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Echoes of Summer

Page 12

by Bastian, Laura D.

  Stephen pulled one hand off the back of the chair and stuck it in his pocket. She was actually trusting him enough to let her son go with him alone? That was a huge step, and though he would really love to have her there with them, he would take this chance and run with it. Show her he could be a good dad.

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Besides, you probably have things you’d like to do on your own.” He took a step back. “I’ll check with you tomorrow about the specifics. Thanks, Madison.”

  She nodded then turned her attention back to her computer, shutting him out again. It might take a while to warm her back up to him, but he would do it. He’d go slowly, stay at the pace she needed until she finally accepted him into her life for good. After having held her in his arms the other night, he knew he wanted her for the rest of his life. And Milo needed his father. He was sure of it.

  As he turned around and walked out of her office, he heard his name called. “Stephen, wait up a moment,” Carrie said as she approached him. “Mr. Carlson would like to see you in his office.”

  Stephen looked past her toward his boss’s office. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” She took a step closer and looked at his face. She hesitated a second then reached up and brushed the corner of his mouth with her thumb. “You have some chocolate on your face.”

  He chuckled nervously and wiped his mouth. “Thanks. Didn’t realize I was that sloppy when I ate.”

  “Yeah, it’s always a good idea to look your best when you see the boss.” She reached up and fixed his tie. “This needs just a little straightening.” She brushed off his shoulders and adjusted his suit coat. “There. Perfect.” Her hands lingered on his arm a moment.

  Stephen took her hand and gently removed it from his arm. He took a step back, hoping she’d get the hint he wasn’t available.

  “Good luck,” Carrie said, smiling.

  “Thanks.” Stephen nodded, but didn’t return the smile before heading to Mr. Carlson’s office.


  Madison watched Carrie throw herself at Stephen again, and he seemed to love every second of her attentions. She wanted to hate Carrie, but what good would that do? And it would only make things more awkward here at work.

  Besides, Stephen really didn’t belong to her. And if he wanted to chase other women, she couldn’t stop him. No, it just proved how unreliable Stephen was, and that she was better off keeping him out of her heart even though he was back in her life because of her son.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Stephen smiled at the secretary as he approached Mr. Carlson’s office. “Aloha, Kathryn.”

  Kathryn grinned wide. “Stephen, good to see you. Mr. Carlson said to go right in.”

  Stephen nodded, relieved it wasn’t a formal affair where he would have to wait outside the office. The Carlson Ad Agency had just the right mix of professional and family atmosphere to go far in this business. He knocked twice then opened the door partway to double-check that it was a good time. Mr. Carlson waved him in, and Stephen closed the door behind him.

  “Thanks for coming in. Have a seat. How are we coming along?” Mr. Carlson put his pen down and focused his attention on Stephen.

  Stephen sat down and leaned back in the chair. “Really well. Madison is doing amazing at it. In fact, I think she’d be much better utilized by having her there full time, instead of controlling the accounts.” If he could talk her up to the boss and get her the raise and promotion she deserved, that ought to help him win some points with her.

  Mr. Carlson nodded. “I’ve wondered on that myself. She seems to be a natural at it. When Robert asked her for help at the beginning, she was hesitant, but she always steps in to help where needed. He mentioned many times that she seems to know exactly what will work for a particular client.”

  Stephen smiled. “I don’t mean to talk myself out of a job, but she probably could have done this without me.”

  Mr. Carlson’s face turned serious. “Really?”

  Stephen nodded. “Most everything I’ve suggested she already knew about or was working on something similar. She mentioned she was hesitant to branch out too much into the social media aspects because she indicated you and Robert preferred your usual formats, and it was still technically Robert’s arena. However, if you give her a little bit of free reign, I think you’ll be pleased with what she comes up with. I’ve worked with her on a lot of the upcoming proposals, but most of the ideas have come from her. I’ve just steered her in the right direction.”

  Mr. Carlson smiled. “Wonderful. So in your opinion, we’re on the right track?”

  Stephen nodded. “Yes, and if you get someone to cover the accounts Madison is still working on in her spare time, you’ll find she’ll have more clients signed in no time.”

  “And this has nothing to do with the fact you two have a history?” Mr. Carlson eyed Stephen. “You aren’t trying to sway me because of how you feel about her or your son?”

  Stephen smiled. Of course the boss would put things together. “I do admire her and can’t deny there are feelings of a personal nature, but there is nothing like that in this recommendation. She really is a fantastic employee. And since I don’t plan to stay here with Carlson long-term, and Robert isn’t in a position to return right away, putting Madison over the new client acquisitions is really your best option.”

  Mr. Carlson looked at his office door as if considering things. Stephen tucked his hands behind his back. “Carrie was really efficient with the accounts while Madison was out sick last week.”

  Mr. Carlson nodded. “True. I’ll look into where I can shift things.” He looked up at Stephen. “Now, about the rest of your contract?”

  Stephen smiled. “It’s up to you. I could leave now and give you a discount or stay on for the next month to help Madison transition into this spot. But I did get an offer with another company who wants me as soon as possible.”

