this last, but you feel so good.” He began to thrust in and out, saying he wanted me to come again.

  Wrapping my legs around his hips, I dug my heels into his tight ass, urging him on. My hands roamed from his shoulders down to his waist and back again. My sex began to tighten again and I gasped, “I’m close. So close.”

  As he reached between our bodies to press his thumb on my clit, I cried out his name once more as he threw his head back, his neck straining through his orgasm. Continuing to drive into me until he was drained, he fell to the side, his arms pulling me with him.


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