  Mr. Carlson stood and offered his hand to Stephen. “If she’s as good as you say she is, I’m all for discounts. I’d like you to stay for the rest of this week so we can make sure everything is in order.”

  “Done.” Stephen took Mr. Carlson’s hand and sealed the deal.

  One more week working closely with Madison would help him figure out where to go next. If she still needed space, he could take the offer from the company in Oregon and go there in person. That job wouldn’t be as intensive as what Carlson Ad Agency had needed, but he would have to go up for a few days at least. Maybe if he gave her the space she needed for a while, he could return when things eased up and she was ready to see him again.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Stephen knocked on Madison’s front door Tuesday night, hoping she would answer. She had still refused his offer to come with them when he’d talked to her at the office. And she had spent the day catching up on the accounts and had begged off any collaboration meetings with him. It didn’t seem like Mr. Carlson had let her know yet about shifting her into the other department, but he had told her he wanted the accounts in order as soon as possible. At least she would be passing that job on to Carrie soon. He hoped to give one last invite before he and Milo headed to the park.

  Instead, his smiling son greeted him at the door then turned around and hollered into the house. “Mom, Dad is here.”

  “Okay, have fun, buddy.”

  “See ya!” He stepped out of the house and pulled the door shut before Stephen had a chance to bring up the subject of inviting Madison. “I’m so excited. Where are we going? Does it have to be the same park Mom always takes me to? I know one that has dinosaurs, but she never wants to go there. I asked Aunt Karen to write down the address, so I have it.” Milo shoved his hand into his front pocket and pulled out a crumpled note. “Mom always says it’s too far away and that we don’t have much time to go since she has to get home to make dinner, but since she’s not coming, maybe we could go?” Milo stopped talking and held his breath.

  Stephen’s smile widened. “Sure, kiddo. I think I
can find this address.” He typed the numbers into his phone for the map directions. “How do you know about this park?”

  “It was by the field where Max played a game. When I got bored, I took Carley over to it, and we had lots of fun. I really wanted to go again.”

  “Did you not watch the soccer game?” Stephen asked.

  Milo shrugged. “A little, but it’s always the same thing, so Carley and I were bored.”

  “Max and Carley are your cousins, right?”

  “Yup. Max is eight, and Carley is six.”

  “Do you ever want to play soccer?” Stephen asked. He hoped he wouldn’t get in trouble with Madison, but he wanted to know if he could help get the kid involved if he wanted to play

  “Not really. Max likes it, but I’d rather just play something else. And he has lots of practices so he can’t do other things.”

  Stephen nodded. “That’s cool. But if you ever want to start playing soccer, let me know. We’ll see what we can do about getting you on a team.”

  Milo shrugged. “Okay.” He walked over to the car and waited while Stephen pushed the unlock button. He peeked into the back seat. “There isn’t a booster in here.”

  “I think you’re big enough to not need one.”

  Milo grinned up at him. “Really?” He glanced back at the house. “Mom says I’m still supposed to be in one.”

  “I think we’ll be fine.” Stephen smiled when Milo jumped into the car and situated himself then pulled his seat belt across his lap and adjusted the strap. Stephen slid into his seat and started the car, listening to the happy chatter of the kid in the back and the driving instructions on his navigator.

  The time alone with Milo turned out to be just what he’d needed. It was nice to ask him questions about his childhood without his mother there to think he was judging her for raising him alone. Milo was a very well-adjusted child, and it was obvious his mother loved him and took good care of him. He also had a strong relationship with his aunt and uncle, for which Stephen was grateful.

  When Stephen asked about his grandparents, Milo shrugged. “We don’t go visit very often. Mom doesn’t have a lot of vacation time. They come see us sometimes. They’re fun, I guess.”

  “That’s good,” Stephen said. “Do you do anything fun when they come?”

  “Yeah, Grandpa likes to take us to the zoo. He really likes the animals there.”

  “Do you like the zoo?” Stephen asked. “Should we plan a trip?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I like seeing the tigers the most. They’re really cool. They aren’t as lazy as the lions are. And the monkeys are kinda cool too. But there’s this one monkey that has a purple bum…” Milo continued explaining all about the animals he liked to see at the zoo until they reached the park.

  “Is this the right one?” Stephen asked as he pulled into the parking spot.

  “Yup, this is it.” Milo unbuckled himself and opened the door. “Hey, your door works.”

  “Of course it works.”

  “Mom’s door doesn’t open from the inside. I have to wait for her to open it.”

  Stephen nodded. She must have the child-lock switch on in the back seat. But Milo was seven, so Stephen doubted he had to worry about that with him. Maybe the kid needed a few chances to explore the world without being so structured. At least Madison had let him bring Milo alone. Even if it was probably because she didn’t want to see him right then.

  He needed to figure out how to break her hard shell again. Maybe he could get some information out of Milo. But how observant was a kid his age?


  Madison watched from her window as Milo and Stephen got in the car. She saw Milo hesitate at the back door of the car and realized Stephen didn’t have a booster seat. He was technically supposed to be in one, but she’d let it slide. And he was old enough he could go on an outing with his father unsupervised, but the thought of sending him away like this ate at her. He was her baby that wasn’t a baby anymore, and it was hard to admit he needed someone besides her.

  She’d made the mistake of telling Milo Stephen wanted an outing, just the two of them, in a weak moment when she didn’t want to go because she couldn’t bear to be with Stephen.

  He was too good-looking, and it was hard to keep her mind on the right things when all she could think about was the way they’d been last week. She had almost fallen for him again, and it had been so easy. She wanted it so much, but he wasn’t interested in her more than just the physical. And his ego was too fragile to handle the rejection.

  But at least he was still trying to be a part of Milo’s life. She couldn’t fault him for that. Milo needed him, even if she didn’t. If Stephen was going to be here for a while, she needed to get over her anger at him and find a way to work with him.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Stephen stood at her office door Thursday morning, watching as she studied her computer screen again, ignoring him even though he was sure she’d seen him approach. He knew she didn’t want to see him, but he needed to make sure things were right between him before he left the company for good tomorrow. When Mr. Carlson had called her into his office yesterday, Stephen hadn’t been there, so he didn’t know how she’d taken the news of his leaving or of her promotion. But this didn’t bode well.

  He knocked on the door, and she brought her head up slowly. The look in her eyes made him leery. He took a stabilizing breath and stepped into the room. “How’s it going?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m swamped. Thanks to you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He grinned, trying to make light of the situation. “We’ve brought in a bunch of new clients to Carlson. You should be proud of yourself.”

  Madison’s anger deflated just a touch, but he knew he would have to tread carefully. She didn’t speak again but looked back at the computer.

  “You can do this job with your eyes closed, Madison. Don’t fret, just do what you’ve been doing, and you’ll be fine.”

  “I didn’t want this job,” Madison said. “I was happy where I was.”

  Stephen didn’t believe that. At least not much. He knew she’d bristled at the thought he had been training her on something she was doing well at anyway.

  “And now I’ve got to get this done to pass it over to Carrie and then take care of all this new stuff on my own.”

  She pressed her lips together, and Stephen wondered what kind of comment she was biting back. He’d gotten familiar enough with her to know she stopped herself from saying things she shouldn’t. It was a good quality, but it was frustrating as well.

  “Then I’ll let you get to it. But before I go, I wondered if you’d let me take you to dinner. Just the two of us.”

  Madison looked up once more briefly then shook her head and looked back at the computer. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’ll be working through the weekend getting this ready so I can transition into the new position.” She paused for a moment then glanced at him. “Maybe next week sometime.” The way she said it sounded like she was trying to mollify him.

  Stephen frowned. “I’ll be gone on Monday. Heading to Oregon for a new job.”

  Madison’s body froze for a second, then she nodded curtly. “Got it.”

  “I’ll be back on the weekends,” Stephen said. “I’d like to keep seeing Milo as often as possible, but I’m not sure how long this job will be, or where I’ll go next.” He could work from home on some accounts, but the ones he went to in person always brought in a higher fee.

  Madison nodded. “Of course. He’d be disappointed if you left for long, but he’s a tough kid.”

  Stephen wished she would miss him as well, but he knew it was probably too much to ask. At least with Milo, he’d be able to work on her a little bit at a time.

  “Great. I’ll call him during the week too.”

  Madison sighed. “Look, I appreciate you being there for Milo, but I really need to get this done.” She looked at the door, her expression clear that she didn’t want to s
ee him anymore.

  “Right. Good luck, Madison.”

  She didn’t respond, and he left feeling like he’d just messed up but afraid to make things worse by going back while she was so angry. He didn’t know what to do, so he headed to his office to finish packing his things.


  As Stephen left her office, Madison closed her heart for good. She should have known he would have left again. At least this time, he would still be there for Milo. But it was obvious he didn’t want to be a part of her life except through him. And he’d left her with so much on her plate, she didn’t have time to cry for him. Besides, she’d cried all the tears she ever wanted to on the man. He didn’t deserve any more of them.

  Later that night, Madison headed toward her front door as Milo shouted that he would answer it. She always checked to make sure who it was, even though Milo knew to check the peephole before answering.

  “It’s Dad,” Milo said, and Madison froze in the hallway. He hadn’t told her he was coming, and it was too late to take Milo anywhere.

  “Hi, Milo,” Stephen said when the door opened to reveal him. He stood there filling her doorway but didn’t enter. He caught her eye then looked back at Milo. “I needed to come talk to you in person before I left. I have to leave earlier than planned and wanted to see if we could reschedule our trip to the zoo for next week.”

  Milo’s shoulders sagged, and it hurt Madison’s heart to see his disappointment. So this is how it would go.

  “Yeah, I guess,” Milo said.

  As Stephen pulled out a box from against the side of the door, Milo straightened, and Madison’s eyes narrowed.

  “I know it’s not the same as the zoo, but maybe this Lego zoo set would hold you over for a bit.” Stephen smiled wide at Milo’s enthusiastic response.

  “Awesome. Thanks, Dad.”


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